I am a small fry and can only train villains

Chapter 573

And the next moment, the other party's response... really hit the worst guesses in Nia's heart.

"Nia, we are here to bring you the latest news from the Elf Council."

It was not Hikari's true form, but the powerful knight captain in their Elf Kingdom who spoke on her behalf! But Nia didn't care about this at all - after all, the knight commander was the most loyal person to Hikari. The vote in the Elf Council also depends entirely on Hikari's wishes.

"We have conveyed your current situation discovered in the Human Empire to other members of the Elf Council. For example, your studies, your college life, and your completion of some of the "tasks" originally given to you by the Elf Council. . "

After a pause, the knight commander looked over with serious and cold eyes.

Add the last and most important "reminder".

"And...your relationship with that human male."


Nia immediately clenched her fists! He looked at Hikari in disbelief!

She knew to some extent that Hikari might not accept her relationship with the pig head so openly, but she didn't expect that this woman would silently bring this problem that she was still hesitating to the Elf Council without saying a word! ?

This is indeed what Nia fears most!

And more than fear, I was more stunned by this bad woman Hikari in a wheelchair!

This woman Hikari... really dares to do this! ? Couldn't Hikari see that she was serious about that man? ? Or what kind of purpose does this woman have! We must break up with her! ?

It's a pity that instead of thinking about these things, Nia is now faced with a real troublesome situation that she can't do anything about!


"And what kind of response did the Elf Council give after learning about your current relationship with that human male and your plans for the future? I think Nia is a member of the High Elves, and her mother is still a member of the Council. As an important member...you should know what everyone thinks even if you are just a mere observer, right?"


Nia bit her lip for a moment!

How could she not know the answer to such a thing! ?

If she was really just naive and simple, then as early as the moment she obtained the status of "candidate for engagement", she would have chosen to seek help from the Elf Council and put pressure on the imperial prince in the name of the Elf Kingdom of Avalon. So that her identity can be "corrected".

It was because she knew that everyone in the parliament must be disappointed that she did not choose the empire.

The prince even "randomly found a man he liked and insulted the bloodline of the high elves". Such behavior expressed his opposition and punished him...

This has been delaying the relationship that has been unable to progress.

But now this cover-up was "exposed" when she didn't expect it! All because of Hikari! !

However: when Nia glared at Hikari in her sight again, at her "friend she had known since childhood," the elf princess in the wheelchair didn't even say a word, but just responded with the same greeting as before. The smile on his face seemed as if his mind had already drifted elsewhere.

This made Nia even more angry!

Because: She had no idea what the reason for Hikari's sudden appearance this time was! ?

After secretly following the eldest prince to the Britalia Empire, he didn't do anything, and it didn't look like he was "wanting to marry the eldest prince" -

Instead, under the guise of "inspection", he interfered with her time with Jupiter!

This time, they even reported their matter to the Elf Council! This is no longer something that can be explained by words like "deliberately causing trouble"! ?

"Hikari! Did you come here just to disturb me!?"

Now that things have happened, how can Nia be able to bear it any longer! ?

Roar directly at Hikari! Fortunately, there was no one else on the forest road leading to the college gate at this moment. Otherwise, the sight of the three people acting like this would definitely ignite rumors in the academy.

However: Hikari still had no reaction.

As for the knight commander, he completely ignored Nia's questions and continued on with a straight face.

It's not a threat, but... more like a "notification" - the former may still have room for rejection and maneuvering, but the latter is simply a declaration that there is no choice.

"To this end, the Elf Council has made a decision: You need to return to the Elf Kingdom of Avalon in the near future to explain your current situation."

"Parliament will then decide whether to punish you based on your words."

"We haven't informed your mother yet, so it's up to you to decide what to say."

After a pause, the last sentence was definitely what the Elf Knight Commander himself meant.

"Thank you very much for Her Royal Highness Princess' kindness to you. We did not immediately tell your strict mother everything about you, otherwise..."

The meaning is still unfinished, but the meaning is obvious: Otherwise, how could you still be so awesome and yell at Her Highness the Princess? He had been taken away by diplomats and imprisoned a long time ago!

Nia couldn't help but feel angry!

What a stupid wooden female knight! Until now, I still haven’t discovered the true nature of this woman Hikari! I thought this woman Xikali was so kind and simple! ?

Knight Commander, you will be cheated sooner or later and have to help others count their money!

But there was nothing she could do. After all: if the Knight Commander's words were true, then she... had no choice at all!

"That's all? If you're done, I'll leave-"

"Just keep hanging around outside like this, Hikari."

Although Nia's attitude was still as arrogant and unconvinced as ever, she was planning to leave Hikari behind-

But in fact... her heart was already in a mess! Her mother certainly supported her, otherwise she wouldn't have let her stay in Lukaria Academy.

But... even if it was her mother, she couldn't become the "one-man show" in the Elf Council. So: Nia was not afraid of "how to explain to her mother".

What was really worrying was: what should she and her mother do next.

However: Just when Nia didn't want to stay with Hikari for even a second, and passed by her...

The moment they passed by...

The Elf Princess, sitting in a wheelchair, spoke in person this time, with the same innocence as always.

"Nia-If you feel embarrassed, do you need my help?"

