Husband of the Goblin Tribe

Chapter Twenty-one – In which Ark does his best to juggle all the goblins who come to see him, and his new job remodeling cave-holes.

Welp, I broke her fuckhole.

Heh, I wish I could actually be chad enough to say that. Fact is, goblin pussy can sure take a beating, and she took the worst I could give so far. She wasn’t able to move at all, aside from her hands, but she had an adequately healthy appetite this morning. I volunteered to hold the bloody leg of meat for her to eat while I held my own piece of fire meat and tried not to stare at the severe lack of table manners she had.

I also didn’t have a table made yet for her to sit at, so I guess I can forgive her for getting some crumbs in my bed.

Prima, Jewel, Lily, and Truffle had joined me in the room for breakfast. Ivory was absent, busy making something and Berry is an early riser. She was already off with Diana teaching her how to hunt again today.

“Husband give name?” Jewel asked me.

“Ah, no. Never got to it, actually.” I admitted, as I turned the piece of meat slightly so Fish-catcher could tear off a new chunk to gnash on.

“Like hunt fish. Call Fishface?” She joked. I think… I hope.

“Nah. I did have something else in mind, though.”


“Well, I want to name her after a spice. You see, she’s got this really nice hair color, and it reminds me of something that makes certain foods taste better called Cinnamon. But the way she took my seed-stick last night almost makes me want to call her Pepper instead, which is something that makes food taste hot. I don’t know, maybe it’s too soon to give her one? Usually I think of an appropriate one after talking with goblins after giving big seed, but we didn’t do a whole lot of talking last night.”

“How many big seed Husband give?” Jewel inquired.

“Five, I think. Maybe six? I had stopped around that point to give her a chance to rest, but…” I took a bite of my own fire meat. It was pretty juicy today. Not like bloody juicy but cooked juicy. I’m sure Jewel understood what happened afterwards.

“How feel?” Jewel asked her fellow goblin.

“Not go hunt today. Not think can stand, Legs like reeds like want. Fuckhole hurt least. But hurt. Get seed-stick and big seed good. Belly full.” She couldn’t do more than pat her belly, and as she tore off another chunk, a high and wide arc of piss came right out of her.

She was conscientious enough to apologize afterwards.

“Not mean piss.”

After feeding her, and myself for that matter, I took the waterskin I was regularly provided and drizzled some fresh water on her body, washing her pussy and thighs clean from last night’s horror. I also had my hand broom and since the cave is a dirt floor, there was always a bit of dirt needing to be swept. I was able to sweep over the urine that wasn’t on my straw bed to clump it together for further sweeping towards my trash-pit. When I asked where trash went, an obvious answer was given by just about every goblin present. The shit-pit.

Welp, I had a rag I used for doing push ups in here to keep my hands from getting too dirty, so I’d sacrifice it to do a little garbage disposal later.

I asked Fish-catcher if she wanted me to help carry her to her room, but she asked if she could just go back to sleep in here instead. She was fed and fucked and wanted to just sleep. I didn’t have a problem with it, nor could I blame her, so for good measure I stuffed my other relatively clean rag under her ass, just in case she lost control and went number two. I rather hope she doesn’t, but I have standards. I don’t sleep where I shit, and I sure as hell don’t sleep where other people shit either.

Truffle had been munching on some grilled mushrooms, of which I was offered one but politely declined, not that I didn’t want to take it, but Prima always brings me these fuckin’ huge pieces of cooked meat that I can barely finish.

Jewel wanted me to start my magic remodeling gig early today, so leaving Fish-catcher behind in my bed, I went together with Jewel and Truffle to her cave-hole so I could get started. Jewel had already brought the topaz stone and her knife, so it made getting things underway quicker. There was a surprise though, in that I wasn’t only working on Truffle’s cave-hole, I was also working on Ivory’s and connecting them together on the inside.

Well, they are good friends I guess, so if that’s what they want, I’m fine doing it.

