Husband of the Goblin Tribe

Chapter One – In which Ark, our main character, has his virginity taken by a thirsty goblin.

When I came to, I had to face a few sobering facts immediately. My two fellow party members, Stella and Kairos, have likely been killed and I’ve somehow been taken prisoner by the thing that all too easily defeated us. It’s shameful to admit, but having just been freshly promoted to Copper-rank adventurers, we thought the goblin subjugation quest we took was going to be piss-easy for us to complete.

But we were wrong. So very wrong.

What we encountered deep in that forest was most certainly not a goblin. In the face of whatever it was that had the shape of a humanoid, the power it possessed was on another level entirely. Likely, in comparison to it, we weren’t even at the level of a goblin. We were barely mosquitoes, and it slapped us… hard. Kairos went down first, having his weapon batted away before being batted away himself right into a thick tree, his body crumpling. Stella was the next one attacked, hit by a magical bolt. A chilling scream from her followed by a thump attested to that. As for myself, I was perfectly counter-spelled. Whatever magic that creature used, it disrupted the fireball spell I was casting and rendered me unconscious.

But for the life of me, I don’t know why I’m not dead.

The room I woke up in was pitch black. I found that both my wrists and ankles were bound tightly by rope, but not so much that the circulation of blood was cut off. I was also stripped completely naked of my clothes, which only boosted my paranoia about some kind of creepy-crawly that didn’t need light to see where it was going, deciding to climb up my body and having a leisurely taste of my flesh.

They say that paranoia is a perfectly healthy response when in an unforeseen situation. It seemed fitting then that I was paranoid then, because something suddenly touched my exposed manhood, causing me to yelp in fear. A series of guttural noises echoed in response as I tried to somehow shift my body away from whatever it was. A cold chill passed from my dick right up my spine and into my brain where fear began to take hold about what plans the creature I couldn’t make out in the darkness had for me.

However, no violence was forthcoming.

Whatever it was that touched me didn’t bother to touch that part of me again. I was left alone for a white longer and I admit to clenching my jaw while trying to contain my fear, even though I did whimper and cried out a bit anyway. I had expected an entirely different kind of isekai life, not some grueling world stuck in the hellish, technologically devoid past, even if it had something amazing as magic in it.

There was no further recurrence of the guttural noises I heard from whatever touched me, so I may have been abandoned by whatever it was for now. Since I couldn’t see and I was afraid to say anything, all I could do was spend my time thinking about my current situation. But thinking alone wouldn’t get me out of these ropes I was securely tied with, and I had nothing on my person that I could use to cut them or do anything about.

In the end, all I could do was wait. Wait in the suffocating darkness for god only knows what to happen again.

I don’t know if it was a short amount of time or a long amount of time I had waited in the interim, but I could somehow sense that I wasn’t alone anymore. There was some kind of creature that had come close to me. But it wasn’t alone. This time, two guttural voices barked at each other and one of them tried to touch my meat stick again, and once more I resisted with all I could, which was to say, I could do a hell of a lot of nothing to protect myself from having my manhood groped thoroughly by it this time.

The voices barked at each other for a few more moments before the two voices eventually became only one. I could feel the warmth of the other creature and it had to be a humanoid creature of some kind. The creature had laid down next to me, and the hand which had been touching my crotch was now draped over my chest.

It was excessively warm, and naked. Fully naked, save for a cloth of some kind around the waist that gave me an itchy sensation when it touched my skin. I was terrified at the thought of being raped by it, should it be male, but when a certain softness that was part of its body began pressing into my torso, I wondered if that was the case here.


The yet unknown creature said that word softly to me, and I could only remain somewhat paralyzed as we lay together. I don’t think either of us would be sleeping anytime soon. While I was tied up with my hands raised above my head, I was able to slowly lower them down to my chest, though when I began to do so, the creature, or goblin as I surmised it must have been, instantly rolled away and began to bark at me.

“Wait!” I spoke loudly, hoping it wouldn’t strike me or worse.

“Dak. Ig un guh ugth.”

“I… I don’t know what you are saying. I don’t speak goblin. I was just moving my arms, that’s all. I’m not stupid enough to try and attack you, being tied up like this.”

There was no reply at first, and I slowly moved my arms back above my head.

“I’m sorry, okay? It was just uncomfortable to stay like that.”

A sound, somewhere between a sigh and a snort echoed from where the goblin should be.

“Dak. Zab gik nok dokt.”

“I have no idea what you’re saying, just don’t kill me.” I said, and tried to remain as docile as possible. The goblin had moved near to my head and took hold of my wrist, moving my arms over my head so they could rest on my stomach.


The goblin remained silent, perhaps awaiting a reply from me. Did it understand me?

