How To Live As An Academy Extra Villain

Chapter 15

15 – Mice and furry (5)

While Russ was trying to comfort me and say something nice, Laurel couldn’t stand it and interrupted with a candle.

“Laurel. You always have a problem with your mouth. Please try to be at least half as good as Russ. I’ll ask you a favor, huh? Also, you said you did well today too!”

“Didn’t I tell you, Bocchan? Is Laurel doing that out of love? Surely on the inside… wait.”

Russ, who was mediating between me and Laurel, who were bickering, abruptly cut off his words and raised his hand.

When I turned my head to see what was going on, I saw Russ’ face with a serious expression.

Russ, who always smiled brightly, seemed strange to me with that kind of expression.

Russ was looking in the direction the wind was blowing, trying to read something mixed in it.

Why are you doing that all of a sudden? When he turned around and looked at Laurel again, she, too, had a bloody expression on her face like Russ, exuding hostility toward something lurking in the dark.


“I felt it too. Yes. He was hiding. But… how?”

Laurel answered Russ, drawing her own sword.

“Tasha. It’s an emergency. Send out a signal and assemble the soldiers. If we’re scattered like now, great damage could happen. Russ, how’s the chase going?”

As Laurel gave the order, the wizard behind her lit a firecracker from her hand and launched it into the sky. Laurel confirmed that she was signaling, then turned to Russ and asked.

“Wait…okay. It’s not that far from us. Master, come closer this way. From now on, you can’t get more than five steps away from me and Laurel. Colin, Laura! Come this way. to be vigilant.”

At Russ’s instructions, two knights approached me and began their vigilance with their backs to their respective quadrants.

They seemed to be trying to stay calm, but their faces showed tension and fear that they couldn’t hide.

“Maybe it’s rather fortunate that he’s nearby. If Laurel and I find him before we run into the other soldiers, maybe we can save as much lives…?”


Before Russ could finish his words, someone’s desperate scream resounded through the mountains.

The terrifying echoes of the deathbed etched fear into the bones of those who heard it, and upon hearing the screams, we rushed to the source of the sound without anyone saying first.

The place Russ’ tracking magic led to was a low canyon nestled between mountains.

And, little by little, the identity of the darkness began to be revealed in front of us where the torches could see through the dense trees.

What was there was the shadow of a huge monster.

The height of the monster, well over three times that of an adult man, naturally made the viewer feel intimidated, and the dark, long hair covering the whole body added to its repulsion.

The thing’s bulging eyes, a large hooked nose that curved almost at right angles, and sharp teeth protruding from the mouth that was torn to the ears were all elements that made it easy to guess its wickedness.

A sight unfolded before my eyes that I will never forget.


Behind the monster, two soldiers could be seen sprawled out.

One had his neck bent at a strange angle, and another had his limbs literally torn off and thrown onto a wide rock.

The soldier whose neck was broken showed no movement as if he had died instantly, but the body of the soldier whose limbs had been torn off was bouncing on the rock, as if his nerves were still alive.

Just seeing it in my eyes was already enough to make me feel nauseous, but unfortunately the most horrifying sight was just about to begin.

The troll tore apart the upper and lower body of another soldier he was holding with both hands, then tilted his head up and lifted the soldier’s upper body and placed it in his long, torn mouth.

Needless to say, the soldier was alive during all of this.

The moment the soldier’s spine was severed, the screams echoing in the mountain stopped as if it had never happened, and the monster began squeezing the victim’s body with its huge hands.

Reddish internal organs, blood, and bones poured out from the lower section of the dismembered upper body, and he ate the remains with an ecstatic expression on his face.

The victim’s torso now rustled like a hollow shell, with only a portion of the intestines dangling beneath it.

The one in front of me was a monster with the happiest face in the world.


“Soldiers step back more than 30 steps! Knights forward! Form a square!”

“Wizards wait 10 steps behind the square! Begin binding binding, and when my signal is given, cast it on each part. Ash, Kyle, and Sophia are on the left arm. Tyrone, Norton, and Hayley are on the right arm. I’m on the legs. I’ll take it. Bocchan! You, too, step back and join the soldiers!”

Unlike me, who was stunned by the surreal sight, Laurel and Russ moved swiftly. Soon, the assembled knights formed a line according to Laurel’s instructions, and the wizards took their positions at a little distance behind them.

If I remember correctly, the troll’s skin is resistant to mana, so it is a type that is not directly damaged by low-level, long-distance magic. And Russ also seemed to know this and was planning to restrict its movements by restraining it rather than striking it directly with magic.