I ended up making the doorway between their rooms first, to which Ivory came right through and sat down while doing something to a whole pile of bones she brought as she chatted with Truffle, who was constantly worried that I was going to step on her mushroom cultivations. I ended up making a relatively spacious bedroom for Truffle, and a series of recessed shelving similar to a bookcase meant to fit small paperbacks only where her mushroom operation was going on. It more than tripled the amount of space she currently had for growing mushrooms, and she was absolutely thrilled now.

She really loves mushrooms.

I ended up flattening the walls and made a nice little secure place for me to shove a torch for when I decided to come and visit.

Ivory helped move the straw bed Truffle used into her new bedroom, which came complete with a special step-holed window-wall, similar to an open venetian blind, so she could peek through it at any level from her new room and see her mushroom collection.

I would end up doing Ivory’s side tomorrow as Jewel had reached her limit of being able to patiently stand around with a knife at my throat half of the time as I literally touched almost every inch of Truffle’s cave-hole.

I had also asked about getting more of the straw the goblins used for my bed, and the two new roommates told me they’d take care of getting me some. That was half of one objective down.

Back in my room, Jewel let me make the pillar again, but in order to enclose it around the stone. So I made a sort of open lighthouse with a hole in the top that I could drop the topaz into so it landed on a shelf within. My fingers couldn’t reach it through the holes because they weren’t as long and slim as hers were, and with the pillar compacted and hardened, I would be genuinely unable to get it out on my own without a tool to knock it down.

What did that mean for me?

I would at least have a source of light for my room now! I could keep the stone charged with enough mana remotely without needing to touch it. I think it’s really risky for her to do that, but I also won’t violate the no using magic clause by quietly parenthesizing the part where it’s land-shaping magic and not light magic.

I also had a sacrifice on my altar waiting for me.

Yes, the cinnamon-haired goblin Fish-catcher was still there in my bed and praise the sun she didn’t go number two while I was gone.

Jewel had also put in a work order for her own cave-hole, so she was prioritized to the slot immediately after we finished Ivory’s. Meanwhile, I was prioritized to right the fuck now and Jewel had her way with me on my bed right next to the prone body of her friend.

After that, Jewel took off and I snuggled with Fish-catcher. She had woken up a little while later and I asked if she wanted to try something a little more gentle, to which she was more than willing. I was still sort of wet with Jewel’s lubrication on my seed-stick, so it was just some nice easy-going lovey-dovey missionary between us.

I was finally able to talk with her for a little while, and she was a pretty nice girl from all I heard.

She hunts with Jewel fairly frequently, preferring to hunt fish over wild game because she finds them easier to catch and she’s fond of the taste of fish. She often gives the bones she takes from the fish or some extra fish she catches to Ivory in trade for the occasional bone decoration or bone hooks for her pole. Rather than just collecting anything, she likes exotic things, which is how she ended up with my underwear in the first place. She originally thought it was a hat! I was invited to come visit her room anytime when she was able to walk steadily again.

I also learned something interesting about the goblin tribe again. None of the girls were further than twelve moons apart in age from oldest to youngest. Fish-catcher was one of the older girls, to which Prima and Jewel and two others I hadn’t yet done it with were a part of as well as the most capable physical hunters, while Lily was the youngest and the runt. Truffle, Ivory, and Berry were in the middle of the age group and Tree-chopper was actually the oldest of the young group.

I had some berries in a bowl nearby which I offered to feed her.

“Not think this bad. Like feel seed-stick, get big seed inside. Only think Jewel say lie. Have legs like reeds all day after Husband…”

I felt a little bad for raping her to the point of being useless for most of a day, but she said more than once that she was fine with it. She was the one who went along with it and let me go wild, being very vocal about liking it, and she had a great demeanor even now, considering how she was laid out.

“Would you like me to carry you to your cave-hole?”

“Want leave?”

“I’m not kicking you out. If you want to rest a bit more here, that’s just fine with me. But before the night selection comes, I want to go see Berry and my daughter.”

“Saw strong one cave-hole.”

“You did?”

“Can tell Husband want strong one grow be strong hunter. Think all goblins want Husband make cave-hole for strong ones same reason. Go visit Berry cave-hole. Sleep more.”