“Thank you.” I answered. At least if I was going to suffer, my arms weren’t going to be all pins and needles.

The goblin then shifted back into the position it was in before, this time draping a leg over me as well as an arm. I was being used as some kind of body pillow, as far as I could put it together. I decided to give up worrying for the moment, and just closed my eyes.


It said again, and I felt like it had tried to hug me tightly. Not tight enough to crush my ribs or anything, just… something… bordering on affectionate? Sure I was creeped out, but when it came down to brass tacks, it was better than any of the other horrific alternatives my brain was only too happy to put forth. I don’t think the goblin even tried to sleep, but at the very least, I felt like the immediate threat of death was off the table. I just hoped it wasn’t hugging me like this so as to tenderize me for being eaten later.

I had no clue what it was saying, but one word was repeated clearly, over and over.


I said it quietly, and that got a reaction from the goblin hugging me.


“What is… Dak?”

The goblin rolled on top of me. On top of my hands, specifically, and I could feel something soft pressing down on them. I was able to twist my hands a little bit to let my fingers deliver me some kind of tactile image since there was no light, and what I felt, for as much as I knew of both human and goblin biology… I had to assume it was a pussy. Goblins… have a pussy, similar to that of a human’s… right? I admit to not being educated on that bit of esoteric knowledge.

Did the word Dak have to do with sex?

There wasn’t enough information to conclude it was, but it hardly mattered right now. I could feel an incredible warmth radiating off of it. The idea of experiencing goblin pussy wasn’t anywhere in the list of fetishes I thought I might ever awaken to in this world, but there it was anyway.

I was being made to feel up a female goblin.

“Dak. Gip nim sid.”

“I’m sorry, I have no idea what you are saying.”

She lifted her hips, letting her hands touch my manhood again.

“Gip nim sid. Dak. Kitk ik urk.”

Either I was thinking something entirely unnecessary, or it almost seemed like the goblin was extremely interested in my dick. I didn’t even have an idea of what this female goblin looked like, assuming that is what it was, though perhaps it was for the better, I decided. If it was a horribly ugly creature, as goblins were known to be, there was no way my partner down there was going to react positively to it.

I had tried to pull my hands out from underneath her, but the goblin grasped my wrists quickly.

“Dak. Ik tak doo?”

“Uh… I’m just trying to help. If you want my thing to work, can you at least let me try something?”

I waited patiently while her grip lessened, and I slowly raised my bound hands upward along her body, so she didn’t think I was making any dangerous movements. When I had reached the place I was aiming for, I was fairly certain the thing both of my hands had captured was a breast. A… pretty large breast, all things considered.

“Dak. Tokt?”

I hope she was asking if I liked it, because I hope I did too.


I repeated the word she spoke, though I tried to inflect it as she did, hoping the way she said it was a question. It could have meant breast or tits or something along those lines. If it had, it might still be useful. Maybe if she understood if I could touch them somewhat freely, it might help. I can’t say I was looking forward to the idea of sex with a female goblin, but if it meant I might live another day, I was willing to compromise my humanity a bit.

In the face of certain death, it’s quite amazing how adaptable one becomes.

She had pulled my hands away from her breasts, and climbed off of me. I heard some rustling and when she had come back, I felt something sharp press against my throat. It felt like a knife, so I can only assume it was a warning of some kind.

“Dak. Suk tokt. Gip nim sid.”

I felt the knife pull away from my neck, and it went for the rope around my wrists.

“Tokt ekt.”

When I felt the ropes fall away, I kept my hands where they were.

“Tokt?” I asked again.

She snatched my hands and pulled them to her breasts, which now that I had control of my hands again, felt quite large and fluffy. I was quick to grope them, gently, and just try and imagine it wasn’t some fugly pocked and wart covered abomination everywhere else but where I was touching. I closed my eyes and tried to think of the most beautiful women I had ever seen, in an effort to stir my boy to life, so that we could both live to see another day.


I think it’s working. I’m a bit nervous, plenty nauseous about the prospect of raw dogging a gobbo, but I doubt there is much of a chance that they would give me time to learn their language enough to say that I’m willing to do whatever I need to so I don’t die before getting what they want, so I’m just trying to cooperate enough for now to make it to the next day. I’m not craven by the way, this is just a lot to deal with suddenly. It’s not like there were extensive classes that taught goblin-speak available through the adventurer’s guild.

I let go of her breasts, slowly lowered my hands along the front of her body, noticing now that it was both squish and kind of toned. I reached her legs and moved to put my hands on her hips, slowly, giving a little push in the hopes she would understand I wanted her to move back so that she could understand when I was… ready.

