Husband of the Goblin Tribe

[v2] Chapter Five – In which Ark is placed into a no-win scenario between choosing the Human Way or the Goblin Way.

A couple of days would be spent mostly alone in a cave together with Mint upon my unfortunate return to consciousness. While I love Mint dearly as one of my precious daughters, I wasn’t exactly thrilled that she had taken it upon herself to create some kind of goblin intervention scenario where she was the acting counselor for a problem I really didn’t want to delve into.

Mint claimed that she understood the human way I was bound to, by both birth and by choice, and how it wasn’t right to try and overlap it in any kind of framework with the goblin way, since, in truth, the only thing that humans and goblins shared at the most basic of levels was a humanoid appearance. And even then, how vast were those differences? Glowing eyes which saw well in the dark, very different varieties of skin-coloration, razor-sharp teeth, pointy fingers and toes… the list does go on.

Also, whatever could be called civilized for the Bloodmaw was derivative of how they lived their lives. From the moment they were born they rapidly strove for independence. How they didn’t have the same kind of thoughts on family that a human might have. How to a Bloodmaw, the desire to give birth to strong-ones was a core instinct that they felt the call to embrace as part of their very nature. While not having a system of laws in place, there were two which were well understood; Might is right, and the tribe comes first.

I was given a number of breaks while having these conversations with Mint who, honestly, was far more cognizant about things than I had ever expected her to be. Those breaks were also accompanied by visits from my wives who had gone many days without any sexual relief. But not only my wives. The first visit came from Lily, who had Orchid and Lilac in tow.

Mint explained that among my eldest children, they were now at a developmental stage in their lives where they were ready to learn about sex and procreation. While they wouldn’t generally be ready biologically to have children until much later, when it came time for them to have their bloody membrane form and experience the ceremony of blood known as the blood awakening, it wasn’t unusual for a goblin younger than the age they were ready to begin procreating at to have had a few sexual encounters.

(For veracity’s sake, this was confirmed to be the case by Old One. While she was actually something of a late bloomer herself, that was far from the case when it came to both her maker, Stone-feet, and her strong-one, Spear-hand. As well as many, many other goblins who existed at the time.)

It wasn’t straight into sex with Lily in front of my daughters or anything right off the bat. One thing that Lily and her daughters provide me with is the illusion of our family being like a human one. For starters, Lily and the girls prefer their meat to be cooked, same as me. Both of my girls freely call me daddy, and when we’re spending time together as a family unit, it really feels like what I expected it might have been like to have had the chance to marry and have a family in my previous life. We’d talk about all sorts of things, the girls would tell me about their experiences, Lily would say how much she missed me, and the girls would discreetly leave me alone with her so that we could… do things.

However, this time they wouldn’t be discreetly leaving me alone with Lily.

While they were already aware that Lily was currently making them a new sister or sisters inside of her, the exact method in how that came to be would be taught to them today. This wasn’t something meant to be obscene, though. Mint explained that while it may seem uncomfortable, it was also my chance to protect them congruous to the human way. Goblins were fast learners, and I could responsibly teach them what they needed to know about something I myself had diverging opinions of compared to the Bloodmaw.

But I also had to keep an open mind in relation to my own circumstances and theirs. There was no other male in the tribe, and my girls… my precious daughters didn’t really see me as a father. They saw me as a Husband. As a male they needed to compete for. As someone they needed to prove their worth to, so that they could fulfill their instinctual duties as goblins and hopefully receive the reward of my big-seed, and show me that they were capable of creating strong-ones worthy of raising up the Bloodmaw.

It went hand in hand with what I was doing on the upper floor of Goblinhome for the last few days. I was trying to find a way to make the Bloodmaw more than barely civilized cave dwelling barbaric hunters. I was trying to give them a future where they could be more than that. It’s just that for me, I was looking through the lens of the human way of achieving it.

So, after a lighthearted meal of cooked meat and generous amounts of familial skinship and affection, it became time for me to teach my daughters about the birds and the bees, or, more accurately, the goblins and the humans.

