Husband of the Goblin Tribe

Chapter Sixty-nine – In which Ark ends the first volume in the corniest way possible.

Old One didn’t say anything when a small mountain of animal corpses was brought into her room by Diana with help from Orchid and Lilac. While I held no expectation that she would help me, she did. Not just her, but she brought Pepper to her room once I explained all that I intended to make for Diana, as well as the holsters for Lily’s girls, and the spear that Prima had requested.

I kind of assumed that she was a crotchety goblin-in-law, but that only applied to me. If I was acting to improve the overall might of the Bloodmaw Goblins, she was willing to entertain me.

Pepper, aside from being a Fish-catching goblin, was also the resident seamstress. Well, that’s an over exaggeration. But she was the goblin responsible for making loincloths out of rags, so Old One had recruited someone with much needed practical experience.

The better part of the day was spent skinning and sewing. Also watching on as two goblins tore into bloody chunks of fresh meat to help me access the bones beneath. Sporadically, I watched as almost every goblin in the cave stopped in to see Old One for something or another and realized that while she didn’t generally interact with me, she was here for all of the goblin tribe.

She was the elder among them, and was respected in her own way by the entire tribe.

Rope belts were made, animal skin was repurposed into holsters, sheathes, and utility pouches. What remained were piles of skin, and quite a number of bones. Before I could get started, it needed to be understood that I was in a room, alone, with two goblins. Pepper who had not had all that much time with me as one of my wives, and… well… Old One.

Look, Stella was absolutely right calling me what she did when I raped her. I’m a goblin fucker. I’m a goblin fucker plain and simple. There was a willing goblin, and a willing Husband, and we both wanted to take a roll in the straw. No harm, no foul. Pepper had a nice swell to her belly which Old One approved of, and I keep saying that they just don’t care if there’s someone else in the room when it’s time to give big seed.

Old One wasn’t the type to shy away from watching either. Pepper happened to like it rough. And I mean roughWhile I made no attempt to be gentle as I seeded her, though I was aware there was no shame among the goblins to enjoy watching such things as simply entertainment, as Old One rubbed her mature pussy right in front of me I swear her eyes didn’t blink once as I violated what was essentially one of her daughters, and she only licked her lips as she watched what this Husband tried showing off that could do.

For good measure, not only did I enjoy defiling Pepper in front of Old One, I also bit and allowed Pepper to bite me, under Old One’s watchful gaze. My body ached as sharp goblin teeth sunk into my flesh again. My hands groped soft green goblin milkies and I twisted and pulled and tortured her nutmeg colored nipples to her satisfaction as our lower halves smashed against each other, squelching and smacking sounds mirroring goblins feasting on raw meat ravenously echoed throughout the room.

Pepper’s body was left once again broken, spasming in euphoria with my wasted seed spilling out of her onto the floor, and my cock still erect as an obelisk.

“If you weren’t so damn ugly, you would make a decent goblin, Ark.”

“ know my name?”

“I know many things about you. I have read your square of symbols.”

“My Sq–… my journal? …wait. You can read?”

“When I was a goblin, fresh of fifteen moons, not yet having had my Blood Awakening, I had come across another human like you, though many years older than the both of us are now. When I took refuge in a cave during a storm. Our first meeting would also be our last. You see, he was mortally wounded with a spear in his side. The same spear I gave to my strong one, Spear-hand, and the same one that Guardian uses on the hunt.”

“...what happened?”

“I call it the curse of tongues. Some wicked human magic he cast upon me. With it I could listen and speak to him in his words without knowing words other than gob.”

She took a few steps towards me, her loincloth had already fallen to the floor by her own hand.

“He was a pitiful human. He told me a story about being unloved by women of his own tribe, though his appearance was quite desirable to a goblin such as myself at the ripest of ages. He had a thick body, bulging stomach, blunt protruding nose, a face full of fur with many strands of black and silver… all with the delicious scent of blood wafting around in that small cave.”

“So, he used magic to talk to you?”

“No. He cursed me with magic so I had no choice but to understand his words. However, what he had to say interested me, so I listened. It did not matter to him that I was a Bloodmaw. He wanted to do the Blood Awakening with me as the parting act of his life, and in exchange, since he knew he was mortally wounded and immolating himself would be such a waste, he agreed to let me feast on his body. And I did. With a belly full of his big seed, and a smile on his face which I saved until the end, I slit his throat and feasted on his meat for two full days before I left that cave.”

