How To Live As An Academy Extra Villain

Chapter 95

95 – Rat Hole (13)

When I first identified the enemy as a necromancer, I desperately recalled my memory to find a way to deal with it.

Just as it is impossible to hit a devil with ordinary magic, there was a setting that ordinary magic other than divine power did not work on baptized necromancers.

However, unlike the devil, a creature from another dimension, who returns to hell, a necromancer will disappear if he or she receives damage beyond the limit.

In addition, since he had the inherent limitations of his body, he was more vulnerable to divine power than the devil, so if he fought under the right conditions, it would not have been that difficult to defeat the necromancer.

But we have already entered the nest, and there is nothing we can do in this situation, no matter how powerful the priest is with us. Even if the priest said he was a saint.

The reversal was a black magic that inflicted damage proportional to the divine power, so he would have suffered even more terrible pain.

So, the general way to subdue necromancers is to destroy their spells from afar with area magic and then enter, or to discover them early before they build a nest.

Either that, or borrow the power of the holy sword. The holy sword made of god’s metal contained divine power itself, and it could not have been the subject of suffering from a reversal.

At first glance, it seemed hopeless as neither of the two conditions were met, but fortunately, I still had one last resort left, the Flame of Purification.

In order to prevent information leakage, we tried to save it until the extreme situation came, but if now is not that moment, then when?

The reversal was a black magic performed through the necromancer himself, so a serious blow to the original body with the fire of purification could also break the reversal.

If that happens, the holy power of Sisela and her priests will return, and the possibility of competing on equal footing with the weakened necromancer also increases.

The person I spoke to and revealed to the necromancer was a gambler.

If I can turn her attention toward Sisela, who gets angry every time she opens her mouth, and damage her unwary necromancer with purifying fire, I might be able to change the current situation.

Just by looking at it, I could feel that the necromancer, who did not know that I had the means to subdue him, was treating me with a relieved and disdainful attitude.

That was certainly my plan, but one word from the necromancer’s mouth further clouded my composure.

“…Do you know your father…?”

“Is it just your father? Your mother knows even better. How can you forget the taste of that sweet soul… Hmm?”

The necromancer’s words are a series of shocks. If the father is not enough, why is the mother’s story even mentioned?

My mother died when I was young. So even though her memories were not clear, her memories of him were always filled with warmth and coziness.

But clearly my father said that her mother only died of illness. Even if I inquired further, he always vaguely explained more than that and did not provide a proper explanation.

At the time, I thought she just didn’t want to bring up her painful memories.

Seeing my blank expression, the necromancer raised the corners of his mouth with a strange smile.

“Judging by the reaction, it seems like they didn’t know the truth at all. Huh, this is true again…”

“…Did you hurt her mother?”

“What should I hide now? Yes, that’s right. I took your mother’s soul. It was truly the best soul. I have never found anything comparable to it, before or since.”

“Why on earth…Is there some kind of grudge against our family…”


The necromancer who heard what I said burst out laughing. As I look at that, I feel uncontrollable anger boiling over.

“It wasn’t a grudge, it was just the process of a great cause. I am the messenger of prophecy. I was in charge of preparing the ground and laying the foundation ahead of the army. If it weren’t for your father Albert and that strict Inquisitor, “It would have already been accomplished…”

“Great job…?”

Sisela heard the necromancer’s words and muttered softly.

“Yes. Soon, the army of punishment will arrive from the Promised Land. With the wind of our God at its forefront, they will march majestically, blowing their horns. They will punish you thieves and plunderers and re-establish righteous laws. Will be.”

Like an orator inciting people in a square, the necromancer talked with great enthusiasm.

“But the son, following his father, has done something wrong again.”

But the next moment, the face that seemed so happy suddenly turns cold.

The necromancer took steps and arrived in front of me. Then he pulled out his demonic energy from his own palm, grabbed my neck, and lifted me into the air. The tightness that is suffocating my breath feels so burdensome.

“The beast of greed, so painstakingly summoned, has fallen again, and the kingdom is littered with the dogs of the oppressor. With what face can I welcome our master?”

“Ugh…Kah gasp…!”

“This sin cannot be washed away by death, so know its severity. I will only exalt your courage and especially savor your soul with great care.”


Sisela’s cry was heard from afar. The necromancer gradually places his other arm between my eyes.

“Since you are a child of that mother’s blood, your taste must be of the highest quality. Ah, you can feel the sweetness just by looking at it… Huh?”


When I placed my hand on his cheek, the necromancer slightly rolled his eyes. Then she smiled faintly.

“Ah, what can you do? Since this body was baptized, forty thousand suns and moons have already risen. That kind of mana can’t even make a scratch…”


The danger of death has arrived before our eyes. I am delirious from the spilled blood, and my blood flow has been ruined for a long time due to the demon energy circulating around my body.