But what did I want to teach them? How did I want to go about teaching them? In this point of order, Mint could offer me no help.

“Orchid… Lilac… what do you know about love?”

I had asked them a question I wasn’t sure they knew how to answer, but it was also the only way to know where to begin.

“Love when do things protect goblins!”

“Love when want make strong-ones with goblins!”

Their responses left much to be desired, but I also wondered if put on the spot, I could give a sufficiently acceptable answer. Incidentally, neither of their answers were wrong.

“Daddy… is trying to understand the goblin way. As you know, I am not a goblin. There are things that goblins do that daddy, as a human, has trouble understanding.”

“Daddy want Orchid to explain goblin way things?”

“Lilac help teach daddy goblin way!”

“Lily also help Husband… if want.”

How do I teach my daughters about how love and sex are both separate things and also finely intertwined?

I took hold of Lily and pulled her into my lap.

“Lily, can you promise not to bite me with your teeth?”

Lily nodded.

I brought my lips to hers and began to kiss her on the mouth, something I hadn’t really ever done with anyone other than Stella. I had her open up her mouth just enough that her teeth weren’t in the way, and I pressed my much shorter tongue against her much longer one. She seemed to enjoy it, even trying to capture my tongue by snaking her own around my own. It… was kind of weird, I admit. Goblin saliva is extremely viscous, and swapping spit was an interesting sensation. Stella retained far more of the human viscosity of her saliva than Lily did, that’s for sure.

I slowly pulled my tongue away and Lily remained seated in my lap with a bit of her tongue dangling out of her mouth.

“What I just did with Lily was called a tongue kiss. It’s different from a regular kiss which only uses the lips. This is usually where humans physical love for each other begins.”

“Why Husband not kiss Lily before? Not love Lily?”

“Truthfully, Lily, I’m terrified of your sharp teeth. If you were to accidentally bite my tongue, it wouldn’t grow back and I’d be unable to talk anymore. You may not realize this, but your tongue is much thicker and longer than my own, and it’s harder for your own teeth to pierce it than it is to pierce mine.”

Lily nodded.

“Now, aside from kissing, there’s hugging and touching which is important for a human to receive from another. Also, unlike goblin strong-ones, Human strong-ones do not grow fast. In fact, as old as Orchid and Lilac are now, no human strong-one could even lift their body yet. At most they could roll over, and maybe, just maybe, crawl a short distance. They cannot speak words, and they cannot feed themselves. Forget going on any kind of hunt. It will be well into twenty-four moons before they can do so at the most basic level what a goblin can do by their second day after coming into the world. Twenty-four is the number of all your fingers and toes, and four more. Do you understand?”

“Orchid not dumb. Can count to one-hundred!”

“Yeah, Doll teach Lilac and Orchid how count many many!”

Oh? I guess the exercises I did with Doll paid off in an unexpected way!

I then went into an explanation about how, for humans, whether adults or soon-to-be adults, they usually looked for a partner around the same age as they were, and that only a weak-one with a stupid-head would ever think to give his little-seed to a female strong-one, especially one he was the maker of. This also applied to human women in regard to receiving any kind of seed from male strong-ones they made, even when they became adults. It caused Orchid and Lilac to look at each other with a little obvious confusion before asking me to explain further.

Mint, who has been here the entire time, decided to step in here and explain it in a way they could better understand.

“Way humans grow strong different from Bloodmaw. Humans not have Origin Blood. Humans give seed strong-ones with same human blood make weak-ones. Humans give seed other adult humans not share same human blood make human strong-ones. How humans different from goblins. Why human way say make strong-ones with strong-ones share same blood not good.”

“Orchid Bloodmaw goblin. Have Origin Blood.”

“Maybe have human blood too? Lilac make strong-ones with daddy… get weak-ones?”


A third voice came into existence as the Old One walked into the cave we were all in.

“Ark, you cannot dilute the Origin Blood of the Bloodmaw with your human blood or big-seed no matter how many generations of female Bloodmaw you create children with.”

“Old One?”

