I am the celebration monster of Academy City

Page 18

Before Shokuhou Misaki started to move, there was a sound at the doorknob, and the door was pushed open.

Just as Gan Quanyu expected, the side of the Saijin Workshop really went to the side of Kakine Teito.

That group of people had black hearts, so they also regarded other people's hearts as black, and pointed their finger at Kakine Teitoku, the old back-and-forth man. Instead, Gan Quanyu was temporarily out of the center of sight.

This is why Gan Quanyou doesn't want to stand in the center of the stage, but just wants to be a celebration monster.You can celebrate with peace of mind if you have thighs to hug.Cough, that's a long way off.

For some reason, Kakine Teitoku called Kanizumi Yu after dealing with the group of guys in Saijin Workshop, and was swearing all over the place.

It was with great difficulty that Gan Quanyou calmed down his irritable mood, avoiding the conflict where he flew over with six white wings on his back, and went to the talent workshop to kick the hall with Shokuhou Misaki.

After the phone call, Yuu Kanizumi, who was also exhausted, opened the door to see the situation of Shokuhou Misaki, but as soon as he opened the door, he saw Shokuhou Misaki sitting there, his eyes were shining with a strange light!

As we all know, Shokuhou Misaki's eyes are different from ordinary people's eyes, she has twinkling stars in her eyes.

The light in the room was not turned on, and Gan Quanyou pushed the door open to let the light shine in. The light fell on Shokuhou Misaki's eyes, reflecting that weird and magnificent color.

This... Damn, your eyes are so sparkly!

"You bastard... what do you want to do to me?"

Before Ganquan Yu could slow down, Shokuhou Misaki who was sitting there said straight to the point with a cold face and said coldly to Gan Quanyu.


"That's why, don't pretend to be stupid. If you think about it carefully, you didn't appear there by accident, did you? What is the purpose of wanting to get close to me?

Now I have been caught by you, so I have nothing to hide, so it doesn't matter if I tell everything. "

Now, Gan Quanyou understood what it meant.

"Would you believe me if I said that you passed out from exhaustion after running 37 meters, and I brought you back because I was worried?"


This time it was Shokuhou Misaki who made the sound of surprise and surprise.If it is to obtain the experimental data of her Shokuhou Misaki, and use it as a bargaining chip to negotiate with the talent workshop.

Shokuhou Misaki was really not surprised at stealing her thinking mode and so on, but thought "it really is".

However, Gan Quanyu's answer directly exceeded all the imagination of Shokuhou Misaki, and cut into the vital point of Shokuhou Misaki from an angle that Shokuhou Misaki did not realize, and killed Shokuhou Misaki with one blow.

"I said, you fainted from exhaustion after running 37 meters! 37 meters! There are 37 meters!!"

Of course, Shokuhou Misaki knew what 37 meters was, and in her impression, she tried her best to catch up!

Even if you don't chase 1000 meters, you should have 800 meters, right? What the hell is this 37 meters!Where did the data of 37 meters come from!

Although Shokuhou Misaki, who had a cold face, can still see that she is working hard to continue the temperament of a cold-faced beauty, but her expression clearly shows one thing, that is, she is already embarrassed , From an ice beauty to a sand beauty in an instant.

It seems that she still has the self-consciousness that she is a sports idiot.

"Also, it's really hard for me to imagine, even at the beginning, after running a distance of less than 20 meters, how can I be exhausted like I've run a half marathon? When it comes to the degree of idiocy in sports, I would call you the strongest!"

Suddenly, his small face was blushed, and the corners of his eyes were filled with tears, and Shokuhou Misaki burst out laughing strangely.

Shokuhou Misaki no longer cares about saving face.

With a blackened smile, she suddenly took the bag on the side of the bedside table in front of her, reached into her bag, randomly pulled out one of the many remote controls, and without hesitation Point the remote control at Gan Quanyu, and yell desperately while pointing.

"Memory erased!! All memories of my embarrassing appearance, erased from me!!"


Gan Quanyou hurried forward a few steps, and snatched the remote control from Shokuhou Misaki's hand.

Although Shokuhou Misaki now only exists as an important talent in the talent workshop, and has not yet been praised by the entire Academy City because of her high position at LV5, Gan Quanyu knows that Shokuhou Misaki needs to hold a remote control before using her abilities. Pointing the weapon at someone else is like killing someone with a gun and pointing the gun at the target first.

Although when he came back with the bag, he felt that the bag was a bit heavy, but because of the relationship of respecting girls, he certainly couldn't just pick up the girl's bag and look at it.What if there is sanitation inside... Cough, what should I do.

As a result, he didn't realize until now that the bag that Shokuhou Misaki was carrying was put in the remote control by her in the settings!

Although Shokuhou Misaki pressed her thumb without hesitation, but she, who was an exercise idiot, was at least physically suppressed in front of Gan Quanyu.

