How to Tame the Possessive Heroine (GL)

Prologue: Meeting the Obsessive Heroine.

 Prologue: Meeting the Obsessive Heroine.

What makes a good person qualified to be a villainess?

"Today my lady is where you'll meet many possible suitors that would suit to your liking." A butler hands over a list of people that she needs to greet. The woman who was sitting in her study frowns, hearing that she needs to attend another social event for the sake of representing their house.

"Y-Your father has arranged a social event in the mansion, the servants are already welcoming them and he told me to get you to come down immediately-" He was cut off by a hand, the woman raised hers and turned to face her butler.

"Spare me the explanation, Sebastian. I am in need of wine. Why don't you go ahead and get me a glass before I do anything else today?" Her voice was cold and distant, she asked for wine and it must immediately be delivered.

The butler Sebastian lowers his head, it's best to get what his lady needs before she decides to fire him out of impulse.

"Certainly milady." He leaves to fetch her wine, the moment the door squeaks aclose and the footsteps became faint then it was only the few moments she is able to relax herself in this damned world.

Tick... tock... tick...


"For months I've been hiding." A cold hearted gaze looks upon the window of where many guests have been slowly descending their carriages looking cheerful as they greeted one another talking about the Duchess' new social event of the season.

They all look so happy, attending this woman's party.


But little do they know, someone else is occupying her body.

"I can't believe... I've become the villainess in an old visual novel that I played." She mutters to herself with dread, what was she doing before death came knocking at her door?


Months ago... when she was still in her original world.

The villainess was nothing more than a quiet student playing games in the corner of the room, minding no one's business- And that time she discovered a visual novel game that popped up on her feed.

[The Four Princes and Me].

There are four princesses that will take interest in the heroine as they enter the international academy for all the human kingdoms. It was an interesting title and the art wasn't half bad. The plot was decent, get the heroine to fall in love with one of the princes and get that sweet oh sweet happy ending.


That memory of the game was buried in the back of her head, completing all the side quests and romancing every prince to make sure she could complete all the endings because the first one to do it will get a 'box of goodies' to be sent in their house.

She was the first one to complete it all, she received a notification of the game congratulating her for being the first person to ever reach all of the endings including the hidden ones.

It asked for her address and she didn't hesitate to put it in but... after ten years nothing came and the game was soon forgotten.

When she just got accepted at a successful company as an accountant she didn't have time to ponder over the game- there were bills to pay and her parent's marriage prospects were always being reminded of how single she was.

But for her this was the happiest she could have ever been.

Ding dong!

"I'll get it!"

Her doorbell rang on her apartment and wondered who it was, upon opening it she saw a package with the game's logo. She gets Saturday's off and she doesn't remember who sent it at first, but once opening the box she realized what it was.

It was the promised reward from ten years ago. How mysterious but she was excited so she opened the box and found a book-

When she was just about to open the book she was knocked out unconscious.

Then... she found herself in her new body and new memories.

The memories of the villainess.

The villainess' name is Olivia Charlotte Alarie.

A famous noblewoman for being one of the most powerful families in the kingdom... but they only belong in the lower branch of the family so only a few take attention but still they are powerful. It may not compare to the main branch but people still fear them.

From the current memories, she's not exactly a good person to deal with- her reputation is horrible and her heart is made out of cold ice.

"It's hard to live with someone else's memory." She placed a hand on her cheek and was mesmerized at how beautiful the villainess was despite the only art model available for her before a black silhouette. "But I have to find a way out of this game. I'm sure that book they gave me- had some magic or some bullshit. The only way out is to have the heroine end the game."

That means... helping with the plot of the story.

A little verbal bullying here and there... but she needs to lessen it because she doesn't actually want to hurt the heroine after all- just enough to play the part of the villainess.

Her heart... may not be able to handle hurting the heroine so maybe... with the help of alcohol?

Knock! Knock!

"Your bottle of wine, milady." (Sebastian) was knocking on the door of her office. Having brought the wine that she has requested, honestly, when did their young lady start drinking this much?

This is her second bottle today.

"Call upon the maids to help me get ready, Sebastian. Do leave the wine. I'll be finishing it all before starting the party." In this party, she'll be able to meet the heroine herself.

Being introduced as the baron's adopted daughter with the affinity of light. A visitor from the south kingdom, how lovely. The game will be starting soon.

She's one of those main characters with a rare kind of magic that all the kingdoms would adore, because it's the only thing able to hurt the demon lord.

How cliché.

"Milady I am not sure it is wise to drink before attending such an important event-"

"I will do as I please. I know what I'm doing." She takes the neck of the bottle and starts drinking it all in one go. The sweet taste of wine was everything, her throat and chest felt like it was on fire.

The alcohol that they have is so weak that she needs to take a whole bottle to be drunk.


"...ah." She wipes the running drop on her lips and waits for the effect to come over. Olivia gets dressed and soon everything, her vision and other senses slowly become more dizzy.


The sound of a lovely orchestra started playing music, the melody of violin and the piano were harmonizing over the big hall of the ballroom. The guests were dancing to the beat of the music, paired with each other while others talked and ate their fill.

Tack... tack...

The sound of heels clicking and the smell of alcohol was obvious as she walked across with so many guests trying to greet her good afternoon.

"Lady Alarie, I am honored to be here with you-"


The gentleman was pushed to the side as the girl continued on searching for her target.

