HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 884

Chapter 868 Escape

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Standing in front of the window of the villa, Jon and Joanne looked at the leaving family on the opposite side, and suddenly asked Joanne.

“How about what?”

“I mean, is there any inspiration?”


Joanne just shook her head.

Judging from the state of the recent period, her writing has reached a bottleneck period, even if a large amount of content is submitted, Hogwarts’ strict surveillance network is almost giving her the most complete record, but she Still did not write the end of the sixth book.

The death of Dumbledore was really not something to write about, which Jon understood very well.

“But we don’t have enough time. We have to do a complete analysis and application as soon as possible. I also rely on your book to open the world market!”

Only with this kind of stuff can Jon have enough confidence and means.

In this world, the vast majority of ordinary people are of the kind Ye Gonghaolong. They tend to hesitate in front of what they yearn for, and the magic net can’t force them to reform—the casualty rate is too high, so some of the gains outweigh the gains.

So in the end, we must put the core methods on this book. Anyway, according to his memory, this book will definitely catch on.

It’s just that Jon couldn’t worry about the thing that couldn’t be written.

“We still have enough time to write, at least we can publish the first few copies first.”

Jon tilted his head and said: “But there is one more thing. I open part of Monet’s authority to you, and those people’s perspectives will give you feedback. I asked that company to get you a large magic projector. The meeting will be there, you can see more, maybe it will be better.”


Joanne knew how important this matter was, so she wanted to do her best, otherwise she would have accepted the transformation to become a wizard, and there was so much effort to deal with these things.

While discussing here, Harry had already ran back to his bedroom upstairs and rushed to the window, just in time to see the Dursley’s car turning across the driveway and onto the road, with Dedalo’s top hat on the back seat. Between Aunt Petunia and Dudley.

When the car reached the end of Privet Road and turned to the right, the window of the car shot a fiery red light under the sun shining from the west, and then it disappeared.

Harry picked up Hedwig’s cage, his firebolt and backpack, and finally glanced at the abnormally tidy bedroom, then slanted downstairs to the living room, placing the birdcage, broom and backpack on the stairs By the feet.

The light soon dimmed, and the living room looked heavily shadowed in the twilight.

There was silence all around, and Harry stood here, knowing that he was leaving the house forever, and it felt very strange.

A long time ago, the Dursley family went out for fun and left him alone at home. Those few hours of solitary time were a rare treat: quickly grab some good food from the refrigerator, and then rushed upstairs to play. Play on Dudley’s computer, or turn on the TV, and choose the channel you want.

Thinking of those times, there was an inexplicable melancholy in his heart, like thinking of a little brother who had been lost.

“Don’t you want to see this place for the last time?”

He asked Hedwig.

The owl still sulked his head under the wings.

“We will never be here again, don’t you want to recall all those happy times?

I mean, look at the doormat at the door and think about the past… After I rescued Dudley from the dementor, he threw up on this mat… Unexpectedly, he still knows to be grateful, do you believe it?

And last summer, Dumbledore walked through that front door…”

Harry’s thoughts were broken, Hedwig did not help him find it, still hiding his head under his wings.

“Down here, Hedwig—” Harry opened a door under the stairs: “This is where I used to sleep!

You didn’t even know me back then—oh my god, I’m so young, I don’t even remember…”

Harry looked at the piles of shoes and umbrellas. He remembered that he woke up every morning and looked up at the bottom of the stairs. There would always be a spider or two hanging there.

In those days, he still didn’t know his true identity. He still hadn’t figured out how his parents died, and he didn’t understand why those strange things often happened around him.

Harry still remembered the dreams that had haunted him back then: the dream was upside down, the green light flickered, and once—when Harry talked about the dream, Uncle Vernon almost crashed into a car—he dreamed of a flying car. Light motorcycle…

Suddenly, there was a deafening roar from somewhere nearby.

Harry straightened up abruptly, banging his head against the low door frame.

He paused, cursed a few words with Uncle Vernon’s favorite vulgar language, then stumbled back to the kitchen, covered his head with his hand, and looked out the window to the back garden.

The darkness seemed to be rippling, and the air itself was shaking.

Then, as the phantom spell expired, a figure began to appear.

The most conspicuous is Hagrid, wearing a helmet and goggles, riding on a huge light motorcycle with a black sidecar.

Around him, others came down from the flying broomstick, and two came down from the skinny, winged black horse.

Harry opened the back door and jumped between them all at once.

There was greetings all around, Hermione spread her arms around him, Ron patted him on the back, Hagrid also said, “How about, Harry? Are you ready to leave?”

“Of course,” Harry said, looking at everyone with a smile: “I didn’t expect you to have so many people here!”

“The plan has changed.”

The Mad-Eye said gruffly. He was carrying two huge bulging pockets. The magic eye swished and scanned the darkening sky, houses, and gardens, dizzyingly fast: “Let’s cover first. Get up and tell you more.”