In just a few tenths of a second, Gan Quan Yu Leng, who had exploded in potential, snatched the remote control from Shokuhou Misaki's hand, and let Shokuhou Misaki press a loneliness.

Shokuhou Misaki, whose hands were suddenly empty, looked at Gan Quanyou blankly, and saw Gan Quanyou casually throwing her remote control aside.

Shokuhou Misaki made a sound that sounded like he was grinding his teeth angrily, like a rodent.

But that's okay, one remote was taken from her and she had other remotes.

It's a pity that Shokuhou Misaki only thought that she still had a spare remote control, but she didn't expect Gan Quanyu to snatch the remote control away again.

In the end, all the remote controls that evolved into Shokuhou Misaki were taken away by Yu Kanizumi. Now she not only pressed a lonely button, but also left only lonely in her empty bag.

The speechless Gan Quanyou stood there pinching his waist and watched Shokuhou Misaki pouring out the bag with both hands, as if he wanted to pour out a remote control.

"It's a lie! I don't have any strength at all!"

Unwilling to put down her bag, Shokuhou Misaki was stunned for a few seconds before turning her eyes on Kanizumi Yu again.

"Who is that, give me your remote control. Thank you..."

"Oh yes - you think I'm an idiot!"

Chapter 34 Get out! Stay away from me, scum!

"Don't look at me like that, even if you look at me like that, I won't give you back the remote control. Eat quietly, and take a shower after eating. You were sweaty when I brought you back. I'll return the remote to you when I leave tomorrow."

However, despite saying so, Shokuhou Misaki who was sitting across from him still glared at Kanizumi Yu.

The way she eats is a little too vigorous.Or to put it another simple and easy-to-understand description, that is, she chewed hard as if she was stuffing Ganquanyou in her mouth and biting hard.

Although being bitten by a girl once or twice can be regarded as fun to some extent.But with Shokuhou Misaki's expression, it can only make the lower body feel a little chilly.

Being glared at by Shokuhou Misaki, Yuu Kanizumi couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

He hadn't noticed it before, but now that Shokuhou Misaki was glaring at him, he suddenly realized something.That's his house... It seems that it seems to have become a cafeteria since I don't know when...

Every time someone brings something back, something has to happen at this table.Could it be that he actually took the wrong script?

In fact, before the script of "I am the Celebration Monster of Academy City", he should have taken "Academy City Cafeteria", right?

Although Gan Quanyou wanted to say something to Shokuhou Misaki, for example, don't come out and hang out if you have nothing to do in the future, it would be nice to stay in the talent workshop.

For example, in order not to continue to be so embarrassing, I should strengthen my training.For example, although your chest is not big, but you are really heavy, you have fat on your body, you should lose some weight, etc.

However, Shokuhou Misaki's appearance of being violent and not cooperating made Gan Quanyou really unable to speak, so he could only silently hold back these words that he almost blurted out, almost causing internal injuries.

But from another point of view, it is also a good thing.At the talent workshop back then, it was because of his nonchalant and casual teasing that he made me cry.

From this point of view, holding back the words is actually good for him to practice the good habit of not being aggressive.

"I'm stuffed."

Even though he was glared at from beginning to end, Gan Quanyou's craftsmanship was not fake.

Although it is not as good as the chefs in star-rated hotels, compared to ordinary roadside restaurants, as long as those restaurants do not have a retired medicine food god or ancestral secret skills, then they can only be killed in front of Gan Quanyou.So Shokuhou Misaki still ate all the rice.

After that, he went to the kitchen with the bowls and chopsticks, and put the tableware in the kitchen.

Seeing Shokuhou Misaki running straight to the bathroom without saying a word, Gan Quanyou couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and couldn't help laughing slightly.

Even though Shokuhou Misaki tried his best to cover it, he could see that Shokuhou Misaki actually cared a lot when he said-you were sweating when you were brought back.

It may be because the remote control was confiscated by himself, so he was angry. Shokuhou Misaki didn't realize this at the beginning.

However, when he pointed it out, Shokuhou Misaki reacted instantly, and after that, her eating speed silently accelerated a lot.

Shokuhou Misaki finished eating, but he hasn't finished yet.Gan Quanyou, who followed the principle of chewing and eating slowly, ate his meal slowly.

However, he only took two bites when the door of the bathroom was suddenly opened, and someone stopped in front of Gan Quanyou along with a series of hurried footsteps.There can be no one else in this room except Shokuhou Misaki.

Putting down the chopsticks in his hand, Gan Quanyu looked at Shokuhou Misaki who was standing there.With just one glance, she saw the pajamas in her hand.

"Oh. It's new. Just use it directly. It should fit your body shape. After all, you don't wear clothes to look thin. Take off your clothes...cough. Anyway, tell me if it's not suitable, I'll change it for you."

Generally speaking, Gan Quanyou can always handle things like this in an orderly manner.When Shirai Kuroko came here for the first time before, Gan Quanyou forgot to prepare that it was a small probability event.

