Human race, but was chased by girls from all races

Chapter 6 Opening Ceremony

"Oh, thank you, thank you..." Lin Tianlang nodded dullly, not recovering from the shock just now, until a certain silver-haired girl waved her hand in front of him.

"Na na? Moxi Moxi?"

"Ah, ah, what's wrong?" Lin Tianlang looked into the silver-haired girl's eyes.

"Well, I'm sorry. If I hadn't scared you just now, there wouldn't have been so much trouble." Xu Weiwei smiled apologetically and said a little embarrassed.

"How dare you say that!" Lin Tianlang glared at Xu Weiwei: "By the way, why are you here?"

"Why can't I be here?" Xu Weiwei asked.

"You...forget it. Haha, God really loves to joke. Twelve years of elementary school, middle school, and high school are not enough. You and I have to be thrown together in college." Lin Sirius shook his head, with a look of disgust on his face.

"Hey, what do you mean? You should feel honored to be in the same school as a beautiful girl like me!" Xu Weiwei said dissatisfied, putting her hands on her hips.

"You?" Lin Tianlang glanced sideways at Xu Weiwei: "You look okay...I can't say anything."

"What do you mean it's okay!" Xu Weiwei shouted angrily, and then punched Lin Tianlang unceremoniously.

Of course, it doesn't hurt at all.

"I didn't expect that I would let you know the university I studied in in the end..." Lin Tianlang held his forehead and sighed.

"Hey, from your tone, you seem to think this is a very bad school?" Xu Weiwei stretched out a finger, made a "NO, NO, NO" gesture, and said with dignity: "If you really do If you think about it, you are totally wrong. This school is a top magic school, and no matter how many people try to get in, they can't get in."

Lin Tianlang keenly captured the word "magic". If he had heard this sentence half an hour ago, he would have thought Xu Weiwei was crazy, but now...

"Hey, you said magic, is it true?" Lin Tianlang asked.

"Didn't you just see it with your own eyes?" Xu Weiwei replied angrily.

"No... Listening to your tone, it seems that you have known this for a long time?" Lin Tianlang asked.

"Yes!" Xu Weiwei smiled and nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You didn't even ask. And if you hadn't seen this kind of thing with your own eyes, would you believe me if I told you?" Xu Weiwei replied, leaving Lin Tianlang speechless.

"Well, that's indeed the case." Lin Tianlang was discouraged.

"Speaking of which, you actually subdued that dragon girl just now. That's awesome! I thought you were going to be beaten up." Xu Weiwei walked beside Lin Tianlang, walking lightly, and said : "That made me a little worried about you just now. I was wondering if you could survive until I called the teacher over."

"Did you call the man named Mr. Geer?" Lin Sirius asked, somewhat surprised.

"What if? Otherwise, do you think the teacher would just happen to appear there and separate you two?" Xu Weiwei said angrily.

"But what do you mean by 'can you survive until the teacher comes'? Am I that weak? Besides, the opponent is just a girl. If I can't beat a girl, then I might as well commit suicide... But then again, That red-haired girl is really powerful." Lin Tianlang said.

"This is not a question of being a girl or not. The opponent is a dragon. In terms of strength, it is normal to crush ten ordinary people." Xu Weiwei shook her head and explained.

"Haha, wait, can I understand that you care about me?" Lin Sirius raised his eyebrows.

"Who knows, we are good sisters after all. I just don't want to see you beaten to death by the other party." Xu Weiwei shrugged and said.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this. By the way, what exactly did they say about human race, dragon race, etc. just now? Why did everyone else, especially the red-haired girl just now, care so much about me being a human race or something? He seems to be disgusted with my identity, what's going on?" Lin Tianlang changed the topic.

"'s a bit complicated to explain. You can probably understand it as racial discrimination." Xu Weiwei thought for a while and replied.

"Can't you explain it in detail?" Lin Tianlang said, "What kind of discrimination law?"

"I won't tell you this, so as not to make you uncomfortable." Xu Weiwei replied.

"Oh, in that case, forget it, I don't want to know anymore." Lin Tianlang said nonchalantly, and then strode toward the auditorium.

"Hey - why are you like this? You can beg me, maybe you made me happy, and I will tell you when I am in a good mood?" Xu Weiwei chased after Lin Tianlang and grabbed Lin Tianlang's sleeve, looking like he had lost one Billions of expressions.

"If you want me to beg you, you have a beautiful idea!" Lin Tianlang put on an indifferent expression.

"Yeah, who cares?" Xu Weiwei crossed her arms and curled her lips. Lin Tianlang ignored her and just continued to stride forward.

