How I became the Empress of Hell

3.66: Getting to know each other

While the three prospective members privately discussed the possibility of joining my clan in the small room that Harrow had created, Nialla and I chatted about various topics while Harrow busied herself with random tasks elsewhere in her domain. Harrow had created a comfortable seat for Nialla, while I was sitting in my girlfriend’s lap with my legs straddling hers. It was an incredibly erotic position despite the armor and clothing in the way, and it quickly became obvious how much both of us enjoyed it. 

“What gets you off the fastest?”

The tall cat-girl bit her lip as she thought about her answer before giving me a curious expression.

“Can I have two answers?”

I cocked an eyebrow and tilted my head to the side slightly before shrugging and nodding. She smiled and continued.

“If we’re talking mind-blowing, toe-curling, screaming at the top of my lungs orgasms? You holding me down and fucking me senseless would probably be the fastest. But as for the best? I have never felt a more satisfying orgasm than when you held me against you while you made love to me. That… I don’t have words, Allie. I didn’t know sex could feel like that. It was…”

Tears formed in the corner of her eyes and she quickly wiped them away with the back of her hand. I gave her a concerned look and she shook her head and gave me a huge smile.

“I’m not upset. I’m… happy. I have never felt so loved in my entire life, Allie. I have no idea how I can feel the way I do about you and Emily since we haven’t known each other very long and I haven’t even met either of you in person… but I have no doubt that I do feel that way. This whole time we’ve been in here I have to keep myself focused on what’s going on, because my mind keeps drifting back to you inviting me to come live with you and it makes me so fucking happy that my mind feels like I’m floating. I honestly have no idea how you can deal with being in love with four different women, be the strongest player in the game and continue to level up to get even stronger,  and run a clan at the same time. I can barely manage to keep my brain focused on doing this dungeon run. Especially when you look like… you. You are so fucking hot, Allie. Seriously. I feel like you are way out of my league.”

I opened my mouth to object, but shut it as she continued.

“You are smart, you’re funny as fuck, and you have this ability to draw the best kinds of people to you. Most of all though… when you say that you love me… I don’t hear it. I can feel it, Allie. You are one of the most caring and loving people I know… and the fact that you fell in love with me? That’s fucking crazy! How did I get so lucky?!”

I grinned widely at her before shaking my head slightly.

“Noelle… I’m the lucky one. Not only do I have the love of several other women, but I also have this amazing, drop-dead gorgeous, nerdy as all fuck, silly and fun, blue and white haired walking sex dream of a girlfriend too. The fact that I get to love her back and call her mine? Tch. No… I’m the lucky one, Noelle. Words cannot describe how happy I am to be able to have someone like you in my life.”

The gorgeous catgirl smiled so wide she almost appeared manic. She let out an overjoyed squeal before wrapping her arms around me and pulling me tight against her body as she tilted her head upwards and pushed her lips against mine. She kissed me with such fervor and passion it was all I could do to match the ferocity of it. As our tongues explored each other’s mouths, I couldn’t stop myself from moaning as her hands cupped my ass tightly. The air was filled with the overwhelming scent of our mutual arousal as we continued to make-out. I was just about to give into the urge to have my way with her when I heard the sound of someone clearing their throat behind me.

Reality snapped back into place as I remembered where we were and what we had been doing prior to losing ourselves in each other. I forced myself to pull away from Nialla as both of us panted softly for a few seconds. I focused on calming myself as much as I could before slowly peeling myself out of the catgirl’s grip and turning to face the others. I shook my head a few times to clear the fog that had settled over my mind and forced a grin onto my face. Xerez and Shadow were blushing slightly as they avoided eye-contact, while Tessa gave me a knowing, approving smile. 

“I uh… Sorry about that. We got a bit… carried away. I’m guessing you all decided whether or not you want to join?”

Xerez shook his head slowly and rolled his eyes, before letting out a short sigh.

“We did indeed. While we weren’t overly thrilled about the idea of you joining our party under false pretenses, the fact that you’re… you… makes up for that. All three of us watched you absolutely decimate everyone in that tournament, and I can only imagine how much stronger you’ve gotten since then… especially if you’re already level 256. Add to that the fact that you’re going to be some sort of empress of all the demons, and we’d have to be stupid to not see the value of joining you. All those things aside, though, we are joining you because we all thoroughly enjoyed playing with both you and… Nialla. If the rest of your clan is as awesome as the two of you are, we are psyched to meet them. So… we wholeheartedly accept your invite, Allexus.”