As people gathered and made a fuss, the troll, who had been absorbed in the pleasure of eating, also came to his senses and recognized us.

The monster raised the corners of its mouth and smiled evilly, and began to move in this direction with red eyes shining.

In its right hand was a vicious club carved out of a large rock, and the horrifying sound of its tip being dragged on the ground filled the entire canyon.

“Ah, of course he’s a guy with a weapon. Unlucky…”

Laurel grumbled as she braced herself.

Perhaps she regretted a little that she had dismissed the mountain keeper’s testimony as a joke. And not only Laurel, but everyone in this place must have such regrets. Including me.

The knights other than Laurel had never faced a troll before, and even from where I was, I could see the tension at a glance. The hands of the knights who held the shields were trembling, and their pupils were dilated to cover the whites of their eyes.

“Don’t worry. Just remember what you normally train and react calmly.”

However, when Laurel saw this and threw a word, the knights instantly calmed their agitation and regained their momentum.

Laurel, who doesn’t even blink an eye in the face of that monster, and the knights, who quickly come to their senses after a word of advice, somehow feel amazing.



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The troll walked slowly toward us, seemingly probing little by little, then suddenly pounced upon us at close range. The guy swung his right arm wide and struck down the stone club, and Laurel jumped in front and struck it back with her sword, shattering it in an instant.

After his weapon was shattered by Laurel’s sword, the monster swung its left arm at the knights.


As the troll’s arms collided with the knights’ shields, a sound like scraping metal echoed everywhere. Although they couldn’t deal with it alone like Laurel, the knights were also proud of their bravery against the trolls without being pushed back in the slightest.

“Spread!! Russ!”

Laurel shouted after confirming that the monster’s attack had failed on two occasions, and when her instructions were given, the knights scattered in order to create a passage for the magic to reach.


After confirming the movements of Laurel and the knights, Russ immediately gave instructions to the mages.

The magicians simultaneously projected strings of mana at the troll, and the strings hit both arms and legs of the monster without missing a beat. Then, digging into the ground, the monster’s limbs were firmly bound to the ground.

– aaa!



“What power…!”

The troll struggled and struggled to free itself from its captivity.

Every time he struggled, the wizards were dragged in little by little, and even one was thrown down and knocked into a tree and passed out.

Seeing that, Russ shouted at Laurel.

“Laurel, you won’t last long! He’s got a lot of resistance!”

“I know even if you don’t tell me! Patrick, Terrence!”

– Fu-wook! puck! puck!

After Laurel’s name was heard, the two knights returned to the troll’s quarters and began hacking at the troll’s ankles.

The troll, who felt something was wrong with his body, began to struggle more powerfully, and the knights with shields and Laurel in front of him were parrying all the attacks.

It seemed to hold on for a while, but as the knife was repeatedly cut, cracks began to form on the tough troll’s skin.

The knights who did not miss this hit the center of the rift more intensively, and eventually the troll, whose ankle tendon was severed, collapsed to the ground.

“It’s almost done! Lasso!!”

At Laurel’s command, the knights threw a noose of heavy rope around the troll’s neck and pulled it from both sides.

The sight of the monster with its tendons severed, its arms caught in bondage magic, and a noose hanging around its neck, reminding me of a condemned prisoner waiting for execution.

“This dog -like baby.”

Laurel stood in front of the troll and cursed.

Then, fixing his sword in reverse, he jumped up without delay and plunged his sword into the troll’s left chest.

In pain of being hit critically, the monster screamed loudly for the mountain to leave.

-Queek! Wow! Queek!

The demon’s deathbed itself had a tremendous impact. Even though the soldiers were waiting at a distance, my whole body was shaking, and I was also struggling to keep my legs from loosening up.

On the other hand, Laurel, who was closest to her, only slightly furrowed her eyebrows, showing no signs of agitation at all.


After landing on the ground, Laurel immediately jumped up again and stabbed the monster in the right chest as well. It was only after stabbing both hearts that the monster exhausted all its strength and collapsed backwards.

There was a huge thump, and dust spread in all directions, and Laurel could be seen perched on top of the troll’s mountain boat.

After a moment’s pause, she shouted, raising her right hand holding the sword high.

“We won!!! Subjugation is over!!!”


The soldiers shouted in response to Laurel, and the knights and wizards slumped all over the floor as if their strength had run out.

Laurel landed on the troll’s belly and clapped hands with Russ, smiling broadly.

For some reason, it felt like the end of this monster hunt.

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