Harry led them all into the kitchen, and they all sat on their chairs laughing and chatting, sitting on Aunt Petunia’s bright and clean kitchen workbench, or leaning on her spotless utensils.

Ron, thin and tall;

Hermione, her thick hair is braided in a long braid;

Fred and George, grinning exactly the same;

Bill, with scars on his face and long hair;

Mr. Weasley is kind-looking, bald, and his glasses are a bit crooked;

Crazy-eyed man, who has been on the battlefield, has only one leg, and the shiny blue magic eye whizzes around in his eye sockets;

Tonks, her short hair is her favorite conspicuous pink;

Lupin is more haggard and thinner;

Hibiscus, beautiful slender, long silver-white hair;

Kingsley, bald, broad shoulders, and dark skin;

Hagrid, with unkempt hair and thick beard, stood hunched over, for fear that his head would hit the ceiling;

Mondungus Fletcher, small, sloppy, sloppy, with droopy eyelids like a basset hound, and his hair unkempt and tangled.

But this situation made Harry ecstatic and very happy;

He really likes these people, even Mondungus likes him,

You know, when we met last time, Harry wanted to strangle him.

“Kingsley, aren’t you taking care of the Muggle Prime Minister?”

“One night without me, he can handle it,” Kingsley said. “You are more important.”

“Harry, guess what?”

Tonks was sitting on the washing machine, shaking her left hand towards Harry: a ring was shining.

“Are you married?”

“Sorry, you didn’t make it, Harry, we didn’t say much.”

“Awesome, congratulations—”

“Okay, okay, I have time to have a good chat in the future!”

Moody roared in the noise, and the kitchen suddenly became quiet. Moody threw his pockets at his feet and turned to Harry: “Dedallo probably told you that we had to abandon the first set of plans. Pierce Hinknes went into action and caused us a lot of trouble.

He classified many of these practices as illegal, and caught them in jail, such as connecting this house to the Floo network, putting a door key here, or entering and exiting in and out of the apparition.

He also said that this is done to protect you, so as not to let the mysterious person catch you.

It’s sheer nonsense, your mother’s spell has done this.

What he did was actually prevent you from leaving here safely.

The second difficulty: You are not an adult, which means you still have traces on your body. ”

“I do not have-”

“Zongsi, Zongsi!”

The mad-eye man said impatiently: “Detect the spells used by wizards under the age of seventeen to perform magic activities, and the Ministry of Magic uses it to find out that all minors use magic!

If you, or someone around you, pronounce a spell to get you out of here, Sinknis will know, and the Death Eaters will know. ”

“We can’t wait for the trace to disappear, because once you turn seventeen, you will lose all the protection your mother gave you.

To put it simply: Pierce Hinknis thinks you are completely desperate. ”

Harry couldn’t help but agree with the stranger Sinknis.

“Then what shall we do?”

“We can only use these types of vehicles: flying broomsticks, night skies, and Hagrid’s light motorcycles. They are the only ones that cannot be detected by the trace, because there is no need to chant a spell.”

Harry saw the loopholes in this plan, but he resisted not saying it, and let the crazy-eye guy have a chance to deal with it.

“Your mother’s spell will be broken under two conditions: you are an adult, or—”

Moody pointed to the spotless kitchen: “—you no longer call this place home.

Tonight, you and your aunt and uncle have parted ways, knowing that you will never live together again, right? ”

Harry nodded.

“So, this time you will never come back as soon as you leave. The spell will be broken when you step out of its range.

We chose to break it early, because the mysterious person is likely to come and catch you when you turn seventeen. ”

“We have an advantage that the mysterious people don’t know that we are coming to transfer you tonight.

We revealed a false information to the Ministry: They thought you would leave on the 30th.

However, our opponent is a mysterious man, and it is not enough to count on him to get the day wrong;

He would definitely let two Death Eaters patrol the sky over the area, just in case.

Therefore, we have taken the best protection measures for a dozen houses.

They all look like the place where we are going to hide you, and they all have some kind of connection with the Order of the Phoenix: my house, Kingsley’s house, Molly’s Aunt Muriel’s house-do you understand this? ”


Harry didn’t tell the truth completely, he still saw a big loophole in the plan.

“You go to Tonks’s parents’ house, once you enter the protection enchantment we set for the house, you can use a door key to transfer to the Burrow, is there a problem?”

“Uh-yes, maybe they didn’t know which of the twelve safe houses I was going to at first, but -”

He quickly counted the number of people: “- Fourteen of us flew to Tonks’s parents’ house, wouldn’t this be clear at a glance?”

“Ah, I forgot to say the key point.

Not all of the 14 of us flew to Tonks’ parents’ house.