Instantly! Nia wanted to smash Hikari's wheelchair with a magic and let her crawl on the ground!

"Hikari! Are you kidding me!?"

"Alas... Nia, your arrogant personality is still so troublesome-"

However, her anger was like a punch on cotton, and it had no effect on Hikari at all.

The latter did not mean to turn around, just turned her back to her, accompanied by the Elf Knight Captain, and said leisurely.

"I reported your matter to the Elf Council, which is just a part of my duty-I can't turn a blind eye to your behavior of violating the Elf Council's order just because I know you-"

"But after all, we are "friends" who grew up together. Although you seem to hate me now, I don't want to compete with you-Nia-"

After a moment of silence, Hikari's innocent voice gradually became a little lower.

It seemed like she was giving Nia advice-

But...it seemed like she was threatening Nia, leaving her with no choice.

"No matter what attitude the Elf Council takes towards your current situation, at least most of the council members will oppose it-but what if...there is not a majority?"

"What if the members who support you and Jupiter to be together occupy the majority? Huhu☆Then your problem will be solved, right?"

"And Nia, your diplomat mother has a lot of say in the council-but it's still a little short-but if your mother can stand on my side-then I can easily help you solve your crisis. Even the problem you and that human have been facing now-"

Nia seemed to understand why this woman Hikari came to the Brittalia Empire to see her this time.

442. Control people to death, control people to death (3000 words)

Although Nia's situation is really "indifferent" to Jupiter, who only needs to protect his villain lady Sylphy and doesn't care about anything else-

But: Having said that, he can't really act like a scumbag who only cares about his own interests and doesn't care about the safety of the girls around him.


"Ah-ah! Regarding this, please allow me to think about it for a few more days, Princess Hikari-"

It was obvious how to respond to the "request" that the elf princess had almost put in his face - just play dumb and evasive and fool him -

It didn't matter if Hikari heard that he was perfunctory -

If he didn't agree to do anything unnecessary, then Hikari would definitely not be so bold as to pretend to obey and do whatever she wanted to Nia with his identity, right?

"Jupiter, I thought you would cherish my childhood friend, right?"

Sure enough, Hikari's face suddenly "dropped", her face was slightly gloomy, and even her tone was a little unhappy!

"Why do you look like you don't care about your future with Nia? Do you like her?"

"Is your feeling for her the same as I thought? You just covet her looks and body and don't think about the future at all?"

"If that's the case, I'll be very angry, Jupiter?"

The original "pure and innocent" girlish aura was immediately replaced by the identity of "elf princess"!

Even though what appeared in front of Jupiter at this moment was just a "projection" of Hikari. But he seemed to see the elf princess sitting in a wheelchair.

She came in front of him, silently putting pressure on him and questioning his motives for approaching Nia.

Expressing such angry emotions as "my good friend was actually deceived by a scumbag"-

But...Jupiter didn't feel "Alexander".

It's better to say that if the figure of the elf princess in front of him wasn't staring at him at this moment, he would have wanted to sneer.

Thinking: This Hikari...is she angry about "her friend being deceived by a scumbag"?

Or was he angry that “this inferior monkey-like race actually didn’t agree to his terms”?

He didn’t know the true relationship between Hikari and Nia, so he didn’t dare to make a conclusion.

But this made him more determined to play it safe—as for the reasons? He had plenty.

"You misunderstood, Princess Hikari."

Jupiter "hurriedly" defended, "I never thought that I was just playing with Nia, and I didn't just take a fancy to Nia's face." "

Nothing wrong!

Obviously, Nia's legs are more "cute and honest" than her face that always has a sinister expression on her face.

Of course, he would definitely not say it out loud right now.

"It's just that because she is very important to me, the difference in identity between Nia and I will not be accepted by the high elves. I would like to spend some time thinking about this problem-"

"I'm sorry, Princess Hikari, thank you very much for your kindness, but: even if you seem to want to help us so much - I really can't give you a decided reply right now on behalf of Nia and I."

He raised his head and added a "sincere" response.

"I hope you can give us a little more time-"

"Besides: I guess there's no need to be so anxious, right?"

The one who responded to him was Hikari who seemed not to be worried about "being contradicted" at all.

Angry and angry bright smile.

Accompanied by a heartfelt comment from Her Royal Highness the Elf Princess.

"Obviously he is a lowly beast like a monkey, but it really makes me sick to be so ungrateful☆"

However, Hikari’s figure was suddenly filled with light and shadow!

At this moment, Hikari was sitting on the top of the magic tower in the magic tower area of ​​the academy, drinking tea while looking at the scenery of the academy. The words that she just blurted out were really transmitted to her through magic power. The moment before the projection there!

Being blocked by her abruptly - this sentence turned into just a mumbling from her in a wheelchair.

Humans won't hear that bastard.

It's not that Hikari is afraid that what she said will cause conflicts or troubles after Jupiter hears what she said, or that she will be beaten by such a monkey after being exposed -

Obviously she was just stating the facts -

He looks ordinary, and even his magic power is colorless magic power with no "characteristics" at all. Isn't this man on the same level as a monkey?

It's just a layer of clothes.

It is obviously such a monkey-like existence, but it is favored by Nia. Isn't that a toad eating swan meat?

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