How To Live As An Academy Extra Villain

Chapter 107

107 – Acceleration (11)

The day after the sparring, I took some time to head to the academy’s treatment center. The wound I suffered at that time healed quickly, but there was something else I wanted to resolve.

The treatment center was located not far from Dalian. As I walked along the path through the forest, a brightly open plain appeared.

The surrounding area was lush with broad-leaved trees, and birds flew into the pond, drank water, and then flew away. It is truly a place where your mind and body can heal just by looking at it.

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The treatment center was a simple hut with walls made of rough logs and a roof covered with tree bark. I approached the wooden door between the round windows. Then, after adjusting his appearance, he lifted the doorknob and knocked twice.

-Knock knock

-Please come in.

A faint voice of permission was heard beyond the door. When I opened the door with a squeak and entered, I saw a woman wearing a gray gown turning around and doing something.

Her long beige hair was tied up in a haphazard manner and the sight of her shaking a reagent bottle showed her great enthusiasm for learning.

“Okay, what’s going on…Oh my.”

“Hello, Tespira.”

When I pretended to be friendly, the woman sitting in her seat spun her body around. She then looked at me and made a surprised expression, as if it was unexpected.

Tespira Eldin was a therapist at the academy. At first glance, she looked like she was in her 20s, but there were many stories about her being two or three times her age.

Occasionally, there were students who out of curiosity would come and ask Tespira for her truth, but they all came back with her face turning pale. So, no one knew her truth.

She was Tespira, renowned as the best healer on the continent, but now she has accepted Evangeline’s request and has joined the academy as a healer. She was also named Tespi and in return she received the right to roam all of the forbidden areas of her academy in exchange for money.

She was always thirsty to explore rare herbs, and the terrain of the Academy, with its heavy mana atmosphere, was the perfect environment for such herbs to grow.

Today was her first time meeting face to face with her, but at the same time, she felt somewhat familiar. Tespira also appears in Eugene’s story, and she is the one who heals him.

Her divine power was effective enough for those who suffered from demonic energy or for relatively shallow wounds, but unless she was a saint, there were some limits to her divine power.

If you get a deep and fatal wound, you still need fundamental treatment, which is why healers still exist even though priests are spread out all over the place.

“Hmm…Okay. What happened to our student? He doesn’t look particularly injured…?”

Tespira muttered in a suspicious tone. Did she even think she was a student who had come to ask her age? The sight of her licking the corner of her mouth with her tongue feels quite creepy.

“There is no problem physically… But do you also look at the mental aspect?”

“Oh, I’m here again… Come and sit down.”

Tespira heard me and widened her eyes. She then took out her chair, placed it in front of her, and tapped it with her hand.

As I approached her chair and sat down, Tespira handed me a warm, steaming cup of tea.

“Try drinking it. We make tea with cornflower, which is good for mental and physical stability.”

“Thank you.”

“And you’ve come really well. A person’s spirit is just as important as the body. Only people who don’t know much talk about being weak. It’s not shameful at all.”

Listening to Tespira’s words, it seemed like there were very few people visiting treatment centers for mental problems. In fact, before I fell into a trance, I never even thought about going to a treatment center for this problem.

Probably it would have still been that way if the therapist at the time hadn’t brought up the word mental illness.

I explained to Tespira the symptoms I had been experiencing. He described the strong emotions and thoughts that came out against his will when encountering certain people or in certain situations, as well as the story of being in a dream in the South and what the therapist at the time said.

“You’ve really gone through something big. What a nightmare…”

Tespira looked surprised after hearing what I said.

“From what you said, there’s definitely something strange about it. Did anything else happen before that? You said you were very shocked…”


As I hesitated in her answer, Tespira gently folded her hand over mine as if to reassure me.

“It’s okay. The client’s personal history will never be revealed to the outside world. What can I do to keep a seal of silence?”

“…No. Then…”

I didn’t really feel like revealing what I’d been through, but it was better than coming all the way here and returning without any results.

I ended up explaining the rest to Thespira. One day, she was suddenly shocked and her personality changed, and it was after that that her symptoms began.

Then, when she saw the soldier being eaten by the troll, she said that she was a bit shocked when she put a knife to the throat of her bully in Drakton, and now Tespira’s eyes look at me with pity. It was full.

However, she did not say that the memories of her past life were revived or that she was trying to escape her dark future with those memories. The same goes for encountering a necromancer.

“Oh my…

After hearing what I said, Tespira rested her chin and was lost in her thoughts for a moment.

“I figured it out. I think I can get a general idea. She said just for a moment…”

Tespira nodded her head and she came closer to me. And she gently placed her own hand on my forehead. I feel the exhilarating sensation of her mana flowing in along with the warmth of her fingers.

“Tsk tsk…The colors are all dead…It’s so dull…”

Tespira, who had closed her eyes, suddenly frowned.

“Can you please explain?”

“You seem to have excessively suppressed emotions. This is a symptom that people who face something big that is difficult to handle often experience. It’s a manifestation of the survival instinct.”

I honestly didn’t understand Tespira’s words. Even now, she feels the joys and sorrows well enough. When she sees Eugene she is angry and when she sees Adele she is filled with joy.

But upon hearing my question, Tespira lightly shook her head.

“It’s not that kind of problem. Should I say it’s closer to the source… Even if you hear it, you won’t understand it, so just know this much. Then, look a little deeper inside yourself…”

The thrilling sensation flowing from Tespira’s hand felt even more evident. Tespira, who had been flowing her mana like that for a while, suddenly tilted her head as if wondering.

