I am the celebration monster of Academy City

Page 26

Generally, it is usually composed of four people, but of course there can be more members.Behind each Anbu is a huge staff support.

Different Anbu act according to different phalanxes. For example, the Yingdian troops who chased and killed Gan Quanyou are Anbu troops that specialize in responding to intelligence leaks.

There is also an anbu that directly reports to the chairman of the board, and an anbu that is responsible for taking orders and supervising the members of the board of directors.The Anbu formed by Mai Ye Shenli is mainly responsible for suppressing the riots of other Anbu organizations.

The organization led by Kakine Teito is an Anbe that acts more freely with the liberals as its policy of action.

In the darkness of Academy City, the destruction of Anbu and the establishment of a new Anbu are a normal developmental process.

However, this Anbu, which Kakine Teitoku judged to be the worst Anbe in Academy City, really makes Yuu Kanizumi a little curious.

"Huh? You don't know?"

"Well, I don't know."

"Oh yes, I forgot to synchronize my intelligence network with you, and I will give you the authority later."

Don't think that Kakine Teitoku has been looking at his mobile phone because he is surfing the Internet on his mobile phone. In fact, he has been watching the information flowing in the intelligence network, and analyzing and judging which information is useful to him.

Putting the phone on the side, Teito Kakine stretched out his hand to the mobile computer on the desk, the mobile computer in the distance fell into the hands of Teito Kakine under the control of unknown laws, and put the spoon down After a crackling operation, Kakine Teitoku turned the computer screen to Yu Kanizumi.

"Look, it's this idiot."

Looking at the man Gan Quanyou on the screen, he was stunned.The first time he saw this man, he felt as if he had seen this man somewhere before, after thinking about it for a while, he remembered that he had seen this man once when he had dinner with Shirai Heizi yesterday at noon.

He vaguely remembered that this guy seemed to say something similar to "no longer relying on God's accidental, inevitable ability to create a plan".

"There is Fu Chunshu, who is not a genius. But according to the standards of Academy City, he is also one of the few talents. He has won the rankings in the Academy City Research Exhibition Conference in the past few years, and not long ago I won the grand prix.

Inflated by it.When he discovered that the development of high-level ability users was almost based on chance.

Decided to study a brand-new method of manufacturing ability users, so as to manufacture high-quality, stable, and low-cost ability users from scratch.I remember it was called the Biochemical Intelligence Project. "

"So, what then?"

"After he proposed the plan, he sent it to many Anbu, including us, hoping to reach a cooperation. But no matter how you think about such a stupid plan, it is impossible to succeed, and all the Anbu directly rejected it.

And now this idiot still doesn't give up, and is planning to jump in all at once, and unite with another group of even more idiots to set up an Anbu called STUDY Corporation.Really... Are these idiots here to bring down the dark purity of Academy City Anbe? "

"So our mission is related to this guy?"

"Don't be kidding, it's enough for such an idiot to let him fend for himself. Even if he is not destroyed by the darkness of Academy City, he is destined to be a shame for Anbe."

"Then what is our mission? I don't think you are in a hurry."

Putting the last mouthful of rice into his mouth, Kanizumi Yu put down the spoon and took out a tissue from his pocket to wipe his mouth. By the way, he took one and put it at Kakine Teito for later use.

"It's not a dangerous mission, don't worry. Simply put, it is an escort and protection mission related to "retaining the essence and abandoning the rough". "

Chapter 50 Keep the fine and discard the rough

As we all know, Academy City is a city of students, and the number of students in this city is overwhelming.

However, it is worth noting that even though there are an overwhelming number of students in this city, there are actually not many parents of students.

Most of the parents are confused by the safety of Academy City's publicity, and firmly believe that Academy City is the safest city in the world.But there are still very few parents who send their children to the Garden City with other thoughts.

Explain simply and clearly.


Some parents want to abandon their children, which is extremely easy to break the law in the outside world.But they can circumvent this prohibition as long as they pay the entrance fee of Academy City and confirm that the child disappears after entering the dormitory.

Today, abandoned children have become one of the social phenomena in Academy City.These abandoned children are uniformly identified by Academy City as "retaining the essence and discarding the rough".

Although Academy City has introduced a system to protect abandoned children, and built many shelters for them, these facilities provide basic education and daily necessities for abandoned children.However, there are also facilities whose purpose is to use abandoned children for research and experimentation.

Academy City has many dark plans that are being carried out in secret, using abandoned children as experimental materials.

The subjects may indeed gain powerful abilities, but they are often physically and mentally destroyed, and some even become permanently comatose or die.

Most of the children who suffered tragedies in Academy City were one of the ones who left their soul behind.It can be said that these children have endured the sadness of being abandoned by their parents from the very beginning when they entered Academy City.

