I Am Building The Main Game City In A Different World

Chapter 6

006. Chief Road Cleaning Officer! (Ask for a collection of flower evaluation tickets)

Chapter 6

“See the ditches on both sides of Central Avenue?”

Joshua said to everyone.

There is indeed a ditch that is about half a meter deep and half a foot wide on both sides of the marble road, and it is necessary to cross this ditch before walking on the central avenue.

Someone said loudly: “His Royal Highness the third prince, do you want us to fill these two gaps?”

The rest of the townspeople suddenly realized that it was here that His Royal Highness the Third Prince was dissatisfied. In other words, this small ditch is only less than the width of one step, and it does not affect walking at all.

There were puddles all over the road before, and they were able to avoid them flexibly. What is a small ditch, and His Royal Highness the Third Prince is too picky.

“Don’t worry, His Royal Highness. It’s just a small ditch. We’ll fill it up today. I’ll go back and get the tools.”

The others followed suit and were about to go back.

Joshua, however, waved his hands in disbelief and said, “No no no, you have misunderstood. These two grooves were deliberately left by me.”


The townspeople were stunned.

“This is a drainage ditch, and the streets of the capital are like this.”

Someone in the crowd spoke softly.

Joshua glanced at the speaker with a bit of surprise, it was a muscular middle-aged man with bronzed skin.

Unexpectedly, there are citizens from the royal capital in Bambi City. Joshua couldn’t help but ask, “What’s your name?”

The strong man was stunned for a moment, and before he could speak, a young man with a long camera beside him rushed to reply: “Norton, Uncle Norton is from the capital.”

Is it Norton? Joshua secretly memorized the name, and then said, “Norton is right, the weather in Bambi is hot and rainy, and these two drainage ditches are used for drainage.

But that’s not what I’m trying to say…”

Joshua pointed behind him and said, “I will build a central plaza here soon, and all of them will be paved with marble. There will be a beautiful big fountain in the center of the plaza. When it doesn’t rain, the water in the fountain will also It will pass through these two drainage ditches, and the household garbage you dump in the ditches will also be sent out of the city along with the water flow…


With a bright smile on Joshua’s face, he said loudly, “In the near future, each of you will have a similar sewage outlet in your home, and then you will not need to go out, and you can easily send away waste and excrement, etc. …

I promise that by that time, my townspeople and many nobles in the capital will envy your comfort. ”

There was cheerful laughter from the crowd.

The townspeople of Bambi City carefully recalled what Joshua said, only to find it ingenious and convenient, and many people couldn’t even help but look forward to that scene.

A woman sighed: “Oh, I really hope that day will come soon. I really don’t want to get up early every day to empty the smelly toilet.”

There was another burst of laughter, but this sentence touched the inner thoughts of many people.

Yes, if you have the conditions, who wants to live in a messy and smelly environment every day.

“Great! The idea of His Royal Highness the Third Prince is a genius idea!”

Not far away, Fowles said excitedly to himself: “Even in the royal capital, not every noble family can afford the sewage magic array, and these things can only be left to servants.

If the idea of His Royal Highness the Third Prince can be realized, it will completely allow the commoners to enjoy the convenience of such aristocrats. ”

Hogan also showed a strange look. In less than two days, Joshua had already surprised him too much.

In fact, Joshua also wants to do this immediately, but whether it is to build the fountain in the central square or the underground sewage pipeline, it will cost money.

Now the citizens of Bambi City are full of respect and admiration for Joshua, whether it is the marble-paved central avenue or the wonderful ideas proposed by Joshua, they are amazed by it.

Perhaps, the exiled third prince was really the messenger sent by the gods to save their city of Bambi.


At this time, someone suddenly looked at the foot and sighed softly, and said, “It’s really a pity that such a beautiful marble pavement is dirty.”

This sentence immediately aroused the recognition of many city residents.

Joshua said with a smile: “This is exactly what I want to discuss with you next. I plan to find a few people to be responsible for keeping the road on Zhongyang Avenue clean and tidy, as well as the dumping of household garbage in the city. I wonder if any of you are willing? ”

As soon as Joshua’s words came out of his mouth, the court suddenly became quiet.

The citizens of Bambi City looked at each other with hesitant expressions on their faces.

A figure rushed out quickly, ran in front of Joshua, and said loudly, “His Royal Highness, the third prince, I am willing to take over this job.”

Joshua looked at the man in front of him. He was the same teenager who was rushing to answer Joshua’s question earlier.

Joshua reached out and touched his head, then said with a smile, “What’s your name?”

The boy’s face turned red, and he replied nervously, “My name is Tom, and everyone calls me little Tom!”

“Good little Tom.”

Joshua said to little Tom seriously: “I am now officially hiring you to be the chief road cleaning officer of Bambi City. What do you think about the salary of one gold coin a month?”


“One gold coin a month?!”

“Is there a reward for cleaning the Central Avenue?!”

“Praise the generosity of His Royal Highness the Third Prince!”

Everyone was stunned and couldn’t believe their ears.

They hesitated before because they were afraid that it would take too much time to clean the Central Avenue, and there was no time to work to maintain their normal life, but now that they heard it was still paid, and it was a astronomical salary of one gold coin a month.

You must know that 1 gold coin is enough for the daily expenses of ordinary people for a year. Many people in Bambi City cannot earn a few gold coins a year. Now Joshua tells them that they only need to sweep the floor to get one every month. gold.

My God, even in the capital, I’m afraid I can’t find such an easy job.

“Me, I, too!”

“His Royal Highness the Third Prince, I am willing to contribute to the cleanliness of Bambi City!”

The people off the field were immediately excited and expressed their willingness to accept this job. Little Tom was dizzy by the sudden joy, and the whole person seemed dizzy.

Joshua raised his hand, and everyone fell silent.

“Not just the road cleaning officer, I want to recruit some people to be trained by my Chief Guard Hogan as the city guard of our Bambi city. Hogan, what do you think?”

Joshua turned to look at Hogan. Hogan was a little caught off guard by Joshua’s sudden decision, but he quickly reacted and said respectfully, “It’s all up to His Highness.”

Joshua nodded in satisfaction and said, “This is necessary, I think you don’t want this beautiful street under your feet to be destroyed by rude and savage gnolls and kobolds.

Participating in the training of city guards is also paid, only higher than that of road cleaning officers. Of course, there will be certain thresholds. ”

Joshua specially aggravated the word threshold, but many people below still showed eager expressions.

A stout man patted his chest hard and laughed loudly: “Don’t worry, His Royal Highness, the third prince, Bambi City lacks everything, and the most important thing is warriors who can kill gnolls!”

Joshua smiled and clapped his hands, nodded and said, “Don’t worry, I will solve the problem of gnolls and kobolds sooner or later. In a few days, there will be a group of warriors sent by the gods to help us fight together and build Bambi City…”

Their name is – “Player”, Joshua added in his mind.

The townspeople believed in Joshua’s words. After all, Joshua had shown them too many incredible places.

Even if Joshua now says that he is not the third prince of the Goze Kingdom, but the illegitimate son of a certain god, I am afraid that some people will believe it.

“Oh, right!”

Joshua finally added: “One more thing, I want to ask, who are the best blacksmiths and tailors in Bambi?”


Ask for a collection of flower evaluation tickets~~*

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