I Am Supreme

Chapter 42

Chapter 42: The Fire in the Heart Has Long Scorched the Prairie

Translator: Whatsyourissue  Editor: ICheah

The Cirrus House was a long renowned establishment in Tiantang City.

The place was a pit where fortunes were burnt in a roaring furnace, yet it was also a man’s paradise.

It was, of course, a brothel.

However, what made it different from other brothels was that all the women here were virgins as clear as ice and as pure as jade; they made their living as performers and not with their bodies.

Once a girl was found to have given herself to her client, there would be only two outcomes for her; be redeemed by that client and go home with him, or be expelled from the Cirrus House.

The present madam of Cirrus House, Yun Zuiyue, was an extraordinary woman. Legend has it that eight years ago, Unrivaled Expert Ling Xiaozui had passed by and lingered at this establishment, meeting Yun Zuiyue in the process. They both discovered themselves to be kindred spirits and had an enlightening conversation. Ling Xiaozui had even promised, “inebriated to the clouds, heart-to-heart under the moon; whoever offends shall take this blow of my sword!”.

Whosoever dared to offend Yun Zuiyue would have to face Ling Xiaozui!

Nobody in his right mind would be willing to endure a blow from Ling Xiaozui’s sword, and it was said that even His Majesty the Emperor would probably not dare to as well. It was now a known fact that there was an immensely terrifying force behind Yun Zuiyue. Every time an incident occurred in the Cirrus House, the house was not hesitant to employ that force in a brutally shocking manner.

No one dared to stir up trouble here, making the Cirrus House the safest place in Tiantang City!

Even as events were unfolding, Yun Zuiyue was sending a dozen military undercover guards out, all dressed in red and armed with a pretty smile.

“Take care, militant sirs. We don’t harbor criminals here, so please don’t come again; we can’t afford to anger the military now, can we?”

The undercover guards looked sheepishly helpless.

What other choice did they have?

Who would dare to search the Cirrus House by force? Perhaps the Old Marshal could if he came personally; as for the others, they would probably be sent out courteously one after one.

However, the Old Marshal was already enraged with their failure to capture the assassin. Now that they could not find the criminal after searching the entire Tiantang City, they wondered what sort of storm awaited them when they got back home.

Yun Zuiyue looked like a vision dressed in red as she leaned leisurely against the pillar of a door in front of the Cirrus House, naturally exuding a sultry charm.

Her face, one of unparalleled beauty, seemed to always be wearing a light smile, just a flitting look which conveyed layers of sensuality almost effortlessly..

Those who passed by could not help but stare, goggle-eyed at her seductive elegance.

Deep in Yun Zuiyue’s eyes though, lay an indescribable grudge; she sighed softly, that faux foe of hers had not been here for more than a year already.

Where has he gone to?

Could it be that he has really forgotten?

Yun Yang stood at the opposite the corner of the street. He was decked in purple as he stood with arms behind his back. He had been standing here for a while now, a witness to two teams of undercover guards being quietly sent out by Yun Zuiyue to avoid undue attention.

Yun Yang’s gaze was complicated, a little guilty even.

He did not wish to go over, nor did he want to face Yun Zuiyue. However, the undercover guards had all returned, the efforts of their search an exercise in futility.

Lao Mei was standing right beside him, not knowing why his young master waited here.

Seeing that Yun Zuiyue was about to turn and head back in, Yun Yang heaved a long sigh and walked over in large strides.

That was how Yun Yang was; he would ponder for ages before deciding on a course of action; he would also be able to withdraw himself from facing something that he would rather avoid.

However, once his mind was set, it was a point of no return! There was nothing else on his mind except the vision of success.

Yun Zuiyue sighed softly. Just as she was about to turn and head in, she suddenly saw the youth in the purple robe on the opposite side of the street striding towards her.

Even Yun Zuiyue, who had seen the most exquisite faces in her industry, was impressed with what she saw here, an extremely handsome young man.

Just as she was thinking about it, Yun Yang was already standing in front of her and spoke with a smile, “Do I have the pleasure of addressing Lady Zuiyue?”