“Dak tokt. Uh.. gip im sid?”

“Gip nim sid.”

“Right. Gip nim sid.”

She shifted back and my hands kept to her body, slowly moving up until they were again able to grope her large goblin breasts. Between the groping and the heat from her goblin cunt, my guy decided to make good on saving my ass here, by poking upwards at the crotch of the goblin that was straddling me.


She reached down between her legs and I could feel those calloused fingers touching it, trying to help it along as it got bigger and directing it to the place she wanted it to go. There was just one problem. I think it was too big to go inside.

“Dak ogt!”

She slid off of me quickly, the heat of her goblin pussy replaced by what had to be her tongue. She was spitting on and licking my junk with what I hoped to god was her tongue before climbing back on me and lining my partner up for the performance of my lifetime.

Is it okay if I take a moment to say that I’m a double virgin?

Yep. Both in my previous life and this life, I’d never gotten lucky. Kind of sad that I have to allow being raped by a goblin to be how I lose it over two lifetimes, but… does it even count? Is a goblin civilized enough to be considered something other than a beast or monster?

Those kinds of esoteric moral questions would have to wait to be answered. For now, I could hear a shrill cry and I felt like my dick was being crushed by how tight she was. Though my hands were groping her chest, her hands were grabbing onto my wrists with a great deal of force.

“Dak. Tokt! Tokt! Gip nim sid!”

Though it was slow going at first, she was able to acclimatize her body to receive my partner properly. After a moment, we were able to do the nasty after all. She was relatively dry inside at first, but after the sloppy blowjob, I was able to find some kind of reservoir of cunt juice inside of her and I started fucking it out of her to the point that it was drooling around my tightly fitted cock and guhshed out of her pussy right into my crotch with each piston.

While she was holding onto my wrists as she rode me, I also thought it was in my best interest to cooperate with a few extra thrusts of my own. She would howl each time I did. All I could see of her in the darkness were her glowing green eyes. Only that.

“Dak! Dak!”

She pulled my hands to her chest, a clear invitation to grope her plentifully. I did so, not exactly hating what was going on right now, since I was holding on to the mental thought that it was a beautiful woman, maybe a luscious eye-catching whore who I wouldn’t have ever normally thought about visiting for fear of catching a disease, but now that consent wasn’t part of the deal, I did my best in trying to enjoy what I could of the situation.

I’ll leave any impressive feats of stamina on my part out of this, because I was a virgin up until this point. Did I even last five minutes? I doubt it. My balls roiled and churned my nut-butter and I could feel my cock pump an entire puberty’s worth of seed into the fuckhole of this goblin.

“Sid! Dak Sid!”

She yelled loudly and then collapsed on me. I remained plugged inside of her while her squishy breasts pressed into my chest.


“Yeah… Dak.” I answered, hoping it was the right answer as it had somehow managed to be so far.

I had lost it to a goblin female. Normally when thinking about goblins and humans, it would be the male goblins capturing a female human and using her as a breeding sow. I’d never heard of the opposite before, but I guess this qualified. It… wasn’t so bad. Being unable to see anything but her eyes, and being allowed to touch her breasts, my imagination was able to help out with the rest and I successfully managed my first interspecies creampie.

However, as a man, and having now been awoken to what could be considered the pleasure of sex, my partner was more than willing to go again so quickly after being spent.

“Gip nim sid?” I asked her again, figuring that was the equivalent of asking if she wanted to go for round two.


I let my member throb and swell inside of her. She pushed off of me and sat back up, bringing my hands again to her breasts, as she rode me again. She was shouting something and slapped my hip with one hand. Did she want me to thrust inside of her?

The inside of her cunt felt like hot pudding, and it did wonders for me as I went wild thrusting into her, trying to impale whatever constituted a goblin womb with my cock. She was howling uncontrollably, panting on occasion when she slowed down. Drool or saliva of some kind landed on my hands, wrists, stomach… it was kind of gross, but I had already came inside of her. I don’t think it was going to get nastier than that for now.

I know I lasted a lot longer this time, and when I finally came inside of her for a second time, she yelped again and collapsed on top of me immediately, her head banging into my chin.

“Dak… tokt! Mokt tokt! Sid! Sid sid sid tokt!”

Uh… that’s good, right?

She rolled off of me after that, and I placed my wrists together on top of my stomach. I had kind of figured out by this point she could see in the dark. She reached for my wrists and patted them.

“Dak nokt im doo.”

“I won’t do anything, I swear.” I answered.

She kept a hand over my wrists, but didn’t squeeze them. Her body lay resting against mine like before, and not long after, with no light to keep my eyes focused, they closed and I went to sleep once more, hoping I would wake up in the morning…

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