"Agh god she's drunk." The man complained covering his nose, the smell of wine was still lingering in the air. How uncouth, what lady will drink till she's drunk to the core?

The villainess has her mind set on finding one single girl. The heroine, where is she?

Mariana Borbón was the heroine's official name. Brown hair, tan skin, and gold eyes- that's something you'll barely miss in a mundane crowd like this. The southern people are of diverse color compared to the west. Still, she couldn't find her anywhere.

"Hahaha! You just don't know your place!"


A commotion?


"You're just an adopted baron's daughter from the south. How could your family ever afford to fix my dress? It's all ruined!" A girl yelling not too far away pushes another girl who looked like a little rabbit in front of many prey of wolves surrounding her.

Olivia hears the word south and immediately that took her interest. "South...?"

"I-I'm sorry."

"Best you learn our native tongue if you want to keep being included in this circle. Please, this is so humiliating!" The girl with a dirty dress from the drink, takes a cup of wine before throwing it in the heroine's head.

This scene... she was supposed to be the one doing that. She was supposed to be the one who'll throw that wine and bully the heroine so that she can go home! Back to her real world!

How dare that girl steal her job!

"Now we match. Except yours is much worse and I look better compared to your sorry little-"

By the influence of alcohol she walks forward a little groggy but manages to snag a wine from a servant and throw it in her face.


All eyes were all around them, everything was in chaos.

"What in the world-?!" She closes her eyes, feeling the cold wine slipping through her dress.

The villainess groans, tightly holding the heroine's shoulder before claiming to the girl that humiliated her today that- "Don't take what's mine."

It's her job to bully her, not any of these lowly side characters. If she doesn't do that job she won't be able to get out of the game and become the main antagonist of the story!

"L-Lady Alarie?! Please stand aside and I'll forgive you for staining my dress. That girl needs to be properly punished!" She yells out in reason but the villainess shakes her head, eyeing the ugliest dress she has ever seen.

That and she thinks the color green on her is not suitable.

"Hmph, such a cheap dress? Is it even worth being punished for something like a spill?" She grins leaning over her before flicking the girl's long pointed nose. "Then again... I suppose I did even more damage on your dress for trying to mess with something that's mine."

The effect of the alcohol was getting worse, she wanted to puke but managed to hold it in.

"What's the punishment for me?"

"I-I could never!" The girl could never dare to cross with anyone of the Alarie family. They could make her house bankrupt in a matter of seconds! Not even kidding!

Olivia coldly pulls her wrist to meet her face up close, planning to scare her. "Then sort out your words and tongue, or I won't hesitate to pull it out."


Seeing the commotion was over, everyone looked away when they saw the lady of the house smiling. "Continue, enjoy the party and go drink. Let the music play once more and enjoy yourselves for today. I apologize for the commotion, excuse me."

She manages to get out of there in time before holding on to one of the room's podiums for support, "Hurghhh..." she couldn't hold the horrible feeling any longer and started puking on the corner.

She was beginning to think if all of this was even worth it.

'Thank the heavens that there wasn't anyone there seeing this moment right now.' She thought to herself, cringing at the smell of her own puke. Disgusting it was she had to focus on the task at hand which is... what was her task?

"Are you okay milady?"

A voice calls out to her and she cusses out the heavens for thinking it was funny to play on a prank. 'Oh fuck the heavens.'

Olivia sees who it was, the heroine was still drenched in wine. They both smelled of reeking alcohol. "Don't touch me. I need to go back to my room. I have to think."

"L-Let me escort you back."

"No... I can't. You need... clothes... I want to give you... clothes. It's cold, you smell of wine..." Her speeches were getting worse by the minute but now with a new task, she has to find this girl some new clothes.

The villainess strongly rejects her offer for help, she walks alone in the halls but the heroine couldn't help but follow behind out of worry.

And she was right to do it.

The stubborn headed villainess almost fell down on the floor headfirst.

"Milady!" The heroine catches the villainess in time before she falls down into the ground. "Wake up please-"

"Ngh... wine."

The villainess opens her eyes, smelling the same sweet wine that she drank before. Hallucinations began, she was seeing the girl as a bottle of wine and wanted more of it.

Wine... wine... wine...

The echoes were ringing in her mind that she should drink from the bottle.


The sound of sucking could be heard, the villainess was fast to make her mark- her lips moved to her neck making the heroine shiver and felt hot from her touch.

Panting, Olivia wanted more.

She sucked and sucked until a mark was left on the heroine's neck.

"Hah... m-milady..." The heroine wanted to push her away but for some reason, she was enjoying it. Still her mind was clear enough to have the noble lady stop before things got too deep.

If anyone saw a noble lady from the Alarie family sucking nimbly onto her neck so fiercely, it would create chaos amongst the circle and ruin both of their reputations.

"Milady we mustn't... someone could see."

Olivia tilts her head at the wine bottle's words.

What a shy wine bottle this is, she can just drink in private then no problem.

"Then my... room." (Olivia) points at the door of her room and pulls onto the heroine's sleeve, smiling widely. She moves her head forward to kiss the girl on the lips before telling her three words that made her heart start beating loudly. "I... want... you."



The next day it seems that the villainess and the heroine had a one night stand.


Olivia Charlotte Alarie was naked in bed with the heroine.

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Andres Gtz


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