I am succubus’ favorite food

2. Incubus

The same day I had my room invaded by the demon of lust, Lilith, a succubus that took away my purity, giving me my first kiss and taking my virginity, which provided the best night of my life and the worst nightmare.

That after the fainting, I returned to the blue immensity, but now I was no longer feeling anything and would be practically dead, drowned but with my active conscience.

What would be impossible, but as this would be a nightmare, I didn't care what I felt or not, I just wanted to wake up from this nightmare and not find another succubus on top of me.

When I finally woke up, I found an exact copy of me, this copy would be another version, a copy that would be my 'perfect' version having a thin face with a skin with no imperfections her hair was smooth the body was amazingly sexy a real weapon against unsuspecting women.

"Oh, right...so that wasn't a dream," I said in disbelief.

I took a deep breath with a serene gaze, slowly turning my head to the side. "Tell me, what was that all about? By any chance, my father and devil?"

remembering the day my father literally lifted a huge log that would have fallen in the middle of the street and disrupted our trip because we were going to go enjoy our fairs and there were only three hours we can take the plane.

"No, your father is not a demon, but your mother, although your father falls into that category... even though he is human"

The copy responded surprised with the serene way that I answered even knowing that my life will change completely, that's what the copy thought because in fact I was just not surprised with the existence of a copy of mine because after knowing that demons really exist, only something more surprising would make me have a more drastic reaction like the fact that my mother is one demon.

"My mother? That woman? The person everyone calls an angel incarnate... how is that possible?" I spoke in disbelief.

"Really? That you've noticed nothing weird? Not only does she practically get everything for free at restaurants and stores alike, she's also considered the highest paid model in history."

"Oh, my god because I went to be the son of such an abnormal couple"

"What are you complaining about? There are many people who would love to have your life well... at least until now."

The end of the sentence entered my head, making me several thoughts and none of them being good, so I pointed my finger at the face of my copy. "What do you mean by that?" Arseny asked.

"Didn't I tell you? Oh sorry, you will be chased by all the demons out there because of your genetic heritage, you were born and raised as the best appetizer ever being for the minority as an infinite energy source or, a packet of an extremely limited and expensive meat," The copy spoke with a huge smile on her face.

The copy showed two fingers for Arseny.

"Being both ways, this being the best and most effective way to raise their levels, taking no risk, but with a grand return"

After hearing all of this, I ended up passing out while sitting on my bed with my eyes lifeless and a babysitter falling out of my mouth. "Uh, I think I should have said it in an easier way to digest. Suddenly it was a mistake... well, it should be back to normal in a few minutes, anyway"

Within seconds, the copy was already unconcerned. lying in the air floating in next, he turned to the opposite side I was sleeping

"AHHHHHHH! What kind of denatured parents are they?, they raised me all these years knowing that one day I could be hunted, and they didn't train me even once…" I screamed, waking up startled.

I was freaking out knowing that my life could just end as in my current state I would lose to 99% of the people at my school, as I was never a fit person and as it was not mandatory to join a club I just read books, I watched movies because the most exercise I did would be to ride a bike

When an idea popped into my head looking at the copy, I would slap it, intending to wake it up

"Hey hottie... why did I say that? Answer me something. Do you have a training to make me like you?"

"No... I can't even touch anything physical other than that I'm going to disappear in a while, because as your incubus side woke up your body doesn't need me anymore," the copy said trying to touch me, but her arm passed through the body.

"So he's just a useless person who only knows how to talk.," I spoke with an expression of disappointment at my copy that would not be the 'perfect' being that it seemed to be on its first appearance.

"Useless? If not for me, you would have died as soon as you were born.," The copy spoke irritated.

"It would have been better not to have been born. Now I'm going to be some demon's main course."

"Really this way I wouldn't have to be taking care of a worthless person for almost 18 years earning nothing,"

The copy felt disgusted when remembering a certain memory involving my bathroom doing some tributes to famous people, characters from movies, anime, comics and manga.

"Besides being forced to see those horrifying scenes that left me traumatized," the copy spoke tremendously

"I'm glad you're going to disappear. This kind of thing can never be taken into the world. I haven't had a very good school life in recent months"

"At least, until a demon finds me, well you can do what you want here because there's almost nothing but reading or watching television." I said, pointing to the television while I was going to my wardrobe getting my school uniform.

"Don't worry even if I wanted to I wouldn't have time to do anything, as soon as you leave this door I'll disappear," My copy spoke with no signs of nervousness or any similar feeling, because she had long accepted that the moment he could meet face to face with the original body would be the day of his end and with a gentle smile on his face.

"Arseny, don't worry. I know you'll make it through all of this, so trust my last words and don't let anyone else have it from you," the copy spoke

"So train, evolve and finish them all until they offer something like trade, as demons always keep their words." The copy blinked and fell silent, looking at Arseny he would see for the first time since the incident with his parents. A genuine smile.

"Well then, this is goodbye, perfect sir"

"Yes, see you again, you weakling."

I was already wearing my uniform, carrying my bag with my left hand, opening the door with the other, leaving her house as I headed towards her school. Would see my copy fade.

Some minutes later, When I was arriving at my school and when I was already a few meters from the school gate, I could clearly see a group of three boys wearing the same uniform as me talking and laughing why they were standing at the gate even with less than five minutes to go Start class, It was obvious they want revenge on me.

"Hey, that idiot is coming"

"Wonderful, I was thinking I wouldn't be able to give the parting gift"

"How does this worthless man still come to school?"

The motive for revenge was as dumb as the three themselves because on the first day of school they beat Arseny and stole his cell phone, which was the only thing of value he had.

Hours later they were desperate when they found out who Arseny's father was after seeing a picture of him with his parents which made them run to Arseny's house returning his cell phone and the next day they confessed to the principal who suspended them for a month.

I walked by the three of them, completely ignoring them, because in the state I was in, I just wanted to get back to their room as soon as possible.

One boy, noticing this with a haughty look, said. "How funny, he's finding himself all powerful, even though he's a complete nothing."

I continued to ignore them. This type of insult no longer bothered me. You could say that I had become used to it, and my silence was the best way to retort the bullies who think everything is under their control.

The biggest among the three reached his limit. He no longer cared if he was expelled because he had already failed all the tests and would have to redo his school year.

"You shit!" shouted the bully, running towards me. Closing his fist punched my face, throwing me to the ground.

"You idiot, stop acting like you're the king of this one, because I'm the only king here and now that your father can't protect you anymore, just be the worm you always were."

I got up, fixing my hair and looking at the bully and with a smile on my face and giving myself to him I said.

"Enjoy your next year of reign, oh foolish king. "

said sai walking passing my hand on my face, realizing that the punch would leave a mark, and looking back, he saw the three smiling and feeling proud of himself.

I let out a laugh, realizing that his reign will continue for long years.

When I arrived in the hallway of classroom, two minutes before class started, I faced a man with blond hair and blue eyes wearing a butler outfit who turned his gaze to me and with his eyes shining, came closer and said. "Mister Arseny, all succubus wants to make a contract with you. "

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