If you are selected into the dark plan, your life will lead to the dark depths of despair from the very beginning.

Hearing the term "keep the essence and abandon the rough" from the mouth of Teito Kakine, to be honest, Yuu Kanizumi really has no way to think about it in a good direction.

Sure enough, Kakine Teito ate his portion of the meal unhurriedly, and at the same time explained to Kanizumi leisurely.

"Recently, there was an experiment that needed to select some of these people who kept the good and discarded the bad to participate in the experiment. Oh, don't get me wrong, we are not doing the job of selection, after all, we all know that the so-called selection is not at all What a good thing, it might be a lucky thing for them to keep those who stay in the shelter. The list in our hands has been selected by them, and all we have to do is to take them to the shelter safely. Test site."

"What kind of experiment is this?"

"I don't know, the level of secrecy is very high. It is said that people from the Kihara clan are involved. If you want to know, you can only wait for the secrecy level of this experiment to be lowered or the news of the experiment's failure to leak out."

Kakine Teitoku's face was full of indifference. For him, it might be that he didn't need to care about the content at all, and didn't need to delve into the inside story. It was just the most common task.

No, for Kakine Teitoku, all actions other than his real purpose are just tasks that must be completed for some reason.

There is no need to pay too much attention to this kind of task that seems to be fatigued in an RPG game.

Gan Quanyou didn't say whether he could not do such stupid things. If the school doesn't do it, there are other dark organizations that can do it.

It is impossible to stop anything.After all, Gan Quanyou is essentially a mud bodhisattva crossing the river now.

Now that you are already a member of Anbe, you must have the awareness of Anbe.Don't treat yourself like a white lotus in the mud.

"Then the question is, why does Anbu have to transport these children? The security guards can do the same thing, as long as they keep the truth from them. Why do you have to spend a lot of money to find Anbu to cooperate?"

"Child? You really have unnecessary gentleness. Forget it, you are such a person, learn Anbu's rules early."

After eating the last bite of the meal, he threw the spoon on the plate and made a crisp sound of collision.

Picking up the tissue that Yuu Kanizumi put there and wiped his mouth, Kakine Teitoku leaned back in his chair with some satisfaction before continuing to explain.

"It was indeed like this at the beginning, but recently, from somewhere, a team has suddenly emerged to stop these people who keep their essence and abandon their roughness.

By the way, it must be explained that their purpose is not to rescue them, but to actually kill these abandoned children.

The equipment of the vigilantes will be limited, and there will be no lethal weapons.To use slightly more powerful weapons, you need to apply.For those guys, the guards are really useless, and Anbu is more useful. "

Gan Quanyou frowned.From what Kakine Teito said, he smelled a familiar smell.

To put it simply, although Anbu is a gathering place for scum, Anbu has rules and methods for Anbu's actions.If you dig deeper, you will find that another set of rules applies here.

However, the team that Kakine Teitoku spoke of to stop the abandoned children... that kind of hysteria, that kind of bottomless, that kind of madness that wished the whole world would perish together with him.Gan Quanyou has only seen one thing...

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing to explain. This task is not the exclusive agency of our school. There are also many dark organizations that cooperate with us.

After all, you also know that the shelters for these abandoned children are located in several school districts. It would be a waste of time and energy if we were the only ones to act. "

Gan Quanyou can understand this.Although there are only these two people in the school, there are actually an unknown number of people supporting the school.

Every Anbu is a cooperative organization that operates efficiently.For a "talent" like Kakine Teitoku, only the most important part will be in charge of him.

In the same way, if you want Kakine Teito to run around the entire Academy City to collect abandoned children, it is as impossible as doing a collection task.On the one hand, it was a waste of talent, and on the other hand, Teito Kakine would not agree.

The same is true for other shades.Under such circumstances, dividing the tasks and each Anbu is responsible for different school districts can solve the problem and complete the tasks more efficiently.

There is only one downside to this method.

too expensive...

"What school district are we in charge of?"

"Second School District. There are fewer shelters there, and our task intensity is relatively low. Do the least work and get the same money. Heh..."

With a sneer, Kakine Teitoku picked up the mobile phone that was put aside and started playing again.

"After the mission is completed, you can go wherever you want, but before the mission is completed, you have to stay in the second school district for me. Apart from surviving, this mission is the only requirement for this mission. Make a note of it."

"It really is..."

Gan Quanyou breathed a sigh of relief, with a faint smile on his face.

"Of course, my captain."

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing. The mission starts tomorrow, so you can stay here tonight and don't go back."

"Okay, I remember... Wait, what are you talking about? The task starts tomorrow? I still have class!"

"Huh? What class are you taking? I skipped..."

"I might die then."

