HP: The Arcane Thief (LitRPG)

Chapter 44: The Final Day

Ever since that night, Umbridge LOATHED Axel with a passion and she wasn't as afraid to show it as she was the night she pissed herself.

Maybe because she refused to believe that her life was actually in danger for a moment that night and it wasn't a coincidence that she ended up pissing herself.

And how would she know better? After all, she was but a toad living in a well. In her world, a mudblood kid can't possibly be dangerous to her, right?

Thus, she tried to pick on Axel at every opportunity she got. She even tried to give him another detension though Axel never came and there was nothing she could do about it.

What could she do? Deduct points? Not from her beloved Slytherin House. And if she brings attention to her detentions by complaining to other teachers or something, many questions will be raised and her detention techniques and torture would be exposed. So basically, she could do nothing except for only annoying Axel further.

And Axel didn't do anything either. Basically, he could complain to the Headmaster about it, but then when the bitch actually dies, everyone will know that he had a motive. Besides, what would he even accomplish by telling everyone? It would only mess up with his plans.

He had already planned for every scenario of stealing the stone. And currently, there's one plan that he thinks has the most chances of him getting the stone.

24th June. It's the day when the exams end. But, it also has another significance. Dumbledore's going to attend an ICW meeting on this day and it's going to be the best day of stealing the stone.

Not because Dumbledore, whose power intimidates Axel will not be present that day, but because that is the best day for the other thief to make their move as well. Axel figured it would be best to let others do the work for him and then pick up the rewards afterwards.

If they fail, it would at least make him aware of what not to do. Up until now, this is the only plan that has the least chances of failing.

Of course there's the thing of directly asking the old man for some Elixer of Life, but Axel is done trusting adults in power. If the old man refused, from then on, Axel would be a prime suspect if the stone is ever stolen. Him being healed would also mean the same thing. Certainly not a viable option.

Thus, Axel waited. He waited until that day to come. The last day of the exams.

On the morning of 24th, Axel woke up after an 8 hour sleep. He figured a better state of mind and body would help him more now than any meager preparations and training.

After getting ready he went to take his last two exams of the first year: Dueling and History.

Of course, he'd made no preparations, like any of his other exams. But he'd done very well in all of them anyway. The written portion, he had done pretty well since his memory wasn't bad and the system had helped in some questions. Though it was a different matter that he had to sit in isolation and use Self writing Quills due to his hands.

As for the practicals, he'd aced everything except Potions. But! He'd actually managed a P(Poor), which was actually above D (dreadful) and T(Troll) due to his practice over the year. Not to brag, but there are very few things he wouldn't be able to do if given a few more years, even with a crippled body.

More than once, he's witnessed people taking comfort in the fact that he was a cripple.

Because... they're too afraid to imagine what he'd be like in his perfect condition.

And frankly, even Axel could no longer imagine what it would be like... to not have any pain for once and just do things without this massive handicap.

And the closer he's getting close to finding that out, the more impatient he's becoming.

With the intention to quickly get it over with, he went to the Dueling Arena.

"Axel Hunt," called out Mrs. Longbottom. The test would be taken a few students at a time and it would seem that he was among the first group.

The Dueling Exam was just an exam which would last a few minutes at most in which the students display some physical and dueling skills, show some spells, and hit some targets.

"You've worked very hard, Axel," after his test, he got a rare praise from Professor Alice who gave him a pat on the back as he left. She put his score on a big screen which had the names of all the first years written on it.

Needless to say, he'd aced the fuck out of it. Even in the target practice, in which he used to be the weakest in the whole class, he'd managed to perform decently.

In fact, after everyone had taken the test, his overall average turned out to be the highest in the class, meaning he was the best duelist in the whole first year.

"It's Hunt!"

"Blimey! He used to be worse than me..."

"Yeah! I saw him in the beginning! He couldn't even hit a single target."


Meanwhile, Axel realized that he might have screwed up a little.

'Fuck... did I not gold back enough?!' he thought as he felt the attention of the crowd focusing on him.

Of course he was going to draw attention. Those whom he had outperformed also had students like Rose Potter, who'd gotten special training since childhood.

