How I became the Empress of Hell

3.73: Catching Feelings

I awoke to a soft light filtering in through a partially open curtain. It took me a moment to orient myself as I recalled the events of last night. I was snuggled up halfway onto Sydney's chest, the silky smooth skin of her breast pressed against my face giving me a perfect pillow. Emily's arms were wrapped around me from behind in a tight embrace and her legs were intertwined with mine. The entire lower half of my body felt sore, like I'd spent a whole day in the gym… and it had been leg day. The worst of the soreness came from the feeling that was as if I had been fucked by something the size of my whole arm. I groaned as I gingerly shifted my legs slightly and Emily stirred behind me. I stilled my movements in an effort to let her sleep a bit more, but when I felt a kiss on my lower back I reached down with the hand I wasn’t laying on and began to stroke her leg. I sighed contently from the contact of my fiancée and my redheaded lover and debated on just going back to sleep. The only thing that prevented me from doing so was a familiar nagging in my bladder that was quickly progressing to a much more urgent feeling.

I groaned in frustration as I did my best to peel myself off of Sydney without waking her, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that she was a rather heavy sleeper. Em gave me a questioning look and I made a gesture towards the bathroom as she adjusted her position on the bed to allow me to get up. I let out a slightly more audible groan as I finally stood up and felt the soreness radiating from my lower half. Emily looked at me with concern and I pointed to my crotch and gritted my teeth and scrunched up my face. She pursed her lips and nodded at me, but I couldn’t help but notice the faint smirk teasing at the edges of her mouth. I looked over to where I assumed Jade and Tiffany would be sleeping, but when I didn’t see either of them but still saw several of their belongings, I guessed that maybe they had gone out to get breakfast. As I padded across the floor towards the bathroom, I winced as each step caused small jolts of pain to flare up. I considered the exact location of where a great portion of the pain was coming from and realized that the majority of it was not, in fact, coming from the hard sex with a huge cock like I thought it had been.

Seems like my “lesbian hell week” had come a bit early this month.

Jade and Tiffany returned a bit later with a veritable treasure trove of pastries, doughnuts, and breakfast burritos. The scent of food roused Sydney out of her deep sleep, and after throwing on a cute pair of boyshorts and a red cami she started walking towards the coffee table, stopped, reconsidered, and then walked towards the bathroom. She joined us not too long afterwards and sat next to me where I had placed two large sausage, cheese, and egg burritos, a cream cheese danish, and a mug of caramel scented coffee. She hummed her approval as she eagerly began to eat all the delicious food. Every time she bit into the danish, she let out small sensual moans of pleasure that caused me to giggle. She stuck her tongue out and then glanced down at the hot water bottle I was holding against my lower abdomen. She nodded in understanding and gave me a slightly concerned look.


Everyone turned towards Sydney at the sudden break in the silence and then over to me as I slowly nodded.

“Yeah, they’re nothing unbearable, and they’re minor compared to how sore I feel after getting fucked by your monster cock last night.”

Sydney flushed immediately and almost choked on the bite of food in her mouth. She took a long drink of coffee to clear her throat and looked at me sheepishly. I smirked at her as I reached for another frosted doughnut.

“Yeah, I’ve never been fucked into unconsciousness by something so big. That was fucking intense. I literally have no memory of anything past that point.”

Jade surprised me by joining the conversation and I glanced over to her as she spoke.

“Yeah, it was really fucking hot watching you get railed like that. Tif and I stopped focusing on each other and instead opted to watch the three of you. I never knew I was into live lesbian porn, but damn if it wasn’t the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”

Em nodded enthusiastically at Jade before giving me a deadpan look that was tinted with signs she was fighting off a smile.

“Especially fitting to see our dear Overlord get put into her proper place, wouldn’t you say?”

Tiffany and Jade murmured their agreement, but instead of getting embarrassed I merely shrugged and nodded.

“Yeah, I’m a subby slut. I have no shame admitting that. Being bound, gagged, and deprived of my senses before getting railed insensate by a gorgeous redhead and having my face forced into my fiancée’s pussy is my idea of total bliss. Anyone who disagrees is welcome to kindly fuck off.”