I left with her blessing to go visit Berry, I think. I could almost navigate to my baby mama’s room without light now. I just had to–in the words of a famous toucan–follow my nose. That and put my hand on the cavern wall. The route to the shit-pit was fairly straightforward. Finding her room was even easier because it was the room battling the funky smell with something sweet and minty today.

“Berry, are you in?”


“Hello, Berry. I came to see you, though… I can’t actually see you. Torch went out earlier, but I still wanted to drop by.”

“Help Husband inside.”

My hand was taken by this sweet goblin mama and I was pulled inside her room carefully.

“I meant to come earlier but I was busy with a few things. I’m sorry.”

“Why sorry? Husband come. But Diana Artemis asleep.”

“Then I’ll make some extra time to see her tomorrow. How are you? Anything new happening with our daughter that I’ve missed?”

“Diana Artemis eat too much. Not think strong eat many many. Berry milkies sore and want Husband give seed-stick.”

I laughed. Was she a bit frustrated? I felt a bit bad now.

“But can you take it yet?”

“No. Know need heal, wait more. Not long. Husband well? Truffle show room Berry. Make listen stupid-talk long time grow more mushrooms than count.”

“Yeah, she sure likes mushrooms, doesn’t she?”

“Husband. Next strong Berry have… not happen fast?”

“I don’t think so. I don’t know how it happened, but if you want me to say I’m sorry, then I’m really sorry.”

We had sat down in the bedroom I made with magic and she climbed onto my lap. She let me touch her body and we enjoyed hugging each other for a while. I even got to gently stroke my goblin daughter who was sound asleep next to us.

“Know Husband belong all goblin tribe. Also like when Husband spend time only Berry.”

“I will always try and make time for you, Berry. In fact, want to have a little safe fun right now?”

“What fun?”

“I’ll show you. But you’ll have to do a little bit of the work.”

I grabbed her plump ass and hefted her right up against my slippery dick. I don’t know what it is about goblin vaginas, but they always seem to leave some kind of slime or mucus layer on my dick after I fuck them, so unless I wash it off with water, it’s like a permanent lubrication. It happened to be perfect for this situation though, so I was able to have her grind against my cock softly and slowly without her experiencing much in the way of pain.

“Husband rub?”

“I’m using my seed-stick to rub you. Maybe you’ll feel good from it?”

It was a slow grind and Berry kept her voice down the entire time. It was a lightless interlude for me, and kind of fun to do with her, like we were teenage kids sneaking around. She even let me suck on her tiddies, but I kept it only to a gentle bit of kissing and licking, since she said they were sore earlier from giving Diana milk. I don’t know for sure if she was able to get off, but we both enjoyed the closeness we shared with each other while we fooled around. I wished her good night when the time came and she escorted me to the entrance of her cave-hole where I could follow the wall back towards my cave-hole.

I made a quick stop in the shit-pit first, which as I’ve said before was absolutely terrifying to do in the dark. Thankfully it was only for a number one, so I was in and out fairly quickly. I headed back to my room to discover a lit torch in the wall and Prima waiting for me. The goblin with the cinnamon colored hair was still lying on the bed.

“What Husband do?” Prima asked while pointing at my victim.

So I explained it to Prima.

“Husband help carry cave-hole. Pick next goblin tonight.”


I was actually able to scoop this reedy-legged goblin up and carry her with no problem. Prima handled the torch and lit the way to where we were going. This goblin lived in the far recesses of the cave and when we got there, I was able to see what her cave-hole looked like.

She had a number of interesting things, like colorful pine cones and bone decorations. Her room looked like a hoarder’s curio shop. I can definitely say I didn’t see a lot of what I saw in her room in anyone else’s, so carefully working my way through this firetrap of a room, I found her straw bed and gently deposited her on it.

She was asleep so there was no good-bye necessary.

I walked back together with Prima, feeling pretty worn out.

“Husband okay?”

“Just feeling a little tired.”

When I got back to the room, I had sat down on my bed and laid down. I had reached for the waterskin that was provided to me courtesy of Jewel, and drank everything inside with just a few gulps, still feeling dehydrated.


“What is it?”

“Come here.”

She had come by and I reached for her, pulling her down onto the bed, clinging to her warm body. After that it was lights out for me, without having made a selection at all that night.

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