Husband of the Goblin Tribe

Chapter Thirty-one – In which Ark talks about giving the breeding room a makeover, and then does some accidental demolition with Vera.

The next morning was a full house. Every goblin that I’ve given big seed and a name to so far was present at my table. Including the newest, Pear. I know that I will have to reveal to Prima eventually what Vera can do, but I will push that back until necessary. I had the work order for Lily’s room today, and it was also my day for sun, so I wanted to capitalize on that as well.

Breakfast has become a fun time for me. I don’t know exactly what time I wake up each day, because being stuck in the cave has warped my sense of time somewhat, but it has to be sometime around ten in the morning right now. I know Prima, like Berry, is an early riser, and she always makes sure I have a big piece of cooked meat to eat. It has to take time for her to hunt, kill, drag her kill back here, and then butcher and cook my particular piece of meat. I also have every reason to believe that each piece of meat I have been given by her was pretty much freshly caught that morning.

Looking around the room, I feel like I know the next thing I need to do. I need to make plates and bowls. Silverware is probably too civilized for the goblin tribe right now, but plates and bowls would be nice to have. Berry has bowls, so I know that they must know how to make them. I can do so as well with land magic, probably in a fraction of the time.

Only Lily and I prefer cooked meat, everyone else is for bloody raw meat. Even my baby girl, Diana. Vera could possibly tolerate it being cooked, but right now she’s enthusiastically eating a bloody raw piece of some animal past identifying anymore that Prima gave her, so that’s fine. To each their own. Berry brought some berries to the table as a contribution, while Pear brought some fruits, and Truffle brought some mushrooms.

Variety is the spice of life. Whether it’s food, or goblins!

“So, I was thinking about doing some things around here to make this room a bit more fun to be in. Prima, would it be alright if I added a few things to keep from being bored?”

“Husband do anyway even say no?”

“...It would be nice to get your permission…”

“If need magic stone, not Prima need ask. Jewel task keep Husband magic.” Prima replied, passing the buck.

“What things make Husband cave-hole?” Lily asked with curiosity, taking a huge bite of her cooked rabbit meat.

“I have a number of things I want to make. First among them is a room for getting clean. I would be a shallow pit with water, like the fire-pit outside, and heated by magic. When you sit and relax in the water, it makes your entire body feel better.” I explained.

“Like body rub Husband give Berry?” Berry asked, interested.

“Similar, though it’s just the water doing the work. I could also make a pretty good massage table, but I’d like to have some oil to make rubbing easier before going that far.”

“What massage?” Pear asked first.

“When Husband say lay down, then push hands and fingers whole body. Husband do when Berry body sore, not sore after. Feel good, burp much.” Berry explained her experience. “Almost feel like Husband seed-stick inside, outside body.”

Every goblin present save for Berry opened their eyes wide.

“What oil?” Lily asked.

“It’s like thick slippery water. If I have many flowers and leaves to use, I can use heat and water to make different kinds of oil. There is a leaf called mint, which when eaten it makes your tongue feel cool. That is the easiest one to make oil from, and has the best effect in making your body and muscles feel loose.”

“Lily, know leaf?” Prima pointed to her. “Can get mint?”

“Not know. When go hunt, look for mint.” Lily agreed.

“Pear, you also know the best fruits around here, right? Can you bring me some different fruits to experiment with, even if you think they taste bitter?”

Pear nodded. “Husband make oil from fruit?”

“No. I have some other ideas for the fruits, but I promise it will be worth the effort. I will share all the good things I make with the goblin tribe. Guess I should make a kitchen while I’m at it.”

“What kitchen?” Jewel asked, since making anything with land magic required her to be there.

“It’s a part of a cave-hole where food can be made. Kind of like having a fire-pit inside your cave hole without all the problems of choking on the smoke from burning wood.”

I ended up giving a lengthier explanation, and there were limitations to what I could do with it even if I was allowed to make one. I also had no salt or spices to work with, so things wouldn’t be immediately fantastic. With some cut fruits and water though, I could make some palatable cold drinks like apple juice. I can see Berry and Pear liking those immensely.

“This might sound crazy, but does the goblin tribe trade with other people or creatures outside?”

Prima shook her head.

“No. Great Protector order not go past stream, black trees, big rock. Go past, big danger.”

“Does that being… come here often? The Great Protector?”

“Once a moon.” I was informed by my main gob-wife.


“Husband want talk Great Protector?”

“I’d be happy living to an old age never having to see it again. I was just thinking that it could maybe help get a few things we could use that might not be easy to get otherwise, but I’ll give up on that idea. Maybe things will work out, I have no idea what good things can be found in the forest outside. So, if it’s not a bother, should any of you find something interesting, or even not interesting that there is plenty of, could you bring a sample of it back to me? I might be able to make good things from whatever you find.”

All of the goblins gathered here agreed to do so going forward.

With breakfast finished, and knowing it was right around noon, Prima told me I could get my sunlight now or later. I decided to take advantage of some free time now to prepare some plans and educate my disciple in the ways of magical construction. As each of the goblins filed out, I was left alone with Vera.