Yun Zuiyue flashed a lovely smile guaranteed to send men’s hearts racing and said, “And who might you be, young stranger? You don’t look familiar.”

Yun Yang smiled. “Unfamiliar is guaranteed but I know you’re Yun Zuiyue and I would let you know now too that my family name is also Yun. We are but family. So we’re not strangers now anymore, are we?” Yun Yang asked contritely.

Yun Zuiyue lightly laughed with her mouth covered, a picture of innocence. “Young master is really witty. You are absolutely right, we are no longer strangers.”

“Seeing as how we are no longer strangers, may I then buy Lady Zuiyue a meal?” Yun Yang continued, “Right here at the Cirrus House?”

Yun Zuiyue’s tone was gentle even as her gaze was sharp as she said, “Young master, the courses at the Cirrus House aren’t cheap.”

Yun Yang smiled lightly, “No matter how expensive they are, they would be worth it, if it grants me the pleasure of Lady Zuiyue’s company.”

“Young master has a way with words indeed.” Yun Zuiyue’s laugh was soft and artfully charming. “Yet somehow, I don’t believe that young master is here at Cirrus House just to buy Zuiyue a meal.”

She looked at Yun Yang pointedly, her gaze conveying volumes. “Perhaps the young master has a lady that he fancies in this Cirrus House of mine?”

Yun Yang replied, “Ladies in the Cirrus House are too dear, and I find myself rather penniless. Therefore, this time I really do intend to buy Lady Zuiyue a meal and also… I have a few questions that I would wish to discuss with Lady Zuiyue, if you would do me this honor.”

Yun Zuiyue chuckled and said, “I knew young master must have a purpose. Since young master is so handsome, I find myself conveniently free as well.”

“Young master, after you.”

“After you, Lady Zuiyue.”

Yun Yang entered the Cirrus House in an assured manner, trailing confidently behind Yun Zuiyue.

Having heard the whole exchange from behind him, Lao Mei was about to experience apoplexy resulting from shock.

Our young master can actually flirt with beautiful ladies! Such sweet words, with impeccable skills in wooing the fairer sex, such natural confidence!

An experienced expert indeed!

It was all the more obvious to Lao Mei that he did not fully understand his young master.

He could pay court to an inappropriate person so easily with mere words and without any awkwardness; yet in front of whom he should be wooing, he had only spewed harsh words coldly with no attempt at romance.

Lao Mei followed them into the house in a daze, thinking, “What is going on here?”

The top floor of the Cirrus House was a pavilion; the walls around were only five feet tall with pillars reaching the roof and layers of light chiffon surrounding the structure fluttered along with the breeze.

Lao Mei did not follow them up, it was only Yun Yang and Yun Zuiyue. When Yun Yang had ordered him to stay behind, Lao Mei’s face was full of tacit understanding, “Understood, understood.”

Yun Yang looked at the salacious expression on Lao Mei’s face – his “I understand everything” look and suggestive winks, and was sorely tempted to deliver a swift kick, “You understood my *ss!”

“Lady Zuiyue sure knows how to take delight in life.” Yun Yang looked around as he walked with his arms on his back. “Overlooking Tiantang City from several hundred feet above gives one a different perspective.”

In his heart though, he was coldly indifferent. “How many times have I been here at this breezy pavilion?”

Yun Zuiyue smiled, “Isn’t everything we work hard for in life just to allow ourselves a more comfortable living? Don’t you think so, Young Master Yun?”

Yun Yang replied, “Lady Zuiyue is right but this is the majority’s thoughts. There are still some of those who don’t care for this.”

Yun Zuiyue answered nonchalantly, “The thoughts of the majority are good enough for me. Zuiyue does not wish to be part of the minority.

Yun Yang then spoke softly, “Lady Zuiyue is, in fact, the minority already.”

A flash of pleasure could be seen in Yun Zuiyue’s eyes as she said, “Young master has flattered me too much.” As she spoke, she slowly poured the tea she had brewed earlier into the teacup. “Please have some tea, young master. We shall talk after we finish this pot of tea, yes?”

