Husband of the Goblin Tribe

Chapter Seven ~Interlude~ – In which thanks to Ark, interesting changes begin to manifest among the goblin tribe.

~~** Interlude | Berry **~~


Berry had woken up in the morning next to Husband without too much soreness in her fuckhole, or with legs that bent like reeds as she had heard Stone-seeker and Lily had experienced after their turn. Instead, her body felt incredibly vital, and looking down at her belly showed a round protuberance far different than anything she had been told it would look like by the old one after receiving Husband’s big seed. Husband had done his best to make her body feel good and for her fuckhole to be ready to take his big seed-stick. She had put on a front among the other goblins, but Husband had deeply cared for her when he saw the fear she showed him after the others left.

She listened to Husband as Guardian–Prima suggested, listening to his instructions so that she could have a painless first time. And it was, for the most part. Husband made her thoughts feel so scrambled, and he didn’t stop making her fuckhole–and by extension her body–feel good, ridiculously good, except between big seedings to see that she was okay. Husband wanted to give her many big seeds, and while the first one had only a moment of pain, like a small bug bite, that was the only pain she felt the entire time.

Husband had her lay on his straw bed in many different ways as he put his seed-stick inside of her each time, and every time he did, she got more and more stupid in the head. She was even fine with having reedy legs or a little bit of pain in her fuckhole if he would just keep her feeling the way she did. She was thoroughly enjoying the act of making strong ones with Husband. Her body kept shaking and she felt like pissing many times, but like Husband said, she never once actually pissed. When she was breathing heavily and could no longer even think stupidly, she felt the darkness take her in satisfaction, even while Husband kept giving thrusting his seed-stick inside of her.

Husband had given her nothing but big and strong seed throughout the night, and Berry was certain she would be having big strong ones now. She was definitely going to need to make her cave-hole bigger, and soon. It was just a little concerning to her that her belly was as big as it was so suddenly. Husband must have been very tired from working hard to give her all that big seed, because he wasn’t waking up when she shook him. Berry decided to thank Husband instead by letting him be lazy and sleep in.

Maybe she would go out and find him some tasty berries to enjoy? Husband must like berries enough to give her the name Berry!

As she quietly crept out of the breeding cave-hole where Husband slept, she froze for a moment as a certain goblin carrying both fresh meat and fire meat pointed at her with the stick of fresh meat.

“Ugly Scar! What happened!? Why is your belly big!?”

“I don’t know. Husband gave me big seed all night long. I woke up just now with a big belly.”

“What did Husband have to say about your big belly?”

“Nothing. Husband is still asleep.”

“Your legs aren’t reedy?”

“No. Fuckhole isn’t too sore either. Husband showed Berry great care last night.”

“Berry? Husband gave you a name?”



“Between the first big seed and the second? Not too sure. My head went stupid-think after that.”

Now, though the tribe of female goblins worked together when it came to things like hunting or foraging at times, they weren’t exactly known for being generous to each other. Quite the opposite, actually. They were shrewd and greedy by their very nature as goblins. Prima’s reaction to Husband sharing the fire meat with the runt–Lily, had shown this ugly side of their nature to him. So naturally, Berry would be suspicious when Prima, the goblin who had been the one leading and protecting them, she who spoke to the Great Protector together with the old one, had stuck out the piece of raw meat barely a day old still reeking of blood at her and commanded her to eat it.

Berry would normally be suspicious. As someone who hunts with poisons, she knows how easy it is to use them, to mask their scents and tastes onto other foods. But one look at the big piece of meat caused her stomach to overwhelm her normal sense of rationale.

“Eat.” Prima prompted her again.

“Why give it to me? I didn’t hunt it.”

“Because Husband is a stupid human. He gave big seed to the runt the night before, so I brought him fire meat in the morning which he likes and stream water to drink and clean seed-stick with. Then he goes and gives most of the fire meat to the runt to eat since her legs were like reeds and wouldn’t be able to hunt! Then he put her on his seed-stick and both ate from same leg of redboar fire meat hunted while he filled her belly with more big seed!”

“What was Husband thinking?”

“Husband is only good for making your head stupid-think when getting his seed-stick.”

“Husband is asleep, he won’t know if you don’t give me any meat.”

“Do you really think you’re going to hunt with a belly like that right now? Eat now, shit later, and go dig your cave-hole, since your legs aren’t reedy.”

“What am I going to owe you for this?”