“, would that mean your daughter Spear-hand was made from human seed?”

Her hand slid down my body and she carefully wrapped her pointed fingers around my seed-stick.

“Yes. Does it surprise you to know I’ve also had a Husband who was Human?”

“It does, actually.”

“It was many years before the massacre of my tribe. All that mattered to me back then was following my nature and embracing the goblin way. Taking what I wanted, having many strong ones… though it was only ever Spear-hand that I had…”

She looked up at me and grinned at what, to another goblin perhaps, might be a seductive manner.

“Uh, y-you aren’t by chance interested in having another strong one…?”

“Listen carefully, Human. I am a true Bloodmaw. I can feel my womb throbbing right this moment thinking of being fat with another strong one. Perhaps this time, it whispers to me, that it might be with one stronger than even my Spear-hand.”

I feel like it’s important to state here and now, that the Old One was not by any means ugly. She did have an older looking countenance, sure, but it’s no different from seeing an experienced thirty-year old woman who flaunted the most lewd promises of carnal satisfaction with her body to a younger man.

Plus, I mean, she’s been working hard to raise fourteen goblins to adulthood, up until the death of Beast-talker. There’s no way it wasn’t difficult for her to do, and then to see all of them, something not too different from daughters to her, all get knocked up while she has had to… endure.

It would be quite rude of me to turn her down… wouldn’t it? I know there was a quote from a certain island nation in my previous life that said it was a man’s shame to not eat a buffet placed in front of him by a gracious hostess, even if he had a homemade meal waiting for him at home.

“Just to be clear… you aren’t planning on killing me and eating me afterwards, are you?”

The Old One pushed me down with a strength I had not expected, and climbed on top of me.

“For as long as you still draw breath, Human, you are safe.”

Like a planet being forcefully drawn into the event horizon of a black hole, nothing could have prepared me for the ferocity such a sexually starved goblin matriarch was possessed of. I had thought I was a bully at times to my wives, but it only reinforced the reality that they were immature babes compared to the real deal.

Her cougarly cunt was some kind of deathly cocktrap. The further inside of her she took me, the tighter the squeeze and more difficult it was to escape her milking muscles. Old One had long flowing green hair, and a round pair of sun-dried olive-tanned gobby-knockers. She would arch her back and stick out her chest as she groped herself or slid her hands down her own body, shaking her head and letting her far from filthy hair preen. She never once needed to balance herself by placing a hand on my torso as she rode me. She was, however, seemingly adept at danger-play and would trace her sharp pointed finger along my chest, scratching, yet not quite drawing blood, but fully capable of sending warning signals that hemorrhaged fear along every nerve pathway I had.

My wives were just inexperienced, I understood. I was too. I was a double-virgin right around a month ago. The level difference between the Old One and I wasn’t something that could be so easily offset by my cockiness. I was ruthlessly and utterly exploited and definitely not raped. Old One was a maneater, and I, a featherless biped, naked as Diogenes’ plucked chicken, was but a man.

Our little interlude ended with me having suffered a loss. Or a win, if being fully satisfied was a winning condition. And for the three of us afterwards, an enjoyable nap together.

Some time later when we woke, it was back to the grind.

Thanks to the numerous small bones available to me, ones from a large and plump raccoon being the sturdiest and most useful, I had created a pair of bone and stone weapons for Diana that I felt best suited her. I happened to love period pieces of Eastern cinema, as well as a certain genre of video game that told the story of an Western assassin. For Diana, being a drop-goblin who liked to jump on her prey and stab it to death, I felt this would be the perfect combination of force and utility.

One was a Tekkou-kagi, the other was a Katar.

The Tekkou-kagi, often known as the Iron Claw, was unfortunately devoid of iron due to the current production capabilities of the tribe. So, I did the next best thing. Long curving rib bones were used from a raccoon, and with Pepper’s help, sewn to the outside of a piece of animal skin acting as a sort of gauntlet. They were sharpened, and the backs of the bones were given a sharpened serrated coating of stone so she could inflict damage with both a forehand clawing and a backhand slashing motion.

The Katar was made from a few long thin flat bones, and sharpened to the best of my ability on some stone-compacted dirt doubling as a whetstone. Unlike the claw, there was no curvature in what was the bone blade. It was tightly sewn to another piece of animal skin in three places to give it the most stability, and I had made a flat grip of bone, puncturing some of the claw nails through it and fastening it at the base with a thin layer of stone. This would allow Diana to grip her fingers around it when punching with the blade, but at the same time allow her to release her grip and let the nails offer some purchase when climbing a tree, acting as a balance to the claw which she could use to fully dig into something like a tree trunk so she could dangle herself safely while waiting for the moment to drop.

