HP – Shadow Monarch!

Chapter 50 – Duel Class 01.

[Chapter Size: 1800 Words.]
Third Person POV




I noticed that I got Lily's name wrong, not that I was wrong, but in my country, she is called Lilian, so I wrote it that way since I started calling Albus 'Alvo,' which is also the official name in my mother tongue.

"It's good to see you again, fifth years..." Professor Longbottom greeted everyone as she entered a large hall where she had asked them to meet. Not only were there Slytherins and Gryffindors, but Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws were also present. It seemed that at this moment, they would have a Charms class, but Professor Flitwick decided to join forces with Professor Longbottom, and they would have a combined class with all four houses.

"This is good. You will be the first year group that we are combining here, and I hope that everyone can learn a lot from this class. After all, you will practice your combat skills in a controlled and safe environment." The professor said, hoping that if it was successful with the fifth years, other years could also benefit from it.

"Let's start with a one-on-one duel, and we'll demonstrate this with a fight between me and Professor Flitwick. Just watch." She said, and the professor nodded. They conjured a long table in the middle of the room where the battle would take place.

She and the professor took their positions, standing 10 meters apart while all the students remained silent, waiting for the duel.

"Since there is no one to start the duel, we will do so when this coin hits the ground," Professor Longbottom said and tossed a coin into the air.

The coin spun in the air before falling slowly to the ground with a light clink. At the same moment, both professors moved quickly.

"Expelliarmus!" shouted Professor Longbottom, launching a disarming spell directly at Professor Flitwick. Flitwick, however, quickly reacted.

"Protego!" he countered, conjuring his protective shield that deflected Longbottom's spell. Then, he flicked his wand, casting a "Stupefy!" that whizzed through the air towards the professor.

Longbottom defended herself with another spell that nullified her opponent's, exploding in the air with a light effect. She immediately cast another spell, launching an "Incendio!" She invoked ropes that flew towards Professor Flitwick, attempting to bind him.

Flitwick countered with a "Diffindo!" that cut the ropes in mid-air. The students were impressed as the two masters dueled, each demonstrating impressive skills and a wide variety of spells, something they doubted they could mimic in a duel.

The fight continued for some time, the spells lighting up the hall as the duel progressed, both professors showing defensive and offensive tactics.

In the end, there was no winner; they stopped after a while, looking at each other, satisfied with the fight. They smiled, and the professor returned to the fifth-year crowd from all houses.

"And so we conclude our duel," she said, with a satisfied tone. "I hope everyone learned something valuable about the control and diversity of spells we demonstrated here. Remember, the most important thing in a duel is to stay calm and think strategically, casting spells faster than your opponent or trying to intercept them in intelligent and creative ways."

She continued. "Remember, magic is unlimited, it all depends on how you think about executing your spells..." She finished and turned back to the professor. "Excellent demonstration, professor."

"Agreed, Professor Longbottom," Flitwick commented and returned. "Now, students, prepare to practice friendly duels among yourselves. We will supervise and give feedback as you practice. Let's begin then. Lily Evans...?" He asked his favorite student to start.

"Yes..." Lily said, approaching as the professors stepped away from the dueling table with her climbing up.

"You can choose a challenger," Professor Longbottom said, and Lilian nodded, looking at the students. For a moment, she saw Snape, standing out with his height among everyone in a corner at the back, but he didn't seem to care to look at her, remaining silent.

She ended up choosing a known Ravenclaw girl, and this girl climbed up before they started.

"At my signal!" Longbottom said in a stern tone, and they nodded.

"Begin!" she exclaimed, and they both started casting spells at each other quickly. The fight continued for some time, limited to spells up to the fifth year, but they already had a very good repertoire.

It was after a while that the fight finally ended with Lily winning, stunning her colleague, who fell to the ground.

"Very well, take her out of the spell, and let's continue," Longbottom said and looked at Flitwick. "Do you want to give your feedback?" she asked, and the man nodded.

The professor started speaking, not only to the Ravenclaw girl who was getting up but also to Lily, showing how the girl could improve. After a while, they left the area, and the professor looked at more students.

"Now let's continue, Remus Lupin," she called.

"Don't forget, Lupin! Snape is mine!" James Potter said angrily behind his glasses.

"Alright, Sirius, let's go," he asked, and Black nodded, following directly, as he could choose the challenger.

The duel continued with Lupin winning against Black in the end, with the professors giving feedback and continuing to call students in the following minutes. Most students started dueling during this time, either challenging a rival from another house or having a friendly fight.

"Lucinda Bark," a new name was called by the professor as the student stepped forward, walking while being commented on due to the latest gossip in the school newspaper.