Her words seemed to never be rushed or impatient, each enunciation was soft and gentle to the core but it was never forced.

“Lady Zuiyue is absolutely right.” Yun Yang raised the teacup and stared at the amber-like tea in it, speaking relaxedly, “All the troubles of the world are contained in three goblets of wine, the greatest ambitions held in a pot of tea. Whatever it is, mentioning it after drinking a pot of tea in serenity would allow one to be more composed and poised.”

Yun Zuiyue chuckled. “Could it be that young master has something that is too gauche to speak with Zuiyue?”

Yun Yang replied, “That is correct.”

Yun Zuiyue’s expression slipped for the briefest of pauses but she concealed it right away with a charming smile and said, “Have tea, young master.”

“Lady Zuiyue, please drink as well.”

Yun Yang drank the tea slowly, feeling a flow of warmth going down his throat smoothly as his internal organs seemed to have acquired warm as well. He complimented lightly, “Lady Zuiyue’s tea-making skills is getting increasingly refined.”

Yun Zuiyue took a glance at Yun Yang as she smiled saying, “Young master, though this is the first time we have met, why do I have such a sense of familiarity towards young master? This is strange.”

A twinge found its way in the deepest part of Yun Yang’s eyes as he smiled without letting anything show. “This is the fate of Lady Zuiyue and I.”

Yun Zuiyue smiled, covering her mouth. “Young master is full of mischief.”

As she lowered her head to make tea, her tone had turned cold and distant as she asked almost nonchalantly, “Young master can now speak of what it is that is gauche in meeting Zuiyue this time.”

Yun Yang nodded and said, “It is something that is hard to speak of. I seek a fugitive that has sought refuge here. The apprehension of this fugitive is of utmost importance. If he escapes, there will be hell to pay.”

Yun Zuiyue’s manner became completely aloof. She straightened up and spoke frostily “Young master should have understood the rules of Cirrus House before he came.”

Yun Yang smiled bitterly, “It’s exactly because I understood that I find it gauche to speak of.”

Yun Zuiyue spoke dispassionately, “Be my guest, young master. Zuiyue has suddenly felt unwell and can no longer keep young master company.”

As she spoke, she stood up and turned to leave without a second glance.

Yun Yang remained seated. Watching Yun Zuiyue make her way to the door, complex emotions ran through his eyes as he finally said gently, “Lady Zuiyue, it’s the fire in your heart.”

Yun Zuiyue’s foot that was about to make her final step out of the door halted in midair. Her slim figure seemed to have frozen completely; her voice quavered as she asked, “What… what are you talking about?”

She turned with the speed of a hurricane, staring at Yun Yang with a burning gaze.

Yun Yang closed his eyes, swallowing the pain that had risen in his heart. Recovering his calm voice, he replied, “Lady Zuiyue, fire is an amazing thing. Fire… gives warmth to people and allows them to live above savages; it can burn away all the wickedness in this world as well… But if this flame stays in your hearts, I’m afraid it will destroy you.”

Yun Zuiyue trembled, her face had turned pale; all of a sudden, she charged over and grabbed onto the front of Yun Yang’s robe. Her eyes stared unblinkingly right at Yun Yang’s as she tried unsuccessfully to lower her voice and asked, “Who… who are you really?”

Yun Yang remained unmoved as he spoke softly, “Water and fire have no mercy; fire can destroy everything. Nothing in this world can be completely unafraid of fire. The supremacy of an empire, endless acres of forest, borderless grasslands… they could all perish under wildfire. But once the fire in the heart scorches like a prairie fire…it is beyond control.”

“Countless heroes and warriors in this world, they don’t turn my head nor do I see them; no dreams were made in the maiden’s room, the fire in the heart has long scorched the prairie.” Yun Yang suppressed his voice that was tinged with unspeakable anguish.

Yun Zuiyue’s right hand gripped Yun Yang’s robe so tightly that her veins stood out clearly on her skin. Her face was ashen gray, but her eyes were rimmed red; she attempted her best to remain calm but her legs were shaking uncontrollably. She uttered each word slowly, “Speak, who are you?”

“How could you possibly know this poem that I have written?”

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