But of course, none of them even came close to the amount of hard work he'd put in. And none of them had a system. So, it shouldn't be a surprise. Just the crazy expensive diet along with potions and those exercises had ensured that he'd be superior to any first year by a huge margin. He just felt uncomfortable with the attention.

Axel sighed.

'But, at least... it prevented one problem,' he thought, looking at Draco Malfoy who was currently glaring at Axel. This coward wants to challenge Axel again. But, it looks like he's afraid of losing. Maybe... he's felt it by now.

That despite all the dark magic he learns, he'll never beat Axel. The distance between them will only increase with time.

"I'll get you next year, Hunt!" He heard Malfoy calling out. And Axel felt so disdainful that he didn't even bother thinking about it, let alone reacting.

After the Dueling Exams, Axel had History exam next. As he was leaving with everyone else, someone called out to him.

"Hey! Axel!"

Axel turned around to find that it was Susan who'd called him out, and the rest of the party was also there including Rose, Hermione, Daphne, Hannah and Neville.


Rose's grip on her wand tightened as she looked at the scoreboard.

Somehow, she was actually second. Not first. In Dueling.

Being raised as a Black and the girl who lived, she was used to the fact that she was superior to others in many aspects.

She'd gotten a special early education in all subjects. And Dueling had always been one of her stronger suits. Her talent in Dueling was comparable to her talent in flying. So, she was already used to the fact that she'll be the best.

But somehow, someone had managed to beat her and take the first place. And it wasn't just anybody.

'That guy...'

Rose grinded her teeth. Did it have to be Axel Hunt?! Rose could still recall the first time they'd met. He was a skinny boy, barely able to eat with his injured hands, and his movements were incredibly sluggish.

When Andromeda had told her that his condition wouldn't improve and he most likely won't be able to do magic properly, she'd felt pity for him.

She'd even witnessed with her own eyes how even doing a Lumos, which she had learnt easily quite early in her life, was so difficult for him.

Yet, here they are... After just a year, that weak and skinny boy whom she used to bully was nowhere to be seen. Now there's an intimidating tall guy who's emanating a dominating presence by just standing there, with a predator's grace.

"Why?!" She asked Susan as the students finished giving their tests.

"Is it really necessary?"

"Yeah, we shouldn't invite him," agreed Neville.

Susan gave Rose an 'Are-you-dumb?' look.

"Of course it's necessary! How many reasons do you need? No one believes in our story and we need as much help as we can get. Besides, he's even better than you, he'll be a ton of help," she reasoned.

Rose sighed. She already knew that. But taking help from Axel? She didn't want to do that! Especially after what he'd said...

She recalled the words he had said to her before Christmas—

'if you're feeling jealous and insecure about someone else getting more attention, don't try to take it out on me!'—Those were his words. And they infuriated her so much! Not because they were rude and insulting. But because… there was indeed some truth to them.

Having most of her life spent under their care, Rose had come to see the Black family as her own family. But… there was always the insecurity that she wasn't related to them by Blood. She was an outsider. And then Axel came along, another outsider, but he was suddenly being treated more like a family than her! Thus, she can't be blamed for having resentment, especially since it looks so unnatural, as if he'd put a spell on them.

What's even more infuriating is how he doesn't even seem to value the care and concern he's getting from them.

"We should ask him," said Hermione, "What do you think, Daphne?"

She asked Daphne, who knew Axel the best.

Daphne didn't say anything. She didn't want Axel to be dragged into this but she also didn't want to hide it from him.

As the class was over, all of them went to Axel together and Rose and Neville, who were both opposed to telling him, could only follow.


"So... you're saying the thief will go for the stone tonight?"

Axel looked at the Golden group with a poker face as they stood in a secluded area. Behind his poker face, he was a bit annoyed.

Susan nodded eagerly,

"Yeah. And we're going to stop whoever it is from stealing the stone!"



the sense bafflement experienced by Axel was so intense that his poker face broke.

"You guys... are going to stop whoever it is... on your own?" He asked, trying to put it straight.

'So... is that how the normal children my age think?' He wondered.

The place is designed by Dumbledore, the greatest wizard of the time. And according to them, the person they are trying to stop is at least a Professor Level. So...what exactly gives them the confidence that they won't be killed due to traps, wards or the mysterious attacker within a few minutes of entering?

