Husband of the Goblin Tribe

[v2] Chapter Seven – In which Ark accepts the goblin way for a while, but it won’t be without a hefty price when time runs out.

~~** Interlude | ʞʁɄ **~~

Shame is not something that exists for me right now. I’m not thinking about whether something is good or bad, moral or immoral, just or evil. Not a single bit of it concerns me at the moment. I feel drunk on power, so much power I don’t know how I haven’t self-immolated from it all.  I have simply done what my other half refused to do out of sheer stubbornness, and chose the goblin way.

I have already ravaged my beloved Pear. What I once thought of as a rotund goblin with a hideous goblin cunt now looks to me like a premium delicacy. Truly, for a goblin who doesn’t mind doing sexually depraved things with an almost child-like eagerness, there is none better than her in the tribe, and possibly the world over.

There is only one thing that bothers me right now. An itchiness somewhere in my head, dancing between the underside of my skull and the grey matter of my brain. It’s an itch I cannot seem to scratch, and it appears only when my beloved daughters are nearby.

Melon, who was drawn to the cave-hole while following the noises my delicious Pear was making as I had my way with her, now looks at me with the same gaze her maker did. Melon is almost an exact copy in appearance to Pear, and my erect goblin cock wants nothing more than to violate her.

My sweet, juicy Melon…

My seed-stick is covered in a hellish mixture of semen and bodily fluids, having had my way with a few of my wives along the way. Lily, Old One, Toy… I tried to keep it only to the ones who wouldn’t be part of a hunting party after hearing what my sneaky daughter Magpie had said about there being a possible Orc incursion into the Bloodmaw’s domain.

But they could contribute in another way. As I mate with them and fill their bodies with my superior seed, I also exchange bites with them, taking from them a small amount of the latent power in their blood, and giving my own back to them in return. With each conquest, I feel my power grow tremendously.

I would lay them all low with fat bellies, except I am not a fool. One goblin against twenty or more Orcs and some Black-claws? I do not fashion myself a Raid Boss quite yet.

“Melon, come and clean your Husband’s seed-stick.”

My mind itches as I command my daughter to do something my human self would abhor. Melon comes to me with an eagerness to match her mother’s. She gets on her knees and extends her tongue, lapping up all the precious filth I have accumulated. I can feel the itchiness move to behind my eyes, but I don’t care.

I don’t care.

I don’t care.

I… ahhhh!

I grab a fistful of her hair from the back of her head and direct her mouth onto my unholy appendage. Melon opens wide and receives my gift. Her tongue slithers along the length of it and I tilt my head back in pleasure. Yes, like her mother, she will also become excellent at taking care of my lust and bearing me many strong-ones to do the same in the future.

My balls are heavy. I know I could fill each and every single belly to be found in Goblinhome with little effort should I want to. As much as some inner voice screams at me between my ears to not violate my beloved daughters…

I do not listen.

I tug on Melon’s hair, pulling her mouth off of my cock, much of the fluids having been stripped clean and a currant green coloring fully visible. There is no light. I have no need for it to see what color it is. My eyes are every bit as goblin as the rest of me.

I pulled Melon up to her feet with the fistful of her hair I held and then I sat down, releasing hold of it. I beckoned her to sit in my lap, and she did so willingly. I caress her chubby cheeks carefully, not wishing to leave an accidental scar anywhere on her cute face with my fingers that are now sharp enough to rend flesh from bone.

I reached for the nearby bowl of fruit that Pear had been eating when I first entered and grabbed a luscious looking fruit. I put a finger under Melon’s chin and tilted her head back, telling her to open her mouth wide as I crushed the fruit so easily in my hand and let the juices flood downwards into her gaping maw. With it filled, I had her tilt her head down a bit, at which point I plunged my tongue in her mouth and enjoyed the savory taste of a fruity kiss with her.

My weapon of mass destruction throbbed as it pressed up against the divide in her rear. I knew instinctually how to release my mating pheromones and did so purposefully. Melon became drunk with lust, and I brought her mouth to what I knew was a large vein in my neck.

