I Am Supreme

Chapter 37

Chapter 37: Disappointment, Verification, and a Dispatch of Undercover Guards

Translator: Whatsyourissue  Editor: ICheah

The Old Marshal and His Majesty the Emperor stared incredulously at Yun yang who was devouring his mystical beast drumstick with relish, oil dripping from his mouth. For these two stalwarts who had already seen a great deal in life, it was all they could do to refrain from awarding the uncouth fellow a solid slap across the face for his insolence.

There were at least f*cking twenty-eight courses and sixteen meat dishes among those. We’ve only managed to eat one or two portions of vegetables, how in the world did this child eat all of the rest? How many years has it been since he’s eaten a full meal?

“You may eat slowly,” His Majesty the Emperor felt a sudden rush of sympathy for this young man who had clearly seen some hard times in his life. “You don’t have to rush,” he continued with a slightly less harsh tone.

“Ooh!… it’s okay, ooh, ooh!… This meat is absolutely delicious!” Yun Yang mumbled with a mouth full of food, his words almost inaudible. “Our family is poor… I haven’t had a chance to eat meat for the longest time ever!”

His Majesty stared at the walls while the Old Marshal kept his gaze lowered; both avoiding direct eye contact with Yun Yang. They certain that they would slap him if they continued to observe his boorish behavior. How f*cking old are you now? Haven’t eaten meat for some years? Is your family poor? Don’t you realize thaw we know you’ve just won a nation’s fortune just days before?

This rascal!

“I beg your pardon, but what about that immense fortune that you have so fortuitously won just days ago?” The Old Marshal had his hackles raised, his suspicions beginning to surface again.

“I asked someone to sell them off.” Yun Yang picked up a large bowl of sauce and gulped it down. “I haven’t gotten the gold or silver taels from the just yet.”

If he wasn’t in his own home, the Old Marshal would have run off with his face in his hands. Do you think you’re eating a big pot dish1? Don’t you realize that it’s improper to eat in such a manner?

“Let’s have a few more dishes served!” The Old Marshal’s expression was as dark as it could possibly get.

“How scrumptious!”

“Looks like it’s just a coincidence.”

Could this all be just a pretense?

His Majesty the Emperor pondered upon the possibility. With his eyes darting about, he turned towards the Old Marshal and said, “Old Qiu, about the political affairs of our empire currently…”

Old Marshal Qiu was quick enough to be able to catch up and keep the ball rolling. “Yes, yes, it has been a very difficult time.”

“Unrest on the inside and chaos on the outside.”


“I think His Majesty does not feel at ease with this situation.”

“Absolutely agreed.”

“Among the descendants of His Majesty, which one does Old Qiu think… could bear the grand responsibility?” His Majesty the Emperor asked succinctly.

Old Marshal Qiu was struck a sudden blow by the unexpected question, almost frightened off his seat.

Why the f*ck are you bringing this up now? Your identity is being kept a secret, but I know that you’re the Emperor. How am I supposed to answer your question?

It was a dead-end road; bound to be incorrect either way. The Old Marshal’s forehead was dotted with sweat.

His Majesty laughed and redirected his question to Yun Yang, “Nephew from Yun Family, do you know the princes of His Majesty? Let us hear your opinion on them!”

The Old Marshal wiped off the sweat beaded on his forehead, visibly relieved to be let off the hook.

Of course, the question is meant to test this cretin. Have pity, your father, with his slow mind, almost ruined it all. As an Emperor of the dynasty, it would never be an officials’ place to give any advice regarding this question. Any suggestion, logical or otherwise, would still be deemed inappropriate.

His Majesty’s sudden attack was not only targeted towards Yun Yang but was also meant to test the Old Marshal’s mettle. The Emperor seemed pleased with the Old Marshal’s performance, or lack thereof.

When Yun Yang heard the question, he could not help but scratch his head and replied, “His Majesty the emperor’s sons… I have absolutely no clue.” He burped grossly before continuing, “No matter who becomes the Emperor in the future, it’s got nothing to do with me. This nephew is incompetent, I will never be an official. If I make a small fortune every now and then, I’m certain it won’t offend the Emperor… so…”

“I don’t really care who takes the throne.”

Yun Yang spoke in an indolent tone, “Whoever the f*ck feels like being an emperor, he can go f*cking go ahead and be one!”