Now, the skin of the raccoon was, save for the stomach, impeccably removed. Old One had actually done that work, and I had gained quite a bit of respect for her because of it. The size of the skin was on par with that of my daughter Glace, so while not admitting that I think children in cosplay costumes are the most adorable thing in the world, a raccoon suit was made.

Well, less of a suit and more of a hooded cloak, I guess?

Unfortunately, I couldn’t think of a weapon design for Prima, and decided that I wanted to make it with her, instead of for her. I felt like if we made it together, it would be more meaningful. That, and she could better tell me what parts of the design she liked and it could be the weapon that would show my sincerity and make up for my failure to make her belly fat.

There was plenty of leftover animal skin, and as Old One had a supply of rope handy, I made a few belts with pouches that could be attached so that my girls could carry some supplies into the forest, or if they found something interesting, they could bring it home more easily. Up until this point, I had only ever seen Berry use anything like a sash with pockets, for storing her poisonous berries used to hunt small creatures like rabbits or squirrels. I felt this was something being sorely underutilized, and wanted to capitalize on it.

All of my daughters paid a visit to me when the work was done.

I spent some time showing Diana how to wear and use each of the weapons, though I hadn’t come up with any fancy name for either. I felt like that was her privilege to do.

For Orchid and Lilac, they now had durable animal skin holsters for their weapons, which honestly, I’m glad there is no child protective services around to call me a bad parent for allowing them to have. But, provided a parent teaches their child to respect dangerous weaponry, education is the best tool and deterrent for making bad mistakes with using them.

For Glace, she allowed me to put on what would be a sign of her status as the Bloodmaw’s new Shaman. The Racoon Mantle. The face of the racoon rested on top of her tiny head perfectly like a hoodie. The skin draped around her back like a cloak, and with a loop and clasp added on each pair of paws, they hooked around the front of her body and doubled as a small bra and with the tail coming up and around her front from behind, also a pair of panties.

Since Button was Glace’s big sister–a role she fully embraced–I showed her how to hook and unhook the paws and tail so Glace could go to the shit-pit without getting her new clothes dirty, but Glace wasn’t stupid. She simply tugged the tail aside and peed on my foot.

Ah, what a brat!

For Button, she got the most out of the rope belt and pouches. That, and the tribe’s first backpack. Or front-pack. She seemed to like wearing it that way. It would be that when not busy doing things for Glace, she found some kind of job transporting things around goblin-home with it.

Incidentally, Glace fit inside of the front pack, but Button wasn’t strong enough to support carrying her like that just yet. I imagine that might change in the future. The combination of Glace and Button reminded me of a certain pairing from a dystopian post-apocalyptic movie from the land down-under in my previous life as well.

It wouldn’t take long for the outfitting of my children to spark a myriad of changes in the tribe.

But for now, I had made all my little girls happy, and had gained clearance to see Prima, who had overcome her Blood Fury.

I did have to pay for Pepper’s help with all of this. She wanted a fish-bath in her room. So, I ended up making her one. It wasn’t an aquarium, just a place to keep fish alive a bit longer after she caught them, so she could be lazy and not have to go out to the stream every day.

Lazy goblin.

I want to do it with her and Jewel at the same time.

Right, Prima!

Well, before I could go see her at her cave-hole, I was apprehended by Stella, who was her new cavern-mate across the way, having taken Vera’s old cave-hole as her own.

“Ark. We need to talk.”

No further goblinization had taken place with Stella. She was still the most human looking goblin. She led me into her room and I noticed it was still quite empty, save for a neatly woven straw bed, and a bow and quiver stocked with arrows leaning against the wall nearby.

“I’ve decided I will let you make it up to me. If I’m going to be a part of this tribe, and another of your wives, hating you forever will be counterproductive. So, I want to be taken care of. Well taken care of. You barely have muscles, you don’t have any gold, and you are far from my ideal man. But, you can give me a better life than this. I didn’t take that room because I don’t want to be reminded of what I once was. But, and I’ve seen Jewel’s room, you can make me the envy of your other wives. Of the entire tribe. And of course you won’t forget to take excellent care of our child, which you absolutely had to put inside of me.”


