I am Succubus!

88 – Week Restart…?

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After a whole night of bestial fucking, I awoke to Mio and Kana clutching my arms on etiher side. Both of them looked to be in absolute bliss. We had just crossed a line that I could never retrace my steps from. Phase one of Mio's plan to give me a polyamorous relationship began with Kana, and it probably wasn't going to end there. I'd lost all will to resist after last night's incredible threesome.

However, as I stared at Kana's face and felt his erection rubbing against my thigh, I couldn't help but feel something was… off.

"Ugh… Did I get hit by a truck…? My dick feels good, but my head wants to explode…" Kana woke up, groaning like he was having the worst hangover of his life.

My mind drew a blank. Why did this somehow seem familiar to me? 

As I tried to get up from the bed, a groping pair of hands assaulted my breasts from behind. Mio kneaded her head into my back.

"I need some attention, too. Eat me out again," Mio cooed.

"Later." I rolled my eyes.

Kana's got a headache, so I should probably head downstairs and get him some aspirin and water. Downstairs, Hatsumi was dressed in a navy blue work suit and skirt, like a bonafide salarywoman.

"Did you find a job?" I asked as I entered the living room.

"Actually, your big sis scored an interview with a fortune 500 company. If I get it, I could spoil you even more!" Her excitement faltered briefly.  She scooped me into her arms and drew our faces only inches apart. "We'll see how it goes, but first…"

Hatsumi puckered her lips and kissed me. It was tender, not one that siblings gave each other, but one that a lover would give to remind them of their feelings. Only our lips touched, but no tongue like I thought there might be. Her arms wrapped around my back and hugged me until our breasts squished together.

When we finally parted, still holding me in her arms, she smiled and said, "Fuwah— sibling energy recharged! I can tackle the interview with confidence now."

"If I didn't know better… you were the succubus, not me. Also, you can't go to that interview if you keep hugging me," I said.

Hatsumi looked like she got struck by lightning. She jolted and released me from the vise. 

"Hmmm. I taste something other than my Saeko. Maybe it's just my imagination." She licked her lips and gums as though tasting something weird.

"M-Maybe it's from the summer sweat on my mattress. About time I wash that… ahaha…" I gulped hard and tried to act like nothing was out of the ordinary. "Anyway, you better go so you don't miss the train!"

I saw my sister out the door and returned to the kitchen where a full breakfast, hot and fresh, was waiting for three people. Hatsumi probably made it with Mio, Selene, and me in mind. I'd probably need to whip something up for Kana.

"Wait a second…"

A wave of dizziness hit me out of nowhere.

I didn't remember breakfast last time. But… last time? When was that? The kiss also felt different from last time. So, again… what was last time?

Ever since I woke up, it had been a constant stream of vague deja vus.

I tried to think hard, but there was some mental obstruction that prevented me from thinking too deeply on it. What was going to happen next? If I remembered correctly, Kana and Mio—

Hurried footsteps raced downstairs. Kana bursted into the living room, naked and with a raging boner swinging between his legs. He made it halfway through the doorway and slipped.

"Oh, no you don't. I know you still got plenty more where that came from!" Mio shouted from the hallway.

"Saeko, help!" he pleaded, before being dragged out of sight.

Left in alone in the living room again, with nothing but the dull sound of my creaking bed where Mio and Kana were having sex, I slumped into the couch and rasped my head for answers.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked myself.

I went up to my room to find Mio holding Kana's ankles above her head, in the piledriver position, slamming her hips down as cum dribbled down her thighs.

"Mio— I'm about to…!" Kana grabbed Mio's hips as his entire body shuddered beneath her to an apparent orgasm.

"Mmmpphh! I fucking love this cum hydrant!" she exclaimed, then saw me at the door. "Get in on this and fuck my ass."

"Ugh… I like sex with Saeko better… with you, I'm being emasculated with every round," he groaned.

