Husband of the Goblin Tribe

Chapter Seventeen – In which Ark spends some time with a tomboyish goblin who loves mushrooms, especially his not-so-secret mushroom.

Nothing could have boosted my mood more than getting my undies back. They weren’t top of the line tighty-whities, but they covered my sperm carronade and that was what mattered. I could feel a lot more comfortable bouncing my cute Diana on my lap with them on.

A stray gust of wind reminded my olfactory senses that it had been going on over a week now that I’ve had no bath to speak of, and coupled with today’s exercise I was smelling ripe enough to notice. I figured getting to take a dip in this stream the goblin tribe all used was out of the question, but I wonder if I couldn’t arrange for a significant amount of water and a rag to be brought to me so that I could continue being as hygienic as possible?

Guess I’ll add it to the list of creature comforts to ask Prima for that I’d like in the future if ever possible. When things are smoother between us, that is.

I had seen a few more goblins coming and going, and a few had stopped long enough to greet me with a simple “Husband” along with a toothy smile before going about their business. Eventually Prima returned to escort me back inside the cave when my allotted time in the sun was over.

She had seen the underwear in my hand, but said nothing about it, nor did she try and take it away from me. As soon as I was released from the ropes I had to wear to go outside, I had used some of the leftover water in the waterskin I was provided with by Jewel yesterday and washed up down there before putting my undies on and feeling 40% more human instantly.

I didn’t leave them on for too long, it just felt good to wear them for a little bit.

I asked Prima if I was free to meet the other goblins, if only to get to know them, since it seemed some of them wanted to talk with me, and she gave me permission to leave my cave-hole, but I was not allowed to go more than three cave-holes towards the direction of the entrance to the Goblin’s cavern. I was also free to give big seed to anyone if I wanted to during the day, but there would still be nightly choosings until all the goblin tribe got big seed at least once. I was behind schedule as it was.

I’d like to think she was in a better mood after our make-up sex, even if she remained a bit aloof with me. I still think she’s a tsundere, though. I decided with my relaxed lockdown to conduct an investigation to try and find the goblin who had an item I decided was critically important now.

I had a magic lantern in my pack. It’s a tool with a shaped focus the size of a pea that is designed to only harness light. It’s made from shaped silica, and can’t really be used for anything else. I’d like to explain that to Jewel, and run it by Prima as well before I use it, since it qualifies as using magic, even though it’s only light magic,and can’t be used offensively, aside from glowing bright enough to make a goblin shield their eyes for a moment allowing me to escape. Not that I would, since carrying it basically paints a target on my person to everything in the cave and forest outside. But having it would allow me to move more freely through the cave without always having to depend on torchlight, and to be honest, using the shit-pit without light is terrifying. If I slip on a turd and fall in, it’s hepatitis hell for me until I croak should I be lucky enough to get rescued.

Drowning in a pool of gob-shite is not how I envision ending my second life.

Prima also always left me with a fresh torch whenever possible. The torches were just bundles of sticks woven together with some thin vine-like grass and slathered with glowmoss. Glowmoss was flammable, yet burned slowly, so the torches were good for almost two full hours of light at a time. I’m actually surprised they trusted me with my own source of open fire, but I wasn’t going to raise any red flags about it either. I was happy to get any light whenever possible, and with Prima disappearing after returning me to my room and giving me new permissions on where I could go, I decided firstly to go pay a certain pair of goblins a visit.

Further down the cave, a bit past Berry’s cave-hole and the shit-pit, I began my journey of exploration hoping to find Bone-taker and Mushroom-picker, the two goblins I had promised to give big seed to. I had peeked in many cave holes, most of them small and empty until I had stumbled across what was most certainly Bone-taker’s room, because it was full of bones. Bones on the ground, bones lodged in the walls, bones, bones, bones, bones, everywhere. It was like an otaku’s room where instead of figurines, it was bones. But there was no sign of Bone-taker anywhere.

The next cave-hole over from Bone-taker’s proved to be a gold mine though, since I found a certain goblin using a mushroom to masturbate with. Yep. I found Mushroom-picker’s room, and she was in.

“Husband?” She said with surprise. My torchlight gave me away, and she was left holding a mushroom that wasn’t too far off from what the tip of my own fleshy fungaloid looked like. “Why come cave-hole?”

I explained about last night, and how Prima basically had me take a night off to recover my big-seed. I had asked if it was alright to come in, and Mushroom-picker was happy to let me, but took my torch, making a hole in a part of the wall that crumbled easily to shove it into. She had a lot of what I can only hope is soil in her room, and a further glance showed me she was also the goblin who looted my canteen.

I think she was worried I was going to ask her for it when she saw me staring at it, but I was more interested in the operation she had going on in a corner of the room. She was growing mushrooms, and it was more than just a rounded corner of the room that she utilized to do it. She must have brought in actual soil from outside, and kept it just damp enough that the mushrooms grew to her liking.

As for the mushroom she was using to masturbate, well, she came to the conclusion that my dick head looked like a mushroom, and she was… curious.

Of course, I’m a good Husband. I will satisfy her curiosity. Well, after I let her show me all her mushrooms and let her talk my ear off for a bit. I like to get to know these goblins, since they are all my wives now, they should feel comfortable talking to me about the things they enjoy. She told me that she grew mostly edible mushrooms, but had sectioned off an area where barely a handful of murky black ones grew. Those she grew exclusively for Berry.

