Husband of the Goblin Tribe

Chapter Twenty-six – In which Ark has yet to understand that though he’s a shared husband, goblins are inherently greedy for the D.

Lily had brought me some flowers later in the day as I had requested from her earlier. She stuck around for a little while, watching as I placed the fragrant flowers around the room. A few on the table, a few around the head of my bed, and for good measure a few in Vera’s cave-hole. I was left with a few flowers, ones with stems and so I placed one in Vera’s hair, and one in Lily’s hair, making a pair of goblins look just a little bit cuter than normal.

“Why Husband put flower in Lily hair?”

“I think it makes you look cute.”

“Husband think Lily pretty goblin? Even when runt? Not have big milkies?”

“I do. I think each of you goblins are special in your own way.”

“What make Lily special?”

“You are always very friendly to me. Plus I like sharing fire meat with you, and, well….”

I picked her up and put her on my bed, putting my hand on the small bump showing from her belly.

“I don’t know exactly what all the goblins in the tribe think about me, but I’m not all that angry that this is where I am right now in my life, giving big seed to all of you and accepting that the goblin tribe will soon all have my strong ones. I just wonder if this is what you all really want out of life.”

“Husband like goblins?”


“Lily like Husband. Lily know Berry like Husband. Prima too.  Also know all other goblins get big seed from Husband like Husband.”

“What about the ones that haven’t yet?”

“Lily think will like Husband after.”

“Is it only because I’m giving them big seed?”

“Not only reason. Big reason, not only reason.”

“Care to explain?”

“Like spend time with Husband. Husband not goblin, also not only reason. Husband man. Goblin woman. Strong feel want be near Husband.”

“So you just enjoy spending time with me?”

Lily nodded.

“Also like waste big seed. All goblin think fun, make feel good. Like Husband care after. Never want leave Husband after.”

“Yeah, I know the feeling. Sometimes I don’t want to get up even to use the shit-pit. I just want to be lazy and hug you all.”

“Lily sorry not bring Husband good fire meat. Only hunt rabbit and squirrel. Small meat.”

I kissed her stomach while running my hands along her thighs.

“You don’t ever have to worry about that. Lily has already shown that she cares about me by coming to see me every morning and bringing me the flowers I asked for when you didn't have to. And even if Lily didn’t do any of that, I’d still like Lily a lot.”

I began to kiss her thighs and she naturally spread her legs for me. Words sort of faded as I enjoyed feasting on her little green snatch. I slid two fingers inside of her and stimulated her pussy while I licked her little nubs.

“Lily… want keep Husband. Husband not leave goblin tribe. Have many strong ones with Husband fingers and toes!”

That was some dedication. Could I even imagine having twenty little goblin daughters with just Lily alone?

I licked, and slurped, and smooched, and made a huge slobbering mess of Lily’s goblin hole. She just crooned to the tune of my tongue. And when that was enough to get her ready again, I slipped my stick inside and enjoyed shifting my mouth from her cunt to her tiny tiddies. I didn’t care that she was mostly flat, she was fun, and that was what mattered.

Boredom is a dangerous thing, and one thing I was not getting bored of anytime soon, was drowning in the abundance of interspecies pussy freely available to me. So, filling her belly up once more with a dose of chunky nut-milk, I asked her about the remaining goblins while we snuggled.

“Husband give big seed Fish-catcher. Husband know Tree-chopper. Not count Old One… goblins left only Fruit-finder, Many-maker, Sneaky-finger, and Beast-talker.”

A small interrogation lead me to learn that Fruit-finder was a fellow forager like Berry, Many-maker made things for the tribe out of mud or wood like Ivory did, Sneaky-finger was good at sneaking around and finding interesting things, and Beast-talker was able to make friends with beasties, as Lily called them.

The one that interested me the most out of the four I didn’t yet know, was Fruit-finder.

“Husband go see Berry?”

“I haven’t seen her today.”

“Saw Berry come back hunt Diana. Lily not want leave Husband, not want Husband let go Lily, but good Husband go see Berry.”

“Did something happen?”

“Lily know Husband care goblins. Husband care Berry and strong one. Lily make sure have strong ones, Husband want come visit Lily cave hole many times.”

I kind of felt bad. Lily always ended up coming to me, and not once have I gone to her cave hole. I guess I just got used to the fact that she always seemed to show up with Prima and Jewel and she almost always got to spend time with me that way.

