HP: Spirit Talker

Chapter 40 Battle (Part 3)

Before I could finish my thought, there was a series of explosions, bangs, and a bright spot of light illuminating a part of the forest. I even had time to notice branches, pieces of earth, and human bodies flying from the explosions. With the explosions, and just behind them, came screams, shrieks, and heartbreaking cries of pain.

Frightened shadows of survivors darted away, taking us in a tightening semicircle, and other mages began to line up behind them. Usually there were three in front and two behind, but my bombs had thinned the enemy barrier, so the groups varied. Unfortunately, they were still too many for the fifteen of us, for as it turned out, eight of the guards had suffered from the flanking attack: six were killed and two seriously wounded.

I was torn by conflicting desires to break through to the dragon girl and drag her to find her mother. I couldn't make up my mind: if I went after the girl, I wouldn't be able to get back here, because it was clear that we were being ambushed here, and they meant business. So my help will be very useful in a general confrontation, even if my skills are poor.

On the other hand, I can't abandon the child. I'm sure there will be many other mages here after the battle, and they will search everywhere and find the girl. I can't say for sure what her fate will be.

I thought for a few more seconds, but only out of laziness, because I had decided everything while thinking. I pulled a pack of seals from my bracelet and, watching the active movements of the enemy, I began to activate them and stick them on the silent ayakashi, sticking three pieces on each of them: two on the hands and one on the neck. No cool buffs — I don't have an unlimited supply of magic, so only mid-level healing talismans. When I'm done with that, I take the surprised fox by the waist, move her a bit aside, get close to her, and start talking to her almost in a whisper so the others won't hear.

— I'm going to go to the girl's breakthrough now. At this time...

— You can't do that! Mistress... — cried the fox, but I interrupted her.

— I don't care. Don't interrupt me. — After giving her a stern look, I continued. — When I start, they'll be distracted, and you two, strike together, go to my mother and take her out. If you fail, I won't even greet you. Is that clear?

— But she's just a child. She's not worth it.

— You tell your mother to sit on her ass and recuperate, not get into fights in her condition. — I pause for a moment and turn my head away to dramatize. — When I'm gone, she can go on living, and she can't blame herself for anything. If I hadn't wanted to, I wouldn't have gotten involved. — I blink my eyes and finally see four Zamas and the enemy's commander-in-chief. — It's time.

I approach our commander-in-chief, who neither I nor the foxes obey.

— I will now strike the enemy commander three times, and when I see the signs of enlightenment in the man's eyes, I immediately break them. — But it's only a temporary measure, because I've considered one chief and four deputies. But I will certainly destroy three of them. After the blow, I'll make a break for the enemy, and the foxes will move to the center. I advise you to strike with all your might and run away, but it's up to you. That's it.

— How much time? — growled the Ayakashi.

— Three minutes. — Without turning around.

I began to fold the seals one by one, a meter long band, then on top of the first layer, the second and so on four times. Each seal required a different amount of magic, and each finished projectile even more. I used up half of my reserve for three bowls, and it's good that the reserve is restored rather quickly if I'm not exhausted — a few hours, while it takes days if I'm exhausted.

On the other hand, there is an opinion, and it seems to be confirmed, that if you actively train in adolescence and either get full exhaustion or close to it, you can increase the natural limit of the reserve. But this knowledge is not available to everyone, and those who know it, i.e. carriers of the old bloodline, i.e. "thoroughbred" aristocrats, will not do it — there's no need, they, or rather WE, are not deprived by nature, and not everyone will agree to endure infirmity and flu symptoms.

Having finished the preparation, I go out in the first line, looking for my targets, also watching the complex weaving of the mage-ayakashi from the corner of my eye. From the side, I can hear the squad members and the commander talking quietly.

— How much longer? — An angry male voice.

— Another minute. — A tense female voice pressed to the limit.

— I'll wait. — I answered the unasked question in a calm voice.

I wonder what this spell does, if it takes so much power and concentration to weave it. I sense that this spell uses some subtle, simultaneous, multiple manipulation of energy flows. I was slapped on the shoulder with the palm of my hand and immediately activated the first 'temporary artifact' or 'disposable artifact'.

My body itself flowed into the familiar stance, and a meter and a half long spear, low humming and crackling with small electrical discharges and glowing with a bright blue, almost white light, went into the target. A rumble of thunder. A second spear. A clap of thunder. The third... just left my hand as I charged forward, my eyes searching for powerful barriers and various restraints. It's all energy consuming and very difficult, and there are very few masters of these areas of protective magic, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

As I walked halfway to reassemble the sand shield, I not only heard the sound of the bursting water bubble, but also saw the explosion of the Ayakashi mages' handiwork. He also noticed a few bursts of fire and even saw a few multicolored rays coming from different directions.

I could have run the remaining two dozen meters, but the katana and naginata wielders had spotted me and prepared to greet me, and the ranged support stood a little to the side. "Shimmering step," and I stood to the side of the support mage, frozen in astonishment, the swing of the blade cutting his throat, and the young man, red all over, falling to the ground. His comrades jumped up, while one of them held me back with a naginata as best he could, the other tried to do something, to help, but it was too late — the blade was poisoned and the wound was fatal.

No way out. With the owner of the naginata it was difficult, only a chopping swing, followed immediately by a horizontal strike, gave a good chance. Falling to the ground, throwing his legs up, almost knocking the weapon out, the tip of the tsuruga reaches his wrists, damaging the tendons. The naginata falls, the second fighter screams from the side, but the sharp sting of my tsuruga is already piercing the enemy's heart.

A hasty katana strike lands on the shield, and the second mercenary is stabbed to death. I retrieve my blade and, on pure instinct, jump away as I hear the body of the one I killed shatter (I learned this three seconds later when I did a double backflip and turned around). Quickly determining who is attacking me, I do a "step" to the three mages — thirty meters in an instant.

My mother taught me this move. Essentially, Shimmer Step is the same as Teleport, but for shorter distances. The downside is the short distance, as well as the energy consumption: one Shimmering Step uses about the same amount of energy as a regular teleport.

There are more advantages. The most important is that there are no side effects like disorientation and seasickness, so it can be used effectively in combat. The second advantage is the acceleration effect: by moving with a minimum of time and keeping a fast pace, you can speed up your movement in space and even build it up. This is very convenient, but it takes time to master, and it also creates difficulties when learning a standard teleport.

As soon as I started moving, I didn't waste any time and immediately stabbed one mage in the chest. The other two tried to rush to the side, putting up shields that were ineffective against spiritual weapons. I managed to reach the throat of one of them and cut his veins, but the second one had to be approached by rolling over, because he was bursting with a series of colored rays.

Two swings of the blade and it was done. I froze and decided to catch my breath and look around. I only took a few deep breaths before the sense of danger became a rabid beast and I leapt fishlike to the side, but I didn't escape the fire completely. A line of distorted air hit my leg and I was twisted and thrown sideways.

 As soon as I was in a stable position, I noticed that the fox's 'glass' defense was falling off me. Considering the fact that I'd never been hit before, and how much power the 'furry viper' had put into the shield, it's safe to say that I might have lost my leg just now.

Thank you, dear, beautiful and wonderful kitsune Kurumi! I'll thank you when I meet you!

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