Everyone but Tiffany snickered softly at my words, but we all turned towards her as she spoke softly.

“You won’t get any arguments from me, Allie. I would love to have been in your position while going down on Jade.”

She flushed completely red as her girlfriend stared at her with amazement.

“Great. Another kink. What other kinks are you into that I don’t know about?”

Before she could answer I cut in with a quick reply.

“All of them.”

Everyone laughed at that, and soon after we finished off the rest of the food and chatted quietly about various topics. After about thirty minutes, Jade and Tiffany rose to leave, and after getting warm hugs and promises of future game nights, they departed. I was about to suggest to Emily that we do the same, when she pulled me aside and whispered in my ear.

“We need to talk to Sydney. I can tell something is bugging her.”

I resisted the urge to immediately glance over at the sexy bartender, instead nodding slowly and giving Em a quick peck on the cheek. Wearing nothing but my underwear, I flopped lazily onto the spacious loveseat while Emily sat next to Sydney. As the taller woman looked from me to Em, she gave us a knowing expression.

“Am I really that obvious?”

I grinned at her widely and nodded slowly.

“A bit. Em is very observant. What’s on your mind, Syd? Thinking about last night?”

She looked thoughtful for a moment before giving me an affirming nod.

“Yeah, but not like you think. I don’t regret anything. Not in the slightest. That was so much fucking fun. That was so much fucking. I really enjoyed everything, truly. It’s just that…”

She sighed through her nose as she searched for what to say next. She glanced at Emily and then over at me.

“Despite my lack of self confidence, I have had more than a few hookups. Nothing truly noteworthy, but also nothing so… fun. I smiled so much last night my cheeks are sore.”

“Not as sore as mine.”

I turned slightly on the couch and rubbed the spot that had a small purple bruise where I had been spanked several times.

She and Emily laughed softly before we both looked back at Sydney.

“Like that. God, you are so fucking adorable, Allie.”

She let out an exasperated sigh and leaned back into the couch. She rubbed her face with her hand as she thought about what she wanted to say. After a moment she pursed her lips and looked right at me.

“I am no stranger to no-strings sex. I typically enjoy it, in fact. I’m at a point in my life where I didn’t think I really wanted to settle in with someone. I enjoy my jobs, I don’t dislike my apartment, I have a car that runs without too many issues… Life is pretty much where I want it.”


“But there’s something about you two. Something magnetic that I am having trouble pulling myself away from. Part of me wants to jump right back in bed with both of you, but the part that confuses me more wants to just cuddle and snuggle more. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve done plenty of that with previous… dates. But nothing so… intimate? Yeah… Intimate. Fuck me… What I’m trying to say  is–”

“You’ve caught feelings for us.”

Sydney stared at me for what felt like a solid minute before slowly nodding her head.

“Yeah. Yeah, that’s exactly right. And… I don’t know what to do with that.”

Em gave her a reassuring smile and spoke in a calm voice.

“It’s OK to not know. I totally understand where you’re at right now. Trust me, I’m in a similar situation with another girl–”

“Wait… you have another girlfriend?”

“Allie and I both do… sorta. It’s… complicated. It started in the game we play, but… we might actually carry it over to real life.”

“So you’re both into the polyamory thing?”

I nodded, but Emily responded before I could say anything.

“Yeah. Allie definitely is… and I’m slowly getting there. It’s a relatively new concept for me, since it goes against everything I thought was correct. But my point is… It’s OK to not be sure about anything. This doesn’t have to mean anything, or… it can mean everything. I’m completely open to whatever, Sydney.”

She looked over to me and I nodded firmly.

“I am too, Syd. But there’s no pressure either way. This can be a one-time ‘wham, bam, thank you ma’am’ kinda thing, or… we can see where it goes. The vag is in your court.”

She gave me a confused look and I laughed at my own stupid joke.

“Vag. I dislike balls. They’re ugly, and wrinkly, and… veiny. Ugh. Plus they’re a huge vulnerability. I mean… how does the phrase ‘grow some balls’ make any fucking sense? One swift kick to the groin and–”


I gave Em a sheepish grin and chuckled softly as I refocused my brain.