“I’m sorry, Lily. I’ll do my best to make time to visit you.”

Lily just shook her head.

“Lily not mind come Husband cave-hole. Husband dig cave hole for Lily strong ones soon?”

“I’ll talk to Jewel about it.”

Lily shifted a bit before moving my hand back to her belly.

“Husband… care Lily?”

I moved my mouth to her little ear that jutted out and nibbled on it with my lips.

“Yes, I do.”

Lily sprung out of my bed and stared at me for a moment, holding on to the ear I just nibbled on.

“Lily go!”

And she dashed right out of my room.

I wondered what that was all about?

I looked over to see Vera peeking her head out of her room.

“Vera, I’m going to go visit Berry for a little bit. If you need anything, you can find me there.”

Vera, flower still in her hair, didn’t reply with anything more than a nod.

I set out of the breeding room and headed out to see my baby mama at her cave-hole. Well, after washing up the good ol’ seed-stick and throwing on my underwear. I thought it was the courteous thing to do.

“Hello, Berry.”


I had walked into her room and was met instantly with a hug. Diana was having either snack time or dinner, and the first thing I did was ask how Berry was doing.

“Do good. Diana Artemis hunt first rabbit alone. Kill and eat!”

“That’s a good thing, right?”

“Yes! Husband give Berry strong one always want.”

“How are you holding up? You look exhausted.”

“Tired. Many thing need do, but Diana…”

“Berry, come.”

I pulled her into her bedroom and laid her down on the straw bed inside. Diana Artemis was already inside the room and taking a nap.

“I’m going to make you feel better.”

“Husband give big-seed?”

“Um, I can do that if you want, but I thought I’d do something else first. Something that might feel just as good. I’m going to give you a massage.”

“What that?”

“Just lie there, and relax. I’m going to rub your body all over and make you feel better.”

She was obedient, and I got right to work rubbing her shoulders and back, and pressing down on the pressure points I knew to help relieve stress, causing her to burp a few times. Diana had nodded off next to a bowl of berries, and I thought it funny that no matter the species, all children are versatile in where and how they fall asleep, so I let her be for a little while.

I took my time making sure no part of Berry’s body wasn’t taken care of. Her arms and legs, and cute thick butt, flipping her over and working on a few places on her front for good measure. I also took a moment to investigate how her healing was going between her legs and I have to say, it looked a lot better.

“Are you still sore down here?”

She shook her head.

“Feel better when woke up today.”

“Would you like… to do that with me? I’ll be as gentle as possible.”

I could tell she wanted to, but she was also kind of hesitating.

“Worried about having another one so soon?”

She turned her eyes away from me, as if I had asked her something shameful.

“I can give you my seed stick without giving you my big seed, if you want? You just have to let me pull it out when I say so. I understand how much work it is taking care of Diana.”

She spread her legs in such a way that any fool that wasn’t recently a virgin would know was the first sign of being honey trapped. Well, I already was, so….

I decided to warm her up to the act itself with a little bit of pussy eating foreplay. She couldn’t help but squish my head with her thighs and it was kind of cute how she was trying to be quiet so as to not wake up our daughter. I also tested the waters by inserting a couple of fingers as I had done with Lily a little bit ago, which she easily accepted inside of her. Licking her on the outside while fingering her insides, she grabbed hold of my hair and came with a few quiet grunts.

I took off my undies and sat down on the straw bed, helping her onto me and letting her put me inside of herself slowly so she was in control and I didn’t hurt her. She felt great and made it clear that she had been thinking about doing this again. I gave Berry as much of my attention and touch as she wanted.

Berry’s arms were thrown around my neck and she was breathing heavily. She had been working hard today and there was no question sex was expending what remaining energy she might have otherwise wanted to conserve. But women have needs, and Berry is a good woman and mother from all that I can tell.

“Berry, I’m… getting close. Are you ready to get off of me.”

Berry wasn’t listening. She already had two orgasms with me inside of her, and that’s not counting the one from the foreplay.

“Berry? If you don’t get off of me, you might have another strong one.”

Berry kept pumping up and down on me and was just moaning, not letting me budge her off of me at all.

“I’m sorry, Berry, I can’t… hold…”

I grunted as I soaked her guts in spurt after spurt of my spunk. Even while doing so, even for a while after, she didn’t stop her hips moving. She just whimpered a bit. I wanted to whimper too, my balls hurt! Even I need a moment of rest between nuts, but as a woman, she has that kind of enjoyable privilege to just go until she’s satisfied.

