Husband of the Goblin Tribe

Chapter Twenty-nine – In which Ark serenades a pair of sisters, and helps Vera say good-bye to her lonely past.

“Give Prima big seed! Stupid Husband make belly fat!”

There’s nothing like a good enjoyable rape by your main wife. I mean, in the dommy mommy sense of it anyway. Prima seems to think I can make her belly blow up big like Berry’s had, and is insisting that I waste as much big seed with her as possible so she can have her own strong ones already. I daresay, or darethink at least, that Prima is suffering some kind of baby fever, now that Diana has already proven she can kill a horned rabbit on her own.

Seeing as Prima takes care of my needs, and that she’s not a bad goblin at heart, just burdened with the task of protecting her tribe, much like Berry, I wanted to give her some relief. Plus, I genuinely like having sex with Prima. She’s visceral, and at times unrestrained, but by no means disappointing. She can go from riding me like a gob-boss one round to taking it submissively the next, and I honestly never know what I’m getting because she’s got moods.

“Thanks for treating me well, Prima. Even when I’m doing something stupid.”

I decided to express my heartfelt feelings to her. Of course, her response to such things was to tell me to stop being stupid and make her belly fat so her strong ones come out tomorrow. I suspect she wouldn’t be more honest with me because we weren’t alone… exactly.

Vera had woken up and walked over to my wide open raised bed only to sit down on it while Prima and I were still doing the nasty..

“Hello, Vera.” I said as I exchanged breasts I was sucking. Did I mention that Prima thought my sucking on them would help her milkies convince her belly to get fat? Yeah, let’s not worry about biology and logic with a horny goblin who wants to embrace motherhood.

“What are you looking at?” Prima growled sharply at Vera.

Vera just shook her head and crawled off the bed and behind me, hugging my head from behind. It was a strange sister sandwich, but Prima didn’t say anything more to her while we enjoyed wasting seed together. I’m still hesitant to say make love, because I don’t think we’re there yet. But there’s been good steady vibes between us since the whole Great Protector incident, and unless that changes somehow, I’m still of the opinion that Prima is the legal first wife.

When I finally sloshed her sluice with my capable conceptive, we took a small break so I could rehydrate. While doing so, Prima mentioned finding something in the forest yesterday while she was hunting. She had it in her cave-hole, and wanted me to come with her to see if I knew what it was.

Vera had tried to crawl into my lap for her turn the very second Prima had gotten off of my seed-stick. A swift slap on her bare ass had Vera yelping in a less desirable way.

“Husband busy with Prima!” my wife barked at her sister.

Vera went scrambling back behind me again. I am a smart enough man to know not to get involved in a sister squabble any more than I already am by being a temporary meat shield.

Prima had me follow her immediately. Vera trailed right behind me, holding onto my hand. I don’t know why she came, but it’s good for her to get out of the cave-hole, so I was fine letting her tag along. If Prima minded, she didn’t say anything.

What Prima wanted me to see was something she had left in plain view as soon as I entered her cave-hole.

“Husband knows?”

The object in question was a wooden lute, I think. The body was a dark brown color and it looked well used. It had scuffs and nicks on it, but all the strings were intact and I didn’t see any reason why it wouldn’t be fully functional.

“It makes music. It’s an instrument called a lute.”

“Music? What that?”

“The lute is not a weapon, so may I pick it up and show how it works?”

Getting her consent, I picked it up and began to play, poorly, a song I had learned in my previous life. It was a slow and relaxing song from a popular video game about a bunch of high-schoolers in a modern mega city stealing people’s hearts.

I of course included the vocals, but unable to do it the justice it deserved.

“Where have you been?~

Been searching all along~

Came facing twilight on and on…

Without a clue.”

I walked over to Vera, who stared at me with huge eyes.

“Without a sign~

Without grasping yet~

The real question to be asked…

Where will I go?”

I spun around and slid on my feet to right beside Prima, trying to show off my smooth side, which might not actually exist. I had spent a full year learning a few songs from a video game that my younger brother who wasn’t all that dissimilar to Vera happened to love, simply because he always liked it when I played my acoustic guitar. It was something that I felt connected us, even though we had communication issues due to his own mental issues.

“I’m a shapeshifter…~

At a Masquerade~

Hiding both face and mind~

All free for you to draw.”

Prima had reached out to grab the lute and I handed it right over, sad I couldn’t finish the verse.

She plucked at the strings with her fingers and I winced, not because of the poorly plucked note, but because she had sharp fingers and I expected the string to snap or get cut by them.

“How… Husband make sounds?”