There will be seven Harry Potter flying in the sky tonight, each accompanied by someone, and each group flying to a different safe house. ”

Moody pulled out a bottle of mud from his cloak.

Without a word from him, Harry immediately understood the whole plan.

“No!” He said loudly, his voice echoing in the kitchen: “No!”

“I told you he would react like this.”

“If you think I will let six people risk their lives—”

“—This is the first time for us.”

“This is different, pretend to be me—”

“Ah, actually none of us like it, Harry.”

Fred said solemnly: “Imagine if something goes wrong, we won’t be able to go back, and we will always be freckled, skinny idiots.”

“If I don’t cooperate, you won’t be able to do it. You need me to contribute a few hairs.”

“Yeah, in this way, the whole plan will be ruined.”

George said: “If you don’t cooperate, we obviously won’t be able to get any of your hair.”

“Yes, thirteen against one, and that one can’t use magic yet. We are really hopeless.”

“Absurd,” Harry said, “It’s so ridiculous.”

“If you need to use force, then come on,”

Moody yelled. He glared at Harry, his magic eyes trembling slightly in his eye sockets:

“Everyone here is of legal age, Potter, they are all prepared to take this risk.”

Mondungus shrugged and made a face.

Moody’s magic eyes swished and stared at him from the side of his head.

“Stop arguing, time is limited. I need a few hairs from you, kid, hurry up.”

“But this is ridiculous, there is no need—”

“no need?!”

Moody screamed: “There is a mysterious person outside, and half of the Ministry of Magic is standing with him.

Potter, if we are lucky, he will believe that false information and plan to beat you in an ambush on the 30th, but he will definitely arrange one or two Death Eaters to monitor you, unless his brain is broken, and I will do the same if he changes. do.

With your mother’s spell, they probably can’t do anything about you or the house, but the spell will soon expire, and they know the approximate location of the house.

Our only chance is to use a stand-in. Even a mysterious person cannot divide himself into seven parts. ”

Harry met Hermione’s gaze and quickly looked away.

“So, Potter—excuse me, some hairs.”

Harry looked at Ron, and Ron made a face at him, as if to say, “Just do it.”

“Hurry up!” Moody growled.

In full view, Harry reached out and grabbed a bunch of hair on top of his head and pulled out a few.

“Very well,” Moody said, limping forward, pulling out the stopper of the potion bottle: “Excuse me, put it here.”

Harry threw his hair into the muddy liquid. As soon as the hair touched the surface of the liquid, the potion began to bubble and smoke, turning into a clear golden yellow in the blink of an eye.

“Yo, Harry, you taste better than Crabbe and Gore,” Hermione said, and she saw Ron raise her eyebrows and blush slightly and said, “Oh, you know what I mean-Gore’s The potion is like dry booger.”

“Okay, okay, excuse me, fake Potter is lining up here.”

Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, and Fleur stood in a row in front of Aunt Petunia’s shiny sink.

“One less.”


Hagrid said gruffly, lifting Mondungus by the back of his neck and throwing him beside Fleur. Fleur wrinkled her nose visibly and walked over to stand between Fred and George.

“I told you that I would rather be a protector.”

“Shut up,” Moody yelled, “You boneless reptile, I told you that no matter which Death Eaters we meet, their purpose is to catch Potter, not to kill him.

Dumbledore always said that the mysterious man wanted to end Potter with his own hands.

The bodyguards most need to worry about, the Death Eaters did not leave alive when they saw the bodyguards. ”

Mondungus didn’t seem to be completely relieved, but Moody had taken out six egg cup-sized glasses from the cloak, distributed them to everyone, and poured a little compound decoction into each cup.

“Ready to drink…”

Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, Fleur, and Mondungus drank at the same time.

When the potion irritated his throat, everyone gasped and grinned.

Suddenly, their facial features began to wriggle and deform like hot wax.

Hermione and Montongues grew up, while Ron, Fred, and George shrank shorter and shorter.

Their hair turned black, and Hermione and Fleur’s hair seemed to fly back into the scalp quickly.

Moody was indifferent to this scene, and was untying the straps of the two big pockets he had brought.

When he straightened up, in front of him were six Harry Potter panting heavily.

Fred and George turned to look at each other, and said at the same time, “Wow-we are exactly the same!”

“I don’t think so, I look better.”

Fred took a picture of the kettle as a mirror and said.

“Oh,” Fleur looked at herself at the microwave door: “Bill, don’t look at me—I’m so ugly.”

“Whose clothes are too big, I have small ones here,” Moody said, pointing to the first pocket. “Too small, I have big ones here. Don’t forget the glasses. There are six pairs of glasses in the side pockets. Wait for you to wear them. Okay, there is luggage in the other pocket.”

Harry felt that although he had seen some extremely weird things, the scene before him was probably the weirdest he had ever seen.

He watched his six avatars rummaging in their pockets, took out a suit, put on glasses, and stuffed their own things aside.

