Husband of the Goblin Tribe

[v2] Chapter Twelve – In which Mint is tasked with helping with Ark’s secret project, then Ark has an enjoyable late-night dinner with some Orcs.

~~** Interlude | Mint **~~

“Mint. I need you.”


I awoke in fright to seeing him standing at the entrance to Ebony's cave-hole.

Ark Wyze, once more in his human form, walked over to where I was laying in the bed together with Ebony.  She was taking a nap after playing frisbee with one of the Orcs called Orga Lush, along with Beastie and the two Black-claw Shadow Wolves; Bandit and Missy.

“Baby, you’re not in trouble for what happened, okay?  But Daddy needs your help with something, so you need to come along with me.”


What in the world could this man need my help with?

“Glace and Vera are already upstairs waiting on us.”

“W-what for?  Why me?  Can't you... ask Ebony?”

“I’ve been working on a little project for you and your sisters. I’m going to put it in motion, but I need someone who also understands the Runic language and formula construction.  Ebony's more of an intuitive magician...”

“Project? What’s going on?”

“I’ll explain everything when we get there.  Just hold on to me for now.”

Without much of an option, Ark Wyze scooped me up out of the warm bed I was sharing with Ebony and carried me out of her cave-hole, down the passage, saying nothing until we came near the shit-pit asking me if I had to go, because we were going to be busy.

I said I needed to, and while I did kind of need to, it was mostly so I could take a minute to mentally prepare myself for whatever might come. It’s not that I didn’t believe Ark Wyze wasn’t mad at me… I think it was me just unable to deal with my social anxiety and any social repercussions that came with his awakening as a goblin being my fault, even if he says it wasn’t.

I know what I did. I did it purposely because I thought it was what I had to do. I remember the story the old Ark Wyze told me before I took on the body of Mint. I just… wanted to do what was needed so he wouldn’t regret losing his tribe. These orcs… might have been the start of it… the loss of all the goblins he loved so much… I…

“Mint? You didn’t fall in, did you?”

“N-no! I’ll be out in a moment!”

I only had to pee a little, so wiping myself clean with a fresh leaf, I walked out of the shit-pit and rejoined Ark Wyze, who picked me back up and continued carrying me to wherever he was taking me.

“I’m… sorry. I’m really, really sorry!!”

“Shh… Mint. I told you it’s okay. In the end, what happened to me was for the best. If it hadn’t happened, it’s entirely possible all those orcs would have attacked us as one group, and we could have lost any number of goblins. Instead, with the help of that goblin version of me, we not only prevented a possible raid on our home, we also managed to increase our tribe’s strength by four orcs and two black-claws. I’d call that a win in my book.”

“B-but… because of me… you… Or-Orchid and Lilac…”

“Do you know what they’re doing right now?”

I shook my head. I’d only heard that Lily had her strong-one recently and that Ark Wyze gave her the name Primrose.

“They’re playing hunting games with her, being kind older sisters, and also pretending to be future mothers. They’re also really helping Lily not have to deal with all the stress raising a child mostly by herself brings. It’s really the best ending to that… unfortunate scene you had to witness.”

“Are… you really okay with… you know…?”

“It’s not easy for me, if that's what you're asking. But what I care about the most is that my daughters are happy and fulfilled. It’s… hard to accept that what they wanted the most in their hearts was for me to be their Husband more than their daddy, especially when those two never once called me Husband like my other daughters. They called me daddy from the very start, and goblin or not, I was greedy for wanting that to continue for a much longer time. Also… they still call me daddy… when we…”

Ark groaned a bit, but it really does seem like he’s not upset with me.

We passed into the morning sunlight as we exited Goblinhome, only to go up a newly made path to the upper floor Lumi and Ebony created where we entered a spacious room, and he finally deposited me on the floor. It wasn’t only Vera and Glace who were there. Game, Fun, Button, and Stella were also in the room.

Glace waved at me, beckoning me over to a table she was sitting at with Vera, Game, and Fun. Stella was just wandering around, and Button was lying on the floor lazily, absent-mindedly licking the cap of a fat, delicious-looking mushroom.

“H-hello… everyone.  What’s going on?” I asked, not knowing anything.