The Old Marshal could no longer tolerate the young man’s insolence and slapped his face into a dish of fish soup on the table. How dare the little rascal speak like this! The corners of His Majesty’s lips twitched in horrified amusement as well. This little rascal was incredibly tactless.

They then probed him with a few more questions but Yun Yang’s innocent and utterly moronic act had them completely fooled into believing that he was a good-for-nothing popinjay. Both His Majesty the Emperor and Old Marshal Qiu were helpless; both of them had brought themselves low to hold this feast and invited this young man in hopes of finding a hint of the enormous force that was the Nine Supremes’ subordinates. It was also partially due to their curiosity regarding Marquis Yun’s son.

However, it seemed now that everything they had hoped for had been too good to be true. This fellow would never have anything to do with the Nine Heavens Dictum.

It was impossible that the Nine Heavens Dictum would ever recruit such a person. Thinking about this, both His Majesty and the Old Marshal lost their interest all at once. It was such a terrible waste that both of them had invited him over so cordially and had everyone retreat in preparation to hear secrets being told.

By the look of things now, they had gotten nothing out of this whole endeavor other than frustration!

Exchanging disappointed looks, His Majesty stood up first. “Marshal, I suddenly recall something that needs my attention elsewhere.” His Majesty was indeed a certified champion for being able to conjure undone chores in the midst of drinking but of course, he did not care how others viewed him, especially not this Young Master Yun.

It was already an incredible opportunity for this young man to be able to sneak a peek at the Emperor’s face. It would be impossible for him to do so again, in future.

“Then, Brother Yu you must, of course, take your leave.”

The Old Marshal naturally knew how to respond appropriately and stood up politely. Inwardly, he felt a keen sense of abandonment. “You’re the Emperor, the most powerful individual here! How could you just leave me to face this popinjay all by myself?”

Yun Yang stood up in surprise as well. “Uncle Yu is leaving already?”

“Yes, I am.” His Majesty forced a smile and said, “Young man, continue to learn more from the Old Marshal.”

With that, His Majesty the Emperor left, almost running in his haste to be away.

He was afraid his patience would crumble altogether if he were to continue to face this young fellow. Besides, he had barely eaten throughout the meal. I will have to find some food once I reach the palace!

Without outsiders anywhere, the Old Marshal’s expression turned sour.

“Yun Yang, have you eaten your fill?” Of course, the Old Marshal fully intended to send him packing the moment he agreed that he was full.

“Well, not really,” Yun Yang answered truthfully, the very picture of innocence. When a guest heard this from a host, one would immediately know that the host intended to call it a night. Obviously, Young Master Yun was completely oblivious to decorum.

“Serve another ten dishes!” The old marshal hollered to the servants, the anger apparent in his tone.

Not yet full?

Your father will make sure you leave this place bloated!

“Oh, but there’s something else,” Yun Yang wiped his mouth and said, “This nephew has almost forgotten…”

“What is it?” the marshal asked irately.

“Someone came up to me when I was on my way here, and asked me to bring something to you. I’ve completely forgotten about it,” Yun Yang replied, his brow furrowed in concentration.

“Bring me something?” The marshal frowned, ”Who was it?”

Yun Yang managed to invoke a terrified expression as he answered, “Someone really fierce. He said he would kill me if I didn’t pass it to you.”

The Old Marshal was almost beside himself with impatience, “Get to the point, what was it?”

Yun Yang took a small package out of his robe and said guiltily, “I almost forgot about it.”

The Old Marshal’s eye widened in shock.

On the small cloth package lay the symbol of nine stars surrounding a flame in the center. The Old Marshal’s heart began to beat faster and moisture began to gather in his eyes. Holding the package tightly in his hands, he asked in a trembling voice, “What did the person look like?”

Yun Yang helpfully described the mysterious individual, “Seems like a very short man, but strongly built. I can’t tell beyond that. I… I didn’t look properly.”

The Old Marshal almost slapped the man. You didn’t carefully look at such an important messenger?

Yun Yang’s heart was calm like an old, quiet, well.

He knew of his feelings and his situation now. Other than himself, Yun Yang dared not trust anymore – not even the Emperor!

The Nine Supremes’ death was filled with too many mysteries!

Did the Emperor have a motive to kill them? Most certainly.

Even towards the Old Marshal, Yun Yang was only able to trust him at a level of sixty percent. Even if he had fully trusted him, he would never fully expose himself in front of the Old Marshal.

