I am the celebration monster of Academy City

Page 22

Gan Quanyou, although he has a good personality and good grades, and maintains a friendly relationship with most of the people in the class, but because he asked for too much leave, he didn't integrate into any small group.

These three people were not so much a group as they were the leftovers who were forced to gather together to play.

Even if Kamijou Touma, Kanizumi Yu, and Blue Hair Earrings didn't even think about it.

After the lunch break, the afternoon classes continued as usual, and soon it was time to leave school. Lanfa Erring and Kamijou Touma originally wanted to drag Ganquanyu to hand in homework together, but Ganquanyu was willing to accompany them to seek their own death.

With two guys like Kamijou Touma and Blue Hair Earrings around, if he didn't do it, he would be caught by the killing teacher, and then he would be left for a training session.

This time it's school time, there is no countdown to the "next class", so I don't know when the training will end.

When leaving the campus, Gan Quanyou turned his head, looked silently at the aisle of the teaching building, followed the figures of the two people who were laughing and walking towards the office, and silently prayed for them in his heart, hoping that they would be smart enough, don't The teacher who was killed was massacred in the office, and walked out of the office with tears in his eyes.

Back home, Gan Quanyou was cooking, eating, reading, doing homework, and sleeping in an orderly manner as usual.

Recently, in order to avoid suspicion, I can't go to the second school district.I can only avoid the limelight and wait for the limelight to pass before trying to find a way to continue the investigation.

It can be urgent to track down the police and find out where they are being held, but there is no rush.

In the final analysis, since Cairenfang didn't clean up the police and watch in the first place, it wouldn't let her die before she lost her use value.

Gan Quanyou only needs to rescue her before the final value of being used by the police.According to the information collected by Teito Kakine, at least in the short term, the police policy will not be put into experimentation.

And as long as he takes the police plan and saves it, holds it in his hand, and then negotiates as Anbu, he will be able to grasp a certain degree of initiative, and take the police plan from the talent workshop, who knows how deep it has penetrated into the darkness. brought out the place.

As for the police to see after being rescued... Forget it, let's think about this after the police are rescued.

Of course, there are still a few other things that are currently in front of us.

One of them is the matter of the school. It sounds comfortable to use Anbu's identity to do things without accepting the corresponding obligations, but it is actually very dangerous.

However, there is no need for Ganquan Yu to worry about this. After all, all plans and plans depend on the arrangements of the captain Kakine Teito.

Another thing to be concerned about.

WOZ armor, to be precise, is a covered armored exoskeleton auxiliary combat system.

As long as it is successfully worn, it can give the user superhuman strength and endurance, equipped with various abilities and a variety of weapons.

It is even possible to develop a variety of more advanced different armors on this basis to deal with a variety of different combat environments.

The project is established as an alternative project of armed drive armor, which is intended to replace the use of drive armor to a certain extent.

Driven armor is a tool that uses engines and biochemical shrapnel to strengthen the functions of the human body from the outside.

Just like metal armor, the whole body is covered with special armor, and the joints are driven by electricity, so that the wearer can generate several times or even dozens of times higher than human beings. Academy City's cutting-edge assault weapons.

Although the specifications and combat power vary, most of them are basically huge metal blocks with a total length of more than 1.5m.

To put it simply, humans drive machines to fight, just like miniature Gundams.

The WOZ armor is just an exoskeleton system, a system that covers the human body to assist in combat.Purely in terms of technological development, the armed capability of the exoskeleton system is a degraded version of the driven armor.

Because of technical barriers, before the WOZ armor has been unable to micro-storage, but now with the help of Kakine Teito seems to be able to complete this problem.

About a week ago, Science said that the prototype could be completed, but there is no further news so far. Gan Quanyou plans to go and have a look after two days off.

If the WOZ armor is successfully completed, it will make up for his major deficiency in combat effectiveness.

In the past, I didn't care too much about it in a peaceful life, but now that I have joined Anbu, the level of force has become important.

Chapter 42 You should know how to use

Facts have proved that science is still reliable, Gan Quanyou didn't ask Gan Quanyou to take the initiative to call, and he took the initiative to call Gan Quanyou before the rest day to get ready to go to the laboratory to see the phased results.

In other words, the prototype is almost complete and only the first trials are left.

Because the body was developed with Yu Ganquan as the prototype, only Yu Ganquan can be used for the first test, and it is impossible for others to replace it.

After receiving the news that the WOZ armored prototype has been completed, even Gan Quanyou's heart is inevitably a little more excited.For this reason, he even had to postpone the invitation to patrol with Shirai Kuroko the next day.

During this period of time, Shirai Heizi had completed the training of the disciplinary committee member and was assigned to a certain branch to start a new career.

