I am cultivating immortality in the world of immortality

Chapter 20 News from Father

“So, I started deliberately keeping my distance from them.

And learned a new spell. "

Qian Xiaoyue said immediately.

"New spell? What spell?"

Zhou Changwang was stunned.

“The art of listening.

It is a special type of spell that can listen to the movements around you. "

Qian Xiaoyue explained and continued: "With the help of this spell, I can often hear their conversations.

Only then did we know that they would be prepared every time before they made a move. They would find out a lot of information about the target in advance and confirm that there were no elders from the sect or powerful relatives and friends before they actually took action.

Half a year ago, because I deliberately kept a distance from them and became a lot stranger and colder, I heard Wang Xifeng listed me as their target. "

When Zhou Changwang heard this, he immediately glanced at Qian Xiaoyue.

But I also know that this listening technique is by no means as simple as listening to the corner.

When monks are away from home, there are many dangers. If you have the spell of listening, you can hear the movement in advance and discover many potential dangers, which is very useful.

Qian Xiaoyue continued without pausing: "Maybe they have discussed this issue before, but they gave up for some unknown reason.

After I heard the news, I immediately became anxious.

Fortunately, I was lucky at the time, because I had been cooperating with Liufang Pavilion to a certain extent. I had a good relationship with a female cultivator who was working in Liufang Pavilion at that time. From her, I knew that an alchemist in Liufang Pavilion was about to Recruiting "fan shakers", he tried his best to accept this profession. He claimed to the outside world that he was favored by the alchemist Hong Bo and became his alchemy apprentice.

Because of this, Zhao Xifeng and the others crossed me off the hunting list. "

"I see."

Zhou Changwang couldn't help but admire Qian Xiaoyue.

After feeling that there was Jie Xiu around him, he immediately thought of learning the 'listening technique' to find out information. After hearing that the other party regarded him as a target, he immediately thought of finding a 'backer'.

He can be described as timid, but full of desire to survive.

But it is really difficult for ordinary people to do this.

As for the 'fan hand', he also knows that this is actually when the alchemist is making elixirs. The person who controls the fire needs to continuously input spiritual power, wave the fan weapon, and increase the firepower of the alchemy furnace... which can be regarded as He is a coolie, and his status is much worse than that of an alchemy apprentice.

Of course, even if he is just a fan, he is actually much better than a casual spiritual farmer like him.

After all, no matter how the fan waving hand counts, he is also someone close to the alchemist, so he might be able to get a reward and get one or two elixirs.

Even if there is no reward for the elixir, you can still buy the elixir at a low price or even a par price. The benefits are enough to make many low-level casual cultivators flock to it.

"So, I have actually been listed as a target by them?"

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Changwang came to his senses and asked quickly.

Nodding, Qian Xiaoyue shook her head and said: "I didn't know before.

However, I learned from their conversation that your father has a very high status in what they call the ‘martial arts world’, and his strength should be considered the top among what they call ‘innate’ warriors.

So with him guarding you, the two of them wouldn't dare to attack you easily. "

"Then why this time..."

Hearing this, Zhou Changwang asked quickly.

"Because, your father has not shown up for more than twenty days.

And they found out that Brother Zhao Heng, the leader of the team of casual cultivators that your father followed at that time, had returned. "

Qian Xiaoyue glanced at Zhou Changwang sympathetically and said.

"came back?

when? "

Zhou Changwang suddenly asked excitedly.

"A few days ago, less than ten days."

Qian Xiaoyue replied.

"A few days ago? Less than ten days?"

Zhou Changwang was stunned. Wasn't this the beginning of his time travel? Or even a few days before the time travel?

"That's right.

For this, they waited a few more days.

It wasn't until it was confirmed that your father really hadn't come back that you were truly listed as a target. "

Qian Xiaoyue said calmly.

"So, the reason why you came to my door that day was not out of concern, but because you suspected that they had already taken action against me?"

Zhou Changwang couldn't help but asked.

"You can say that."

Qian Xiaoyue nodded and said with some comfort: "I was relieved to see you were fine that day.

But until last night, when I heard that they were determined to take action today, I still couldn't bear it and quietly followed them out.

It's your spell that surprises me. "

Although she followed him quietly at that time, she actually did not dare to take action easily.

If Zhou Changwang was defeated and killed easily, she would probably act as if nothing had happened and go back to her room without going out.

It was Zhou Changwang who insisted on resisting, and her magic power convinced her that it was possible to kill these two people, so she did not hesitate and came to help at the critical moment.

"Thank you so much, fellow Daoist Qian."

Zhou Changwang responded, but his mood was still very bad.

He didn't expect that the team of casual cultivators his father followed had already returned, but his father had not come back... Although he didn't want to believe it, generally speaking, his father's life and death were indeed unpredictable.

"You are welcome.

Do you have anything else to ask? "

Qian Xiaoyue waved her hand and said.

Zhou Changwang shook his head, then stood up and planned to leave.

However, Qian Xiaoyue spoke at this time and said: "Don't leave in a hurry yet.

Later at night, when there is no one around, I will go to their room to search.

The two of them have been practicing tribulation for so long, so they must have something hidden, which should be worth some spiritual stones.

However, you killed them after all, so the contents inside are half yours.

Of course, if you don’t want it, I won’t force it, you can just go back. "

"Then I will stay with fellow Taoist Qian for a while."

Zhou Changwang's heart moved, he quickly sat down again and said.

He was afraid of poverty.

Although I made a small fortune in spiritual stones due to pest control in the past two days, compared with the consumption during cultivation, it was nothing.

After all, monks’ cultivation requires too much spiritual stone consumption.

Eating spiritual rice as food every day and using spiritual land as home can only be regarded as daily life. It is the most basic guarantee for a casual cultivator to maintain his cultivation progress.

In fact, many casual practitioners cannot even do this.

For example, he had been eating ordinary ordinary rice before, but the place he lived in was only on the outskirts of Fang City, outside the scope of the first-grade spiritual veins, and his spiritual energy was very limited.

Therefore, his cultivation progress has always been very slow.

What can really make a monk improve quickly is first-grade or above spiritual veins, medicinal diet, monster flesh and blood, various spiritual pills, spiritual talismans to assist practice, incense, and even various spiritual plants and spiritual materials with different functions. , treasures of heaven and earth... Not to mention, a monk must have the ability to protect himself while walking outside, so he must also set up magic weapons and practice powerful spells...

Counting them down one by one, it is simply difficult to count.

Therefore, when cultivating a monk, you can never have too many spiritual stones.

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