“The exception belongs only to the males of our tribe, excluding the divine seed of a Goblin Lord, which is gifted by the Creator in times of need. The reason why there are other tribes of goblins that exist who are stupid and weak is because the Origin Blood is passed down only through female goblins. Male goblins who capture and make strong-ones with other races do not pass along the Origin Blood, and therefore do not create true Bloodmaw.”

“Then why do goblins take female humans and other civilized races as… breeding slaves?” I felt the inclination to ask.

“Because weak-ones are useful to act as fodder to keep true Bloodmaw strong-ones alive.”

“Then, male humans captured by the Bloodmaw… are more valuable?”

“When there is a shortage of male goblins with big-seed, they can be useful for adding more true Bloodmaw to our tribe. But male goblins are quite possessive, often killing them when the first opportunity presents itself. Some even resent making strong-ones with female Bloodmaw after they have made strong-ones with humans, elves, orcs, or any of the other races.”

“Is… that what happened to you, Old One? After making Spear-hand with… Grant?”

“Hmph! After seeing how strong Spear-hand was, I was simply more discerning about what I considered truly strong big-seed. Why take weaker seed than he had to give?”

“Then, do I qualify as having truly strong big-seed to you?”

“Do you think I would allow you to make a strong-one with me, as ugly as your skinny furless face is, if I didn’t?”

She harrumphed again and then scanned the room, fixating on Mint.

“Come to my room when you are done fixing the human of his foolishness, Bloody Druid. We have much to discuss.”

“Yes, Old One.” Mint replied quietly.

Old One left immediately after that.

Mint had put two fingers in her mouth and whistled two notes sharply. A few seconds later, Beastie—the animated skeleton of what was once one of the adult goblins, Beast-talker—had entered the cave.

“Beastie. No let other goblins in cave.”

She was put to task by Mint who was half-responsible for her current state of undeath.

“Orchid, Lilac… Old One say important things. More important listen daddy.”

Both of my elder daughters nodded.

The direction of the conversation had been thrown back onto my lap, but I wasn’t sure how to proceed now after Old One’s intrusion.

“What wrong, Husband? Upset what Old One say?”

Lily was staring into my eyes with concern. Without a coherent reply, I just wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly.

“A little.”


“Hard accept truth Old One say.” Mint spoke. “For Human, daddy good one. Not matter Bloodmaw know okay make strong-ones with strong-ones. Change way think not easy.”

“How Husband feel? Not want Lily strong-ones make better strong-ones with Husband big-seed?”

I couldn’t answer her. To think of embracing either Orchid or Lilac in that way, when for me it was just a few months ago that they came out of their mother and knew nothing more than how to eat, drink from Lily (and Berry who was there), shit, and play with the little sand-filled rag tetherball pole I made…

Now they’re huge. I mean, you know, for what a goblin tween might be. Diana Artemis is even bigger… nearly adult size by halfway through her Blood Fury. I haven’t seen her since, but she has to be close to done with it by now. She might have grown taller than Berry by now. She… her chest was already developing to the point I was truly considering introducing a bra of some kind!

“Everything that makes me human deep inside tells me not to.” I admitted. “But… I’ve done things since being here that would make me a monster among my own kind. Humans can’t help but think of goblins as monsters, but humans can be monsters, too.”

“Why matter monster? Not good be strong monster for protect tribe? When strong-one, Lily not hear any goblin kill seven Black-claws. Maybe Spear-hand could, but she special goblin. Guardian. Strongest goblin. Like Prima. Like Diana Artemis. Husband big-seed what make Diana Artemis with Berry. Berry! Berry weak goblin like Lily. Lily also lucky get big-seed make Orchid and Lilac!”


“Lily also happy get big-seed again. Have more strong-ones! So what Lily weak goblin? Can make strong-ones for tribe! All because Husband strong as monster!”

Whatever train of logic that Lily was trying to use to comfort me was too far outside of my zone of acceptance to grasp. Since when is being a monster a good thing? I can’t imagine that even for a goblin, being a monster is a good thing. When I called Prima that back during the time when Diana Artemis was born, she took it as the offence it was.

