Husband of the Goblin Tribe

Chapter Thirty-four – In which Prima learns about human Love from Truffle, still refusing to be honest with her own feelings towards Ark.

~~** Interlude | Prima **~~


“Help. Husband!!”

My stupid sister had come to get me. It was the first time in as long as I can remember that she had said more than two words at once.

Did something happen to Ark? Did he get hurt using magic? Was he finally trying to escape? Could it maybe be… Old One?

I sprung up to my feet from my bed and ran alongside Vera to Ark’s cave-hole where I found him lying down on the ground unmoving, save for his seed-stick which looked… different. It appeared bigger, swollen, ready to burst apart. Vera had pointed at Tree-chopper and I could see so much seed pouring out of her, but her belly wasn’t fat. Her eyes were closed, but she wasn’t hurt, only passed out.

Vera then pointed to Husband’s seed-stick and then to me. I know what she wanted me to do, I’m only surprised that she didn’t take the opportunity to do it herself. My sister was grabbing onto my arm, trying to pull me down onto him. Ark looked like he was in pain, much as he did when he went without food and water for days before the Great Protector came to deal with him.

But his seed-stick was so ripe. The scent coming off of Ark right now smelled like the tastiest bloody meat I’ve ever encountered. Every single sense I had was screaming at me to devour it, and not with my upper mouth, even though he appeared to be hurting. Should I? Maybe if I did it now, I would get a fat belly like Lily or Berry. They both reported nothing strange, just a bit of wasting seed and falling asleep when it occurred, but Lily said the big seed she got from Ark before her belly got fat was like having a forest slime shoved up her fuckhole. I would be stupid to miss out on this chance to possibly have strong ones sooner, so I stood over him and slowly lowered myself onto it. His seed-stick felt as hot as the fire-meat he loves so much. And hurt going in. Though he has given me big seed many times before, it felt like this time, it was trying to tear my fuckhole apart as it pushed inside of me.


I decided to let him hear my voice, so he knew it was me. Once Husband was inside of me, I felt an overwhelming desire to move my hips. I have wasted seed with Ark many times, but this time felt too incredible. It didn’t even take long before he delivered far more seed than I thought his body could even possess, right into my belly. I swear that it was unending! I felt his seed-stick swell and release, over and over again, until it was as if there was no more room inside my fuckhole for it to go, and then… it ended.

I could feel Ark’s seed-stick soften and slip out of me on its own, shrinking back down to the size of a fat grub. I felt the seed leak out of me while Husband struggled to speak. He was asking for water. Vera was quickly by my side with the waterskin, and I carefully put it to his lips where he drank it all as fast as I could pour it out.

His body, which had felt like it was trying to burn itself like wood in the fire pit, began to cool rapidly. I had risen up off of his body, so much seed dripping out from my fuckhole and onto the floor and his crotch. Such a great waste of it! Vera pointed to Husband and to the second cave-hole that had been made. I nodded at her and grabbed his ankles, feeling more empowered than when I threw my spear clean through the redboar, dragging him over to the room and rolling him onto the straw bed with ease.

I laid down next to him, caring for him as he often did for me, putting my body against his and sharing my warmth, since it felt like he needed it right now. Whether it was to take his warmth into me, or to have his body adjust to the feel of mine.

He struggled to give me his thanks, and I couldn’t help but call him stupid. Ark may be a stupid human, but he’s my Husband. Our Husband. There is no question Tree-chopper would be having many strong ones with how much seed he put inside of her.

Vera had come with a big rag. She put it over us and sat down in the room near the tall square hole opening to the inner cave-hole we were in.

I finally noticed Ark began breathing steadily.

“Vera, what happen Husband?”

She could only shake her head. Well, I didn’t expect my stupid sister to know everything, but she was smart enough to come get me before things might have gotten worse with Ark. He might have burst into fire with how hot his body was. Instead, what I saw, and what he did, was too much for me to understand without him to explain it.

I heard Vera begin digging. I turned my head to see my sister using a bone to carve lines into the ground in a circle around it. After she had, one of Jewel’s shiny stones, a blue one, appeared in her hand. It began to glow when she touched it to the thing she carved into the ground and the very air seemed to shake for a while, and it felt dry all around me. She had the waterskin next to her and she was putting it in the hole, and when she pulled it out, it was dripping wet and full.

“Vera? What did you just do?”


She handed me the waterskin which I personally emptied into Ark’s mouth just a short while ago, and observed that it was full again. It is impossible to understand my stupid sister sometimes, or what she did just now, so I would have to wait for Ark to explain it to me, as much as I disliked not knowing as much about certain things like his human magic. I put the spout of the waterskin to his lips once more, and he gulped and gulped until the waterskin was emptied again. I tossed it back to Vera and she just put it next to her body as she sat against the wall watching us both, clutching both the blue stone and the sharp bone to her chest, rocking her body back and forth as she often did when she was worried about something.