“Bite hard and drink deeply, my love.”

Melon did so, and I felt her innocence flood itself onto my crotch. Her tongue lapped at all the blood flooding into her mouth fanatically. I helped myself to her chest, squeezing her fat-laden milkies and returned a much softer and careful bite to her shoulder, trading our Bloodmaw essences and strengthening us both.

Melon reached down with both of her hands, one going right to her crotch to rub herself, and the other reaching behind to press my goblinhood against her butt as she stroked it with a smooth open palm.

I retracted my bite, whispering in her ear that of all my daughters, she was the one I found to be the least greedy. While greed was considered a strength to a goblin, there was a fine balance that needed to be maintained.

I placed my hand on her belly and closed my eyes. Thousands upon thousands of Runic formulas researched over many lifetimes from magicians in this world which I read from books contained in the private library of Salondra Wyze moved through my head like it was a self-contained cloud storage platform.

But I already knew the page to find, the theory to use here on my precious chubby daughter.

Far too many Runes which the human side of me shouldn’t have been able to manifest came into existence and fed themselves into her belly. She moaned, but didn’t pull her teeth away from my neck, continuing to lap up the blood her body now craved like an addiction.

“Melon. Lift your body.”

She did as I asked, and an adjustment was made. An irrevocable adjustment that drove my whole body furious with itchiness. Slowly her body descended upon that adjustment. Slowly, slowly, two goblins became one. Her teeth clamped harder, deeper into my neck, threatening to sever the vein she lapped my crimson essence from.

It was necessary to do this. My blood became hers, and her blood took form. As I sank deeper between her folds, I became pleased that her body was prepared now. I pushed her down slowly until my monstrosity pierced through a freshly formed bloody membrane.

I awakened the dormant blood inside of her.

Melon finally retracted her teeth from my neck and looked at me with a flushed face.

“Hubby… Does this make Melon… an adult goblin now?”

I nodded softly at her.

“Bear me many beautiful fat strong-ones, same as I have asked of your maker.”

A green maw, coated in blood dripping down to where each of our goblinhoods joined together, opened wide. Sharp teeth glistened with a crimson coating in the darkness. I joined my tongue with hers again, and she and I bucked our hips together until my burning hot seed shot furiously deep inside of her, penetrating her innocent womb and ensuring that the start of the second generation of Bloodmaw born from my loins would begin with her.


“Melon… will you make me happy and scratch my head for a little while? I’m feeling really itchy right now.”

I lowered my head completely until it rested against her soft, bare chest. Mint reached up for my head with her pudgy but sharp fingers and began scratching my scalp pleasantly with both hands. A primal growl came forth, involuntarily, from somewhere deep inside me. I understood what it was quickly and relished every vibration it brought along with it.

It was the despair of my human side.

My weak human side who wouldn’t ever dare to defile his progeny.

Such a foolish notion to hold on to.

Does he truly think it is a virtuous thing to deny his children their true inheritance?

This is why humans are weak, and why Bloodmaw are infinitely strong.

“Gwaa~h! It feels so good! My Melon is the best!”

Whether it was Melon’s doing or not, I felt a flood of relief surge through my body, cooling me down from the inside like a few gulps of ice-cold water in the unyielding heat of a humid summer’s day. I’d say I felt human again, but I was aware that wasn’t at all the case.

“Want to go again?”

Melon, being young and spry, was certainly interested in doing so. I leaned back, taking Melon with me, then carefully rolled over until I was on top of her. We became a merged beast with two green backs, and I didn’t stop even when I could sense the presence of an intruding pair of eyes, empty as they were.

Standing guard outside the cave-hole was Beastie.

Were it possible, I would show her some love, too. Even if Stella would say something rude about it afterwards…

“My Lord… It’s time to go.”

Magpie called out to me from outside the cave-hole. I had finished with Melon already and placed her and Pear next to each other so they could keep each other warm while I was gone.