According to Shirai Heizi's complaints, although the seniors in the branch were very nice, they supported her very much.

But he just didn't want her to participate in more dangerous actions, and only let her do things like help people find things, find cats and dogs, or send lost children home.

In this regard, Gan Quanyou expressed his support with both hands, agreeing with the arrangement of senior Shirai Heizi.

If you want to run without even learning how to walk, you will either fall badly or go astray because of galloping and never come back.

Gan Quanyou originally thought that her previous experience would make Shirai Kuroko understand some things, but now it seems that she really understands that she can't fish for law enforcement, and also understands the importance of experience and ability.But it also fell into the narrow vision of individual heroism.

Shirai Kuroko was originally that kind of smart and precocious girl.To some extent, he has a sense of psychological superiority that looks down on the naive peers around him.

In addition, Gan Quanyou led her out of the encirclement alone, which to some extent made a wrong demonstration.Shirai Kuroko is more inclined to solve all problems alone than to believe in teamwork.

This point, if it falls on Anbu who does not use any means to survive and does not trust anyone easily, he may be able to live well on the contrary.

But if you fall on the surface side, you can only suffer a big loss if you don't believe in the strength of your companions.Gan Quanyou only hoped that Shirai Heizi could wake up before the matter developed to the point of no return.

But now, even if she knew about it, it was not the time to talk about it. She was like a piece of jade in the rough, which needed a little polishing.

It seems that he wants to get comfort and support from Gan Quanyou, but unexpectedly, Gan Quanyou supports the idea of ​​being a fellow senior.

After being stunned for a few seconds, Shirai Kuroko fell into a frenzy, and finally played the secret skill of "I don't care if I don't care if I don't care you just have to comfort me", asking Gan Quanyou to accompany her to go out on patrol on the rest day.

Gan Quanyou naturally agreed.But now... it can only be postponed a little bit, from Saturday to Sunday.After all, from the very beginning, we didn't say which rest day we were together on.

It could be Saturday, or it could be Sunday, isn’t it all right? Hahaha.

Although he called back to explain the situation to Shirai Heizi, Shirai Heizi revealed a kind of inexplicable disappointment and unhappiness in his words, as if something was missing in half.

But Shirai Kuroko is a smart girl after all, she didn't ask Gan Quanyou why she suddenly changed her itinerary, but readily agreed to Gan Quanyou's application for a change.And agreed with Gan Quanyou on the place and time of the Sunday reunion.

On Saturday, the heavily armed Gan Quanyou came to the laboratory.

As the main researcher and person in charge of the project, Zhixiong Science came and brought Gan Quanyou to the experimental site.

Similar to a general experiment site, it is a huge space, and there are many instruments distributed in various places in the field, and these instruments will collect data while conducting tests.At the same time, there are also many researchers working inside, making final preparations.

In the center of the experiment site was a small I-shaped table, on which was placed the main body that needed to be tested this time, that is, the WOZ armor that was finally completed with the help of Kakine Teito.

Instead of directly entering the experimental site, Gan Quanyou first came to the observation room above the experimental site.

Rather than saying that the observation room was built above the experimental site, it would be better to say that the experimental site was hollowed out from here.

Japan's land area is not large, especially for Academy City as a country within a country.To maximize space, building up and digging down are both logical choices.

There are multiple computers running at the same time in the observation room, and many researchers are still making final data adjustments.

Looking down from above, it can be seen that none of the researchers in the experimental site is resting.

"Finally at this time, do you feel nervous in your heart?"

Zhixiong Li Ke put his hands in the pockets of his white coat, stood beside Gan Quanyou and looked down with Gan Quanyou, and asked suddenly.

Thinking about it carefully, she was entrusted by Gan Quanyou to develop this project after that incident happened, and it was completed in a blink of an eye.

For Zhixiong Science, at this moment, he didn't know whether it was light or heavy, or something else.

"It's more like relief than nervousness."

Zhixiong Science was taken aback for a moment, she turned her head to look at Gan Quanyou, the profile of Gan Quanyou's face was not surprise or joy, but... a little heavy on the contrary.

He let out a soft laugh.

"You need to take it and do something important, like it was at that time."


Just such a simple reply, no more words, and no explanation of the situation.It seems that Shixiong science can understand everything just like this.

Zhixiong Science didn't actually understand, but she knew that if this was considered as helping him, then it would be really great.

The right hand was taken out of the pocket and stretched out to Gan Quanyu, holding a piece of parts that could just be held by one hand in Shio Riko's hand.

It was a weird black, silver and green dial, and it could be seen that there was a facial depiction of WOZ armor on the surface.

"Go ahead and try it out, then take it and do what you want to do, I'm glad I got it done when you needed it."


Taking the woz dial from Zhixiong Science, Gan Quanyou turned and left the observation room, and appeared in the experimental place below after a while.

