I Am Rich

Chapter 17


Since the Chinese New Year, she hasn't seen him for more than a month. Guan Zhiyi originally felt that she had almost adjusted her mentality, but now that she saw him, the contradictory feeling of joy made her feel that she had lost all her previous effort.

"How much longer do you need to shoot?" Qi Chengyan asked.

Guan Zhiyi had a guilty conscience to herself, she lowered her head without looking at him: "I have about a month left for my scenes."

"Oh. By the way, grandpa will hold a party for his birthday next week."

Guan Zhiyi heard Guan Yuanbai mention this earlier: "I know, I'll take a leave to go back that day."

"If you are busy, you don't have to come."

"Fortunately, my scene is not that much, besides I didn't go back to see Grandpa on his birthday last year. I must go back this year."

When the two of them were chatting with each other, the staff not far away looked stunned. Guan Zhiyi and Zheng Yitong matter was, after all, a matter of the upper class, so they didn't know that Qi Chengyan had been involved in the affair, they were shocked when they saw that the two knew each other, and were very familiar with each other.

While shocked, they also thought about the fact that the last person they can offend with in the group turned out to be Guan Zhiyi, who seemed to be the easiest to bully...

After dinner, Guan Zhiyi was taken to put on makeup to prepare for the afternoon shoot.

She put on her makeup for about an hour, and when she came out to go to the shooting location, there was no sign of Qi Chengyan. She thought that he should have already left, so she didn't contact him specifically.

A few minutes later, Guan Zhiyi arrived at the shooting set, Shen Mansion.

"Zhiyi is here, right? Come here, come here." The director beckoned at her.

Guan Zhiyi carried the pure white robe and walked over. At this time, Xiao Ran was already there, he would play as a dead man, the makeup on his face was pale, drained of color.

"This scene will start like this ......" the director began to talk about the scene, but most of them were talking about Guan Zhiyi, because Xiao Ran just needed to lay down in this scene.

After speaking for a while, the director patted Guan Zhiyi's shoulder, "I will have higher requirements for this time, we will continue to shoot if I'm not satisfied with the shot. You should be mentally prepared." 

Guan Zhiyi: "I understand, director."

"Okay, you go over." The director picked up the intercom after speaking, "Let's get ready, clear the scene, unrelated people come out!"

Everyone started moving one after another, and Guan Zhiyi also walked towards the gate of Shen's mansion, ready to start shooting.

In this scene, she led a fake imperial decree in and asked for the coffin to be opened.

Zhaoyang is the emperor's own sister, and Shen Sibo has been with the emperor since he was a child, so the two of them can be considered to have grown up together. In the past year, she has long been deeply in love with him. Now, faced with the inexplicable death of Shen Si Bo, Zhaoyang is completely unable to accept it.

His death is full of mystery.

In his whole life, he fought for his country, but after his death, he was accused for the death of hundreds of thousands of soldiers for various reasons. So although he was a general, his funeral was simple and bleak.

No one dared to offer condolences, and the emperor did not allow Princess Zhaoyang to come over.

But she just wanted to come, she didn't care and just came, she also brought the imperial decree with her! Because she knew that without the imperial decree, no one would dare to let others reopen Shen Sibo's coffin!

Everything was ready for the scene, Guan Zhiyi closed her eyes and started to act with the director's "action".

The gate opened, amidst the flutter of white silk and fallen leaves, a woman dressed in white came in. Shen Sibo was a sinner at this time, the mansion was guarded by soldiers. When she came in, someone immediately stopped her.

"Who are you! No one is allowed to enter Shen Mansion without permission, get out immediately!"

"I want to see him." Princess Zhaoyang's eyes were calm, her voice was faint, and her whole body was like a pool of stagnant water. She was clearly expressionless, but for some reason, the people watching on the side felt an obscure depression.

"Emperor Zhongshu order! No one is allowed to express condolences to Shen Sibo!"

"His name is not something that you can call!" Zhaoyang's eyes were fierce, and she kicked him! 

