I am Succubus!

97 – Trusting a Succubus to do the Student Council President’s Job

Up to 10 advanced chapters available to read NOW on I am Succubus! | Patreon at Tier 2 sub

Updates every week on Monday PST!

I have a new story out that is mostly just gratuitous futa smut. Atelier Reina, Futanari Alchemist of Vessyra | Scribble Hub

A week had gone by now of my class taking turns staying after school to work on Culture Festival and Halloween. Everything was coming along nicely. Signboards and banners, flyers to advertise our event, coordinating with other clubs and classes to ensure workspaces and equipment would be in place the day of, we couldn't ask for a better class rep.

Thanks in large part to Rika, the logistics of what was needed and the checklist of things to be done progressed smoothly. It helped that she was part of the student council, but she was very diligent to begin with.

Today, Mio and I were on the clock to help put up decorations. We had webs running up the corners of the room, paper spiders taped to the walls and windows, and white trash bag ghosts pinned outside of our classroom.

Mio and I went outside to put up the cosplay cafe signboard above our classroom door. We could easily fly up and get it done in no time, but since there were still students inside the class and around school, we didn't want to risk someone seeing us in the air. Instead, we had to do it the old fashion way.

"Just keep both hands on the ladder to keep it steady," I said, beginning my climb up the steps with the board under my arm.

"Oh, I'm watching alright. Kehehe." Mio giggled creepily. I felt her eyes on my ass. In retrospect, one of the boys should have done this.

No use worrying about it. The faster I got this done, the sooner I could climb down.

The student council and faculty didn't want us nailing anything.  We were asked to use command strips and tape so as to not ruin the walls. The cardboard signboard was too heavy to be taped up, so I figured the command strips were the best option.

As I was applying the strips to the wall, several boys from another class came walking down the hallway. I instinctively went to adjust my skirt so they wouldn't see my panties, but doing so prevented me from completing my task.

"Heya, guys!" Mio called out to the boys as they got close. "You wanna see something hot?"


She pointed at my ass. In my position, they could clearly see my underwear.

"Are you serious?!" I groaned.

Mio shook the ladder. I reflexively gripped the rail for dear life even though I knew I could fly if I fell. Because my hands were preoccupied, I couldn't cover my skirt flailing around and giving them an eyeful of my panty.

Fortunately, they got embarrassed and scurried away.

"Please, don't do that again…" I pleaded.

Suddenly, the ladder creaked. Not because it was breaking, but because Mio began to climb on to it.

"Quit it! This is a safety hazard. Only one person should be on a ladder at a time!"

"I saw your ass and couldn't help myself. What if I licked your pussy like this?" Mio asked, sticking her head under my skirt. I could feel the heat of her face. Sweat began to bead around my thighs. A wet sensation licked my leg, sending goosebumps up my spine.

"Mio… not here…" I said.

"Which do you think will be faster? Me eating you out to an orgasm, or you finishing putting up that board?" she asked.

"What are you guys doing?"

Both of us froze up. I looked down to see Yuriha's unamused expression staring back at me. Kaede was behind her, red as a tomato seeing our uncompromising position.

"Uh. Just giving Saeko a lift?" Mio said.

We climbed down and returned to the classroom with Yuriha and Kaede in tow.

"I've finished two of your six costumes so far. The specifications and measurements are all in place. It should fit you like a glove," Yuriha explained, handing us our outfits.

"I put my all into designing it. I'm really happy with how they turned out!" Kaede said, smiling from ear to ear.

It had only been two days, but Yuriha tailored two of the six costumes we asked for. Talk about talent. She was headed upwards in life with no slowing down. Kaede was just the same. At a glance, these outfits could be something out of a movie or from a professional cosplayer.

She fidgeted with anticipation. Being able to see it on a living person and not a piece of paper has her excitement dialed up to max.

We changed behind separate black curtains in the corner of the room. Yuriha followed in after me.

"Saeko, your costume might need some help. I'll give you a hand," she said.

"Oh, thanks!" 

But when we hid behind the curtains and out of sight from the rest of the class, she showed me an accessory to my cosplay. It looked like an egg on one end and was tapered off where the tail began.

We stared unflinchingly into each other's eyes.

"This is a buttplug, isn't it?" Yuriha asked.

"W-W-Why do you have that?" I stammered.