She wanted to live lavishly and comfortably in exchange for allowing me to be alleviated of my guilt in raping her, and possibly having transformed her into a goblin, not to mention knocking her up?

She also threw her arms around my neck and forced a not so terrible and bloody kiss onto me this time.

“I’m not asking for all of this for free. You can come here when you tire of your other wives and I’ll give you all the things you can’t get from them. Like it or not, they are goblins, Ark. I might no longer be a human, but you are. There will come times when you want to be reminded of that, and not while feeling miserable by yourself next to your half-mute sweetheart who can’t help but be a busybody.”

“Don’t talk down about Vera.”

“I’m not doing any such thing. I’m simply pointing out a fact. Why, we’re quite friendly with each other. She often comes to visit me and listen to me talk all about you before we wound up here. Anyway, that’s my offer to you. It’s up to you to take it or leave it.”


I caved rather easily, but that’s because I have not coped with the guilt well. I don’t know what exactly she expects me to be able to give her, but if it’s something I can, I will. Atonement is a long process, and maybe there will come a way to undo her change.

But for now, her business with me concluded. I proceeded to leave her cave-hole, and walk the few steps I would need to in order to meet with Prima, my main wife, once more.

Prima was already the tallest goblin in the cave, though still shorter than I was. She was also the most physically fit. What I saw when I entered her cave-hole, was a goblin that, to borrow from the Old One… was more.

“Hello, Prima.”

Prima had grown, physically, and not a small amount. She was taller, and more muscular. Her skin which was a light green now had a bit of a darker hue to it, but she was no less beautiful.


“Are you feeling alright? Old One… explained things to me.”

She stood up, and now equaled me in height. If I thought I might have ever stood a chance against her before physically, I no longer believed so anymore.

“I’ve gone through the Blood Fury. I’m… no longer the same goblin I was.”

The most profound change to me, was that she spoke naturally, with no broken words.

“That’s not a bad thing, is it?”


Another profound change was her stomach, which was swollen further, but not at full term. Following where my eyes were looking, she rubbed a hand along her belly in a circular motion.

“I can feel it. I wasn’t the only one to change along with it.”

“That’s good to hear.”

“Are you afraid of me now?”

I shook my head.

“Not at all. You’re still my first-seed. You will always be my first-seed.”

“Ark, if Vera, Glace, and Diana hadn’t stopped me… I might have eaten you. When I bit you, I felt something take over my mind and body, I wanted…”

I moved towards Prima, embracing her.

“If it was you, then it would have been fine. But only you.”

Sharing an intimate exchange with Prima, who had difficulty being honest with her feelings, I changed the subject to one she might prefer talking about.

“I finished making Diana her weapons, and even made a few things for my other daughters. But the last thing that remains is to make your grand weapon. So, I thought I would, you know, since you underwent a change, see if you’d like to make it together with me?”

“Ark… why do I smell Old One on you?”

“Ah… that’s…”

Prima grinned.

“Seems like our tribe will continue to grow.”

“Yeah, I’d like nothing more than to continue being a part of that.”

“Do you have your Topaz stone with you?”

“I do.”

“Want to go on a hunt with me?”

“Oh, am I allowed to go past the trees now?”

“I’ll make an exception today. You will have to watch how I hunt if you want to make me the best weapon. I won’t lose to Diana.”

I grinned in response.

“Even if she surpasses you, only you will be my Guardian.”

Prima grabbed her spear off the wall of weapons I had made for her and nodded with her head to follow.

“Did you know there is something more dangerous in the forest than the Black-claws?”

“I didn’t.”

“It’s called the Honking Death by us, but the Great Protector said it is a creature from beyond the stars known by another name. GUU’Z.”


Prima nodded.

“Funny you should say that.  There is a saying I once heard that a tribe of warriors beyond the stars would say before fighting something that sounds like certain death.”

I grabbed a long dagger from her wall of weapons and twirled it in my hand. One can never be too armed against the universe’s most terrifying creature.

“Today… is a good day to die.”

For as long as I continue to draw breath, my precious family will continue growing, and thriving, and becoming... MORE.

I am Ark Wyze. Reincarnator. Second circle magician. Father to the next generation of Bloodmaw strong-ones, and the one and only Husband... of the Goblin Tribe.  

This marks the official end of Volume One.  Thank you very much for choosing to read this novel, and I hope you will continue to read the future exploits and intrigues coming in the next.  The story of the Bloodmaws has only just begun...


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