“Husband… Orchid and Lilac not strong-ones anymore. Not live Lily cave-hole. Lily still maker. Husband also maker. Job maker teach goblins how be goblins. Show how make strong-ones. Husband show how with Lily?”

Lily hardly asks me for anything. Just my time, and when she has it, she does spoil me as best she can. I’m really undeserving of a woman like her. Even though she’s a runt and looks like more of a youth than the two daughters she’s already raised to this point, I know I owe her this, as uncomfortable with it as I might be.


“Orchid! Lilac! Lily show you what adult goblin do make strong-ones. Not mean can do yet. Important learn by watch! Later, Husband do both when ready.”

Lily stood up and off my lap, pulling off her loincloth. She offered me a hand and I took it, rising to my own feet. Lily tugged on my own loincloth, letting it fall to the ground and exposing my human manhood. Lily was experienced enough with my body to know what to do and what not to do. She called Orchid and Lilac over to come see it up close.

“This Husband seed stick. Hole here where big-seed come out. Thing down here where big-seed made, make sure not touch. Husband no like.”

Both Orchid and Lilac were watching with their eyes as wide as could be, nodding along to everything Lily said.

“Many ways get big-seed out. Easiest put seed-stick in fuckhole. Can also use tongue. Lily show how.”

Lily extended her tongue, snaking it around my cock. Her tongue was covered in the slimy lubricant that was goblin saliva, doing her utmost to coat the entire length of it for pre-entry inside of her. After doing so, she retracted her tongue and grasped my thing with a hand, slowly stroking me from base to head.

“Also can use hand. Careful not cut with finger.”

She then merged the two techniques, flicking her tongue around the head while continuing to stroke me only partway to my glans for a little while. Lily stopped and turned around, getting down on her hands and knees.

“Husband… time show how put seed-stick inside.”

“Lily… um… can you lie down on your back instead?”

“Husband want show other way? Lily not mind!”

Lily laid down on the straw bed, spreading her legs freely. I got down on my knees between them, wanting to show them that there was more to it than just the mechanical way of putting it in. Lily wasn’t tall, and her breasts weren’t big even after having two children, but when I did have sex with her, I made it a point of giving her whole body the attention it deserved as one of my wives.

I began with rubbing her body from just above her thighs, moving my hands over her pregnant belly and upwards until they could grasp and grope what she did have as far as breasts went. I kissed her soft green skin and moved one of my hands away so that I could lick at her dark green nipples. I sucked and smacked on them for a while before kissing my way downwards, caressing her body with both hands as I did, until I reached her vagina and kissed that as well, caressing her thigs from outward to inward, spreading wide the folds of her pussy so that I could return the favor of the tongue she used on me earlier.

“L-Lilac… my fuckhole tingly.”

“Mine too. Want rub it.”

“Go ahead, rub.” Lily said to the girls. “Watch and rub, feel good.”

I did my best to pay it as little mind as I could, that my girls were going to be masturbating as they watched me pleasure their mother. Not in a million years would I ever think something like this was acceptable for a Husband and a wife to show their own offspring directly. I couldn’t imagine any wanting to watch their parents do it either, but this only made it more difficult for me to refute that they were goblins and they did not share my cultural upbringing. They had their goblin way, and my human way only seemed to get in the way.

“Husband use tongue fuckhole. Feel very good. Like when do!”

Lily had wrapped her legs around my head and pulled my face closer. I reached for the back of her thighs and squeezed them, and as much of her small bubbly butt as I could while licking up a storm in her goblin gully. It didn’t take long to bring her to an orgasm.

Lily’s legs had squeezed tightly until they went slack. I slid them to the side and got onto my knees again, lowering my body as much as possible before grabbing my cock and slapping it down dead center between her sopping folds with a hefty squelch.

“Now… come best part. Husband put seed-stick inside.”

I slid my cock along her inner labia—a lighter green than the rest of her skin—for a few strokes before aligning the head at her entrance and putting my hands on the sides of her waist. Orchid and Lilac were both watching intently as I pushed inside of their maker goblin slowly, my dick disappearing into the very hole they once clawed their way out of.