She approached and climbed onto the dueling platform with a neutral face and looked in a direction where there were many Slytherin students. "Clarisse Greengrass!" she pointed, and everyone without exception began murmuring, with Clarisse herself a bit surprised and keeping a hawk-like gaze on Lucinda.

"They are going to fight against each other!"

"Who will win...?"

"Is it a fight for love?"

People started discussing with each other as if it were the most exciting fight so far.

"..." Clarisse ignored the comments and proceeded to the platform.

As soon as they were facing each other, "You want to take this personally, don't you?" Clarisse commented with a tone of disappointment.

"It's just a fight, don't make something so insignificant bigger," she remarked, but everyone could see that Lucinda took it personally.

"I'm not dating Snape if you care about that, but forget it, let's fight," she said with a dangerous tone.

"What are these women doing..." Snape, behind the crowd with arms crossed, looked at it with a raised eyebrow.

"Begin!" Professor Longbottom announced, and both girls cast spells a little more dangerous than what could be used in a duel.

"Glacius!" Lucinda moved her wand.

"Incendio!" Clarisse did the same from the other side.

Fire and ice clashed in the middle of the platform, and everyone gasped at the power of the attack as ice and flames spread.







The fight continued with a shower of spells, each trying to defeat the other, and the students were shocked by it.

"Isn't this getting too dangerous?" they asked, surprised.

"Someone should stop this fight..." someone from Hufflepuff said worriedly.

"Why are they fighting over someone like Snape..." Potter complained, not understanding why someone would do this over a person like him.

"..." Professor Longbottom looked at Professor Flitwick with some concern as they both nodded.

"Petrificus Totalus!"

"Petrificus Totalus!"

Both professors used the spell on both girls, making them paralyzed the next moment.

"Enough... This fight is going beyond a friendly duel... Let's stop them here," Longbottom said with a severe tone. "Let's put them aside there, waiting for them to recover. The fight is over," she finished and placed the two girls on a bed she created.

Flitwick sighed and returned to the students who had not been called and looked at one in particular. "James Potter," he called, and Potter himself smiled at that.

"Finally!!" James murmured.

"Go get him!" Black gave his support.

James walked up to the platform and looked at Snape in the distance. "Severus Snape, come here and don't run away from this like a coward!" he exclaimed for all to hear.

"He talks as if I have any fear of him..." Snape muttered quietly and wasted no time as he began to move toward the platform, with everyone watching him.

His gaze fell on the bed with the two girls, and he shook his head slightly, considering it a foolish fight between the two. Putting that aside, he began to climb the platform and looked at Potter, who was already waiting 10 meters away with his wand in hand.

People murmured among themselves, already aware of the longstanding enmity between Snape and Potter, waiting to see the outcome. However, most didn't have much faith in Potter as the Marauders did; after all, Snape was the one who had taken down seventh-year students and even groups of them. Defeating a fifth-year student would be easy...

"I know about the enmity between you two after talking to some of your professors..." Longbottom began, looking sternly. Potter maintained a serious look, brimming with hostility, while Snape remained calm, merely looking at Potter without any comment.

This seemed to infuriate James even more, who looked at Snape thinking he was mocking him. "Alright, let's have a friendly fight, right, Snivellus?" he taunted, and the professor gave Potter a stern look, but Snape said nothing, merely looking at him as if he were an idiot.

"Let's begin... at my signal," she said as Potter assumed a combat stance, but saw that Snape still stood there without even drawing his wand.

"Aren't you going to draw your wand? I don't want to hear you crying, saying you were at a disadvantage," he said, but Snape remained motionless.

The professor also didn't waste time, expecting Snape to draw his wand; otherwise, he would get a lecture for it.

"Begin!" she shouted, and immediately Potter moved his wand and pointed it at Snape.

"Incen-! Hm?!" He didn't even finish the spell before feeling his body falling backward, rolling across the platform until he reached its edge.

"What was that?!" Longbottom couldn't believe what she saw and looked at Snape with a stunned expression, as did Flitwick.

Snape remained silent until the fight began. Small sparks appeared from his hand as he drew his wand from his inventory and cast a stunning spell much faster than Potter could anticipate, sending him flying.

The students seemed shocked, barely comprehending what had happened as Potter fell to the edge of the platform but still managed to stay on it.

"Come on, Potter, you talked all this time just to do this?" Snape said with a mocking tone. After all, he didn't intend to knock Potter out; he had merely cast his initial spell. He wanted this duel to last much longer than that.

"Not yet...!" Potter's voice emerged as he got up, filled with anger, and Snape simply looked at him, waiting to continue the fight.


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