I Am Building The Main Game City In A Different World

Chapter 26

026. Zhan Wang, the legendary dragon guardian beast! (Ask for a collection of flower evaluation tickets)

Chapter 26

“Why didn’t you say it sooner?!”

Miles rinsed his mouth with water with a dark face, trying to spit out what he had just eaten, but only spit out a mouthful of bubbles, which made his mouth even more uncomfortable.

The housekeeper said aggrievedly: “Master, you didn’t ask.”

“Is this what the townspeople call soap?”

Miles smacked his lips and said, then picked up another small jar and opened it. There were some translucent green plastic-packed objects inside, with a good smell of fruity fragrance.

Although I wanted to try it, Miles resisted the urge and asked, “What is this?”

The housekeeper picked up the small brush and explained: “This is called toothpaste, and it is used in conjunction with this toothbrush. It is said that it can clean your teeth and mouth. There are also special people in the grocery store who teach you how to use it.

I tried it before I came and it was really comfortable. ”

“No wonder I feel like you always smell fresh when you talk.”

“However, the price of toothpaste is relatively expensive. The citizens of Bambi City buy less. They usually use salt to brush their teeth.”

“Brushing teeth with salt? My God, how cheap is salt in Bambi? No wonder we can’t sell our salt.”

Miles sighed, then picked a bit of toothpaste with a small brush, and said, “I’ll try it too.”

The housekeeper taught Miles how to brush his teeth and reminded him.

“Don’t worry, sir, this toothpaste is edible.”


Miles’ eyes lit up, and Gulu drank the foamy water in his mouth in one gulp.

“…but better not eat it.”


Miles has black lines all over his face.

Soon, Miles completed his first tooth cleaning.

When he put down the small brush in his hand, he felt like a newborn.

The teeth seemed to be unloaded with layers of burden, and even the meat scraps that were stuck between the teeth during lunch and could not be removed with a silver stick were cleaned up.

Miles put his hands together in front of his mouth and let out a sigh of relief, which was also very fresh and fruity.


Miles couldn’t help but exclaimed: “I swear, the nobles of the entire capital will be crazy about these little things!”

Nobles are the most concerned about appearance, and many nobles have serious cleanliness.

Nobles in the capital usually use hand towels to clean their teeth, sprinkle some powder made from cuttlefish bones on top, and rub them in their mouths.

Not to mention whether it works or not, the taste of cuttlefish bone…

Tsk tsk, it is bitter, astringent and fishy. After using it, you have to rinse your mouth repeatedly to get rid of the unpleasant fishy smell in your mouth, which is really unflattering.


Miles suddenly said anxiously: “Now follow me to the City Lord’s Mansion to visit the mysterious third prince.”

Just as the butler was about to respond, Miles suddenly changed his mind.

“Just wait.”

Miles picked up the piece of soap that he had bitten off, and said expectantly, “Wait for me to take a bath first and see how amazing this thing is called soap.”


“…The land on both sides of the Yinyue River is very fertile, and it should be a good farmland if it is simply transformed, but the Yinyue River is also a drinking water source for many beasts and even monsters. It’s a matter of seeds…”

Fowles, who was the former Chancellor’s right-hand man, also had some knowledge of agriculture and gave good advice on the issues Joshua raised.

Joshua thought about it: “There is no need to worry about the problem of seeds. I have seeds of various crops, and I can always find one that is suitable for planting.

That is to say, as long as we solve the problem of the Beast River Warcraft around the Yinyue River, we can let the townspeople of Bambi City realize farming? ”

Fowles nodded, and couldn’t help but remind: “Your Highness, this is not a small problem. You may have never seen how many beasts and monsters there are by the Yinyue River. If it is not solved properly, even if the cultivated land is reclaimed, No one dared to risk their lives to farm.

Even if farming continues, a few low-level monsters can easily destroy large tracts of fragile farmland…”

“I know.”

Joshua waved his hand.

This is indeed a problem, but not without a solution.

The way to make wild beasts and monsters dare not approach a place is very simple, just let them know that it is the territory of a high-level monster that they can’t afford.

But where can I find such a high-level Warcraft that can be obedient?

The system panel can do it.

“…After the main city reaches level 3, the dragon’s nest can be unlocked.

Dragon’s Nest: Summons a giant dragon to become the guardian beast of the main city. The giant dragon will sign a contract with the city lord and contribute to the stability of the main city. ”

Dragon’s Nest!


Legendary Creatures!

As long as the level of the main city reaches Level 3, Bambi City can have a giant dragon guardian beast. As the city owner, he will also have a giant dragon as his pet.

Joshua felt excited just thinking about it.

But just think about it for now.

In order for Bambi City to reach the third-level main city, the number of permanent residents must reach 10,000!

Ten thousand people live!

What is the permanent population of the capital of the Goze Kingdom?

Counting the army, it would be less than 50,000.

“It would be great if the players could also be counted as the permanent population. The conditions of 10,000 people can be easily achieved.”

Joshua sighed.

Before there was no giant dragon guardian beast, the only way to drive away the beasts was to rely on the strength of the city guards.

The power in Joshua’s hands is simply not enough.

“When the players gradually gain strength, I will set the task point and the leveling point by the Milky Moon River, which can also solve many obstacles.”

Joshua thought for a while and said to Fowles:

“You first find someone to survey the land along the Yinyue River, make a land survey report, and give it to me as soon as possible.”


Fowles wiped his sweat and nodded.

Joshua looked at Foles’ pale face and thick dark circles, and couldn’t help but said, “Fowles, find yourself two assistants, you are the mainstay of Bambi City, you can’t Tired.”

Fowles was touched for a while, and saluted Joshua deeply: “Thank you, Your Highness, for your concern.”

At this moment, the bearded deputy captain of the guards, Bowers strode in and respectfully said to Joshua: “Your Highness, there is a god messenger who wants to sue you for something important, and the people are outside.”

Players find themselves in trouble?

Joshua said lightly, “Bring him in.”

Boris nodded and stepped back, and soon, he walked in with a thin man with shrewd eyes.


Every flower, every evaluation ticket, every monthly ticket is the author’s greatest motivation to persevere and the greatest enthusiasm for creation.

Please ask for flower evaluation ticket and monthly pass, especially the last two, please ask for le….*

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