After the soldier was kicked to the ground, everyone on the side surrounded her. The atmosphere was on the verge of igniting, and just as the crowd was about to come forward to press over her, Zhaoyang raised the silk scroll in her hand.

"The imperial decree is here, the emperor has an order, ordering you to open the coffin."

"How is it possible...Who are you! That you dare to falsely pass the imperial decree!"

"Falsely?" There was a mockery in Zhaoyang's eyes, "I am Princess Zhaoyang! The emperor is my brother.There are few women in this world who can be more honorable than me! Do you think the imperial decree I brought will be fake?"


There was no sound outside the scene, and the staff and actors watching nearby were surprised by Guan Zhiyi's take on Zhaoyang. The director in front of the camera looked at Guan Zhiyi quietly, and was also astonished.

Because before Guan Zhiyi acted in this scene, her scenes were all before the death of Shen Shibo, so she always acted as a lively, lovely, arrogant and bold little princess. Guan Zhiyi herself is cute and delicate, so that kind of role is completely not a burden for her. 

But today this scene is obviously not in line with her own image, so before the start of shooting, the director had already prepared a lot of plans for this filming.

But at this time, he looked at Guan Zhiyi in the camera and was surprised….Unexpectedly, she could get the princess's superior and naturally noble temperament just right.

"Yes, let's take it one more time." After the plot in front of him was finished, the director said to the intercom, "Zhiyi is good." 

Guan Zhiyi collected her emotions, nodded in that direction, and returned to her original position.

After the second one was shot smoothly, they continued to the next scene. When the director was preparing, he unintentionally turned around and found Qi Chengyan standing behind him, looking at the monitor silently.

He was startled for a moment and gestured to the person next to him to gave him his place.

Qi Chengyan raised his hand: "No need."

The director nodded, turned around and continued to look at his monitor.

In fact, Qi Chengyan was already here before Guan Zhiyi started the filming. He initially just wanted to come and take a casual look, so he didn't tell her that he had not left yet. But now after coming and seeing the way Guan Zhiyi shoot, he suddenly felt that it was worth it to come here.

In his heart, she has always been a cute little sister, but today she makes him feel a little different, even if it was just acting.

At this time, Zhaoyang, played by Guan Zhiyi in the camera, had deceived everyone and opened the coffin.

In the coffin, the general played by Xiao Ran is lying quietly, soundlessly.

Zhaoyang stood by, quietly watching the general Shen Sibo lying inside. After a long time, she suddenly smiled, bent down, and reached out to touch him.

"Princess." The old housekeeper of Shen's house stopped with tears. "The old slave doesn't know why the emperor wants you to open the coffins, but no matter what sins he committed, the general has already lost his life. You, can you let him rest in peace... "

"Rest in peace...he can't rest in peace." Zhaoyang slowly withdrew her hand, looking in a daze, "I haven't married him yet, how can he rest in peace…"

After she said that word, everyone in the house was stunned.


Not to mention that Shen Sibo is a sinner now, even if he is not, they never heard about Princess Zhaoyang marrying him.

"Princess, you..."


At this moment, Zhaoyang took off her white robe, and the white robe waved across the camera. In the next second, Princess Zhaoyang, who was originally dressed in white, was already embroidered with a phoenix wedding dress!

The red-clothed hands, the scorching color in a snow-white mansion, was so shocking.

"Shen Sibo, I'm here to marry you... I said earlier, no matter what you are, I will marry you."

The people who watched the scene off camera were silent, especially when the camera later zoomed in and Guan Zhiyi's face was fully revealed in the camera ......

She usually looked delicate and lovely, but at this time she looked completely different with this kind of temperament, beautiful and thrilling. She made people unable to move their eyes from her.

"Bring her back."

The scene changed and the emperor arrived.

The palace maids were ordered to go up and bring back Zhaoyang, but Zhaoyang's hand grabbed the edge of the coffin tightly.

The emperor: "Zhaoyang! Come over here!"

Zhaoyang refused to leave, her eyes were red and cautious, "I don't want to…"

The palace maid did not dare to lay a hand, hesitantly looking back at the emperor.