She might be stupid, but she’s my sister, and I know her best. Not Ark.

After a while of just caring for Husband, Vera stopped rocking and crawled over to us. Reaching her arm out at Husband, placing a hand on his stomach for a moment before pulling it away.


It was pretty obvious he was asleep. He’s been asleep since he finished drinking the water she gave him. Thinking about the water, I rolled out from the big rag she put over us, and righted myself, looking at the small hole she dug that was full of clean water.

“Vera, why is there water here?”


“Magic? Are you saying you can use stone magic like Husband?”

My sister nodded weakly, clutching her blue stone and a bone tightly, afraid that I would take them from her.

“Did Husband teach you how to use stone magic?”

She nervously leaned forward and with one hand reached for my still-leaking fuckhole, she rubbed her finger where the seed that was still spilling out from me in small amounts and onto my thigh had turned sticky, then pointed to her own fuckhole and placed her hand on her stomach.


Why couldn’t she just talk! I hate having to guess what she’s saying.

“Are you saying knowing how to use stone magic has to do with Husband’s big seed?”

She nodded and lightly patted her belly again.

“Strong. One.”

“I don’t understand, Vera!”

Her eyes were full of frustration. She also knew it was hard to communicate with me, so she just went back to sitting against the wall and rocking. If she was doing that much now, Ark must be safer than he was a few moments ago.

“I’m going to check on Tree-chopper. You keep an eye on Husband, okay?”

She at least nodded to that, and I walked out to the raised bed Ark had made, to see that her belly still hadn’t become fat. Maybe I still had a chance of it happening later? Maybe it happened after sleeping? I had tried shaking her but she wasn’t responding. She was deeply sleeping, since her breathing was regular and her eyes were closed. I thought about going to the Old One, but decided against it. She had nothing good to say about Ark, aside that his big seed would be enough to help our goblin tribe grow, since we had no menfolk, and the Great Protector decided that the one we would receive was Ark.

I left the cave-hole for a little bit after seeing Vera had moved to attach herself to Husband, and walked to Lily’s cave-hole. I wanted to check up on her, since her belly was fat now, and what happened to Berry might happen to Lily as well at some point tonight, but she was just sleeping stupidly with her fat belly sticking up. Maybe nothing was going to happen until tomorrow with her strong ones, so I stepped out of goblin-home for some fresh air and saw Truffle laying down outside by the fire-pit.

“What are you doing out here so late, Truffle?”

“Watching the moon.” She said pointing up at the moon which was red like blood and looked huge in the night sky.

I sat down beside her, since the fire-pit was warm and the night felt a little cool. While lying next to her on the ground, she began rubbing her fuckhole.

“You’ve been to see Lily?” She asked me.


“Want some?”

She held out a small pouch.

“Is that what I think it is?”

“Yeah, color-spin-think powder. Take a small pinch and sniff it. It will make you feel calm.”

I opened the pouch and took a small pinch of the brown powder, bringing it to my nose and sniffing it. Right now, I could use a whole hell of a lot of calm.

“Now what?”

“Lay down and look at the moon with me.”

I laid down and watched as the moon bent and changed shapes, while at the same time turning many different colors. It felt unnatural, but it was a little calming. At least until Truffle began speaking about Ark.

“I want to spend my life growing mushrooms with Husband, Ivory, and our strong ones.”

“What are you talking about?”

Truffle was always a strange goblin. She liked being lazy and watching mushrooms grow. I think it was because when she was a strong one who had just crawled out, she lived in a part of our old goblin-home that always felt wet and had many mushrooms growing freely.

“I want him to stay with me and Ivory in our cave-hole. I want him to look at me like he looks at Berry’s strong one. Have you ever seen his face when he does?”

“Not really.”

“Berry talked to me about something Husband said to her. It was one of those human words he says sometimes when he talks.”

“What word was it?”


“What does it mean?”

“Do you know the feeling that comes after you get a belly full of big seed, then Husband lays down next to you and puts his arms around your body and pulls you into him making you feel warm and your head full of stupid-think?”

“I know it. Probably why I haven’t killed him already for all the times he’s been stupid when I told him not to be. Is that what Husband calls love?”

“No. I think that’s what we call love.”

“Is there a difference?”

“Some. Husband said love is the biggest care he can give goblins. Wanting to be with goblins, making each other better, stronger, smarter, and happier. Why has Old One never told us about such a feeling or a word in gob similar to it?”