An Emperor who could not keep a secret would lose his empire, an official who could not keep a secret would lose his life! As for Yun Yang, he felt that if he could not keep his secret, he would lose all hope!

The Old Marshal was already lost in his own thoughts as he held onto the package.

When Yun Yang bid his leave, the Old Marshal only waved his hands; his thoughts had entirely gone elsewhere. His concern was in the small package in his hands and were no longer on Yun Yang.

By the time Yun Yang stepped out of the marshal’s residence, stars had decorated the night sky. He took in a deep breath and stumbled back after waving his hands about. Behind him, in the shadows by the door, Sir Wang watched Yun Yang’s retreating silhouette like a hawk. With a wave of his hand, four shadows floated off like spirits and began to silently follow him.

Yun Yang had only taken a few steps when he felt the presence of trailing spirits behind his back. He did nothing to acknowledge them, and instead went to vomit on the ground, holding onto a tree by the roadside before stumbling back his own residence groggily.

To everyone who could be watching, he was nothing but a drunken popinjay. The four spirit-like shadows had dissipated after exchanging looks of fruitlessness when they saw Yun Yang stumble into the Residence of Yun.

Behind the tree by the roadside, a tiny head popped out.

Ji Ling’s eyes darted around as she mumbled, “This lout is putting on a show again… why is this he always cheating people?”

In the Residence of Marshal, the Old Marshal looked at the contents of the package. His expression was dark and unchanging. There was only a single tiny box inside. He was familiar with the secret method of opening it. It was obviously placed to prevent Young Master Yun, who had brought this package over, from sneaking a peek.

Opening the box, a sheet of paper laid inside.

“Incidents at the Residence of Marshal : Three Days Ago.”

“Three days ago, the Residence of Marshal had been attacked. On duty to investigate as ordered, our findings are as follows.”

Just these few words had the Old Marshal bitterly crying.

Investigate as ordered!

As ordered by whom?

Who else could give an order to the Nine Heavens Dictum?

The old marshal took a few deep breaths to calm his emotions down before he continued reading.

“Since the sword’s disappearance in the northeast direction of Tiantang, the inquiry has verified the entry of a total of one hundred and thirty-seven thousand martial artists who are mystical level and above from Tiantang City’s east, north, and south, all within three days. Among them were three thousand and four hundred people who were not in place; seven of them with a cultivation base of fifth heaven and above. Perhaps some might be missed, however…”

“… Among the seven people, three of the accused were related to us; the other four are to be suspected as well. The duty has personally analyzed, XX, XX, and found them to be the most likely suspects, with our justifications as below… Between the two of them, one of them has publicly revealed his identity while the other hides his name behind a blacksmith’s trade… The inquiry believes that this blacksmith could be the culprit.”

“… End. Should there be incompetence found in this inquiry, any punishment rendered will be dutifully accepted.”

“Should these findings be true, the inquiry sincerely requests on behalf of all the Dictum’s brothers that the culprit’s life be left in the Dictum’s hands.”

At the end of the missive was the familiar nine stars symbol but now a drop of crimson blood decorated the center.

The letter was about fifteen to sixteen pages long, explaining the important points of each step and linked the receiving of orders to their execution in exquisite detail.

Anyone reading the letter would immediately understand what these people had worked on, if they were effective, and if the final result was credible.

Old Marshal Qiu Jianhan heaved a deep sigh; he was both satisfied and comforted but he was also disappointed and saddened.

He had seen the reports of the Nine Heavens Dictum and now understood that each mission by the Nine Heavens Dictum would clearly list the person in charge for each link.

However, the document in his hands now did not contain such a section. It was obviously for fear that he would hunt them down upon knowing their names. This meant that they were still unwilling to confront him face to face.

“Pass the order!” The old marshal sucked in a deep breath. “Dispatch the undercover guards!”


The old marshal slapped the table.

The table, which had been constructed of solid jade, turned into powder at the touch of his hand, with a loud crack.

The Old Marshal jumped up in shock, his eyes bulging out as he looked at the pile of powder on the floor and the broken dishes; he was too aghast to speak.

What… what is going on?

Translator Note:

1big pot dish (大锅菜dà guō cài): famous traditional dish that is common in the north of China; it is a pot of simple daily ingredients like vegetables, noodles, meat, tofu and various ingredients braised together.

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