“It’s called a chord. You hold your fingers against certain strings in a certain way, and it readies a sound. You make many different sounds together by brushing your fingers over the strings at the bottom here, which is called strumming, and you can make as many kinds of music as stars in the night sky.”

“Husband know how make many sounds?”

“I know a few songs, yes, but this was the song I felt I was the best at. It was a favorite of mine and took a long time to learn.”

Prima held the lute and stared at it for a while.

“Husband make sounds again?”

“If you don’t mind that it’s the same song?”

“Not care. Vera, sit.”

Prima and Vera had sat on the floor with the older holding on to the younger’s waist between her legs. I started the song over and played it through all the way this time. It wasn’t a long song, maybe close to four minutes or thereabout.

“What words mean?” Prima asked me when it was over.

“Oh, it’s a song about there being a big sickness in a human town, and all the rich and powerful people who were scared of it hid inside a castle while the poor and weak people outside all died. But the sickness somehow got inside the castle anyway and began to kill everyone there slowly until they all were dead, while fooling themselves into thinking they wouldn’t be killed by the sickness ever.”


Prima choked on that single word.

“Why feel mad…? No. Not right. Not mad. Prima feel mad, but…”

“Prima. The song is supposed to make you feel sadness.”

“Yes. Sad.”

“That’s just the nature of the song. There are other songs that can make people feel angry, or happy, or all sorts of different feelings.”

“When bring lute, Husband make songs for me?”

“I don’t know about making songs, since I’m not a proper musician, I just know a few songs I learned to play for fun.”

The sadness on her face at hearing I couldn’t make songs was obvious.

“But I will play what songs that I do know for you, whenever you want.”

And so I ended up doing just that. I played a few more songs for the goblin sisters until Prima said she was feeling sleepy. Now luteless, Vera and I were destined to return to the breeding room. That is until I remembered her room was right across the main passage through the goblin tribe’s cave.

“Vera, want to visit your old cave-hole for a little bit?”

Vera squeezed my hand tightly, and she had a seriously worried look on her face.

“Don’t worry, you’re still staying with me. We’re just visiting, maybe clean it up a bit?”

She looked me in the eyes for a little bit and then nodded.

“Good girl.”

We entered her cave-hole, and it was still a sight. A nightmare even to a hoarder. The stench was awful and no amount of flowers Lily brought could even tackle it. The shit-pit was almost air freshener in comparison.

I found a reasonably clean rag, and began to clear a space near the furthest back part of her cave-hole.

“Vera, can you go get the bone used for drawing Runes? I want to make a hole so we can dump the trash and bury it. That way, in the future, this cave hole can be used by someone else. Maybe a strong one later on?”


Vera took off running, leaving me with the torch, and I did my best to free up a reasonable amount of space to just toss shit in. I think the three things she had were really all that she had. Everything else was just trash. Torn animal skins, stripped bones, bones with meat that still had maggots on them, sticks, rocks, literal garbage.

When she returned, I showed her how to make the formula for a deep hole. She was in charge of activating it, and I was in charge of chucking garbage. It took a long while for everything she didn’t want to keep to get thrown in, which was everything save for a single item.


I asked to see what it was, not that I was going to deny her anything, unless it was a rotting piece of maggot infested meat. What she had in her hand was a necklace made of bones. It… looked a bit small for her to wear around her neck, so was it a bracelet instead?

“Oh, did Ivory make that for you?”

Vera shook her head.

“No? Prima?”

Vera shook her head again. Vera didn’t seem forthcoming about who made it for her, she only clutched it to her chest.

“Well, if you want to keep it, that’s fine with me. Now, shall we make the formula to fill in the hole and bury all this trash?”

Vera nodded and the hole was filled in with dirt and covered. The cave-hole’s floor was even smoother than it was before we began.

“Vera… I won’t say anything bad about how this cave-hole got so filthy. I’m sure you have a reason, maybe you got lazy and when you realized it was bad, it was too much for you to do on your own. I don’t know. But we’re not going to let our cave hole get dirty like this, okay?”

Vera nodded.

I stroked her head and she put her arms out asking for a hug.


“I said you could keep the bone necklace.”

She shook her head.



“You want to have fun and get big seed?”

She nodded emphatically into my chest.

“Alright, but we’re not doing it here. We’ll do it when we get back to our cave-hole, okay?”

She nodded again.

“But before that, we need to make a stop and see Jewel. I want to see if she is willing to trade for something first. Can you wait just a little longer?”


“Good girl!”

Holding the torch in one hand, and Vera’s hand in the other, she led me through the cave until we arrived at Jewel’s cave hole, where I hoped I might get lucky.

Well, in a different sort of way than usual…

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