I Am An Imitator, Don’t Show Me Your Skills

Chapter 26: Superior Variant

With Kuro leading the way, we walked towards the center of the garden where everyone was gathering.

On our way, Leal's butler and maid-themed mercenary members gathered at the side of the cemented pathway and bowed their heads on us.

"Greetings, Master Leal and new faction leader, Casimir."

I nodded at them and continued.

As I looked back from our location, I could see the terrace where I was earlier.

It's a huge white mansion with a red roof with multiple terraces scattered around its 3 floors. 

"Boss!" Leo waved his hand at us.

I walked towards them, on our way, I saw a group doing a tea party on a circular table.

Misha waved her hand at me with a big smile on her face, next to her were the girls in their group sipping the tea on their white teacups.

I waved back and continued to our table where I could hear Leo's loud laughter.

"You 2 finally here, what took the 2 of you so long?"

"We just made sure that the booze wasn't poisoned. Unfortunately, it isn't." Leal said as he sat on his chair.

I sat on the other chair, but I just realized that there's still one available chair between me and Leal.

"Oy, Bone crusher, come and join us," Leo called out to the person standing behind us.

Bone crusher?

Leal looked back at her and pointed to the chair beside him. "Join us, Kuro."

Kuro bowed her head and sat between us. Her fragrance occurred to me. She smells like jasmine. It's so subtle that you can't smell it unless you are really close to her, as close as sitting next to her.

"There, there, Mehrad and I already started it earlier so the 3 of you need to catch up with us." Leo put the cup of booze in front of us.

"I can't drink much, maybe I'll have a cup or 2 and that's it for me, however, don't worry, I won't leave," Leal announced and took a sip of the booze as if he's drinking tea.

"Oy, oy, where's your pride as an elf? Did you lose it after living here for a few years?"

"Mehrad, your dog is barking again."

Mehrad just chuckled and gulped his cup.

"Now that you mention it, since I arrived in this place, you 2 are the only elves I have met. Are elves that rare?"

Leo chuckled. "Rare? More like prideful, those blonde-pompous-pretty-faced-egomaniacs would never even think about setting their luxurious feet in this place."

"Should I tie him up and put something on his chattering mouth, Master Leal?" Kuro asked while narrowing her eyes on Leo.

"No, no, we are not going to stoop that low." Leal faced me. "As much as I hate to agree with Leo, what he said is correct. Elves are always out for perfection, they don't want to get associated with something or someone they considered flawed. However, we are not the only elves in this town, there are 3 of us currently living here."

I drank the booze in my cup. "Maybe I would probably meet that third person."

Leo immediately put a full in my cup. "Sure you will, you will meet her tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Do you mean?"

Mehrad and Leo nodded to my question but Leal word it out for me.

Leal sip her tea- I mean booze first before talking. "Just like your tribe, if the Meruems are the superior variant of the demon race, that's what Fairies are to elves. Tanya is a fairy, the rarest and superior race variant of elves which possesses both greater magic capabilities and also as self vanity."

I'm against a literal fairy tomorrow? What does she look like? Maybe she has wings and brimming with light around her.

I just hope she's not an old hag just like how Leo described her. 

I see now, races are the general term for certain groups but within those races, they are still divided into different species.

Just like what I am now, I'm a demon but I'm from the demon race variant called Meruem and that's probably the case with other races like beastkins who are presumably the most diverse race because I have already seen different variants of them.

"May I ask, what is the superior variant of the beastkin race?"

"The dragonkins, they are extremely rare, but even one of them is powerful enough to change the tide of a losing war when you have them at your side. When a group of dragonkins sided with a kingdom in a war even in a completely disadvantageous situation, it is almost a guaranteed victory for that side." Mehrad answered.

Wow, that really sounds powerful. So dragonkins do exist in this world, does that mean dragons too? I want to see one!

We continued our drinking and talked about a few things. 

Leo loved poking on Leal who just responded with his sass while I on the other hand just listened to them.

I looked at Kuro's untouched cup of booze.

I think she's not the type who likes to talk and just wants to silently watch over us.

I got a glimpse of her and found her eyes closed.

Is she asleep? Wow, she can comfortably sleep while sitting and even with the noise of the people around her.

"I suppose I'm already drunk."

"Drunk? What do you mean drunk? You just emptied your first cup!" Leo protested.

Leal waved his hand. "I'm done, I can already feel my vision blurring, but don't worry I won't leave."

Leo nodded. "I see, I see. If you say so." He pulled something under the table, a clear glass bottle. "Here, take this water." And put it in another unused cup.

While handing over the 'Water' on Leal, Leo briefly looked at me with a subtle smile on his face.

That's definitely not water.

"Good." Leal immediately gulped the liquid inside the cup, bottoms up.

A villainous smile emerged on Leo's face. "How do you like the Mind breaker?"

However, Leal couldn't answer anymore, his face slammed into the table and remained unmoved.


"Master Leal?" Kuro immediately assisted him.

"Is he still alive?"

"More likely," Mehrad answered my question.

Leo chuckled. "At least, he finally got the taste of our specialty. The best in Agrona!" He raised the glass bottle he's holding.

Kuro's sharp gazes shifted to Leo, but the target of her anger was already running away while laughing his ass out.

"You filthy dog!" Kuro pursued her.

"I'm a lion!"

All I could do was shake my head while watching them, with Mehrad in front of me laughing at the scene.

Yup, the group is more chaotic now.

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