How To Live As An Academy Extra Villain

Chapter 5

5 – homecoming(1)

“Good evening, Gongja. “Are you sure you were the one who called the carriage?”

As I went down from the dormitory, the coachman who had arrived took off his hat and greeted me.

“That’s what I called. I have to go down to the south, by any chance to which city?”

“Excuse me, but may I ask for a detailed destination?”

“Maidheaden. It is also located at the eastern end of the South. Have you ever heard of it?”

Maidheaden is the name of the city where my family was born, and it was quite far from this academy territory located in the mid-western part of the Empire.

“Oops… Do you go down far? It’s Maid Headen… Let’s stay… ”

When the driver heard the name of the destination, he put his hand to his chin and became troubled.

“Anyway, the road is open all the way, so it won’t be a big problem if you keep going in my carriage, but since it’s a street, the horses will spread out in the middle. Schönne thought it would be better to take my carriage to Westbury and change carriages there.

There is a post office belonging to our guild in Westbury, so if you use our wagon continuously, you will be able to save money… If you can afford it, you can change to a quad wagon and ride. It’s a bit of a turn around, but if you take into account the tiredness of the horses, you’ll be able to get there much faster this way.”

After thinking about it for a while, the coachman handed me an offer.

There was not much wrong in the coachman’s words.

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It is obvious that horses will get tired from long distances.

Westbury was the area northwest of our estate in the southeast.

If you go there, it’s a little bit more than going straight from the academy territory, but it will definitely save you time compared to dragging a tired horse as the coachman said.

Without hesitation, I decided to follow the coachman’s opinion.

“Do as you say. So how long will it take to Westbury?”

“The road from here to Westbury is well open, and the security is good, so you can drive a wagon even at night, so it doesn’t take that long. If I run from now on, I’d probably be there by noon tomorrow.”

“Okay. So, let’s leave right away. And if you arrive early, I’ll pay you a little more. Can I ask you to arrive as soon as possible?”

Considering that the time required to travel is approximately 10 days round trip, I have about 50 days left, but it was not such a leisurely time.

What’s more, the work I have to do is still piled up like a mountain.

It is good to save time as much as possible.

“Hey, I see you have something urgent to do. Just leave it to me. Even if this body is like this, driving a wagon quickly in the guild is within three fingers. Come on, take a ride. We will take you to Westbury very comfortably.”

After making sure the driver was loading my luggage, I climbed into the carriage.

The coachman sat at the front of the carriage and urged the horses, and soon could hear the clattering and slow movement of the carriage.

As the carriage moves along the road to the outskirts of the academy, the campus where Iris and I met earlier passes past the window.

I reflexively turned my head, and a sight caught my eye. What I saw there was Iris, and… It was Eugene handing her a handkerchief.

‘… Why did we meet so soon?’

Judging from the circumstances, Iris was still crying on campus even after she broke up with me, and I wonder if Eugene, who was passing by, ran into her while looking for the source of the commotion.

However, the place where the two originally meet is neither this place nor this time.

In the original work, Iris, who had a hard time with her fiancé, Nawa, returned to work after taking a break from student council activities for a while.

And Eugene, like the main character, goes through various incidents from the beginning of the semester, and after finishing them brilliantly, he gets a class promotion and becomes a new member of the student council as a ‘special selection’.

In other words, they met each other at a much earlier time than the original work.

The two of them were now far apart.

Iris kept wiping her eyes with the handkerchief Eugene gave her.

Watching it makes my heart ache again.

Even if it’s twisted, it’s not a very pleasant thing to see a person who had feelings of love hanging out with another man.

And this is especially true from my perspective, as I know what kind of relationship the two will have in the future.

‘Ehh… ‘

I sighed softly and pulled down the window curtains.


It was already dark outside the window.

As if the coachman’s words about the safety of the place were not a lie, we were able to see many other carriages going up and down the main street besides us.

The torches hanging from the carriage were swinging and dancing like ghostly lights.


I was sitting in an upright position, stimulating the Mana Heart to circulate mana throughout my body.

It had been so long since I used the Mana Mind method that I finally found the method in my memory after struggling for a while.

The circulation of mana in the body, like high-intensity exercise, requires a significant amount of calories.

So, if you are a well-trained mana user, regardless of gender, you will always maintain a strong body, and looking at this body, you can tell at a glance how much you have been neglecting in training.

My body was in such a mess that it made no sense to say I was a mana user.

Even though I had only walked up and down three floors of the dormitory earlier, I was out of breath and sweat was pouring down like rain.

When I got into the carriage, I whimpered and climbed up with all my might, and even when I sat down, I felt dizzy and my vision was blurred.