Currently, everyone in the room had already been kneeling and bowing their heads. The emperor took a deep breath and ordered: "Bring her back to me immediately!"

The emperor had spoken, the two maids then dared to pull her with force.

Originally, this scene ended in Zhaoyang crying bitterly and being taken away by the two palace maids. But Guan Zhiyi struggled too fiercely during the escape, that she pounced forward directly towards the stairs, her knees hitting the stairs hard, looking painful.

The director froze and subconsciously had to shout for a pause, but the next second, Guan Zhiyi slowly climbed up, and continued crying bitterly.

The director fixed his eyes on the monitor without interrupting.

With eyes full of despair and loneliness, Zhaoyang cried so bitterly, as if to explode all the pain that was suppressed since she first entered the mansion. Everyone off the camera doesn't bear to see the scene. Who would have thought that Guan Zhiyi's first crying scene would be so full of empathy that it would force tears out of everyone present. 

Qi Chengyan looked at Guan Zhiyi, who fell to the ground and cried bitterly in the monitor, his heart was slightly unhappy. Although it was only acting, but seeing her crying, he can't help but feeling distressed.


It was finally over. The director got up, looked at Guan Zhiyi who was not far away, and said to the intercom: "Pass."

The director of "Dawn and the Wild" was notoriously strict, and there are only very few instances of one pass, and even people like Li Xuan, who is famous for his acting skills, often have to keep retaking. However Guan Zhiyi surprisingly did it.

Everyone was surprised, but they still had to admit that the scene was really well played, that kind of desperate cry, everyone who listened to it would want to shed a tear.


The scene is over, but Guan Zhiyi was obviously overwhelmed to get out of the character for a while. When she was lifted up by the staff, she was still crying and trembling.

Xiao Ran came out of the coffin and was moved to see Guan Zhiyi crying. He walked up and patted Guan Zhiyi's shoulder and comforted, "Zhiyi, it's okay. It's okay."

Guan Zhiyi looked at him sideways, and after a pause, she cried even harder.

Xiao Ran: "......"

The staff helplessly said, "Brother Ran You'd better step aside, she probably wanted to cry even more when she sees you."

Xiao Ran scratched his hair, feeling a little at a loss: "Allright ha…"

Guan Zhiyi was later taken into the lounge and sat on the sofa to calm her emotions.

Qi Chengyan was watching her entering the lounge, and when he followed to the entrance of the lounge, he looked at Xiao Ran who was hovering outside the door, "Did anyone give her medicine yet."

Xiao Ran: "Ah?"

Qi Chengyan twisted his eyebrows: "She fell just now, let someone go to prepare the medicine."

Xiao Ran was acting with her eyes closed, so he didn't see Guan Zhiyi falling down. He was shocked when Qi Chengyan said this: "What, where is she injured?"


"It's like this? Wait a minute - Xiao Yang! Xiao Yang, go and get the medical kit here!"

The assistant Xiao Yang responded hurriedly: "Eh, all right!"

Guan Zhiyi joined the team alone, without an agent or assistant, so when she was injured for the first time no staff came over to help her. After Qi Chengyan received the medicine box brought by Xiao Ran's assistant at the door, he turned around and entered the lounge.

Xiao Ran was uneasy and followed in silently, but he didn't go in front of Guan Zhiyi because he was afraid that she would want to cry even more when she saw him, as a "dead man".

Currently, there was only one person at the corner of the lounge, Zhiyi. After she came in, in order to adjust her emotions, she let the two staff who sent her in to go out. When she heard footsteps, she thought that the staff members were worried and came back, so she didn't even look back and said, "I'm fine, don't worry about me now."

"You fell so hard, are you really okay?"

Guan Zhiyi was stunned when she heard his voice, she turned her head back in disbelief.

Qi Chengyan saw her eyes red and swollen from crying, nothing was shown on his face, but he felt panicked in his heart.

When has this little girl ever cried so sadly?

"Take a look at your knee, is it swollen?" Qi Chengyan sat down on the chair beside her and gestured for her to pull up her skirt," Liu Yun still has not arranged an assistant for you yet? She—"

The voice stopped abruptly.