When I was buried as far in as I could be, I began to pump. I pumped steadily in and out of Lily while she moaned in pleasure more vocally than usual. I couldn’t be too rough with my runty wife, as she had a baby goblin growing inside of her. But I did what I could, and once I had a steady rhythm going, I returned to caressing Lily’s body.

When I was close, I leaned forward and scooped my arms underneath Lily’s back, hefting her up as I rocked backwards, where she was now sitting in my lap, facing me.

“Lily show best part now.”

“Best part?”

“Not when put seed-stick inside?”

“No. This best part only because Bloodmaw can do.”

Lily leaned forward and sunk her teeth into my shoulder, drawing blood. When she, or any other of my wives did that, it’s like a fire hydrant bursting open in their cunt. Just pure sticky grool leaks out and they lose their fucking minds for a second in absolute unfettered pleasure.

Lily’s tongue licked and lapped at the piece of flesh she had captured with her mouth and like a good Husband, I unloaded a nut that had been backed up for at least three or four days deep inside of her with a few noisy grunts.

I had to hold Lily’s body as she went slightly limp after being flooded with my semen. I leaned back until I was laying down completely on the straw pile. My cock slowly slid out of her, and I could feel my sticky stuff leak out from her hole and onto my crotch.

“That… how… strong-ones made.” Lily said between breaths.

While lying down, I stared up at my two daughters and witnessed in full view the two of them drooling from their mouths as their fingers rubbed between their yet untainted petals. Both of them were breathing hard and were making difficult faces.

“Daddy… Orchid fuckhole feels… strange.”

“Lily… what… Lilac do make it stop?”

Lily gathered her strength and placed her hands on my chest, pushing herself upright.

“Husband… take care Orchid and Lilac.”


Lily reached for my cock and placed it back inside of her.

“Husband no worry seed-stick. Lily keep safe.”

“Lily… even if you… do that…”

My daughters interrupted with a stressful plea synched up and directed at me.

“…please… daddy…”

“…Orchid and Lilac… good goblins…”

“…always listen Lily and daddy…”

“…want… daddy make us feel good…”

It was torturous to be put in such a position. Mint had also come over and squatted down near my head and patted it.

“All strong-ones love daddy. Know daddy human, want do things human way. But daddy only human in tribe. Rest goblins, normal do things goblin way. Not bad show love strong-ones goblin way. Really care strong-ones, okay become goblin short time. What all strong-ones want. Even if daddy… not change think Husband.”


“Orchid, Lilac… tell daddy how feel inside. What want from daddy.”

“Orchid love daddy! Want spend time daddy like Lily. Want feel good and make strong-ones! Want daddy hug and say love Orchid way Husband do!”

“Lilac too! Love daddy! Think about daddy many many! Want daddy hold Lilac listen tell goodest goblin! Want say make strong-ones with Lilac! Want make many many strong-ones! Want daddy be Lilac Husband too!”

Was there really no other way? The heartful and lustful pleas of my daughters still far too young for this in my mind made my heart twist in agony.

“Orchid big sister… want… daddy Husband take care Lilac first.”


“Lily… you really… don’t see anything wrong with this?” I asked, desperate for her to say she did. To say anything to not take away my humanity. But I knew. I knew deep down that she was a true goblin.

“No, Husband. What can want as Maker goblin more than strong-ones get same big-seed from Husband make them strong-ones?”

There was a saying in my previous life. The truth shall set you free. What a lie! All the truth was doing was putting me in shackles. Making me hate myself. Myself, because how could I hate my daughters for being what they were? For having the very instincts that they should as Bloodmaw goblins?

Was there truly no trace of humanity to be found inside of them? Nothing that would direct them to choose the human way of things over the goblin way? Were they nothing more than bloodthirsty warmongering vermin meant to be subjugated because they would never change from their wicked lifestyles that went against everything I understood to be civilized?

At that very moment, something important inside of me broke…

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