But there was a reason for that time, after all, Gan Quanyou had already eaten outside that time, and Shirai Heizi didn't eat anything, so Gan Quanyou wanted to come back and make something for her.

Because he was not cooking at home, Kanizumi ignored the point of preparing a change of clothes while cooking.

Moreover, Shirai Kuroko asked her to take a bath as soon as Shirai Kuroko entered the door, and there was nothing he could do if he didn't have time to prepare.

"It's not a question of whether it's new or not. Why do you always have girls' clothes in your house! This is the most important thing. Could it be that you are a pervert!"

Gan Quanyou's face turned dark suddenly.Although he has become a member of the darkness in the darkness of Academy City, but this aspect cannot be let Shokuhou Misaki talk nonsense.

Especially this guy will be a LV5 in the future.If this girl is narrow-minded and holds grudges, and seems to have no intention of mentioning more when she becomes LV5 in the future, then the whole academy will know that a person named Gan Quanyou is a pervert.

"Wait a minute, what do you mean by being perverted?! Have you ever seen someone like me..."

"Ah, I see!"

Suddenly, Shokuhou Misaki showed an expression of enlightenment.

After all, he is still a psychic.Even if you didn't pay much attention to it before, as long as you encounter related events, you can think of relevant clues.

Shokuhou Misaki thought of the layout of the room she saw when she just woke up, and that room was actually very much like a hotel room in essence.

That is to say, the kind of room that has no special features, anyone can live in it at any time, and leave it at any time.

However, in fact, there are many ornaments and decorations in that room, and those ornaments and decorations reveal various strong personal characteristics.

In other words, more than one person has actually lived in that room, and a considerable part of the people who lived in that room must have lived in it for a long time, and therefore consciously changed the layout of some rooms.

If you think about it in combination with this point, then Gan Quanyou prepared girls' clothes here, well, it seems that there is nothing wrong with the new ones.

"What do you unserstand?"

Seeing Shokuhou Misaki's suddenly enlightened expression, for some reason, Yuu Kanizumi not only didn't feel at ease, but felt a bit finished.

"I get it, you're not a pervert. It's my fault for blaming you."

Shokuhou Misaki pinched her waist and nodded to Gan Quanyu.

"Huh? Do you really understand?"

"Well, yes, I understand. As long as you can figure it out, you will know that this is a fairly simple truth."

Saying that, Shokuhou Misaki moved back silently, gradually moving away from Ganquanyou.With obvious disgust on her face, she looked at Gan Quanyou as if she was looking at some kind of non-recyclable stinky garbage.

"You're a scumbag! Get out! Stay away from me, scumbag! Don't think I'm such a deceitful girl!"

Chapter 35 Is this sick?

37:[-] am.

It was the dead of night.Basically, most people have already fallen asleep at this point, and they are still in that relatively deep sleep.

Except for a very small number of people, even Academy City fell into relative silence at this point in time.

The people who will be active at this time, except for those who walk in the dark and have to deal with something at this time, are probably some night owls.

For example, those who stay up late to play games, for example, some old buddies who are still chatting with the author group, or some people who have no code words for a day and start working hard before the dead line arrives in the early morning.

But at least, Gan Quanyou is not the kind of person who will not rest until the wee hours of the morning.At this point in time, Ganquanyou's family also fell into silence. In such an environment, it seems that as long as there is a little noise, it will feel too loud than during the day.

The electronic clock placed on the bookshelf glowed faintly in the dark, and the time could be seen advancing second by second, and soon the time became 38:[-].

However, at this moment, the electronic clock suddenly fell into darkness and reappeared two seconds later.

Why is there such a thing?If you simply think about what happened to the electronic clock, you will probably fall into infinitely terrible imaginations.

But if you change your mind, it will be very simple.If something moved in front of the electronic clock in the dark, wouldn't it be easier to block it in that short period of time?

"Ah... it hurts, it seems to have hit the corner of the table. Obviously, according to the position I remember, it should be able to escape the force."

There were thin whispers in the dark living room, as if the elf in the room with the master in the fairy tale started to move in the middle of the night.

However, with the appearance of a faint square screen light source after a while, this illusion was broken.

Shokuhou Misaki held up the phone and adjusted the brightness to the lowest level, covering his leg with one hand and stretching the phone forward with the other, illuminating a small area in front of him.

At this time, Shokuhou Misaki realized one thing, even if she, as one of the apex candidates, could remember the layout of the room at a glance before resting, but this does not mean that her body in the dark Able to move forward steadily 100% according to her vision.

After all, it was her body that dragged down her mind, making her not follow the planned route, but bumped directly into the table leg.

Shokuhou Misaki once again deeply realized what a hopeless exercise idiot she is, she pursed her lips and did not turn off her phone, and just moved around the sofa under the faint light. It seemed that she was looking for what.

About 10 minutes later, Shokuhou Misaki found out a…

remote control!

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