I didn’t have a loincloth at the moment. It was probably still on the floor of the cave-hole Mint had been tending to me in before this side of me awoke. It didn’t matter though, why would I need one? My goblin cock was as much a weapon as any other part of my body. Decency in appearance was a human trait, and therefore, worthless to me.

With Beastie in tow, Magpie and I moved towards the entrance of Goblinhome.

All the available hunters in the tribe, save for Pepper, were gathered.  Glace had already used the summoning dust to call upon the Great Protector. 

Prima, Jewel, Doll, Stella, Vera, Diana Artemis, Button carrying Glace in my old adventurer’s backpack, Figurine, Ebony together with Bitey on her head and Beastie at her side, Lumi, Magpie, Ruby, Jade, Nova, and of course, myself.

“A moment.” I said, closing my eyes for a moment before opening them. I didn’t need my quartz focus orb for a simple spell such as Wolf Wind. I manifested the same four Runes I had, condensing them together into a single glyph, and then chained it together with a fifth Rune for wide area dispersal. Everyone gathered was bathed in the spell, and we would all be able to move quickly through the forest.

Prima and Jewel had assembled teams for everyone to join. This wasn’t going to be a sloppy, uncoordinated attack. Prima, Jewel, Doll, and Diana Artemis had all undergone Blood Furies. There was an appropriate balance of melee power and magic on each team, which meant that the only weak points would be on the Orc’s side of things.

The three teams were as follows:

Prima, Stella, Ebony, Nova and Lumi.

Jewel, Doll, Figurine, Ruby and Jade.

Diana Artemis, Button, Glace, Vera, and Me.

Magpie would be our forward scout and act independently as she was taught to do.

We swiftly moved out from Goblinhome, following behind Magpie who was moving up in the trees the first chance she got. The rest of us moved on foot and I didn’t even need to raise up any stone shoes. As a goblin now, my feet somehow knew how to move through the forest without making needless noise or enduring the pain my weak human flesh might have felt stepping on rocks or twigs at a fast speed.

Did Stella enjoy this feeling since she turned into a Goblin?

Perhaps after this battle she might be interested in making another strong-one with me? Perhaps not alone. I wouldn’t mind inviting Prima and Vera as well, since I had more than enough stamina to leave them all satisfied with bellies full of my superior seed.

We had been running for nearly ten minutes solid at a high rate of speed. Magpie had adjusted our course a few times, but she was doing what she was skilled at. We stopped only when she did, having jumped down from her position high up in the trees.

“Orcs ahead. Big group.” She reported.

“All of them?” I asked.

“No. Ten… maybe twelve. Only one Black-claw is with them. They have the tree Crow is hiding up in surrounded, but two Orcs with axes are chopping it down. The rest only have clubs and swords, one has a spear.”

Focusing with my ears, I could hear a quiet rhythmic sound of something impacting something.

“Any idea where the rest of the Orcs might have gone?”

“Not yet, my Lord. If I get closer, I might be able to get an answer from Crow using hand signals.”

“Do any of them have bows?”

Magpie shook her head.

“Then there’s no real threat. Orcs… do they see as well in the dark as we do?”

“Goblins see better, but Old One has said Orcs see well enough in the dark to be trouble.” Prima answered.

“Alright. We get one sneak attack… so let’s make the most of it. Glace… think you can use your magic and light up the area as if the sun was here?”

Glace nodded.

“I’ll take the two chopping the tree down. The rest of you pick your targets and do your best. We all attack as soon as Glace casts her spell.”

With everyone in agreement, the operation would begin when Glace was ready.

“Glace says for everyone to cover their eyes, she knows exactly what to do.”

Button dashed forward and stopped far enough away to be spotted but not quickly attacked. Both Glace and Button stuck out their hands close to their sides in a synchronized pose, lifting them upwards slowly until they were outstretched above their heads in a wide V-shape, their bodies standing perfectly straight to the point they leaned back slightly.

Button, ever learned in the way of calling out an attack’s name for maximum effect, made my very soul proud of her at that moment.


—Dixitque Button lauda sole, et facta est lux.

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