“Just take it,” Prima growled, “I even went and washed my fuckhole this morning for Husband. I see your big belly and now all I want to do is just sit on his stupid head and eat his fire meat while his belly rumbles. Maybe teach him a lesson in not giving me a big swollen belly when I’m the one feeding him! Stupid Husband!”

Berry took the meat Prima offered and got lost back to her cave hole, quickly! She always had a pretty good survival instinct she thought, and it was flaring at her right now to go do exactly what Prima said. Eat meat on the way to the shit-pit, take a big shit, and then start digging out some space in her cave-hole for the coming strong ones she would now be having, perhaps much sooner than expected, if Prima’s reaction was anything to go by.


~~** Interlude | Prima **~~

“Stupid Husband, wake up!”

For the third time, Prima had kicked a deeply slumbering Ark in his side. She had tried being reasonable, shaking him gently and putting the fire meat under his nose to wake him through his appetite. But he wouldn’t budge even a little. So she slapped him, and then kicked him, and again, and finally a third time before giving up and sitting down on the straw mat next to him.

Today was supposed to be the day he went outside to get some sunlight. It was part of what the old one and the Great Protector told her back at the beginning when he arrived. Humans needed to see the sun for half a torch worth of time about every three days or they would get sick, give little seed if they haven’t already begun to do so, and eventually die.

She had to wake him up and bind him with ropes. It was one thing to remain unbound in the breeding room, or if he was going only to the shit-pit, but not when Husband was to go outside. The Great Protector had been threateningly clear about that. From the stream, to the black trees, to the big rock, that was the territory the Great Protector told them they must never go past in order to remain safe from the wicked Humans and beasts that wanted to harm them. At least until the day came that goblin-home was once more full of goblins and could fully protect itself.

Prima liked Husband enough, even though he said he would try not to be stupid and then went and did nothing but stupid things, but she would not go against the Great Protector for him. He was just a human with a seed-stick, not something worth dying over.

Prima took a bite out of the fire meat and detested the taste as she chewed it. She was convinced Husband’s only good point was wasting seed with her. That at least was a good time for her.


While regretting the lingering taste of the fire meat meant for Ark, a certain goblin had entered into Husband’s cave-hole.

“Who? Oh, Lily. You came to see Husband this morning?”

“Yes, but that’s not the only reason. I was taking a big shit and saw Ugly Scar. Husband gave her a name and a big belly!”

“I know. Stupid Husband gave her all his big seed, now he won’t wake up!”

Lily pointed at the piece of meat.

“Is that fire meat?”

“Yes. I brought it for Husband.”

“Give me it.”


“Just give me it! I’ll trade you something for it later.”

Prima threw the cooked meat at Lily who snatched it with both hands out of the air and began devouring it, bone and all, with a loud series of crunches, belching loudly afterwards.

“Ugh.” Lily said, falling onto her bare ass and holding her stomach.

“Stupid. Fire meat tastes bad, didn’t you learn that yesterday?”

“Prima… right now I can’t eat raw meat! I saw Berry eating a piece of raw meat and almost puked while I was taking a shit. But that fire meat tasted better than any raw meat ever has to me before.”

“You want to eat fire meat?”

“Who wants to eat fire meat?” Lily complained, “All goblins know that fresh raw meat is the best! The taste of blood? There’s nothing better. I’m not stupid… just think something different with me since Husband gave me his big seed. Why else could I eat all that fire meat yesterday with him?”

“I also had a strange thing happen after Husband gave me big seed. When I went to hunt with Jewel, I could throw my spear with enough force to go clean through a redboar.”

“You think Husband is doing something to us with his big seed?”

“I don’t know!” Prima shouted. “Not everything is happening as the old one and Great Protector have said. Maybe it’s possible?”

“I’m going to go out hunting. I’ll find you later to give you something for the fire meat.”

Prima watched Lily go, and was left alone with Ark again. She was fairly pissed off that he wasn’t waking up, so she just laid down next to him, at least enjoying feeling his pleasantly warm and sweaty skin next to hers. She spent last night alone in her cave-hole, and felt restless the entire night. She even tried rubbing herself but it wasn’t the same. Her fuckhole simply wanted Husband’s seed-stick inside of it again.

She even went out early to the stream to clean her fuckhole just for him!

“Stupid Husband! Why sleep when Prima came to waste seed with you? Don’t you want to wake up and do the mouth thing with my fuckhole?”

Not too long after, Ark finally began to stir from his slumber…

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