Game had slid something over to me. It was metal, flat, and squareish. If I didn’t know any better, I would say that it resembled the icon for a Guild Card. I picked it up and looked at it, both front and back, but there was nothing on it.

“What is this?” I asked, intrigued.

Game grinned.

“Goblin Card.” She said mysteriously.

“So we can play a special game!” Fun added for effect.

“Goblin Card?” Try as I might, I don’t remember any card minigame by that name existing in the VRMMORPG. “Also, why is it metal?”

“That’s because we managed to repurpose a few of the weapons we collected from the Orcs. Grotte, one of the orc females is really good with a hammer. She was able to flatten them down, and now we’re at this point.” Ark explained.

“Which is...?”

“Vera figured out the formula magic present in my old Adventurer’s Guild card. She managed to recreate most of it… but we can’t actually manufacture the card without all four of us using our magic at the same time.”

Vera placed a stone slab with an incredibly complex series of Runes on the table in front of her. It looked like some kind of programming language with how all the Runes were chained together.  I don't think I've seen anything that complex before, not even in Runic theory-crafting threads on the forums.

“W-what exactly do you need my help with?”

This time Glace placed a stone slab with a duplicate inscription matching the first onto the table, only there was a connection to a space for the metal card to rest in. Game had plucked the metal card out of my hand and put it in the space.

“Go ahead and activate the formula. You’ll understand then.”

I did as Game asked, but the formula only activated about a third of the way.

“Is something wrong with the formula?” I asked.

“No. It just requires a lot of power, and… someone to control a Gravity Rune.” Ark revealed.

“Why a Gravity Rune?”

“Vera, Glace, shall we show her?”

I watched as the three of them channeled their magic to activate the formula. They managed to complete it successfully, only… The metal card was instantly flung out.

“What just happened?” I couldn’t help but ask.

“There was resistance from the metal card during the enchantment. It's not made of Vernir Metal, so enchanting it with a formula this complicated is... problematic.  We tried many things to secure it in place, but nothing worked. However, a maintained Gravity Rune should prevent it from popping out and let the enchantment transfer properly.”

“Am… I the one to be using the Gravity Rune?”

“Yes. Out of all my daughters who know Runes and have enough magic to maintain a spell for as long as it may require, that’s pretty much only you and Glace. It’s a bit of a strain for me to manifest and hold a single Gravity Rune for that long since I'm a force magician. Vera can only create and activate formulas. Glace can do it, but she’s also got an immense amount of magic. I doubt without her channeling her magic into it, that we could complete the formula if it was just you, me, and Vera.”

“So... just… a regular Gravity Rune? Nothing complicated?”

“That is what we are going to find out right now. If it works as we’ve figured, Game and Fun will be handling the card swapping while we go for as long as we can. There’s a little room for error, but we’re essentially going to manufacture about forty of them. It might take the entire day, depending on our magical stamina.”

“May I ask how you came up with this method? T-this is magical engineering, isn’t it?” There were less than ten known Magical Engineers in the VRMMORPG world.

“Oh? How do you know about that?”

Shit! Did I mention something I shouldn’t have?

“I-I just figured…” I stammered.

“Well, you’re right. That’s exactly what this is. I got the idea from Game and Fun… who got the idea from me!”

“It’s called a printing press!”

“It’s also called stamping!”

Both Game and Fun went into an explanation about how Ark Wyze mentioned something called a card game to them. With some advice from him, they manage to make a block-press out of wood onto other, thinner, flatter, pieces of wood. With the level of technology that I’ve witnessed in the tribe so far, this was leagues ahead of what they should have been able to imagine, formulate, and execute to this level of precision.

“Okay. Mint will take care of the Gravity Rune.”

I agreed in the end, not that I was going to refuse Ark Wyze's request anyway, and the six of us set about preparing to manufacture these metal cards.

There was some trial and error to be had, since a single Gravity Rune proved to not be enough for the first two times. Ark Wyze and I wound up creating a multi-chained complex compound Rune together that kept the metal card firmly in place and redirected the resistance the card had against being enchanted so that it wouldn’t flip out of its socket.

It also required me to be able to activate it and deactivate it both quickly and repeatedly, which was something I was uniquely able to do thanks to my HUD and the Rune input system I had available to use.

