HP: The Crazy One

Chapter 34: A Reflection


“… Zane,”

“…” I open my eyes and see a small creature with beady eyes staring directly at me.

“Jesus Christ!” I shouted and jumped out of bed, hiding behind it.

“It is not Jesus, Master Zane, but Julis,” The creature responded.

I poked my head over the beddings and observed the creature in more detail. It was still dark-out, and I couldn’t make out much.

“… Julis? Why did you wake me up so early?” I asked in a groggy manner.

“Julis has prepared a new set of clothes for Master Zane!” He shouted.

‘Oh right, I forgot that my old robes were a pink, burnt mess,’

“Thank you, Julis. Do you know where my wand is?”

“Master Zane is missing his wand?”

“Yes, I think it was forced quite some distance due to the explosion,”

“I will keep an eye out Master Zane, have no worries!”

I give a wry smile. Somehow, I am now worried.

“No need, Julis, I’ll find it myself,”

“Ok, Master Zane,”


I didn’t even get to say goodbye to Julis before he clicked his fingers and disappeared in front of me.

‘I have got to learn how to do that’

I look around my room to see both of my roommates dead asleep, and my area of the dorms a complete mess. I was sure I didn’t cause this, so I’m not sure how this even happened. I get changed into the new set of Robes that Julis gave me and instinctively go to grab my wand.

“Oh, right,” I said aloud.

Strangely, there was no Luna or Meowser today to wake me up, guess I became used to it or half expected it from her. I creep out of the room, trying not to disturb my room mates, but its probably not a problem considering they didn’t wake up when Julis scared me awake.

I walked through the corridors of the dorm area into the common room of the Ravenclaw house and am greeted by a few night owls who look at me with a mixture of fear and hesitation.

‘I’m not sure what they are scared of, I don’t even have my wand right now,’

I ignored their stares and made my way towards the common room door, which opened automatically for me. I walked outside of the common room and am greeted by a pitch-black corridor, and ambient temperatures that are considerably lower compared to the common room. I take a few steps out of the common room before the corridor torches ignite themselves, providing lighting towards the end of the corridor.

“Thanks,” I muttered to no one specifically.

I make my way towards the kitchen and approach the painting, which opens automatically for me.

‘No password?’

Inside were some sleeping house-elves that were littered all over the floors and wooden tables.

“Uh-“ I started to speak before I was cut off by Julis.

“Shhh, Master, they are sleeping. Here is your coffee,”

“How did-“


Julis seemed adamant that I not speak, and simply gave me the coffee that I wanted before snapping his fingers and popping me out of the kitchen. It was a nauseating experience, and I had to sit down for a minute or two.

“Give me a warning next time, man,” I muttered again.

I had a sip of the coffee they gave me, and it was good. I wonder what would happen if I introduced them to coffee machines. Would they freak out?

I began to wander the halls of Hogwarts while sipping coffee. It was oddly therapeutic, and I wasn’t thinking about anything for most of the walk. A few times I would reach the end of a corridor and only one side would be lit up. I took the lit up path considering I could actually see what lay ahead and was generally more safer for me to take. Who knew what is lurking in the darkness at Hogwarts, literally.

It wasn’t long before I ended up stopping at a window that had an awesome view of the lake, and prepared to watch the sun rise. During this period I started to reflect on my actions so far and the situations I have already experienced just three-ish days into Hogwarts.

First day, my parents didn’t even accompany me into the train platform and left me to my own devices. They didn’t even ask that I write home to them and didn’t leave an address for me to write too. I keep forgetting the address of my own house - something I’m suspecting magic to be the cause of. Thinking back, this is unusual behavior and I should have questioned it right then and there. Then I meet a strange but funny girl who seems to have a bad reputation among the other wizards for no conceivable reason, Meowser also kept getting stolen by her and now I haven’t seen her in a day or so now.

Then I spaced out completely at the sorting ceremony, missing who else was in my year apart from Luna and then I had to deal with temporary schizophrenia from a magical hat who judged me for reading too many books. Then I learned about Nargles which I need to look more into out of sheer curiosity and perhaps even safety. My two roommates don’t seem to want to interact with me, then the next day I saw a Thestral, spoke to Harry Potter, found the kitchen, got up to random things really.

Looking back on my experiences so far, aside from being blown up I’ve had fun exploring Hogwarts and magic, and I haven’t even gotten into the meat of it.

I then started to zone out, looking at the reflection of the lake sparkle under the moonlight, slowly dimming while the sun threatened to rise. It was then I saw the sun breach the horizon and slowly rise over the lake of Hogwarts, projecting a feeling of warmth over my face.

Watching the sun rise, I snap out of my daze and look around the corridor. There was no one around me, and I sigh in relief. Whenever I zone out a bomb could explode next to me, and I wouldn’t even notice.

I make my way towards the outside of Hogwarts, mainly where I did the experiment yesterday. The crater is completely gone and looked as if nothing even happened.

“Ahh, magic,” I say aloud in a mix of awe and curiosity.

There was no perceivable scars left from the explosion and if it wasn’t for my memory of it happening and the scars on my arms and legs, I would doubt it ever happened. Back to the task at hand, I need to find my wand.