“I don’t know. You know how she is, always angry, saying: this is the goblin way! or this is how goblins do it! or This is how goblins are supposed to live! She hates all humans because Spear-hand and Shaman were killed by them. Everyone she knew except for us was killed by them. The males we used to play with, our mothers…“

“I don’t hate Husband for that. I was scared of him at first, I admit… but after seeing how Husband cares for Berry, for Diana Artemis, for me and Ivory…”

Truffle put a hand over her belly which also had a bump, smaller than mine.

“...I want my strong ones to know Husband’s love. To be better, not only a mushroom-head like me. I want Husband to be proud of my strong ones like he is of Diana. Even if she’s not a good hunter, maybe she can listen to Husband and become good at something else…”

Truffle sniffled for a moment.

“Prima, what do you want to do with Husband?” She asked me.

“What is there to do with him but get big seed and have many strong ones as soon as possible?” I answered the obvious.

“You should find some time to think about it. Things have always been the same our whole lives here in goblin-home until Husband arrived. He hasn’t once tried to force something human on us to change us to suit him except clean our bodies more often. But we are changing now that he is here…”

I already knew that. Every time Husband wasted big seed with me, I’ve felt stronger. My strength increased and my hunting senses have sharpened.

“ mushrooms.”


“Prima, I’ve never once thought about putting a perfectly tasty mushroom over the fire-pit in all my moons. Just like I’ve never once thought about eating fire-meat like Husband only can. I tried fire-meat the other day, and it’s disgusting. I don’t think I will ever like it. But fire-mushrooms? I don’t think I can enjoy regular mushrooms the same anymore. And I’m talking about the same regular mushrooms I’ve enjoyed eating every single day of my life!”

Truffle was just rambling on after that, about how Husband was like a fire-mushroom or something, I didn’t really follow it at all, until she came around with another question I could at least answer.

“Who did Husband choose tonight?”


“Prima, what will happen after all goblins get big seed?”

“What do you mean?”

“Will Husband be allowed to choose freely after all goblins have strong ones? Will he keep living in that big cave-hole the Great Protector made for him, or can he choose to live with one of us in our cave-holes if he wanted to?”

“Why does it matter?”

“I want Husband to keep picking me. I want him to tell me to spend the night with him, or for him to come to my cave-hole and stay without me having to ask. I want him to feed me mushrooms and do things to my fuckhole with his mouth and hold me after, and…”

“You really are a seed-head, aren’t you?”

“Maybe, but I don’t think I’m the only one having these thoughts. I even had a nice dream that I was a human the other day.”

“Why would you want to be a human?”

“Because he is our Husband. He… has to be careful with us.”


“Husband is strong enough to leave us with legs like reeds, but Husband does not have strong skin like us. Our teeth and nails can easily pierce it. He’s afraid of us sometimes. Just look at Husband’s shoulders and back–full of bites and scratches from us. I may spend all day looking at mushrooms, Prima. But I spend just as much time looking at Husband whenever I can. I wonder, maybe… if Husband has a chance to run away… would he? Does he have another Human female out there past the boundaries that he cares for or loves that he thinks about going back to?”

While she rambled on again, I felt dizzy from watching the moon keep spinning when it shouldn’t be. It also shouldn’t be green, I had enough sense left in my head to know that much. I got up from the ground and my feet were unsteady, leaving Truffle to keep stupid-talking to herself. I made my way back to where Husband was and saw Vera had moved him slightly so she could lay between the wall and Husband, her head resting against his chest while under the big rag.

Even in this state, Ark was doing for my sister something that I haven’t been able to do for her since we’ve come to our new goblin-home as strong ones. He’s given her happiness and found her a purpose. Something she can do as a goblin.

I stared down at them both before deciding that I was feeling tired enough to not want to go back to my cave-hole. Plus, someone had to keep an eye on both of these stupids.

So, crawling under the big rag, I did the same as my sister on his other side, pushing my body against him, putting my arms around both Ark and my sister, and burying my face into the back of his neck. Truffle’s thoughts and observations about Husband must have gotten to me due to the color-spin-think powder. I decided to just deal with the troublesome things in the morning. For now, I would enjoy sharing warmth with Husband for the rest of the night.

And it was nice… until I was being shaken awake by Jewel.

“Wake Husband up. Hurry!”

My eyes opened and my mouth felt dry.

“Jewel? What’s going on?”

“Lily. It’s time.”

I shot straight up, causing the rag to be peeled away from Husband and Vera’s body.

“Her strong ones?”

“Lily is in pain. Old one says they will come soon. Lily asked for Husband to come see.”

I rolled out from under the big rag, crawled over to the small hole with water my sister had dug earlier and scooped my hand into it, taking many sips from it but noticing the water never seemed to empty.

“What’s this hole?” Jewel asked.

“I’ll explain later.” I replied, and then began shaking Husband hard in order to wake him up.

“Wake up stupid Husband, Lily’s strong ones are coming!”

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