But on the other hand, it is also an opportunity that I have been hoping for. If not now when he’s trying to suck out my soul, when will this necromancer get close to me?

The necromancer clicked his tongue when he saw me struggling to recite a spell.

“Tsk tsk. Stubbornness. What can a guy who can’t even chant properly do?”

Suddenly I have that thought. Is it really too much to do?

If the monster’s attack had been successful, they would not have been able to pay attention to other areas for a while to deal with it. Then this search wouldn’t have taken place, and no one would have known what happened in the mountain village.

After that, the devil would have gone through an adaptation period and settled safely in Mona’s body, and then an unspeakable disaster would have come.

If everything had happened as the necromancer intended, our family might have been exterminated before the demon army arrived. Just like the Malone family that persecuted Sarah in the past. Is there any other meaning to laying the foundation and laying the foundation?

The promised army that the necromancer mentioned there probably refers to the invasion of demons. If I die now without accomplishing anything, who would dare try to orchestrate it?

If you fail this time, there will be no more opportunities. What happens in the world is none of my business, but I am very afraid of what happens to Youngji in the future. Father, Adele. The place where the people I love live.

I gathered all my strength for the last time and started chanting the spell again.

“Cough…! Ignis…Kalesco…Morta…!”

“…You’re starting to get a little annoyed now. That’s good. Just as you hoped…Huh?”

After reciting the spell, a dark and heavy flame bursts out between my fingers.

The necromancer also seems to have realized something is strange, but what has happened cannot be undone.

Soon, the flame took shape and began to burn the right half of the necromancer’s face.

“Kaaa!! Kwaaa! Kwaaa!”


The necromancer threw me to the floor, and I was freed from his grip.

The Necromancer struggles, clutching his face with both hands, but the flame that burns his evil will never go out before he has done his duty.

But it’s still not enough. To cancel the reversal, a more serious blow must be inflicted.

I rushed towards the necromancer as if crawling. The necromancer, who had no time to pay attention to anything other than the fire that was eating away at him, fell to the floor and struggled.

I climbed on top of it with difficulty. I could already feel my mana almost running out. If I cast the spell this time, my body, which has used up all its mana, will receive a rebound. So there really is no more chance.

I placed my palm over her mouth and started chanting again.

“aaagh! Eup…!!”


As soon as the chanting ended, the black fire that gathered at the tip of the palm raced forward. It entered the necromancer’s gullet without hesitation, burning everything inside with the force of reducing it to ashes. Flames rose from every pore of the necromancer’s body, including her eyes, nose, and ears.

The burned esophagus could no longer moan properly, and the necromancer’s body did not even move. My mana also ran out before long, and the flames gradually diminished accordingly.

Because I used up all my mana without leaving any, the recoil began to come to my body.

I felt dizzy and nauseous, and felt a tingling pain in the extremities of my limbs. The pain was even more extreme because the body had not yet recovered from the magical energy.

However, the power of the Purifying Fire was much greater than I expected. He only cast low-level magic with very little mana left, but the necromancer was almost on the verge of death.

It’s still like this, but if I sharpen my abilities further, I’ll be able to stand up to even the devil…

– Flinch

When I thought about that, I suddenly felt the necromancer’s body flinch again. What? I missed something… For a moment.


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Suddenly, a huge shock wave was emitted from the necromancer’s body, and I, who had no strength to resist, was blown up and fell to the floor.



When the powerful shock wave hit directly, the walls of the warehouse, which continued to accumulate cracks, could no longer withstand. And as the walls on all sides burst apart, the surrounding scenery that had been blocked from view began to come into view.

All the village residents had already gathered around us. The sight of dozens of people staring straight ahead without moving is just bizarre. Especially if that facial expression is smiling.

And soon another change began. The burned-out body of the necromancer levitates in the air. The obsidian necklace hanging around his neck broke on its own, making a rattling sound.

The enormous magical energy contained in the necklace was absorbed into the necromancer’s body, and the necromancer’s body turned into a black spirit.

Change did not occur only there. The smiling faces of the residents were distorted grotesquely, and as if they were shedding their skin, the lace inside revealed itself.

Okay… There was definitely something like this. What was it? Did you say phase 2?

As I was struggling to hold on to my fading consciousness, I heard footsteps rushing towards me from somewhere.

After a while, a warm, soft hand strokes my cheek, and my eyelids close.

Sisela’s gentle and sweet voice whispered in my ear.

“You worked hard, Edwin. Now leave it to me.”

The last scene I saw before I closed my eyes was a girl walking past me and confronting the necromancer’s spirit form.

But wasn’t it clear that Sisela had gray hair? Why does it look so white…

After those thoughts, my consciousness could no longer endure and went into blackness.

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