Chapter 51 Where are the agreed teammates!? The picture of the steamed stuffed bun is gone, sad

Kanizumi Yu was really sure that if he skipped class without saying hello, then Kakine Teitoku would be able to find his dead body in a certain country.It's too awful……

Knowing that Kanizumi Yu's homeroom teacher is such a terrifying creature... Cough, Kakine Teitoku was also surprised by the terrifying existence.

But he didn't want to go to the past to learn more about it.Under Gan Quanyou's repeated strong requests, he agreed to help Gan Quanyou settle the matter.

In fact, to put it bluntly, he just found a research institute and lent Gan Quanyou out in the name of cooperating with the experiment.Old routine.

After learning the details of the next task, Gan Quanyou returned home after washing the dishes.

No way, he was directly summoned by Kakine Teitoku on his way to the laboratory after school.

I didn't bring anything other than my schoolbag.Tomorrow is the first mission as Anbu, so I have to bring all the necessary equipment.

After returning home to pack up the things to be used the next day, Yu Kanizumi took the expensive taxi back to the school's stronghold at night, rushing to do his homework under Kakine Teito's speechless eyes.

Yes, the schoolbag can be sent home, but the homework must be done.This is the current situation of the Anbe members led by the second Kakine Teito in Academy City, which is indeed quite funny.

In the early morning of the next day, before Yuu Kanizumi woke up, Teitoku Kakine kicked at the side of the bed with a displeased face, waking him up by kicking the bed back and forth.At first, Gan Quanyou thought that he had slept through, and it was time to go out on a mission.

But in fact it is...

Kakine Teitoku was hungry, so he asked him to get up and prepare breakfast...

Kanizumi Yuu, who looked at Kakine Teitoku with strange eyes, got up from the bed in his pajamas, and when he looked carefully, he found that the current position of the bed was about five centimeters away from the position before Kakine Teitoku kicked him.

Kakine Teito completely ignored Kanizumi Yu's strange gaze, yawned and went back to the room where he rested last night to change clothes.

Well, that's right, to put it simply, Kakine Teitoku opened his eyelids and ran over in his pajamas to kick Yuu Kanizumi awake.

Gan Quanyou felt that even if he lived in the same room with a boy in the future, he had to remember to lock the door.You can't treat them differently, and only lock the door when girls sleep in the same room as you.

Boys must learn to protect themselves.

Gan Quanyou, who was also yawning, walked out of the room in his pajamas, first went to the bathroom to clean his personal hygiene with the toiletries he brought over last night, and then walked to the kitchen.

If he remembered right, there didn't seem to be much to eat in the kitchen.The main reason is that I didn't expect to stay overnight when I came here yesterday afternoon.

After returning home from home at night, he did not expect Kakine Teitoku to kick his bed in the morning and wake him up to cook.

Hello!Figure it out! Hey!This is a high-end private room in a high-end hotel!Is it difficult to call the hotel and ask the hotel to deliver a breakfast?is it hard!

No, if you think about it carefully, since this is a hotel, why did Kakine Teitoku put a luxurious lunch box on the coffee table yesterday?

Could it be that he was completely unaware of this fact and just regarded this place as an ordinary apartment?

Yuu Kanizumi, who was full of cranky thoughts, slandered Teitoku Kakine and walked into the kitchen. First, he subconsciously looked at the location where the leftover ingredients from yesterday were stored in his memory, and then he was surprised to find that there was nothing there.

He scratched his head in confusion, if Gan Quanyou remembered well, there was still something here before he went to bed yesterday, right?

Why is it gone this morning? Kakine Teitoku shouldn't be so hungry and come here in the middle of the night to eat food so embarrassingly.

Besides, can he really eat bitter gourd as if nothing happened?

Although there is no hypoglycemia, Gan Quanyou, who got up early and was really confused, realized that in the kitchen...

There is actually a huge refrigerator!

This refrigerator is the same as the ingredients that were here last night, which didn't exist last night!


I already had some guesses in my mind, but when Ganquan Youba opened the refrigerator and saw that the refrigerator was full of various ingredients, I still felt my teeth a little sore.

He really didn't realize that Kakine Teitoku is still a foodie...

He also said that he is not a chef, so Nima treats him like a chef!

"Hurry up, we don't have much time, we have to go to the employer after breakfast."

Kakine Teitoku's voice came from outside the kitchen.Kanizumi Yu silently closed the refrigerator that was overflowing with cold air, walked out of the kitchen and looked quietly at Kakine Teitoko who had already changed his clothes and seemed to be in good spirits on happy occasions.

Being stared at by Yuu Kanizumi, Kakine Teito didn't feel anything at first, but felt a little uncomfortable after a few seconds.

"Why...why are you staring at me like that?"

"You really think of me as a chef, don't you? Where's the promised teammate?"

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