I search the area round the experiment, occasionally sending out pulses of magic through my feet and waiting to see if I get any responses. I also use my eyes since maybe that wouldn’t work to begin with. Spending a good hour or so, I sit exhausted on the floor wondering where my wand could have possibly gone. It wasn’t within any reasonable distance from the experiment’s explosion area, and I had no responses using my feet as radars.

I lay down on the grass and stare into the sky, taking the sky and its surroundings all in. I closed my eyes and decided to take a nap, but I felt something come up next to my head. I opened my eyes to look and saw a Platypus with slightly longer fur looking at me with its strange eyes. Of course, considering this was a magical school this wasn’t a platypus.

It looked at me before reaching into what looked like a very well concealed pouch and pulling out a stick from it, or more specifically, my wand.

“My wand!” I shouted in surprise.

This startled the strange platypus, who threw my wand out and ran away.

“… whoops,”

I didn’t even get a chance to thank it, or what it had it to begin with, or how a stick the size of it fit in its pouch, or why it gave my wand to me. So many questions.

I waved my wand around and it responded to my magic by shooting out fireworks from its tip, as if happy to be back in my possession.

“That cant be a coincidence,” I decided.

Too many coincidences have happened around me for my liking, and the platypus with a pouch giving me my wand is probably at the top of the list. I make a mental note to look further into it. Speaking of coincidences, I see a group of three approaching me from a distance.

“There he is!” I heard Ron shout.

They then start running towards me, who is still laying down in the grass, intent on bothering me with their strange antics. They stop next to me, then start catching their breath.

“Where were you this morning?” Hermione asked.

“I…” Thinking back on it, where was I? I kind of just followed Hogwarts lights before stopping to watch the sunrise.

“… don’t know?” I finished.

This earned a very judgmental look from Hermione, who opened her mouth to continue judging me with words.

“You missed Professor Snapes potions class, and he has given you detention,”

“Ah… where does he do detention?”

“His potions class, I have detention too,” Harry responded for her.

“And when is it?” I asked.

“In 5 minutes,” Hermione cut back into the conversation.

I quickly sit up, which causes the coffee cup from this morning to fall out of my robe pocket onto the floor. I pick it back up and put it into my pocket before turning my attention to Harry.

“Why do you-“ Harry started.

“Don’t worry about that, lets get going,” I said, before speed walking towards the castle.

‘Ahh what an eventful day, and it’s not even mid-day,’ I thought to myself.


[Professor Snapes Potion Dungeon]


Me and Harry walk through the doors, which close behind us and walk towards the desks.

“I see the Fool and the Star have both arrived,” Snape started to speak the moment we walked into the class room.

“And why didn’t you come to this morning’s lesson, Mr. Zouglas?” Snape looked at me with a glare.

“I was watching the sun rise and then finding my wand,” I answered honestly.

“It seems you value watching the sun rise more than my classes, is this correct Mr. Zouglas?”

I know there’s no correct answer here, so I stay quiet. You can’t fool me that easily.


“Oh… I don’t know,” I said.

Snape stayed quiet, before motioning us to sit at the desk right in front of him.

“You will both keep writing the phrase, ‘I will not skip potions class,’ until I am satisfied. Do you two understand?”

“Yes,” I responded.

“Yes, Professor,” Harry also responded.

“Good, I will be back in 30 minutes to check your progress,” Snape said, before leaving me and Harry alone in his potions dungeon.

10 minutes go by, which was sat in awkward silence and scribbles. I can tell Harry wanted to talk to me about something but kept second guessing himself.

“So…” Harry starts, which breaks me out of my daze. “About what you said, with me needing to become stronger, what did you mean by that?”

“… did I ever say that?” I replied, genuinely confused.

“Yea, we spoke in one of Hogwarts corridors, and you told me that I need to get stronger to face my fate before suddenly passing out,”

“I think I would remember something like that, however recently my memory has been worse than normal…” I said. “I should have written it down in Dororthy, Ill take a look later and get back to you.”

“Oh, ok… What do you think I should do to get stronger?” He continued.

“I can barely protect myself from my own experiments, and even then, I failed if you look at the scars on my arms and legs, what makes you think I’m the person to ask for this?”

 Harry didn’t respond, and simply sat in silence looking at my battle scars of versing my own stupidity.

Snape barged into the room shortly after, looking like he wanted to murder someone.

“Get out, both of you,” he demanded.

I took the hint and left the room, with Harry following closely behind me.

“What do you think happened?” Harry asked.

“I don’t care enough to find out, its his business,” I said.

“I’ll be going to the library, see you around, Harry,”




Author Corner:

Ive decided to clarify how much the MC knows about the HP verse. I wanted to keep it vague for plot convenience like just knowing where rowana’s diadem is and stealing it but its caused some confusion.

The MC literally only has seen the cover of the books. Yep, that’s right, he only knows that Harry Potter is important, and the world might be structured around harry potter and some random bits of knowledge that has already been demonstrated earlier in the novel. Nothing else.

I understand if you don’t really like my decision here, but like a year ago I was in a similar situation and found exploring the world of harry potter and magic much more interesting than just knowing it from a previous life and shit like that.

Another thing ive noticed is people arnt really getting the interaction between Luna and Zane, this is somewhat my fault because I didn’t put the previous chapter through Grammarly and generally didn’t put too much thought into it when they do interact, which might be jarring to read. Ill try and improve this but don’t expect too much to change immediately.

As always, thanks for reading my novel. I hope to get better with the passage of time

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