"Chin up, kid. Where I come from, we would have turned you into a sex slave jizz ya got down here." Mio reached down to grab his balls and caused him to squeal.

"As if that's supposed to make me feel special?!" he protested.

"This didn't happen… did it? I don't remember seeing this." My mumbling was drowned out by the wet sounds of sex and moaning.

Mio, after having her fill, got off the bed with her cunt dripping with cum and took the glass of water from my hand meant for Kana. She drank half of it before I snatched it back.

"Get your own water downstairs. This is for Kana so he doesn't get a headache," I said.

"Why didn't you say so earlier? Here, I'll hand it to him." She held her hand out. I reluctantly gave her both the glass of water and aspirin. Instead of handing it to Kana, she tossed the pill into her jaws, filled her mouth with water, and screwed her lips shut on him.

Kana's arms flailed to his side, unable to match Mio's strength and so powerless to fight back from her mouth to mouth insertion of the pill.

"H-Hey! What happened to my no kissing rule?" I pouted, pulling Kana away from her and into my arms instead.

"You know, Kana's got a really nice O-face. Bet he'd look even better as a girl." Mio rubbed her chin and smirked.

Kana and I locked eyes.

"You can forget it," he said.

I helped Mio forcibly dress Kana into a women's crop top and shirt. Since he was relatively the same height as I was, the clothes fit him like a glove, Mio was right. Damn her for being right. Kana looked cute and would possibly be even more attractive if he had longer hair.

"I'm beginning to rethink whether this relationship arrangement is worth my dignity as a man," Kana said, clutching the seams of the skirt with trembling hands.

Mio and I couldn't keep ourselves from giggling. The longer I stared at Kana crossdressing, the more I wanted to dress him up in more.

"I'll be honest. You look pretty good—" The next words lodged in my throat. I had an intense urge to finish my sentence but fought back. Goosebumps crept all over my skin and made me shiver.

The Blade of the First Temptress suddenly materialized in my hand and in the next moment Kana had been transformed. 

What followed after was exactly as I remembered. Selene came by and affirmed our suspicions that the sword's accumulated sexual energy, influenced by my will to see Kana as a girl, was what caused his change in gender. Kana ran home and hid in his room for the rest of the day.

Today was Sunday.

Mio and I spent most of the day lounging around doing nothing in particular except watching TV, playing games on the computer, and flirting with each other. I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling in my chest. Was this just a powerful sense of deja vu, or had I returned to the past?

"You've been out of it this entire day. What's eating you?" Mio asked, entering the living room while I was just sitting on the couch mindlessly watching an anime rerun on TV.

"I… don't know," I answered.

She sighed. "You were supposed to follow up with, 'You are' and then I actually do eat out your pussy. Guess you're not in the mood, huh?"

I bit hard on my lip, seriously considering how I should approach my uncertainty about what happened today to Mio. What if she wasn't encountering the same thing? I would sound crazy to her. All of this could just be my imagination.

Mio sat down next to me and kicked her feet up on the coffee table. She was wearing a spaghetti strap tank top, so when she put an arm around me, her bare and warm skin became a comfort.

"I looked up 'relationship' on the internet," she began, staring at the television screen without so much as a glance my way. "Shit still confuses me. You guys got too many definitions, and I'm beginning to think humans are just as clueless as I am. One thing stuck out though— through thick and then, we're supposed to be there for each other. Sooo… what I'm trying to say is… god, this is embarrassing… whatever's bothering you, let me know."

Mio turned away, scratching the side of her nose and red in the face. She didn't say anything profound. If anything, it sounded pretty silly from my point of view. Coming from her had to be a big step.

"Honestly, you're a lot more charming as a horny succubitch than whatever this is," I teased her.

She blew a lid and pushed me onto my back. Her hands pinned my wrists above my head. I didn't resist and looked into her eyes instead since she turned my way.