The group nodded, confirming his absurd words.

"And we need your help!" Said Susan. "We need you to help us stop the thief and prevent the Philosopher's Stone from falling into wrong hands,"

Axel found it ironic that they were asking the thief to stop the theft from happening.

"Why don't you guys inform any authorities? One of you has a mother who's a professor here, one of you has an aunt who's the head of DMLE, and one of you has aunt who's the Minister of magic?" He asked.

The group looked at each other helplessly.

"We tried. None of them would believe us!" Said Neville in frustration.

Axel nodded. To be honest, they did sound quite nuts.

Looking at all of them hopefully looking at him, Axel sighed,

"Look. If you guys think that you can actually take on the thief and get past the security, then you're wrong. You'd have to be very lucky for that to happen and any of you can die any time. So, I'd advise you to just sleep tight and let the stone get stolen or whatever. As for you..." he said, turning to Daphne.

"I expected you to be smarter than this. Why are you going along with their childish delusions?"

Unable to meet his eyes, Daphne looked away, ashamed.

"I... I'm sorry," she muttered.

Axel shook his head.

"You aren't going, understand?" He asked strictly.


Daphne could only nod under the pressure she felt.

Inwardly, Axel sighed. He can't have her go. If only the entrance had such subtle yet powerful wards, there's no telling what might be inside.

So, Axel didn't care much about others going. But he certainly can't let Daphne go. Others would even be welcome diversions, but since they weren't exactly bad, he had tried warning them. It was upto their own brain and luck from here.

Hermione had a lot to say about that,

"Excuse me! How can you dictate her life like that?! She can make her own choices, who are you to make them for her?"

"Mind your own business, Ginger,"

Axel just ignored her as he began walking once again. He had an exam to take.

Though just as he was leaving, he heard Rose speak up for the first time.

"So... you're not going to help? You're going to let that thief steal the Philosopher's Stone just like that?"

Axel turned to glance at Rose.

"Well, I missed the part where that was any of my business," he said with a shrug as he walked away, leaving them all staring with different thoughts in their minds.


History exam was quite easy for Axel. He didn't even have to use the system since he'd paid active attention in the classes.

Axel looked at the questions.

"Why do you think the Early Age was the most prosperous age in the Britain's Magical History? What led to the Medieval age?"

"What do you know about the Magical Civilization of Egypt? What did the Egyptian Wizards learn from the Pyramids?"

"Why is Atlantis considered the oldest magical civilization? What led to its downfall?"

"What is ninjutsu? What do you know about the Ninja Wars in the Japanese Magical Civilization?"


Yep. If the questions were like these, he didn't have any problem answering. Who'd want to remember the boring and useless Goblin Revulsion/ Revolution and other dumb things?

Professor Gorski always taught interesting and useful things. It was the only class in which he didn't train or do anything else during the period and only focused on the class.

"Mr. Hunt?"

Just as Axel was about to leave after submitting his exam to Gorski, the professor stopped him.

"Yes, Professor?"

The exams of the rest of the students had already been submitted and Axel was the last one whose answersheet had been collected.

Professor Gorski indicated the pile of sheets that was gathered around him.

"Would you help me take this to my office?"

"Sure," Axel shrugged as he nodded.

"You know, Mr Hunt, you have been quite a mystery at Hogwarts. Even among the Professors," said Gorski as they walked.

"And why's that, Professor?"

Gorski chuckled,

"Surely must be aware of the reasons yourself, Mr. Hunt. Professors talk, a lot. And your name has been brought up multiple times...The student with condition. Your hardwork, your rate of improvement, your tenacity are highly praised among the Professors,"

Axel sighed, wondering if he should have showed an average performance.

"And of course, what makes you so mysterious is, even after attracting so much attention, no one quite knows your background."

"..." That had been a mystery to Axel as well, but whatever.

While talking, they had already reached his office. As Axel put down the books on the table, Professor Gorski looked him in the eyes as he asked.

"Mr. Hunt. Just out of curiosity, could you tell me your father's name?" He asked surprising him. But... what surprised him more was the Legilimancy probe he felt right after.

A.N.: Need more ratings. 

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