Because the person in front of him sobbed and suddenly threw herself into a full embrace.

Qi Chengyan was startled slightly, raising his hand to pull her away, but he felt her hand tighten around his neck. She seemed to be crying again. Although there was no sound, he noticed some coldness on his neck. 

His heart twitched weirdly. He didn't intend to pull her away anymore. Instead, he reached out and patted her on the back, soothing and caring: "Does it hurt?"

"It hurts ......" Guan Zhiyi's choking voice came out muffled.

"If it hurts we need to rub some medicine, don't cry."

Guan Zhiyi was uncomfortable at first, but when she saw Qi Chengyan appear, she felt that both her pain and sadness had found a fulcrum, so she jumped over without even thinking.

Now that she smelled the faint smell on his body, she felt very relieved.

Qi Chengyan continued to reassure her and said, "You acted very well, the director praised you just now."

"Really?" Guan Zhiyi released her hand, staring at him with flickering eyes. Her eyelashes were still stained with tears.

Qi Chengyan smiled: "Really, he said your performance was beyond his expectation."

Guan Zhiyi sniffed, her gloomy mood slowly dissipated: "That's good...I was worried about having to retake the scene."

"Just one shot and pass, that means it is very much in place." Qi Chengyan said, "I was also quite surprised."

Guan Zhiyi was a little embarrassed to hear him say this: "I just try my best…"

"Well, then you apply some medicine first." Qi Chengyan took the medicine out of the box, "She has not arranged an assistant for you yet? I think Liu Yun doesn't want to do it anymore." 

Guan Zhiyi froze, "No, no, sister Yun said she is looking for one, and she will be able to start in the next two days."

Qi Chengyan said oh, obviously not very satisfied with Liu Yun's efficiency.

Guan Zhiyi did not dare to say anything else, only lowered her head and lifted up her skirt. As a result, the two delicate and slender calves were exposed, they were glowing white against the red skirt as a backdrop.

Qi Chengyan glanced at it, paused, and turned his eyes away.

"Can you apply the medicine by yourself?" He suddenly felt that it was quite not appropriate for him to apply medicine to her.

Guan Zhiyi only stared intently at the redness and swelling on her knee, nodded when she heard the words, "Yes, brother, can you help me to open it."


Because everyone was preparing for the next scene outside, they were all busy, only Xiao Ran was nearby but he did not approach.

After looking at them from afar for a while, he touched his chin in some confusion.

Originally he thought that Qi Chengyan cared for Guan Zhiyi as a matter of course, after all, the two families were close, and there was also affection from growing up together. But he doesn't know why. Although he knew that the two are not in that kind of relationship, he still felt that there was a tacit understanding between the two that outsiders can't get into.

For example, looking at the scene where Qi Chengyan and Guan Zhiyi are together just now, he suddenly felt that he should not go there.


After Guan Zhiyi's crying scene, many actors had a different perception of her.

After filming that scene, she spent four more days filming on the crew. On the fifth day, she took a leave and rushed home to attend Elder Qi's birthday party.

In the past, she was not taken seriously by her agency, and her agent would not pay much attention to her reasons for taking a leave. But since her variety show became popular, she asked for leave and specifically reported to Liu Yun, lying that her father had something to do and she had to go home, and Liu Yun gave her consent.

Elder Qi’s birthday banquet was not very big, it was in his own compound, and he invited familiar friends and relatives.

Guan Zhiyi went home first, and planned to go to the birthday party with Guan Yuanbai at six o'clock in the evening. It's not time yet, so she first received a call from Hua Hongxi.

During this period of time, she was filming on the crew, so she never met Hua Hongxi at all, but the two occasionally chatted on WeChat to exchange information about their family's movements.


Hua Hongxi: "Zhiyi, I heard from my brother that you will also come to my grandfather's birthday party today, ah. "


"I'm already at Grandpa's house today. Where are you? Do you want me to pick you up."