“I can’t access it…? Has she ever trained her mental barrier separately?”

“I’m still in my first year…”

“Really? So it’s innate…? This is also interesting. I understand first. Then, let’s try it another way.”

Tespira removed her hand from my forehead, stood up, and brought a small box. Inside the box, which opened with a clicking sound, was a package of cards with hand stains on them. He took out a card called Tespi, shuffled it and laid it out on the table. She cooed at the constellations on the back of the cards as if they were alive.

“It’s about recognizing your starlight. Before making a potion, you need to understand your inner self. Only then can you make an accurate prescription that suits your symptoms.”

“…I’m sorry, but is this correct? This is a point…”

“You’re talking about divination! This is a method based on statistics. If you don’t trust me, let’s check it out. Let’s see… Okay. Since you’re at a very energetic age, shall we take a look at the relationship between women?”

“A relationship with a woman…?”

“Okay. Are you curious about the current situation? Or what will happen in the future?”

“…Then on to the future…”

“Okay. Draw any card you want in front of you.”

Tespira got upset and pointed with her finger at the cards spread out on her desk. I did as he said and randomly picked a card and flipped it over.

There was a moving picture drawn on the front of the card. I saw a man lying in a field of thorns and several snakes strangling him. Each of the snakes was squeezing the man’s limbs, each head moving to bite the other.


With my knowledge, I could not figure out its meaning. I turned my head to ask Tespira for her interpretation, but she just stared at her cards with her pale face.

“…Oh my god. This is my first time seeing such a tangled relationship. I’m going to have a hard time. At this rate, it wouldn’t be strange at all if someone died…”

“Is that accurate? I have no connection to that at all.”

“There is nothing wrong with Starlight. I don’t know about anything else, but I can guarantee this with my head on the line. My dear, please try to behave carefully. Do you really need to roll around like that just because you have a smooth face?”


After hearing my question, Thespira declared:

“You’ve checked enough, right? From now on, I’m going to look inside you. Draw three cards in a row as you wish.”

It was very suspicious, but there was no other way. Tespira made a gesture with her hand, and the color on the back of her card instantly turned blue.

The first card I drew depicted a jar full of gold coins. The bottom of the jar was broken, and gold coins were flowing out through the crack.

“It’s greed. I’m not usually greedy. Once I get my hands on something, I’ll never let it go, so the hungry ghost literally has no mouth.”

Tespira muttered. I then turned the card over. This time, a picture of a roaring wolf with blood on its fangs greeted me. A severed human head was lying at its feet.

“It’s ferocity. It wants to achieve what it wants, even if it means trampling on others and kneeling down.”

The last card was turned over. There was a picture of a woman wearing a broken wooden mask and shedding tears.

“It’s a deception. It holds the secrets of the world, but it can’t be shared with anyone. It’s the frustration of a mute who can’t say what he saw.”

After turning over all three cards, Tespira gathered up her cards and put them back in her box. She then turned her body and asked me.

“How do you feel?”

“…To be honest, it doesn’t look very good. Even if it’s deception, it’s greed and ferocity…”

“Well? Everything a person does depends on what he or she does. And desire is not a bad thing at all. Depending on what you do, you can change your direction as much as you like.”

“No matter what I say, I think my personality is far from greed and ferocity…”

“That’s how it looks to me. But what the starlight illuminates is your inner self. You said your personality completely changed after a big shock, right? Maybe that’s why you developed the symptoms you mentioned.”

Tespira stood up from her seat and approached where the reagent bottles were placed. She turned on the lamp to boil the water and kept her hands busy.

“Uncontrollable emotions often come from disharmony between the inside and the outside. There are often such people. Those who feel the gap when their star of destiny and their revealed personality do not match.”

“What happens if left untreated?”

“You won’t die, but if the gap becomes too severe, your mind may collapse. Even your coloring is very messed up…”

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“You don’t have to worry too much. You came at the right time. I’ll prepare the right medicine for you.”

After mixing dried herbs and powders and boiling them for a while, a light purple liquid was finally created. Tespira poured the cooled liquid into a cup and handed it to me.

“Try drinking it.”

The liquid tasted like bittersweet tree fruit. I drank it all at once and waited for a while, but there was no significant change.

“…I don’t think anything has changed…”

“Of course. It’s a medicine that regulates the mental aspect. Every time you drink this medicine, it will reduce the gap between your unconscious and your conscious mind. It will also open up the flow of suppressed emotions, so you can be more honest with your emotions than before. And you will naturally accept it. Again, desire is not a bad thing at all. Take a good look at yourself.”

After chatting for a bit more, I left Thespira’s cabin. Tespira dispensed several more bottles of medicine. He also told me to avoid situations where emotions arise for about two to three hours after taking the medicine.


Today was a day when the sun and moon illuminated the sky at the same time. It was also a day chosen by the Holy Kingdom as an auspicious day.

A large crowd of people filed into the academy’s main gate. Under the heavy guard of paladins, several priests wearing deep robes were carefully carrying a long box.

At the head of the group was a woman wearing a white robe with her face covered by a veil. Her hair was silvery, and a glimpse of bright blue eyes flashed through the gap in her veil. Everyone who saw that solemn figure was speechless.

The wheel began to roll in earnest.

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