"You're pushing your luck for making me feel all these weird feelings, but… I don't hate it." Her expression softened. She leaned down to peck me on the lips, then relaxed her body weight on top of me as we laid there and cuddled.

I knew for sure this didn't happen between us the first time. I wasn't agonizing over repeating the past at the time, so Mio had no reason to try and open up to me.

"Mio, I have to tell you something…"

"No shit?" Mio said after I unloaded everything onto her.

"I'm 100% sure. I don't know if it's a dream, some enemy greater succubus doing this, or what. It should have been next Sunday for me, but now I found myself back one whole week for some reason," I explained.

"How come you're the only one who feels that way? For me, I got no sense of deja vu or repeating days. Everything's happening in real time for me." She screwed her eyes shut to think.

It must be the same for the others. I should consider myself lucky on two fronts— Mio readily believing me so I didn't go nuts, and having realized this as soon as I did. Who knew how many times I could have repeated these days until I realized what was going on. 

An infinite loop.

I shuddered at the thought. It was likely due to my greater succubus powers that I was able to see through it sooner. However, Selene went through the day without suspecting anything was up. Why was I the odd one out?

Mio snapped a finger in my face to pull me from my thoughts. "What's the plan? We just gonna ride this out and see what happens?"

In coming to my senses, the flow of events had to have deviated because my actions altered the original course. I was a highschool student. This time travel and parallel timelines stuff didn't make a lick of sense. Further disrupting the flow was the best plan I could come up with.

"It's only noon. We have the rest of Sunday. Let's check on the others to see if they're experiencing the same thing. If not, I'll explain it to them and hope they believe me as easily as you did," I suggested.

The first person we thought to bring this up to was Selene. After discussing with us about Kana's sudden change of gender she went to school for a faculty meeting. She should also be picking up a girl's uniform for him in case Kana chose to dress as the girl he had become— which he would, because I distinctly remembered him showing up outside my house in the girls' Tsukiji High uniform.

We found Selene in the courtyard about to take flight but stopped as soon as she saw us approaching.

"Did you come pick up the uniform yourself? I was about to deliver it to your friend," Selene said, holding the outfit under arm.

I explained to Selene the same thing I told Mio. Unlike my girlfriend, she was not so quick to believe me.

"Is this some sort of joke? No single succubus has the power to do something like that. Not even one with the status of queen." Leaving us with Kana's new uniform and nothing learned, she flew off into the city.

"That bitch is getting full of herself. Maybe we should take her down a notch?" Mio beat a fist into her palm.

"Anyone would think we're messing with them if we brought up something as outrageous as time travel." I stared at the uniform in my hands, the same one Mio and I wore which was to be given to Kana. This was a good opportunity to see how he was doing after changing genders since I didn't do so last time.

Kana's home was the last house in the residential area before a riverbank separated suburban Tsukiji from its downtown counterpart. It served for a pretty surreal contrast, with the peaceful neighborhood of modern middle class houses on one side and the hollering commercial district on the other. He could cross the bridge, partied it up, and be back by dinner if he ever wanted to.

It was a college student's wet dream to be so close to the entertainment. To Kana, they were just a distraction. Although his parents weren't as conservative as mine, their scholarly background bled into his upbringing. They strongly encouraged him to pursue the highest tiers of academia as he could and were never forceful about it— something I was jealous of given the fear my parents put in me and Hatsumi.

Mio took a deep breath and licked her lips.

"Something smells good," she said, glancing in the direction of downtown Tsukiji.

"We can get some food after. First, we…" My nose wrinkled. Not in a bad way, but as if tickled by an attractive that I couldn't resist.

"Or we have ourselves another feast instead." Mio flew up to Kana's bedroom on the second floor. I followed her up, and we both peeked into the window. Between the cracks in the curtains, I saw Kana sitting on the bed with his back facing us. He was trembling.

It hurt seeing him like that. From what I remembered, despite being distressed at having become a girl, he still endured going to school with a brave face. Had I known he was suffering this much, I would have done more to help him.

