I Am An Imitator, Don’t Show Me Your Skills

Chapter 156: Reunion And Secrets

As the forces of humanity slowly disappeared from my sight, I flew towards the location of the king of the kingdom of Erela. I also saw my people about to meet them.

The army of this kingdom was so massive that the entirety of my army seemed really small compared to them. I also saw a phoenix flying in the direction where I was about to go.

That was Mehrad and he was riding the firebird with Karoon.

And based on Karoon's wide smile while waving her hand at me, I could clearly tell that she was really enjoying her ride.

I landed on the ground between the forces of the kingdom of Erela and my people. And unlike before, I didn't do a superhero landing, just a normal one.

Man! I can still feel the pain in my knee! It's fucking cool to look at, but it's fucking painful to perform! I had to use healing magic just to never shout due to the intense pain that struck me the moment I landed! Thankfully, I managed to not put myself in that situation! It would have been a very awkward situation if I shouted like a bitch right in front of those people.

As I landed on the ground, what greeted me was the eyes of the entire army darted at me, they were all looking at me like I was some kind of freak show!

I deactivated my armor and smiled at them. "What's up with the wary faces?" I shrugged.

The next thing I knew, Leo was already standing beside me while expressing his usual easygoing smile.

I narrowed my eyes as I stared at his arms.

Hmm, I think he needs to wash his hands.

On the other hand, a phoenix landed next to me and two people jumped out of it.

"Ehh! It's over? It's quite fun, let's do it again sometime!"

Mehrad just chuckled.

Karoon stood beside me and wandered her enthusiastic eyes throughout the massive army in front of us. "Uhh... There are a lot of beautiful and handsome people here."

I shifted my gaze to Karoon and smiled.

However, my attention was instantly taken when I heard someone clear his throat. As I shifted my eyes back, standing in front of me was the king of the kingdom of Erela. He was staring directly at me while expressing a very serious face. On the other hand, standing next to him was a young man who had an unbelievable resemblance to Leal.

Man, if Leal was a little bit taller and had long hair, this is what he looks like! Both of them don't look like their father though!

Both of them walked forward, with such elegance with their every step. As they stopped, I noticed something on the other person's hands. He was wearing a prosthetic right hand, a black metallic hand.

"Warlord Casimir. I, the king of the kingdom of Erela, am grateful for your aid. And due to the situation we had earlier, I did not have a chance to properly introduce myself." King Asmit raised his hand.

All at once, all the warriors of the kingdom of Erela bowed their heads in synchronization and with such grace that genuinely put me in great awe.

"The name is Asmit Durmada, the king of the elven kingdom of Erela. And as the very first nation who has formed an alliance with us, this is the formal proclamation of our alliance." He handed his hand to me. "I will confess that I have a premonition that I will regret this, having an alliance with a nation that is not part of our great lineage... But I am a man of my words, I am honorable and will never back down. I don't know what your plan is, but what matters most to me is... you saved my people while we were on the brink of a devastating defeat, and that's more than enough reason for me to see you as my equal, at least until you have proven me wrong... Until then, I'll observe your every action and you should expect me to not hesitate to fight you once proven that you don't deserve my cooperation. Is that fine to you, Tyrannical Warlord?"

Man, doesn't look like him, but Leal sounds like him! The apple really doesn't fall far from the tree, doesn't it?

"Very well." I took his hand and I felt him squishing my hand a little harder than before. Just like how sales agents shake hands with people. I smiled at him. "I'm looking forward to the good relationship we will have in the near future, King Asmit Durmada."

As I took back my hand, the person standing next to him put his metallic hand on his chest and pointed his still reluctant eyes at me. His face was full of seriousness. "Greetings, Warlord Casimir. Just like my father said, you have our deepest gratitude for aiding us in this decisive battle. The name is Alric Durmada, the first prince of the kingdom of Erela."

Ah... Leal's eldest brother!

I don't think he is friendly. I mean, what do I expect? Even Leal doesn't look friendly at all. The snobby feature runs in the family, I guess?

King Asmit put his hand on Prince Alric's shoulder and smiled. "The crown prince of the kingdom of Erela."

However, Prince Alric did not even change his expression. He just stared at me with his never-changing wary eyes.

I can pretty much tell that he has zero trust in me and just playing along with his father, I don't need to be a psych to see it.

Do I really look that suspicious? I'm not planning to conquer your kingdom, Buddy. Don't worry!

Suddenly, all the eyes around the place were withdrawn at me and darted to the person that just arrived.

"Your Majesty." Leal walked past me while expressing a face of relief while staring at King Asmit.

King Asmit's eyes immediately widened. "Leal."

A wave of synchronized gasp resonated throughout the area, not only for Leal but also for the person standing beside him. Kuro bowed her head at King Asmit and he responded by nodding at her.

"It's Cahira!"

"It really is her!"

"I thought she's already dead?"

"How come such a curse is still alive?"

"The plague of Erela decided to come back!"

Are they calling Kuro... Cahira?

If I'm gonna be honest, Cahira is a pretty cool name.

Ignoring the talks of the people around, Leal knelt before King Asmit while his hand was on his chest. He looked down. "I am delighted to finally see you again, Your Majesty."

However, King Asmit's face turned serious as he stared at Leal kneeling on the ground. "Stand up, Prince Leal Durmada."

Leal looked up and paused for a few seconds before repeatedly nodding. He stood up. "The name is Leal Bertrand, Your Majesty."

King Asmit shook his head. "It doesn't matter. Both of them are beautiful last names." And wrapped Leal in his arms. He tapped Leal's back. "I have missed you, My son."

"Even I... I have missed you as well... Your-"

"Father... I am your father, nothing else."


Both of them laughed.

Yep, what a heartwarming reunion.

As they released each other, Kuro walked in while ignoring the sharp glares of the majority of the people on the side of the elven people. I could clearly see them trying to hide the disdains in their faces.


Kuro bowed her head at King Asmit. "Greetings, King Asmit."

Before answering Kuro, King Asmit stared at Prince Alric first and meaningfully smiled before pointing his eyes towards Kuro. He raised his hands. "I am extremely delighted to see you are fine too. I heard that you are no longer using your old name. Say your chosen name for us to know."

Kuro raised her head. "You may call me, Kuro. One of the members of the main security personnel of the town of Agrona. And one of the shadows of our ruler, Warlord Casimir himself."

Oy! Oy! What's up with that Warlord thing? I don't remember agreeing with that title!

"Kuro." King Asmit repeatedly nodded. "Very well. Your new name is beautiful, fitting for such a person like you... a glorious elf." 

Upon hearing the words that King Asmit declared openly, whispers could be heard coming from the massive army in front of us, they were showing a negative reaction to what had just been announced. However, they immediately hide their disdainful faces upon seeing me staring at them.

I'm starting to understand the situation here.

King Asmit shifted his gaze at me. "With that said, Warlord Casimir."

I raised my index finger. "Ju- just Casimir."

He just ignored what I just said and turned his back on me. "People of the kingdom of Erela. This battle is over for now, and thanks to the aid from the people of the town of Agrona, led by their ruler, Warlord Casimir, we have prevailed." He raised his hands. "To applaud their presence, let's welcome them and show them how our great Kingdom receives our visitors that we deemed as equal with us."

All at once, the roaring scream of the warriors of Erela resonated throughout the area as the massive army was cut in half to give us the way towards the capital. All of them moved with such gracefulness that it made me think that they just love showing off how synchronized they were.

King Asmit faced us and expressed a very proud smile. "People of the town Agrona. Welcome to our great kingdom."

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