"Hey, why are you walking so fast? Wait for me." Xu Weiwei chased after her.

The two people came to the auditorium together, one behind the other. The auditorium was bustling with people, and the interior decorations were all in Western style, a bit like a church. The two found an empty seat and sat down. Although Lin Tianlang wanted to remind Xu Weiwei that he was a boy after all, and you, a girl, can you keep some distance, but this guy seemed to have no consciousness at all.

Lin Tianlang glanced around at the surrounding environment. It was very noisy and everyone was wearing regular clothes. Both boys and girls were chatting enthusiastically and very excitedly.

"By the way, what race are those blond-haired people? I saw a lot of people with blond hair, both boys and girls, and most of them have long hair." Lin Tianlang asked quietly in Xu Weiwei's ear.

"Those are the elves." Xu Weiwei replied quietly.

"Elf, elf?" Lin Tianlang's eyes widened: "Yes, is it the kind of elf I understand?" Lin Sirius said while gesturing with his pointed ears.

"It's the kind of elf you understand." Xu Weiwei smiled and nodded.

"But, they don't have pointed ears?" Lin Tianlang asked.

"It's normal that your spiritual eyes are not open, so you can't see the characteristics of the major races. Including the red-haired girl you were fighting with just now. She has dragon horns on her head." Xu Weiwei narrowed one eye and blinked Blinked.

"Ah, can you see it?" Lin Tianlang asked.

"Of course you can." Xu Weiwei replied.

"Then, what are my racial characteristics?" Lin Tianlang pointed at himself.

"Haha, the human race has no obvious characteristics." Xu Weiwei said with a smile.

"Tch, why are you laughing? Aren't you the same?" Lin Tianlang said angrily.

"No, no, no, we are different. I am a protoss, and I am characterized by a very shallow divine seal on my forehead, probably at this position." Xu Weiwei pointed at the center of her eyebrows: "You can't see it now."

"So... you, you are not human either?" Lin Tianlang felt something in himself was breaking. He felt that his receptive ability was strong enough, but he received too much information in this hour, and he already felt like his brain was going to explode.

"Ahaha... If you say that, yes..." Xu Weiwei smiled awkwardly: "Let's not talk about it for now, the opening ceremony is about to begin."

"Okay..." Lin Tianlang sighed softly and looked up. I saw a white-haired man wearing white clothes walking onto the podium of the auditorium. He looked very young, probably in his early thirties.

"Good morning, freshmen. Welcome to Shenglun College. Congratulations to everyone!" The man in white had a very loud voice. I didn't realize how loud he was, but his voice was clear enough for everyone to hear. Lin Tianlang found that there was no microphone on the podium, and there were no loudspeakers on the walls around the auditorium.

Magic again? Lin Tianlang thought to himself, this was somewhat shocking to him.

After the man in white finished speaking, a large burst of warm applause broke out in the auditorium. The freshmen seemed to be in high spirits and excited, and they were all applauding vigorously.

"Let me introduce myself. I am the principal of Saint-Lun College. My name is Gary Vincent. You can just call me Principal Vincent. Next, please let me introduce you to the teachers." Calling himself Vincent said the white-haired man who was the principal.

"Is this the young." Lin Tianlang secretly sighed.

"What a young principal, very handsome."

"Yes, yes, it's not good, I feel like I'm going to fall..."

Lin Tianlang couldn't help but shook his head when he heard some girls talking quietly around him.

"Yes, yes, I thought the principal would be an old mage like Gandalf who was very senior at first glance. He looks like he is in his thirties now." Xu Weiwei said in surprise: "And, He also looks pretty good-looking. I never expected that the principal would be such a handsome man!"

The opening ceremony continued. Principal Vincent gave a passionate speech on the podium, but Lin Sirius hardly listened to much of the content. However, Principal Vincent didn't speak for too long. Unlike those who were the principals of junior high and high schools before Lin Sirius who had to speak for half an hour for the sake of length, he ended his speech in only ten minutes. This point made Lin Tianlang immediately awe-inspiring.

"Okay, you probably don't like listening to these long speeches, so I'll end it here. Although there is still half of the manuscript I haven't finished reading, but who cares? I hope you can enjoy your study life at Shenlun College. Strive to become a magician who is useful to society as soon as possible! Okay, thank you everyone!" Principal Vincent said easily, and thunderous applause suddenly broke out in the auditorium. The students clapped and shouted excitedly.

"Everyone, don't leave in a hurry! Come here to get the class notice and uniforms! Separate boys and girls!" A familiar voice rang. It was Mr. Geer. He was standing in a corner of the auditorium, looking into the auditorium. The students waved.

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