When Guan Zhiyi heard that he would be there today, she felt a headache, she remembered that she was going to act again: "I will go later…"

"OK, then tell me when you come ah. I'm telling you, I've been dragged by Grandpa to talk about you the whole day, I'm getting dizzy."

Guan Zhiyi sympathized with his encounter: "You've worked hard." 

"It's not hard work. Anyway, let me know when you're here and I'll see you later."


At six o'clock, Guan Zhiyi and Guan Yuanbai went to the birthday party with their gifts. After entering the door, they passed their things to the housekeeper and went forward to greet Elder Qi.

Today, besides the elders, there were also many young people coming, part of them were the granddaughter and grandsons of the old man, because the only one who grew up with Elder Qi was Qi Chengyan, so in this generation of the Qi family, she was only familiar with Qi Chengyan.

"Zhiyi!" Just as she finished greeting, and headed to the backyard with Guan Yuanbai, Hua Hongxi walked over from the front. 

"Hello, Brother Yuanbai." Hua Hongxi greeted in an orderly manner.

Guan Yuanbai mumbled, "You guys talk, I'll go over there."

Hua Hongxi: "Okay, Brother Yuanbai!"

After Guan Yuanbai left, Hua Hongxi grabbed Guan Zhiyi's shoulder, "It's been a long time since I saw you, why do I feel that you are getting cuter again."

When he said that, he wanted to touch her face, but Guan Zhiyi clasped his wrist and got out of the curve of his arm: "Don't move!"

Hua Hongxi looked at her and smiled: "Well, it's even cuter when you're angry!"

Guan Zhiyi glanced at him, "Stop talking about rainbow farts**." 

"It's a true feeling, what rainbow fart."

(**Internet slang terms refers to the fans’ flamboyant compliments on their idols’ appearance, character, work, etc. that may sound exaggerated to outsiders. flattery)

"Don't--" She just wanted to spit out another sentence, when her gaze suddenly fixed.

Hua Hongxi followed her line of sight, and looked surprised: "I didn't expect to see my brother's blind date here today."

Guan Zhiyi wasn't sure who the woman was, just now she felt somewhat familiar with her, and she came out with Qi Chengyan, vaguely guessing in her heart. But with what Hua Hongxi said... It was really true. 

"This Ms. Yang arrived before my brother came home, and she had a good conversation with Grandpa." Hua Hongxi said, "I tell you, Grandpa specially invited her to come. I saw that Grandpa was very satisfied with this woman."

Guan Zhiyi watched quietly, thinking that Elder Qi's satisfaction also makes sense. This Miss Yang has a good family and academic background. Looking at it this way, her appearance was also very good, her complexion is gentle, and she has the temperament of a mature woman.

A totally different style from her.

It turned out that he likes this type.

"Let's go, let's go over and chat with them." 

"I'm a little hungry, I want to eat something." Guan Zhiyi turned around and walked in the opposite direction.

"Ah...well, then I'll accompany you to eat some."

Guan Zhiyi didn't say anything, she suddenly felt a little depressed in her heart.

After that, the two sat over the pastry table, chatting while eating and drinking.

Hua Hongxi is a complete chatterbox, his body was possessed by gossip. After only a moment he had gossiped about half of the people present.

"Who is that girl, do you know her?" Hua Hongxi pointed to the woman wearing a long dress not far away, that woman's body is slender, especially sexy.

Guan Zhiyi shook her head, "Probably a lady from some family."

"Her figure is hot enough."

Guan Zhiyi asked with a straw in her mouth, "You like this one."

Hua Hongxi cheerfully said, "It's not bad."

"Then why don't you go and talk to her."

"Hiss...how did you say that? I'm by your side now, I'm not that kind of person."

Guan Zhiyi glanced at him, "Don't pretend." 

"You said like I'm a scumbag, I won't seduce other women when my real girlfriend is here." Hua Hongxi smiled happily, "At most, I'll secretly ask for her WeChat account after you leave. " 

Guan Zhiyi raised her eyebrows, and immediately understood: "Come on, I understand. Then I'll go in and chat with Grandpa, you go to seduce women."

"So polite?!"

Guan Zhiyi said perfunctorily: "It should be."

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