Three notifications popped up in quick succession as the three of them accepted the clan invite. I grinned at each of them in turn as Nialla and I welcomed them officially to the clan. After giving a rough description of the other members, Shadow insisted I “regale him with the tale of pulling the blue-haired beauty from the depths of darkness and despair, and forging her into the warrior goddess he had fallen in love with.” When I promised that I would introduce him to her, he gave me a tremendous bow and thanked me over and over again until Xerez cleared his throat and hissed Shadow’s name. I chuckled at my new members’ antics before turning to Harrow who had suddenly appeared nearby.

The woman with skin that seemed to be made of a rich red wood studied each of us with her glowing emerald eyes before settling her gaze on me. She grinned faintly as she sauntered towards me with a smoldering look that suddenly left me panting again. I couldn't help my eyes as they wandered down every delicious curve of her nude body. Her breasts were ample and full, both the perfect size to hold in my hands and have much more to spare. Each delectable mound was topped with a puffy dark reddish-brown nipple that begged to have my lips on it. Harrow slid a finger down the length of her body as she continued towards me, and I followed it and felt my breath hitch as I watched her circle the deep red cleft of her womanhood. 

I heard someone speaking nearby, but I was so entranced with the gorgeous Nymphette that my brain couldn't process what was being said or even who the speaker was. As Harrow stepped with arms reach of me, I was suddenly struck with a jolt of electricity that caused me to grit my teeth in pain. Rage filled my mind as I spun on my heel towards Nialla, until I realized the haze of lust had lifted from my brain and I could think normally again. I immediately turned back towards Harrow, intent on determining what she was doing and why… 

And found myself melting into her as she wrapped her arms around me and used one hand to tilt my head upwards towards her face. Her lips hovered inches away from mine, and I wanted nothing more in that moment than to–

Electricity surged through both of us, far more intense than it had been before. Again, I turned towards Nialla to vent my anger at having been interrupted, and again I felt the effects of whatever Harrow was doing to me fade to nothingness. I forced my eyes shut and forced the taller demon away from me with a single strong shove.

“ENOUGH, Harrow! Stop whatever you're doing, NOW!!” 

The air trembled slightly at the power I put into my words, and I slowly began to open my eyes. As soon as they settled on the gorgeous Nymphette Demon, however, I felt that same sensation of being lost in her starting to take hold. I shut my eyes tightly as I growled loudly in anger. At first I struggled to come up with a reason she was able to manipulate me so easily, until I remembered I was still completely depowered by my Limiter.

“Power Limiter Release: 80%!”

I staggered and nearly fell to my knees as the intense orgasmic surge blasted through my body and left every nerve tingling in its wake. As soon as I felt the power flow within me, become part of me, my eyes snapped open and I locked my focus on Harrow. I moved in an instant, closing the small distance between us in a fraction of a second. My hand was wrapped around the wooden woman's neck with my claws pressed against her flesh. Small beads of what I guessed were her blood began to well up where the tips of my claws had penetrated her skin. She stared down at me with a mix of amusement and alarm.

“Explain yourself. Now!”

She croaked out a few unintelligible words and I eased my grip around her throat only enough to allow her to breathe and talk without too much difficulty.

“–needed to see how you would handle my charm ability.”

I narrowed my eyes at her but otherwise said nothing, and she continued.

“Nymphette Demons have the ability to charm any who we focus on in much the same way your new clan member does. While hers creates more of a sense of submissiveness, however, my ability offers the promise of mutual bliss and pleasure. It's a subtle difference… but the effects are far more powerful. I needed to see how you would react and if it was something you could overcome. The fact that your companion with the lightning was unaffected meant she was powerful and might offer some challenge to the queen, but I needed to know how you would react. If you plan to defeat her. You’ll need to be prepared to defend against powerful charm effects much stronger than my own.”

I relaxed my grip on her throat and retracted my claws, but I kept my hand still on her neck as I stared up at her with an intense glare.

“OK. That makes sense. How exactly does it work? Is it hex magic?”

Harrow shook her head as much as she was able.

“No. It's a pheromone contained in the micropollen that my skin releases. The more of it you breathe in, the stronger the effect, and you were breathing it in the entire time you were… enjoying each other. It likely affected you both subconsciously, making you both feel more inclined to physically express your affections for one another.”

My eyes narrowed as I realized what she meant with her heavy-handed implications.

“Your pheromones make people want to have sex?”

Harrow gave me a thoughtful look before pursing her lips slightly.

“Yes and no. My pheromones make people want to have sex with someone they are attracted to. Without me actually being present, I can't outright make someone want to have sex with another person unless they're already attracted to them. When I am present, however, then those under the effects immediately focus all of their attention on me. I become the sole object of their desire. Until the effect is dispelled in some way, any who fall victim to the effects are unable to shift their focus away and will do anything to feel the ecstasy and pleasure I'm offering them.”

“OK… So… what would happen if I just… Let you have your way with me?”