He really wanted to ask them to respect his privacy a little bit, because they all began to take off their clothes unscrupulously, obviously showing his body nonchalantly, and they would definitely not treat their bodies like this.

“I knew Ginny was lying when she said you had tattoos.”

“Harry, your eyesight is terrible.”

The fake Harrys were dressed, and took out the backpack and owl cage from the second pocket. Each cage contained a stripped slush specimen.

“Very good,” Moody saw finally standing in front of him with seven neatly dressed, glasses, and luggage Harry: “The grouping situation is like this: Mondungus is with me, riding a broomstick—”

“Why am I with you?”

“Because only you need to be monitored.”

Moody roared, the magic eye never left Mondungus when he spoke: “Arthur and Fred—”

“I’m George,” said the one Moody was referring to in the twins: “How come we have become Harry, can’t you tell us apart?”

“I’m sorry, George—”

“Just kidding you, I’m actually Fred—”

“Stop messing around!”

Moody roared angrily: “The other—no matter who it is—go with Remus. Miss Delacour—”

“I took Furong on the night qi,” Bill said. “She doesn’t like flying broomsticks very much.”

Fleur walked over and stood beside Bill, looking at him with affectionate, birdy eyes. From the bottom of his heart, Harry hoped that this look would never appear on his face in the future.

“Miss Granger and Kingsley are also riding Ye Qi-”

Hermione looked at Kingsley who was smiling, as if her heart was at ease.

Harry knew that Hermione also lacked confidence in riding a flying broomstick.

“Just you and me, Ron!”

Tonks said happily, and she waved to Ron and knocked over a cup holder.

Ron didn’t look as happy as Hermione.

“You follow me, Harry. Okay?”

Hagrid looked a little worried and said, “We ride motorcycles, and neither brooms nor night skews can bear my weight. But as soon as I sit on the motorcycle, there is not much room, so you sit in the sidecar.”


“We speculate that the Death Eaters would think you are riding a broomstick.”

Moody seemed to have guessed Harry’s feelings, and said, “Snape has a lot of time to tell them about your situation that he hadn’t mentioned before, so if we encounter Death Eaters, they will definitely choose that ride. Potter who is particularly skilled in broomsticks.

Okay,” he tied the pockets of the fake Potter’s clothes tightly and led everyone to the door, as he continued, “We will leave in three minutes.

The back door does not need to be locked. The Death Eaters have to come and search. The lock cannot stop them…Come on…

Harry hurried to the living room to get his backpack, Firebolt and Hedwig’s cage, and then went to the black back garden with everyone.

Beside him, a broom jumped into someone’s hand, and Hermione had been helped by Kingsley to sit on the back of a huge black night skew, and Bill helped Fleur to ride on the other night skew.

Hagrid, wearing goggles, stood beside the moped, ready to set off.

“Is that it? This is Sirius’ motorcycle?”

“It’s this one,” Hagrid said, looking down at Harry with a smile, “Harry, the last time you sat on it, I could hold you up with a slap!”

Harry got into the sidecar and couldn’t help feeling a little embarrassed.

In this way, he was a few heads shorter than others: Ron couldn’t help laughing when he saw Harry sitting in a bumper car like a child.

Harry tucked the backpack and broom at his feet, and clamped Hedwig’s cage between his knees, which was really uncomfortable.

“Arthur did some tinkering.”

Hagrid didn’t seem to notice Harry’s discomfort, just said.

He stepped on the motorcycle, and the motorcycle creaked and sank a few inches into the ground.

“Now it has several mechanisms on its handle. This thing is my idea.”

He tapped a purple button next to the odometer with a thick finger.

“Be careful, Hagrid,” Mr. Weasley said, standing beside them, clutching his broomstick. “I still don’t know if this is a wise choice. It must be used as a last resort.”

“Okay, well, everyone is ready. I ask everyone to leave at the same time, otherwise the entire containment tactic will fail.”

Everyone rides on a broomstick.

“Hold tight, Ron.”

Tonks said, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Harry saw Ron glance at Lupin with a guilty conscience, and then put his arms around Tonks’ waist.

Hagrid kicked and started the motorcycle.

The car roared like a fire dragon, and the sidecar shook.

“Good luck everyone!”

Moody shouted:

“See you at the Burrow in about an hour. I count to three.



three! ”

The motorcycle roared earth-shaking, and Harry felt the sidecar leaning dangerously to the side.

He swiftly walked through the night sky, his eyes weeping slightly, and his hair was blown back to his head.

Around him, a broom was also raised in the air, and a long black tail of a night squirrel swished past.

They are flying higher and higher in the air—

The cold wind howled, it was not a comfortable feeling.

Below them, in the villa, Jon was adjusting the machine for Joanne, and Joanne couldn’t help but let out an exclamation when she saw Hedwig falling.

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