“Anyways… Emily and I are open to whatever you want, Syd. There is zero pressure and no wrong answer. But… if it helps… I would love to take this further and see where it goes. I really like you, Sydney. You have the smoldering intensity and bubbly personality that makes me weak in the knees. You have a killer body, and you are a goddess in bed. I would love to have a relationship with you, if that’s what you want. But… I’m also OK with this being a more casual thing. Or with simply remaining your friend. Truly, Syd, it’s all about your happiness. That’s the whole point of polyamory. Making your partners happy.”

Sydney sat quietly for a few moments while she mulled everything over. She refilled her mug and silently sipped it while Emily got dressed. After she slid the dress over her head and smoothed it down, I did the ties behind her back and she gave me a warm smile and leaned into me. I snaked my arms around her waist and pulled her tight against me. We remained like that for a few moments until Sydney spoke up softly.

“I think I need some time to… figure out everything. I do like the idea of doing this again… a lot. I really, really want to spend more time with you both… but I need to figure out what I ultimately want out of it. Is… that alright?”

Emily eased out of my grip and moved to sit next on one side of Sydney while I sat on the other. She took the taller woman’s hand in hers and kissed it softly.

“Of course that’s OK, Syd. You don’t need to have all the answers right now. One step at a time, yeah?”

She nodded slowly and turned to me as I gave her a fake disappointed look.

“Damn… looks like I’ll have to cancel the Marvel themed wedding chapel I booked for us in Vegas. So much for marrying both of you dressed up as Lady Thor.”

Emily and Sydney both burst out laughing and I quickly joined in. We helped Sydney clean up her apartment a bit, including scrubbing down all her toys with alcohol swabs and body-safe sanitizing solution, and I reluctantly got dressed again. Pulling my capris on was an absolute pain with all the rough sex soreness and period cramps, and I let out a tremendous grunt of exertion after I managed to get them up. I skipped putting on my bra as Emily helped me tie the shirt Jade had lent me, and we waited the laughable amount of time it took her to pull on and lace up her ridiculously tall (yet super sexy) boots. 

After the three of us embraced each other at the same time, we broke apart and each gave Sydney a warm goodbye with a tight hug. After she finished wrapping her arms around me in a huge bear hug, she surprised me by reaching down and pressing her lips against mine. What I thought was going to be a chaste kiss quickly morphed into something that was anything but. When we finally pulled away, I was panting slightly and had to reorient myself as the world came back into focus.

“I had an amazing time, Sydney. I really do want to see you again. Even if it's not like it was last night. You’re an amazing woman, and I would love the chance to get to know you better.”

She nodded slightly and sighed.

“The feeling is mutual, Allie. No matter what I decide… thank you for last night. I had so, so much fun.”

“No need to thank me, gorgeous. Just promise me we’ll keep in touch, yeah?”

She hummed her agreement and hugged me again tightly. After Emily and I got back into the car, we sat in silence for a few moments until she let out a long breath and turned towards me.

“I love you so much Allison Raynier. You are a wonderful, caring, cheerful person who makes me smile at every turn. Thank you, babe. Thank you for opening my eyes to how amazing this world can be.”

I gave her a look of slight confusion and she chuckled softly.

“The polyamory. It’s… freeing. The feeling of complete trust and the total lack of jealousy is… amazing. I truly do hope Sydney decides to start dating you. And me, of course… but mostly you. She is really into you. I mean… to be fair, so am I, so I understand why.”

“Would you be OK if she decided to date only me?”

She thought for half a moment then nodded.

“Yeah, I mean… I would love to date her too, but I also won’t feel disappointed if she doesn’t feel the same way about me.”

“I think you need to tell her that.”


“That it’s OK for her to just date one of us, instead of both of us. I will tell her it's OK to date you and not me, and you can do the same. That way she knows there won’t be any hard feelings or jealousy no matter what she picks.”

“That makes sense. You are really good at this, you know?”

“Eh… you make everything easier for me by just… being you. I love you too, by the way. Since I didn’t say it earlier when you said my full name.”

Em smiled at me warmly, grabbed my hand and kissed it softly.

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