In an hour, we managed to, well, mint five cards before we all had to stop before mana fatigue set in. With the downtime, Game and Fun had been the first to try using the cards. A drop of blood was required from each of them for their respective cards. When it was smeared onto them, the card began to glow and a series of words began to take shape.

“What language is this?” I couldn’t help but ask after seeing the end result when both Game and Fun placed their metal cards down on the table.

“Gob.” Answered Vera.

“Vera’s been working on creating an alphabet for gob.” Ark Wyze explained. “This is the end result.”

Vera picked up the card and began to point at each line, explaining what all of them were.

“So, it’s… a detailed assessment of our capabilities?”

“Yeah. Compared to the Adventurer’s cards Stella and I had, this thing is way more comprehensive.” Ark Wyze answered.

“Is it my turn to get one issued now?” Stella said, poking her head in at the table with us and sticking out her finger.

“Sister!” Vera said happily and slid a card in front of her before poking Stella’s finger with her own sharp one. Stella quickly let a drop of her blood fall on the blank metal card, and it quickly glowed while all the information began to fill out. She took it, stared at it for a bit, and then shoved it in Ark’s face.

“Read it.”

Ark Wyze laughed.

“You really should consider learning to read sometime, Stella.”

“Shut it. There’s always someone who will read things for you at a proper guild!”

Ark Wyze laughed again and took it.

“Oh, how about that!” He said with a shit-eating grin on his face.

“What?” Stella barked at him.

“It says your Fertility is Rank S.”

“My what?”

Ark Wyze pointed at a particular line on the card.

“Give me that!” Stella said, yanking the card back from him.

“Why the hell is my Fertility ranked?”

Game and Fun looked at their cards and held them up.

“What’s this say?”

“Yeah, what’s our Fertility rank?”

Oh, lord… I could see it from here. Both of them were Rank E.

Ark Wyze didn’t lie. It took nearly the whole day to manufacture all the cards. All of us gathered except for Ark Wyze himself now had a personalized guild card. Ark said he’d gather everyone and distribute the rest tomorrow morning. He spent the evening eating together with the four orc women out by the fire pit. I don’t know what else he did as I returned to Ebony’s room, where she was waiting for me.

“Is everything better with you and Husband now, Mint?”

I walked over to her languidly, where she hugged me consolingly.

“I think so… I don’t… understand why he wasn’t mad at me… at all? I… did such a bad thing…”

“Why do you think I told you not to worry? It’s because I’ve known ever since I was a little goblin that Husband will never spank you, even if you’re bad. Husband will listen to you and find a way to make sure everything is okay. That’s why I love Husband!”

Why is it that for Ark Wyze’s sake right now, I want to try and find a way to get Ebony to call him Daddy now instead of Husband?

“I’m tired, Ebby. I had to use a lot of my magic today.”

“That’s okay, want to take a big nap together with Bitey?”

“Yeah… I think after tonight, I’ll go back to Pepper’s cave-hole.”

“That’s a good idea.”

We both climbed into her bed and under the nice warm blanket she had.

“Mint… when we become adult goblins and have to make strong-ones with husband… will you… come with me?”

“Huh? You want me to watch?”

“No! I… I want us to make strong-ones at the same time.”

“O-oh… um… I’m not really sure I want… to make strong-ones…”

“But I want our strong-ones to be sisters like we are.”

“Gwuu… Ebony… that kind of thing is…”


Haah… Ebony’s so innocent, she doesn’t know…

“It’s okay. Ebony is Mint’s big sister goblin. She won’t let anything bad happen to you!”

“I-I-I’ll think about it, okay?”


Ebony moved closer to me under the covers until she was pressed right up against me.

“Mint is Ebony’s favorite goblin.”

“I thought it was Button.”

“Button will always be Ebony’s big sister goblin. That will never change. But Button has Glace, and more importantly… Ebony has Mint.”

She’s an energetic idiot sometimes, but I couldn’t imagine having a better older sister goblin looking out for me… than Ebony.


~~** Interlude | Ark Wyze **~~


After an exhaustive day expending my magic, I had to join my four war-brides for a late-night dinner. I have already, uh… mated with Grotte. I have yet to make progress of that nature with either of the other three. Grotte had made it a point to explain to me that eating together was how Orc formed what were essentially familial bonds. I was expected to come and eat with them as often as I could, or at least once a day.