"Because it was included in the design Kaede drew— as instructed by Mio," she answered.

That succubitch.

I knew she was going to do something to my outfit. I just didn't know what. Now I did.

"Wait, you had control of tailoring the costume. You could have not made it like this!" I complained to her.

"And ruin the integrity of my work?" Yuriha reared back offended.

Uh, oh. I might have started something.

"When I saw the designs, I knew right away the entire outfit would be a challenge. All of them will be. If I am going to cut corners and neglect the most difficult parts, I might as well join the old ladies' knitting club down the street. This buttplug is as much part of the costume as every thread, button, and lace as the rest of the outfit. In fact, the buttplug might as well be the focal point! The showpiece. The piѐce de résistance!"

At the end of her spiel, she was clutching onto the collar of my uniform.

"Okay, I get it! Quiet down before the others hear!" I said, shushing her.

"You better wear that. Or I won't be tailoring the remaining four." She left me the warning before exiting the curtains.

"Talk about passionate…" I sighed.

My outfit was a black and white nekomimi maid outfit. Not the most original, but one couldn't go wrong with pairing a catgirl and maid together.

Damn it. I already had a tail anyway. But it didn't look like a cat's tail, and Yuriha wouldn't be satisfied with that. Although I could charm her to think otherwise, she was doing us a favor by making these costumes.

I took a deep breath, spat on the buttplug to lubricate it with my saliva, then pressed it up my butthole. 

"Nnngh… It… feels bigger than it should be…" Once the widest part had gone in, my ass clenched around the tapered part and stayed fixed in there. Unless someone really tugged on it, there's no way it would accidentally come out.

My ass was both in pain and in pleasure. Fortunately, I'd already become accustomed to anal sex, and this wasn't too bad.

It was also kind of cute.

I walked out to a mixture of gasps and squeals. The girls absolutely adored my appearance, while the boys squeezed their legs shut.

Mio emerged next, and what she wore…

Was something unexpected.

"What happened to wanting to look hot and sexy?" I asked, glaring at her.

"I'm feeling different, ya know?" Mio smirked.

I had expected her to come out in a thong or slingshot bikini. Any outrageous costume that would make me sigh. Instead, she wore a bartender's outfit. A slim black vest over her white shirt, included with a bow tie and half-apron. Her sleeves were rolled up halfway and hair tied to a ponytail.

"Wow, Mio! You look so cool!" The girls squealed.

The cool factor was definitely there. She looked like she came out of an otome manga and was the always-smirking ikemen archetype for the love interest.

"Enough about me though. Hubba-hubba." Mio pulled out her phone to snap pictures of me like paparazzi.

"Save the pictures for Culture Day!" Rika scolded Mio.

"Oh, alright." She put the phone away groaning.

Kaede and Yuriha were exceptionally happy with the results. And they were right. It fit us perfectly.

"Wow! The tail looks so cool. It moves like it's alive," a female student said. She drew everyone's attention to the tail, which extended out from under the maid skirt. Little did they know, it also served as a buttplug and was inside my ass.

The more they stared, the hotter my crotch got and embarrassing it became.

"Heh. You know what a good tail needs?" Mio smirked.

"I don't want to know. Especially not from you!" I put my back to the wall as her grasping hands clenched and unclenched like a claw machine.

I thought I was saved when the door burst open. Things just got more complicated. Hatsumi came in like the kool-aid man through a wall. She was out of breath, face covered in sweat, and clutching a digital camera.

"What the— Hatsumi?"

"I'm here to take more pictures!" she exclaimed.

The students began to whisper amongst themselves.

"Is that Saeko's sister?" 

"She's really pretty!"

"Do you think she's single?"

My sister's presence became more than a distraction. She was the center of attention and robbed everyone of their productivity.

How did she even get here?

I turned to the only person in the room who would have sent a picture to her— Mio. She glanced at her phone, then to Hatsumi, back to her phone, and back again at Hatsumi.

"Uh… I sent that photo three minutes ago," Mio remarked.

"I dropped everything and got here as fast as I could. Ahhh~ My little Saeko's final year of Culture Festival, and she's doing a cosplay cafe. This is a dream come true. Is it a dream?" Hatsumi pinched her cheeks, and when it became apparent this was real enough for her, she began to snap a hundred pictures a minute of me. "Go on. You won't even know I'm here!"

"HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO PRETEND YOU'RE NOT HERE LIKE THAT?!" I started shoving her out of the classroom.

"Awwww! But how am I supposed to capture every waking moment of your school life? I want to remember this when I'm on my deathbed one day," she said.

"You're embarrassing me. Go home already! And don't talk like you're going to die tomorrow." As soon as I got her out the classroom door, I slammed it shut and turned the lock.

When I turned back to the classroom, the door swung open again. Thinking that my sister had somehow picked the lock, I was about to fly into a fury to scold her only to see Hitomi at the door.

"Someone mind explaining why the former student council president was in here?" the current student council president asked.

We stared at her and shrugged.

"Whatcha got for us, Prez? Here to play around, too?" Mio asked.

"As if I have time to fool around. I'm making rounds to check on each class' progress. Your class seems to be doing well for the most part," she said.

"At this rate, we'll be done a week before Halloween," Rika cheerfully confirmed.

Hitomi nodded in approval. 

The student council must be knee-deep in work. Forget about her being a third year with all the school assignments and college looming over the horizon. As student council president, she had the entire student body to keep on a short leash so that nothing bad would happen during Culture Day and Halloween.

Hitomi had even let Rika focus on helping our class instead and assumed the secretary duty, which meant more work on her own plate.

"Much as I'd like to stand around like mannequins, I'm taking Kaede with me back to the sewing club to work on the rest of your costumes." Yuriha and Kaede peaced out, leaving the finished costumes to us.

"Why is it that one of you always seems to be one step away from nudity?" Hitomi squinted at mine and Mio's costumes.

"But we—" As I raised my voice to object, Mio tugged hard on my tail and yanked the buttplug out of my ass. "Hieeennngghh!"

My knees buckled.

"Hey, chill out! Yuriha's making sure we ain't having nip slips or pantyshots," Mio said, swinging the cat's tail that was just inside me.

I shielded my face in case I got smacked by whatever literal shit might fling into me.

Rika came to our defense. "They showed me the designs beforehand. Everything's A-okay!"

"Good." Hitomi sighed. A noticeable weight had lifted from her shoulders. At least for now. I thought it would be the end of it, but she still had some business with Mio. "By the way, I've prepared the Culture Day speech for you."

"Eh?!" A round of astonishment and gasps filled the room.

"You're having HER give the speech for Culture Day? Why?!" I asked, terrified at the potential ramifications.

Just like with Sports Day where the principal gave a short speech, it was the student council's job to give a one at the start of Culture Day. One member from the student council would give the speech and wish everyone well to kick it off.

The one giving the speech did so in front of the entire school, so for Hitomi to entrust Mio was something of a gamble.

"Mio has done a lot of good work for the student council despite not being a member. None of us can deny that. It's only right that I let her have this honor. This is also a good chance to show underperforming and troublesome students that even someone like Mio can change," she explained.

"But… It's Mio. It's like trusting Hana to sit still and be quiet," I said.


"The thing is, I trust Mio," the student council president admitted.

"You do...?" I asked dubiously.

"Heh. I'm trustworthy." Mio rubbed her upturned nose, basking in the praise.

"I just don't respect her," Hitomi added.


"Anyway, the decision is final." She caught the tail by the buttplug end to stop the spinning and poked Mio's chest with her free hand. "Y'ain't doing nothing but stickin' ta the script, ya hear? Or I'ma rip ya a new ass."

When the student council president's accent slipped out, everyone in the room who wasn't Rika straightened their backs like spooked prairie dogs. There was no arguing against her. She meant it, or else. But Mio, having faced Hitomi's wrath more times than I could count, was unfazed.

"No prob, Prez! Stick to the script. Got it. I'll just read it off like a good girl. Even an idiot like me can do it," Mio said, donning the most fake angelic face she could muster.

"In all seriousness, don't make me regret it." Hitomi let go of the tail and stared at her palm with unexpected repulsion. "What the…"

"That's not lotion on your hands!" Mio pushed Hitomi out the door. "Anyway, you leave the rest to us and get back to doing student council things. Miiiigghht wanna wash your hand first."

Up to 10 advanced chapters available to read NOW on I am Succubus! | Patreon at Tier 2 sub

Updates every week on Monday PST!

I have a new story out that is mostly just gratuitous futa smut. Atelier Reina, Futanari Alchemist of Vessyra | Scribble Hub


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