Zhixiong Science looked at Gan Quanyu from above, narrowed his eyes slightly, and replied silently in his heart, "You don't need to say thank you to me."

Gan Quanyou, who came to the experimental site with the dial, first took a look at the experimental site. He often haunted various laboratories and cooperated with large and small experiments, so he was not nervous.After a few more glances, he roughly understood the structure of the arena and came to the most central table.

Look at the green drive over there.

"Then get ready to experiment. You should know how to use it."

Shixiong Riko's voice came out from the speakers.Gan Quanyou couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

"This line should be for me."

As he spoke, he reached out to pick up the belt and placed it on his waist and abdomen.The green belt on the left side of the driver flew out, went around Gan Quanyou's waist, and connected to the right side of the driver.

Slowly raising his right hand, Gan Quanyou lightly pressed the dial in his hand.

A slightly harsh voice sounded.


Chapter 43 It's not that simple~~

"Hurry up, hurry up and record the data synchronously! This is the first time to use it, and it is the most important raw data!"

Without Zhixiong Science's order, all the researchers in the observation room or the experimental site started to move at the same moment, their fingers were rapidly typing on the keyboard, and their eyes were fixed on the computer screen. Look away.

Around Gan Quanyou, green light intertwined and arranged, as Gan Quanyou gently pushed the switch forward.


In an understatement, the armor directly covered Gan Quanyou's body to complete the full-coverage armor fit.

That's right, this is the real face of the developed woz armor.All that has been done since then is to store it in a small drive for easy portability.Because if you can't achieve this level, you have to spend a lot of time and energy every time you dress.

In terms of the convenience of dressing, it is not as good as the driven armor.It also means that it is not competitive at all.

"The first step of the full-coverage clothing experiment is completed. Now test the armor's activities. Let's move around..."

Shixiong Science's next instructions followed.

Gan Quanyou tried to move his body.Simply put, it feels like a knight uniform worn on a motorcycle.

Although it looks like there is only a part of the body with a stomach, and the rest is more like a close-fitting leather jacket, but in fact it is a potential stretchable adhesive tape that has been processed and hidden, and there are also large spots on some parts of the body. Big and small motors.

Light, sound, and even smell are felt as usual, but it feels as if there is a layer of cameras or microphones behind them.

If there is an itch somewhere, there is probably no way to scratch it, not even to the extent of scratching it.

But if you switch modes, you can also spy on the world that cannot be distinguished by human five senses, such as gas and electromagnetic waves.

Hold your hands out in front of your eyes and then close them.First the palms, then roll over to the backs of the hands.The observed part is completely in line with the original design.

Feeling around on his body, he finally touched his face and head.The entire head is protected by head armor, and the face is covered by a special mask.

I was still worried about whether such a hairstyle would get stuck, but now it seems that no hair is stuck.

But after doing this, you may have to worry about whether the hairstyle will become strange because of being pressed together after removing the armor.

In some parts of the body, the beautiful fluorescent green light outlines the lines of the body, so it looks a bit like decoration with irregular glowing lines.

This can be turned on and off by the user, which is not just for decoration, but can also be used as a warning in some cases to adjust the intensity and color of the light to some extent.

Something flickered in the corners of the left and right vision, something like a square window was blocking his eyes.Black and blue lettering.English and numbers flow on it at high speed.

After briefly checking his body and adapting to the armor's vision, Gan Quanyou made several exaggerated movements, such as Thomas' gyration, a very difficult one-elbow gyro in street dance, with his hands on the ground, his body parallel to the ground, and using his hands to rotate The UFO that rotates the body is easily completed.

Although Yu Kanizumi can complete it without wearing this armor, but after wearing it, the difficulty is as obvious as dropping from the third grade of junior high school to the first grade of elementary school.

"The basic action test is completed, and then we will test the ability to use it while wearing armor. This will determine the development direction of the next three accessories."

Gan Quanyou, who got up easily, moved his wrist.After coughing twice, he stretched out his hand in front of everyone, and his voice became high-pitched and enthusiastic.

"Congratulations, I am Kamen Rider woz, the future creation...creation-creation...creation-"

Suddenly, an uncomfortable smell of rust invaded Gan Quanyou's nose and mouth.

It was the smell of blood, the smell of blood flowing out.A red warning box suddenly popped up in the field of vision in front of him, not just one, warning boxes appeared one after another quickly, occupying the entire field of vision in just three seconds.A piercing alarm sounded in my ears.

In front of everyone, the bands of light emitting dazzling fluorescent green light on Gan Quanyou, who should have been high-spirited, suddenly turned orange, and instantly turned red as if it were an illusion.Even the face where the word "knight" was written in words also turned blood red.

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