Harrow raised an eyebrow in amusement and failed to hide a smirk from showing on her face. After a few seconds her expression sobered and she looked at me with an almost predatory gaze.

“I would have drained your lifeforce and added it to my own.”

“Like… A Succubus?”

Harrow gave me a look of disgust and anger and her nostrils flared slightly as she glared at me.

“Absolutely not! Those parasites draw energy from their prey by sucking out their HP and MP like some kind of cursed mosquito. Nymphette Demons absorb our prey's life essence much in the same way that plants draw energy from their surroundings. Succubi leave an empty lifeless husk, but we absorb everything from our prey, and use it to grow more powerful. The fact you would compare me to such a creature is insulting. Perhaps I was wrong to–”

I released my grasp on the taller woman and held my hands up in a sort of apology.

“I didn't mean to offend with that question, Harrow. If you can look past my ignorance of the differences of a Nymphette Demon and a Succubus I'm willing to look past you all but forcing yourself on me. Deal?”

Her mouth opened as she started to object, but as she caught the serious look in my eye, she immediately closed it and gave me a slow deliberate nod. I smiled at her and took a step back so she wasn't standing less than a foot away from me.

“Alright. Why don't you tell me everything there is to know about Nymphette Demons and we'll see if we can't come up with some sort of plan to take on this queen of yours.”

“Harrow… just out of curiosity, what level is this Nymphette Queen?”

Both she and I turned towards Xerez before I looked back at her with a curious expression. Harrow toyed with her lip for a few seconds before her gaze focused on me.

“Normally, In order to reach her, three of her royal guards in three separate dungeons must be beaten simultaneously by three different parties. Upon defeating them, all of the challengers will be combined into a massive party and must fight through a series of increasingly difficult combats until she appears. She is considered the Ultimate Dungeon Boss, and as such, she is extremely powerful.”

 I narrowed my eyes at Harrow as I considered everything.

“Earlier you said something about not even suggesting overthrowing her because you were afraid she would get wind of it. What would happen if she did?”

Harrow grinned at me as she realized I was figuring out what she likely had planned.

“She would likely send a high level minion to investigate whether or not there was any merit to such a claim. Should it prove to be true or should her minion fail to ascertain any information because… say… it was destroyed… she would likely appear with a substantial force to destroy me and create another Nymphette Demon to take my place.”

“She can just create a new Nymphette Demon?”

“Of course. Remember, we are able to do pretty much anything within our own domains, and all of our domains are considered her domain to some extent.”

“Are you saying she can just… take control of you and this whole domain?”

Harrow pursed her lips again and let out a long sigh.

“Yes and no. Normally, whenever the queen is in one of our domains, we relinquish control of it to her so she can use it as she wishes. If one of us were to oppose her, however, it would be an ongoing contest of will until one of us was destroyed.”

“So… what happens to your domain while this contest is taking place? Would you still maintain control of it?”

“Again… yes and no. Think of each domain like a cup of water. As of this moment, I have complete control over all the water in the cup. Should the queen oppose me, however, she will start to gain control over some of that water. The more she overpowers me, the more she gains control of, eventually taking full control and forcing me out of existence. The opposite is true, however. Should I overpower her while within my own domain, I can force her out of existence and take her power for myself. In theory, anyway.”

“In… theory?”

“Yes… It is only a theory because there has never been a single successful attempt to overthrow the current queen. A great number have tried in the past, but none have succeeded.”

“And you think I can change that?”

“Not as you are right now… no.”

I gave her a curious look and she grimaced slightly.

“I would have to relinquish total control of my domain to you.”

“And that would allow me to challenge her directly?”


Upon seeing my expression, Harrow inhaled deeply before exhaling in a deep sigh.

“You’re not a Nymphette Demon… so… I don’t know how to give you control of my domain for more than a few seconds. I do know a sort of… binding spell. It would effectively bind me to your will, which would, in essence, give you control of my domain, but… it wouldn’t work for more than a minute or so. Nymphette Demons are highly resistant to mind control effects, so my own natural resistance would significantly cut down the time the spell would be effective.”

“Are you saying I would have around one minute to beat your queen?”

Harrow grimaced again and looked away slightly.

“Yes. That is correct. Without some sort of permanent binding spell, that’s the best I can offer.”

Instead of getting upset at her, however, I flashed her a wide grin with my fangs bared. When she glanced back, her face morphed into an expression of confusion.

“You’re… happy? I don’t understand. I thought for sure you would be upset that I am not fully honoring my side of the deal.”

“You said that all you need is a permanent binding spell, yes?”


I gave her a naughty grin and glanced briefly back at Nialla who was doing her best to hide an amused smile.

“Maybe you and I will ‘get to know each other better’ afterall.”

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