As I continued to circulate mana, my body was soaked with sweat before I knew it.

It wasn’t easy to use Simbeop for the first time in a while, but you’ll get used to it…

– Awesome!

In the midst of circulating mana for a while, I suddenly felt an unpleasant pain in the depths of my body.

It felt as if the mana that was circulating along the veins was blocked somewhere.

I tried moving mana there again and again, but it kept getting blocked by something and I couldn’t move forward.

“Ah, that’s right…mana sclerosis…ha.”

As in my previous life, there was an incurable disease in my body in this life.

Although there is a difference that it is not as life-threatening as the disease in my previous life, there is no change in the fact that it is a very annoying situation.

Mana sclerosis is basically an incurable disease, and it blocks important blood vessels in various places, preventing a person from reaching his or her full potential.

Perhaps this disease also played a part in making my bad personality.

Although it is kept secret for the sake of external reputation, there is still no proper cure for this disease, even though it is a disease that mana users often suffer from. What do we do. No matter how life-threatening it may be, I would rather refuse to live with an incurable disease again. no way…

As I was groaning to myself, a thought suddenly passed through my head.

there is. It’s a little, no, quite risky, but there is a way.

If it is true that the knowledge I know is equally applicable here, there is a way to cure this disease for sure.

… Let’s think about it again after returning to the territory.

But how on earth was he able to get assigned to class B in the entrance exam? Since B is right below A, the highest class, it must not have been easy.

The academy is not a place where external pressure works. So, does this body have more talent than I thought?

If so, there may be room for further development once the body returns to normal.

I wasn’t expecting much from this, but somehow I feel like I received a surprise gift.

Even though he has considerable talent, in the original work he just appears as an extra villain and gets kicked out for acting viciously.

Destiny is something you never know even if you know it.


In the middle of the night, the carriages that came and went disappeared, and only the carriage I rode on remained on the road.

I was lost in thought, taking the sound of the horses’ hooves as white noise.

It was dark outside the window and nothing could be seen, and the driver in the front seat was just busy driving the carriage.

I decided that the opportunity had come, and decided to solve a very important curiosity that had been put off for a while.

No one was watching, but after looking around for no reason, I spoke in a low voice.

“award… Status window?”

I waited patiently for a while, but nothing happened as if it were natural.

Fearing that my lack of confidence might be the cause, I shouted ‘status window’ again with a clear and accurate pronunciation, but nothing happened this time either.

I felt my face heat up with embarrassment.

Perhaps the skin was also stained red.

It was really fortunate that no one was around.

‘Well then… ‘

No matter how different this world is in reality, it is a place that I first encountered through novels and games. That’s why I shouted just in case…

‘Usually in situations like this, doesn’t something like a status window pop up on its own… ?’

I grumbled lightly inside, not being heard outside.

In the end, the only thing I can use is the knowledge I have.

I shifted my gaze and looked down at the sheaf of papers I was holding in my hands.

The identity of the bundle of paper was that I had written down roughly what I knew about the original work while riding in the carriage after asking the servants to bring the paper.

At first, there were a lot of things I couldn’t remember, but once I started thinking about them, there were a lot of things that came to mind.

These papers are like my lifeline.

From now on, I will make it a habit to always write things down.


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I suddenly came to my senses when I heard a loud knocking on the window.

While dreaming, I opened the curtains and looked out the window, and saw a hazy landscape where the day was brightening.

I seem to have fallen asleep in my thoughts, but the coachman wakes me up like that… Could it be that you’ve already arrived at Westbury?

Didn’t you say you would arrive at noon?

I wanted to come as soon as possible, but I didn’t expect to arrive so quickly.

“Welcome to Westbury, Confucius. We brought you there as quickly as you ordered, how are you satisfied?”

The driver smiled as he opened the door.

Needless to say, I was very satisfied.

I can proudly say that my skills are among the top three.

“Don’t be satisfied. Anyway, I didn’t expect it to arrive so quickly. But if your skills are this good, how fast are the two people who are said to be faster than you?”

“Ah, is that what you mean?”

The coachman giggled.

“Actually, Schoene is the fastest right now. The two got along well last year and left for the Lord in a carriage accident.”

The coachman lowered the load, and as if it was not a big deal, he spoke in an insignificant tone.

oh my god.

I didn’t notice at all because of the comfortable ride and various miscellaneous thoughts, but the journey last night may have been unexpectedly dangerous.

“Anyway, thank you for using it. I hope the rest of the journey to my Maidheaden goes well.”

I thanked the coachman for his speedy arrival and doubled the money as promised.

Then, leaving behind the coachman with a smile on his face, he went to the guild receptionist and made a reservation for the quadruped carriage.

The road to hometown had about four days left.

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