All four of the Orcs had a huge appetite. They also had equally large libidos, if Grotte was the baseline. To make things a little bit more celebratory, I had managed to secure a medium sized jar of Berry’s alcoholic blue water. I brought it out since Orga Lush had asked me earlier in the day if we happened to have any.

She was quite pleased to learn that we did. We even had some cups too, even if they were a bit small for the Orcs.

“War Chief isn’t half bad. We’ve got big caves, plenty of good meat, and alcohol!”

“War Chief also knows how to please an Orc pretty damn well! Did way better than my husband on his first night with me. Bu~hi!” Grotte snorted jovially.

“Want to go next with War Chief, Rushk?” Orga Lush asked the somewhat reserved Rushk.

“No. Krushka want go next.” Said the somewhat older orc among the younger three.

“By all means.” Rushk said, passing me along quickly.

The four orcs had, along with Doll and Figurine, chopped down a big tree and sectioned it into logs which now surrounded the fire-pit where they would sit and cook and eat together. Krushka had beckoned me over to the log where she was seated, so I went to join her there.

Krushka was, by orc reckoning, twenty-eight full seasons in age. Which made her older than me, but younger than Old One, I believe.

“Krushka see humans before. Not learn speak human. Not think become war-bride to human also War Chief of whole goblin tribe. Krushka see many goblin whelps. Hear from Old Goblin how whole tribe want keep making whelps with War Chief. Krushka think, maybe War Chief know how please goblin well. Hear Grotte say learn quick how please Orc. Krushka have many regret mating with Husbands. Krushka like mating. Husbands, not Krushka, ones to say not want mate so much. Krushka… want feel like war-bride Husband want mate with! Not want refuse! Not blow quick!”

Krushka downed her cup of alcoholic blue water, and then filled it again and downed that one.

“What need Krushka do? Krushka listen to War Chief! Need see mams? Krushka have biggest mams!”

Krushka, fueled by alcohol, stripped out of her topclothes, and revealed a massive pair of decorated orc-tiddies. Not only her breasts, but the surrounding area of her chest were filled with tattoos. She also had three separate pairs of rings pierced through her nipples.

Yes, I obviously was starting at her chest pretty damn hard.

“Three sets of rings?”

“Yes. Get one each time war-bride. Best way keep count.”

“Does that mean you are going to put another in there for me?”

“War Chief not want Krushka add more?”

“Um… It’s your body, and therefore your choice. I think you’re beautiful just the way you are, though.”

Maybe it’s because I’ve spent the better part of almost six months fucking goblins, but these orcs weren’t particularly ugly to me or anything.

“Maybe instead of your um… mams? You can pierce something else, like your belly button.”

Krushka looked down before snorting a few times.

“Not bad idea. Krushka not have much space left on pimpim for new ring anyway!”

She smacked me on the back which I felt might have dislocated one of my vertebrae. Or at least it felt like it. She stood up and dropped her loincloth.

“Come, Husband. Make Krushka feel good.”

The first thing I noticed was that Krushka’s body looked quite clean.

“Did you bathe today?” I inquired.

“Yes. Talked with Old Goblin. She says small pond in undercave. Find big room, small pond inside. Go with everyone bathe together.”

“Eh? You all went?”

Everyone nodded.

“Prefer smell strong?” Krushka asked.

“Not at all. Finding that my new war-brides like bathing only makes me want to do my best.”

Krushka snorted again.

“Then War Chief do best with Krushka!”

Krushka lowered herself until she was sitting down on a fresh patch of grass.

“Now what Krushka need do?”

I took the time to explain that it would be nice if she didn’t crush my skull with her thighs. I guess I was going to do to her what I had done to Grotte. Krushka said she’d listen and not squeeze my head, but Grotte said the same thing and I was nearly killed. I proceeded as normal, worrying about the obvious thing which was to come.


Grotte did not lie. What she had was rather small. I mean, the fact that before I even got started that fat lumpy clit belonging to Krushka was already poking out of the upper area of her folds should have been warning enough for me to consider other avenues. However, I am a Husband. Whether to a tribe of goblins or a much smaller makeshift clan of female orcs.