However, upon closer inspection, I could hear the wet shlicking sounds and subdued moans from the other side of the window.

I squinted to see that he was facing a nightstand, upon which sat a picture frame of us when we first started high school. Kana was masturbating. Furiously. Kneading his breast with one hand and flicking the bean with the other.

"I was worried for nothing!" I groaned.

It seemed Kana wasn't agonizing about being a girl as much as I thought he was initially.

"What are we waiting for? Let's get in there and give him a hand," Mio urged.

"We're here to ask him about the time loop, not to be distracted about having sex." We flew down to meet him at the front door instead of freaking him out about our peeping.

"Just saying, those two don't have to be mutually exclusive." She shrugged.

Kana rushed down a minute after we rang the doorbell. His breath was ragged and cheeks a shade of pink. Without a wall and window separating us, I could smell the lust oozing from him as a result of masturbating to me just moments ago.

"What are you guys doing here? Haven't teased me enough about turning me into a girl yet?" he asked, hiding halfway behind the door as though to conceal his changed body from us. The seriousness in mine and Mio's expression took him by surprise, and he quickly gathered that we weren't in a joking mood.

"I see…" Kana boiled us tea while I explained what I was going through. Like Selene, he listened with a heavy dose of skepticism.

"Do you believe me?" I asked.

"It's not that I don't believe you— I mean, half a year ago we found out magic and succubus exists. The problem is, Mio and I, including anyone else you ask just don't remember next week happening. You're the only one who does," he said, staring hard at me.

It hadn't occurred to me until now.

"Did I cause this?" I wondered out loud.

"Hold up," Mio began, raising her hand to contest Kana's hypothesis. "Succubus don't have magic like this. Even if Saeko could, she'd need a whole lot of juice stored from the Blade. Which is out of battery after turning you into a girl."

The three of us thought long and hard on the matter to no avail. If the Blade of the First Temptress was the key to reversing the loop like we think, that option was no longer available to us. I'd have to wait until the next reset, and there was no telling if I'd break from the loop again.

I handed the girl's uniform to Kana, and he stared at it with repulsion. "Time travel or not, you're a girl so here's your uniform. Looking forward to seeing you in that again."

"Ugh. Maybe if you go back in time a second time, you can not turn me." He grimaced at the uniform in his hands.


Mio and I were putting our shoes on at the door. Hatsumi would emerge from the living room to hand us three-layer bento boxes stuffed with karaage chicken. In my box, she had somehow created a sauce that oozed with her lust. When we walk outside, Kana would be waiting for us in the girl's uniform.

I knew exactly how this day would turn out.

Just as I prophesied, Hatsumi came rushing into the hallway with a bento box in each hand.

"Wait!" she said.

"Oooh! Hatsumi's glorious handmade lunches. Hell yeah!" Mio pumped a fist into the air.

My sister handed one to Mio and the other to me. However, I just couldn't share the same excitement as Mio. I'd already gone through this entire scenario anyway.

"What's the matter?" Hatsumi asked, having sensed my dour mood.

"Oh, nothing! Thanks. I just don't know if I can eat all of this." In my hands, the bento box seemed much heavier than I remembered.

Hatsumi was beaming in contrast. I'd almost forgotten that come this weekend, she would be rejected by the company she was eager to work at.

"By the way, sis, how did your interview go?" I asked.

She blinked absentmindedly and put a finger to her chin.

"I won't know the results until the end of the week. What's this? Does my little Saeko want to be spoiled already?" Hatsumi drew me into a hug and stroked my head. "Hehe. Don't worry. I'll do juuuust that whenever you want. Or would you rather it be a surprise?"

"Let me in on that action, chief!" Mio purred like a motor.

As Mio and I left the house, with Hatsumi waving to us from behind, an itching sensation crept up my spine. Like an important chore left undone at home.

When I get back, I should ask Hatsumi about what I was going through.

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