I had asked her if they were poisonous, but she said they were only hallucinogenic. The actual words she used in gob were something like color-spin-think. But I got the gist of it immediately. The mushroom she was using to experiment with on her cunny was one of the safe and edible ones.

In her explanations about growing them, she had seen the recessed shelving in Berry’s cave-hole addition and wanted something like that now in her room for growing even more mushrooms. I told her if she was willing to help me negotiate with Jewel about making it worth her time to be here for me to be able to do the work, I’d be happy to.

Of course my trip here wasn’t about getting mushrooms, but giving her my mushroom.

Mushroom-picker was holding on to the masturbatory mushroom she had been using and twirling it by the stem in her fingers. Honestly, I had a name for her picked out already.


“What that?”

I pointed at her. “You. I’m going to call you Truffle from now on.”

“Truffle? Husband give name?”

I nodded.

“I think you’ll like it. Truffle is a human word for the most delicious mushrooms which can only ever be found in the wild and almost impossible to cultivate. Rich humans pay many shiny metal coins just for the chance to get to try one in their whole life.”

“Husband think me tasty mushroom?”

“Well, I’ll have to actually give you a taste first, to make sure. But I have a good feeling about it. Did you know that my seed-stick and a mushroom have a lot in common?”

“More than look same?” She naively asked.

“Yup. When they are ready to reproduce, they swell up and then explode, releasing their seeds. Have you seen it? The mushrooms you are growing become big, spreading out their caps, and then shooting out their spores?”

She nodded, licking her lips.

“Truffle, would you like me to give you lots of big seed right now?”

“Yes! Truffle want Husband big seed.”

“Then, we’re going to have a little fun while we do that, okay?”

I pulled down her loincloth and had her lie down on her bed. I spread her legs and moved myself between them, and then I took the mushroom she was holding on to, bringing it up to her lips and telling her to lick the top of the mushroom until it was nice and wet with her saliva.

She didn’t hesitate in doing so.

I was going to like playing with Truffle.

Taking the mushroom’s cap, I spread her pussy lips and placed the head of the shroom near the top where her sensitive spots were, and began rubbing it slowly in circles around the bumps and nubs that made up the bundle of nerves that would send pleasure to her brain. At the same time, I also used my other hand to tease the lower half of her pussy with my own fleshy mushroom cap, to which I would occasionally dip only the glans inside of her, making her both horny and frustrated with one, while with the other I kept her upper labia heavily stimulated.

Was I bullying her? Yes.

Was she enjoying being bullied? Also, Yes.

But she was cute being bullied and as she began wiggling her hips to the twin-mushroom assault, I decided to help her through her clitoral orgasm by finally entering inside of her with my personal mushroom and pushing all the way in, feeling the membrane give way as she came at the same time, giving a yelp as her hips buckled on my cock, as blood began to escape from her fuckhole.

After pushing through her goblin hymen, I gave her a chance to rest for a moment, her cunt just clenching tightly around my drenched dick repeatedly as her vagina continually contracted around my cock while she was post orgasm. I wasn’t done with the mushroom I was holding in my fingers just yet. After checking that she was okay, I had her slide a bit forward and began to push in and out of her nice and slow with my seed-stick while I made her lick the mushroom I held out in front of her again.

I had placed the cap of the mushroom against a nipple and began slowly dragging it around in a circular motion, occasionally drawing it over her tiny erect nipples. She reached an open hand out to me and I pressed my own hand up against hers while I made her suffer erotically.

“Truffle, I want you to take this mushroom and use it to rub yourself again.”

She took the mushroom back from me and without me needing to ask, she licked it again, quite a bit more than she had either time before I had asked her to, and brought it down to her green gap. With her occupied doing that, I helped myself to her small but plump breasts and began to massage them, doing more with my fingers than the mushroom cap ever could. I teased and played with them, pinching and twisting and pulling her nipples as she squealed while keeping my rhythm inside of her slow and steady, deep strokes in and out and she was trying to balance feeling good from me while also receiving pleasure from the mushroom she was operating on herself.

I felt her blue-green snatch clench down again as she had a second set of spasms, causing her to drop the mushroom which fell to her side and onto the dirty floor. I rubbed both of my hands all over her front extensively, meandering down her body and over her soft stomach until I took hold of her hips and hefted her waist up a little so I could pump a little more deeply into her.

Her hands gripped my arms and her face contorted into one of mind-melting enjoyment.

“Are you ready, Truffle? I’m going to give you my big seed now.”

“Truffle… ready…” She said slowly, trying to remember how to speak words.

With a few final deep thrusts I had lodged myself as far inside of her as I could go, and shot all my white gooey human spores inside of her.

“GUWUUUH!” She moaned as my cock throbbed, doing its best to let her know the only mushroom that would ever satisfy her again belonged to me.

I let her butt back down gently onto her bed, and then for aftercare I went on a crusade, sucking on her small plump breasts, while kissing and licking every single freckle I could find on her body. Yes, Truffle had what I can definitely say is a cute tomboyish body. Her mischievous nature and willingness to do ecchi things is definitely something I will foster further inside of her.

“Hey, find strange mushroom with holes, safe eat?”

A goblin walked into Truffle’s cave-hole holding a handful of mushrooms in one, and a mostly intact skeleton of a large fish in the other. She immediately stared at us two, relaxed, post-coitus.

“Husband… why here cave-hole?”

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