I am a pill container in the mage world

Chapter 422: The summoning system

Excluding all the worlds that the office had even slightly interfered with might have been a wise decision, but it came at a cost. Rachel lost more than 10% of her total data, and most of the lost data was critical to the Infinite Body v2 project. Without it, she temporarily lost the ability to create another infinite body. Now, she has to conduct research again to recover the lost data.

It may take some time for her to prepare for the next test round.


Leo looked at his system panel:

Name: Leo Fitzroy

Age: 21

Title: Baron

Level: 8

Physical Constitution: 1.5

Strength: 1.2

Agility: 1.1

Spirit: 2.5

Combat Power Evaluation: Knight Attendant

Free Attribute Points: 0.1

Skills: Hidden (Max), Mental Immunity (Max), Critical Hit (Lv 1), Horse Riding (Lv 1), Sword Skill (Lv 2), Bow Skill (Lv 1), Evasion (Lv 1), Skill Store (open)

Skill Points: 2

Next Draw: 12:59 minutes away

Leo impatiently waited for the next draw, secretly hoping to summon an official knight. Originally, he was from the blue planet, but for reasons unknown, he was transmigrated to this medieval-style world after being hit by a bus.

"I have 0.1 free attribute points. What should I assign them to?" he thought. When he first arrived in this world, most of his attributes, except for his Spirit, were around 1. After levelling up each time, he received 0.1 attribute points and 1 skill point. These attribute points could be assigned to Constitution, Strength, or Agility. Though he had tried to increase his Spirit, it seemed impossible. Ideally, adding to Spirit would make sense—he wanted to become a mage, and Spirit was the key to achieving that. However, the free attribute point could only be assigned to physical attributes, and he had no idea how to increase his Spirit.

After some thought, he added the point to his Constitution. He had many bodyguards and would rarely need to fight himself. Strength and Agility weren't as useful for him in his current situation. What he needed most was a strong physical Constitution.

Strength and Agility were better suited for combat, while Constitution was valuable for everything else: resistance to diseases, lifespan, stamina, and all physical attributes that weren’t directly related to battle but were still significant. For instance, if Knight A, with Strength and Agility of 2 and a Constitution of 1, fought Knight B, who had a Constitution of 10 but Strength and Agility of 1, the winner would be obvious: Knight A would win. High Constitution alone doesn’t make someone impervious to sword strikes. While Knight B's high Constitution would offer substantial healing and resistance, it wouldn’t help if Knight A beheaded him.

Leo smiled as he glanced at his panel.




Congratulations! Junior Knight Card +1!

Seeing the draw, Leo couldn’t help but laugh. In the kingdom, knights were considered nobles, and it was rare for a baron to have even a single junior knight under his command. With his system, though, he could potentially summon countless knights in the future.

The system allowed him to draw one summon card each day, ranging from simple soldiers to knights. However, the chances of drawing a high-level summon were very low at his level.

Without hesitation, Leo used the summon card. There was no point in holding onto it. His castle housed over 200 soldiers but not a single knight.

A shining green light flashed, and a man in armour appeared before him.

"My lord!" The man knelt as soon as he saw Leo.

Name: Sir Aldric Ravenswood

Physical Constitution: 3.1

Strength: 4.8

Agility: 4.2

Combat Evaluation: Junior Knight

Note: The host can add attribute points to those summoned by the system. Each 0.1 point adds 1 attribute to the summon.

Leo was satisfied with Sir Aldric's stats. Although he could strengthen his summons, Leo never did, as his attribute points were too valuable. He only earned 0.1 points per level. He felt much healthier at his current Constitution of 1.6 and planned to keep increasing it in the future, so he wouldn't waste those precious points on summons unless absolutely necessary.

In this world, knights were ranked as Junior Knight, Intermediate Knight, Senior Knight, Great Knight, Silver Knight, Golden Knight, and Heavenly Knight. There were rumours of knights beyond the Heavenly rank, but those were just legends. Similarly, mages were ranked from Mage Apprentice to Official Mage, with higher ranks progressing accordingly. A Great Knight was on par with an Official Mage, and so on, with stronger knights equating to higher-ranked mages.

"Knight Aldric, welcome! You know what to do, so go ahead!" Leo commanded mentally, and Aldric immediately understood.

Aldric stood, saluted, and left to carry out his duties. Leo had been in this world for over five months, and during that time, he had drawn one card every day. As a result, even though he was a baron with a population of around 10,000, he commanded a force of over 200 soldiers. It should be noted that these soldiers did not include the city's guards or law enforcement.

“With a knight by my side, my safety is finally assured for the time being,” Leo thought, smiling with relief. A Junior Knight was as mighty as a rank 3 mage apprentice, a force only wealthier barons or viscounts could afford to hire. The kingdom was at peace, and with hundreds of soldiers and a knight, Leo's security was well guaranteed.


Sir Aldric went straight to the barracks. Leo had already mentally ordered his other summoned soldiers to cooperate with Aldric, so everything went smoothly. Once at the barracks, Aldric began his work, picking the best soldiers and devising strategies to ensure Leo's safety.

Unlike the "protagonists" in novels from his previous life, Leo had no intention of stirring up trouble. With the system, all he had to do was wait. He would gain one loyal soldier daily, and the longer he waited, the stronger he would become. One day, with thousands of soldiers, he would surely 'apply' for a promotion.

At 21, Leo should have been married, but his engagement to Viscount Tristan Hawke's daughter had been broken off. His fiancée had been caught with Count Victor Kingsley’s eldest son. Usually, such an affair would result in severe punishment. Still, Count Kingsley was the second son of King Alexander Ironheart, and with the Crown Prince being in poor health, it was widely believed that Count Kingsley might inherit the throne.

As a result, there were no repercussions, and the records were altered to suggest that the two had always been engaged. Everyone knew this was false and expected Leo to protest, but he kept quiet; as a transmigrator with no attachment to the girl, he decided to play deaf and blind. He knew causing a scene before those prominent nobles would only bring trouble.

His silence, however, earned him a reputation as spineless and weak. In this world, honour was everything, and his passivity ruined his standing to the point that no one visited his city or offered new marriage proposals.

Leo didn’t care. He preferred isolation over attention. He might summon a Great or Silver Knight in a few years. His chances of summoning more powerful beings would rise as his strength increases. Unfortunately, he had yet to summon a mage.

"I should marry a commoner," Leo mused. He wasn’t a monk and had been with many girls over the past few months. As a baron, plenty of young women were eager for his attention, but he had hesitated to marry one. He had recently warmed to the idea of marrying a commoner. While he didn’t need to marry for physical gratification, he preferred to have an official wife for the sake of having children.

From Leo’s perspective, none of the noble families in the kingdom were worthy of him. As someone from a modern society, he looked down on the nobles of this world. In his view, many commoner girls were much more intelligent and beautiful than the nobility.

"Once I summon my first Silver Knight, I’ll choose my favourite girl and propose to her," he decided. Of course, marriage didn’t mean he’d stop being with other women. As someone with the system, he expected to have at least ten lovers.

With the day's draw complete, Leo wandered around his palace. Recently, he had hired several beautiful girls as maids, not just to clean but to satisfy other needs. As a simple man from the blue planet, he had no qualms about using his noble statue to fulfill his desires. Fortunately, he had been careful to avoid impregnating any of his maids.

Leo had many hobbies in his previous life—reading, playing online games, driving, hiking—but now, most were gone. There was no technology, and he didn’t dare go hiking until he had a Great Knight for protection. His maids were his only "hobby" now, aside from the daily draw of the summon card.

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