I feel like I understood Nova for just a moment. I was a bit uncomfortable with my own uh… but I’m biased, I guess. I never figured myself in being a monster-fucker in the first place, yet that appears to be a part of my identity now. I just had to convince myself with the facts. Krushka had absolutely massive tits, a huge vagina, and even though her clit was about as big as what I had back in my previous life… she didn’t have balls. The hole was the goal, and I kept that goal in mind. Firmly in mind.

Unlike Grotte, Krushka did not hesitate in letting me know how much she was enjoying it. Right from the start in fact. Taking a cue from Grotte, I switched up going from slow licking and sucking, even a few teasing bites to her hairy lips when I needed to take a moment to recover mentally, and found that as an orc female, they were extremely amicable to me being rough.

However, Krushka was an orc. A really big orc. The biggest of the four. And she was having a good time. So good in fact, she had no trouble grasping the entire back of my head and pushing me down while I was flagellating her clit with my tongue.

A series of slow but long snorts turned into a series of rapid-firing short snorts until she too lifted her hips and let out a spine chilling bu~hiiiiiiii~.

She kept my head where it was and I continued to lick her clit, only at a much slower pace, until her body softly rested on the ground. She didn’t come close to crushing my skull at all at any point during the cunnilingus.

She didn’t let go of my head, instead using her strength to kind of force me to crawl up her body where she planted my head between her breasts and gave me an orcish bear-hug.

“Krushka… not feel that… in many full seasons.”

I asked her if she enjoyed it, but I got the feeling it came out as muffled gibberish, considering I was practically smothered by her massive mams.

“Grotte tell Krushka.”

“Krushka believe Grotte.”

“That part good. But Husband also good mating. Grotte have good time.”

“Husband want try mating with Krushka?”

I nodded my head, mostly because I was running out of oxygen.

Krushka let me go, and after a healthy heaving or two of suddenly available oxygen, Krushka had begun to roll over. I stopped her and said that I’d like to try it with her on her back. I’m almost certain that if she threw her back on me, I’d go flying high over the log and straight into the fire-pit to become barbecue-grilled Husband.

Krushka passed a glance to Grotte who only shrugged in that why not? kind of way. I was allowed to proceed, and as… bizarre as it was… I hefted my dick right onto her twat and began to slide it between her folds. Yes, it brushed against her oversized clit and her right leg shook a little when that happened. I found it interesting so I kind of… well… rubbed against it some more.

“What Husband doing?”

“Uh… Sorry, I have no idea.”

Krushka snorted.

“Hole down there.”


I sheepishly slid my cock down to her mating hole and slid it in. Again, I was surprised to find that while not tight, it also wasn’t particularly loose. I would be lying if I said I picked up her legs and pushed them against her while I tried a mating press. But with a little instruction, she was able to do the heavy lifting for me. I was firmly erect and so had no trouble tensing my cock to rub against the top part of her insides. Unlike some of my goblin wives, orc vaginas were deep. There was no cervix smashing going to happen. But, as many a girl will lie to a man and say it’s not the size that counts, it’s how they use it, knowing what I know about pussy after having practically drowned in a goblin abyss full of it for about the past six months, I was able to not disappoint Krushka.

Which in the end was my ultimate goal.

I was invited to blow my load as close as I could to her well-traveled womb and, after a very small rest I obtained only by offering Krushka another alcoholic drink while also partaking of a few sips myself, I tried a couple of the safer positions I had used with my goblin wives and managed to eke out two additional rounds.

But not because I was down for the count.

Heaven’s blessing was the alcohol having knocked her large ass out after having gone as long as she had without a real good fucking. Orga Lush congratulated me while also ribbing Rushk, saying that next time she should be the one to have some fun.

While Krushka snored away, the three of us finished our meal together, while Grotte and Rushk prepared to carry her body up to the second floor. That’s where I showed off juuuuust a little, buy manifesting a single Rune to levitate her body up, allowing them to guide it with ease all the way back to their cave.

I bid everyone a good night and returned to my own cave-hole. I probably could have cleaned myself off, but I was tired. I crawled into Vera’s straw bed and pressed my body right up against hers, maybe stealing a little bit of her warmth, but with a second goblin growing inside of her again, I’m sure she could spare it… just for tonight.  

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