Thankfully I was able to avoid a second massive seed dump inside of her.

She snapped back to reality, and found me looking at her with a distressed face. I couldn’t keep my promise to her, because she wouldn’t let go of me. She hugged me tightly anyway, possibly understanding what had happened.

“I’m sorry, Berry.”

“No, Husband. Berry happy Husband come cave-hole, give big seed.”

She turned her head to look at her daughter who I think she might have momentarily forgotten was also in the room with us.

“Diana’s still asleep. Would you like a day off from her? I can watch her in my cavern tomorrow.”

“Husband… watch Diana?”

“I’m pretty good with strong ones. It wouldn’t just be me, either. Vera is staying in a small room like this with me in my cave-hole. We can both look after her, and play with her, and you can take the day off and rest or just do enough hunting to bring her food later on. Or stop by to give her some milkies if you get too worried I’m not doing a good enough job.” I gently traced a finger over her heavily filled breasts, which had leaked just a little during sex.

“Husband do for Berry?”

“If you’ll trust me to watch her, I will gladly do this for you.”

“Berry trust.” She sighed peacefully.

“This isn’t related to taking care of Diana, but I was talking with Lily earlier and she said I should come see you.”

“Talk Lily, tell Diana hunt kill rabbit.”


“...Husband, no make sound.”

While sitting on my lap, she leaned in towards my shoulder and I felt a searing hot pain shoot through my body. She had bitten me on my shoulder joint extremely hard. I felt each of her sharp teeth puncture my skin and I knew without a doubt that I was bleeding. I had to grit my teeth and clench my hands so that I didn’t throw her off of me while her razor sharp teeth were embedded in my flesh. She wasn’t trying to tear my skin off, I could understand that much, but it still fuckin’ hurt! I could also feel her tongue eagerly lapping up my blood.

I’ve never been a fan of getting shots in my previous life, but this kind of injection was on another level.

Berry withdrew her teeth from my shoulder after a while, which didn’t hurt any less than when they went in, and she stared at me with a bloody maw and just about feared for my life.

“W-what was that about?”

Berry licked all around her lips.

“Not know. Only know need do. Husband also do Berry. Bite hard.”

She offered me her shoulder.

“Important Husband do!” she said, raising her voice at me.

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Husband not know. Goblin way. Important thing. Husband bite Berry!”

I was worried, mainly because if I bit her hard, I would draw blood. But, I suppose with as bloody as my dick has gotten from fucking these goblins, getting a little blood in my mouth won’t change anything. Magic is nice, but it’s divine power that heals illnesses, not the arcane.

“Alright, brace yourself.”

I bit her shoulder as hard as I could without intending to rip and tear her flesh. Berry hissed loudly and I could feel the front of my body getting warm.

No, she didn’t piss on me like Vera had, instead her breasts were leaking like crazy!

I didn’t hold the bite for long, and removed my mouth from her shoulder, my tongue unable to escape the taste of metal on it.

Berry stared into my eyes again and I truly felt at this moment that I was one of the rabbits she hunted. She offered up a leaky breast to me and wanting to cleanse my palette, I took her up on it. Sweet goblin milk flowed into my mouth while her sharp fingers ran through my hair. Showing equal affection to each of her lactating milkies, the pain in my shoulder wasn’t long lasting, just at a dull throb by the time I finished my special treat.

When I was done, she leaned over and took the bowl next to Diana and fed me a few berries. After that, she got up from my lap, and went about cleaning up her cave-hole, looking for something which she eventually found, but what it was, I had no clue..

“Husband go soon?”

“I can stay a bit longer if you want. Would you like that?”


Berry climbed back into my lap, sparing my seed-stick by sitting sideways and resting her head against my chest while I held her body, rubbing her back softly as she did whatever the goblin equivalent to purring was.

“You’re a good mother, Berry. I can see how strong you’re raising our daughter to be.”

But they were words which fell upon deaf ears. Berry was out cold in my arms. So much for asking her to make blue water for Ivory. I stayed there for a while longer before carefully placing her on the bed next to our daughter and grabbing my undies. I haven’t had the level of interaction I wanted with Diana yet, so I was very much looking forward to tomorrow. I left Berry’s cave-hole and carefully navigated my way back to my room shortly before Prima arrived, dropping off a certain goblin I desperately wanted to meet…

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