She took a seat in my lap, and moved my hands to her stomach for a little bit.


“I was thinking about teaching you some more formulas so we can make our big cave hole better, would you like to help me?”

Vera nodded.

I had her fetch the bone we had used for carving runes in the dirt, and quickly began to draft up some floor plans, for lack of a better term, on the floor by Vera’s room, while explaining to Vera what exactly I wanted to do. I couldn’t use the topaz stone without Jewel present, and I wouldn’t either. My formula magic knowledge was at the entry-into-intermediate level, but Vera has already learned the basics of land magic formulas enough to flatten walls and floors. It was time consuming to have to make magic formulas to affect everything, but the sapphire stone came with a bonus. It’s essentially a water focus.

“Vera. Want to see if you can use some force magic?”

That interested her immensely from how excited she looked.

I explained what it was that she should be feeling by circulating the mana in her body while holding the sapphire stone. It’s not unusual to not be able to use force magic right away. That’s why there are two disciplines for magic in this world; Force magic and Formulaic magic.

Usually a magician is stronger in one discipline over the other, it’s… like being right handed or left handed. Sure there are ambidextrous people who can use both fairly well, and those who teach themselves, the same goes for magicians, with the tier ones who like to train extensively to be good in both disciplines, but they aren’t around my age by the time they start to care, they are far older.

I had tasked her with focusing on trying to manipulate a bit of water I purposely spilled on the table. I let her alone to focus on her task, as it’s pretty straightforward how to use Force magic. I explained channeling her mana to the stone in her hand, and then from there to her other hand and getting the feel for it. I wasn’t expecting much progress. Hell, I couldn’t use magic the first time I tried, and I was born into a good bloodline adept with mana manipulation in this life.

Vera had been puzzling about what to do on her own, before she came over to me and sat on my lap, taking me inside of her.

“Mana.” She voiced, in her oversimplified way of speaking, which usually required me to guess at what she was thinking.

“You want me to cycle mana through your body?” I asked, to which she replied with a nod.

If she thought it would help her figure something out, that’s fine. She was just keeping me inside of her, and wasn’t even wiggling her hips like she usually would. I was injecting mana into her both through my dick and with my hands which she had me put on her belly.

She had put a hand on the wall next to us to steady herself and I had sent a pulse of my mana through her body with intent so she understood what her own mana was supposed to do in regards to force magic.


I did as she asked, and quite a few times she kept saying “again.”

On the fifth or sixth time, it happened.


She had sent out a strong burst of mana from her hand which blew a fairly large hole in the cavern wall she was touching. I had no doubt someone was going to come rushing in here in a moment or two, and then there would be a lot of explaining to do.

With exceptional luck, the first on the scene was Jewel, armed with her knife.

I think she knew something was up when she saw us covered in dirt.

Thankfully Vera had her sapphire in hand and there was enough time for us to separate our bodies and for me to explain things to Jewel before Prima and Tree-chopper showed up a few moments later.

“What do?” Prima interrogated, staring at the hole in the wall, and to Vera and I.

“A particularly troublesome section of the wall caved in. I didn’t mean to worry anyone. Don’t worry, Jewel was here keeping an eye on me.” I mostly-lied.

Prima sighed.

“Stupid Husband.” She complained and then turned around to leave. Tree-chopper the lazy guard waved at me and I did the same.

Jewel however…

I had to explain without any bullshit what had actually happened after the other two left.

“So, Stu–Vera use boom magic?”

“No. Maybe, but I don’t think so. I was pushing my mana into her body so she could figure out how to use the sapphire stone as a focus so that she could do what I do with the topaz stone, only I think I put a little too much inside and it had to come out like… boom?”

Jewel glared at me. “Husband. Not. Do. Again!”

“I promise! It was just an experiment to see if she could. Wouldn’t it be nice if the both of us could make your cave-hole even nicer in the future?”

Jewel squinted her eyes at me. I do think she sensed the bullshit behind those words, but she let it go. Of course, I had to pay the piper for the disruption. Not that I mind fucking Jewel at all, she has great tits to squeeze, and she really gets into it, wanting it rough.


My dick is sore.

Is it possible to fuck too much?

With Jewel gone and it just being Vera and I, she pointed at her stomach.


“You know how to use force magic?”

She nodded, and then shook her head.

“So… you can, or you can’t?”

She took my hand and put it on her belly.


“Uh… are you telling me… the strong one?”

She nodded.


She took the bone used for drawing runes from me and began to write flattening runes on the wall, activating them as soon as she finished each one.

In no time at all, a second bedroom was created, adjacent to hers.

“Is that for me to sleep in?” I asked. Vera only shrugged. Was it just made then to cover up for the hole she blew into the wall?

Sadly no further answers were forthcoming. I felt like this was the perfect time to take a breather, so I asked if Vera would go get her sister so I could go get some fresh air and let whatever leftover dust was in the air, settle.

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