I am the celebration monster of Academy City

Page 34

"Ah this..."

"Haha, just kidding, I was scared."

With a smile on his face, Zhixiong Riko put his index finger on Gan Quanyu's forehead, and pressed Gan Quanyou back.

"If you think about it carefully, that's how I came to the hospital to pick you up a year ago, right? This time it's the other way around, and you came to pick me up."

"Uh..." Speaking of this, Gan Quanyu was a little silent. To Shikuma Rika, she probably didn't know about Evolution, the spiritual successor of Justice that had been destroyed.And since it has been destroyed, there is no reason to say it here.

Just as Gan Quanyou was about to speak, Zhixiong Science suddenly opened his mouth.

"Okay, whatever you need the WOZ armor for, I know it's an important thing to do, and now that I'm out of the hospital, I have to get back to work. Need to perfect the WOZ armor sooner rather than later. "

Getting up from the seat, Shixiong Rike picked up the fruit basket on the seat and smiled brightly at Yuu Kanizumi.

"But it's not enough to be just a fruit basket. After it's over, you have to treat me to a big meal."

"Uh..." Looking at Shikuma Riko's face, Kanizumi Yu also smiled softly.

"Okay, I'll cook myself."

Chapter 65 It's up to you

In the last test, the WOZ armor has basically been declared complete, but just like any product is not finished, it will be fine. It is necessary to manufacture a sample machine for various tests and return to the factory to determine the pure The gap between the design and the actual product finally completes a compromise between ideal and reality.

The recovery of Zhixiong Riko also represents the restart of the WOZ armor return plan.

Zhixiong Riko's body recovered, and the WOZ armor plan was restarted, and one thing in Yu Kanizumi's mind was let go.

Excluding the ability failure incidents that cannot be resolved for the time being, the only thing that is in front of us is the matter of the police.

Such a long time has passed as soon as the time is in a trance, and the longer the time, the greater the variables. Even without any urging, Gan Quanyou began to become anxious.Experience told him that it was almost the final stage.He could not delay any longer.

The rest of the time is almost entirely immersed in the work of eliminating targets.For this reason, Gan Quanyou even asked Cao Biyouli to ask the school for a few days off.

With the gradual disappearance of the desperate secondary camera surveillance images at the beginning, Gan Quanyou gradually felt that something was wrong...

In the final analysis, Jing Zhizhi is just a person, and she must exist in a certain room of a certain laboratory.

In other words, it must be possible to find a warning in a certain screen.Reality is not playing games and movie animation.

It is impossible to stop the countdown of the bomb until the last second, and there is no requirement that all the useless actions must be done in front of the drama. Only the last screen will appear as a warning.How bad is that luck?

According to common sense, no matter whether it is at the front or at the back, traces of the police can always be found when there are still a bunch of surveillance images left.


When Gan Quanyou ruled out all the pictures, he found that...

None of these!What is even more desperate than the last screen to discover Jing Ce's viewing is that all the screens have been ruled out, and there is no trace of Jing Ce's viewing.This means that all the efforts made during this period are all in vain!

If it wasn't for checking these pictures one by one by himself, but using a program to eliminate them, Gan Quanyou probably would have wondered if the program was wrong.

Even Gan Quanyou's mentality collapsed in an instant, and his subconscious punch directly exploded the computer screen.

When he came back to his senses and saw that his fist pierced through the ultra-thin computer screen, and the blackened computer screen was emitting light smoke and small sparks, Gan Quanyou burst into tears.

Throwing the broken computer screen aside, he took out his mobile phone and ordered a new screen, which was expected to be delivered in two hours.Gan Quanyou leaned on the seat and compared his eyes to calm his mind and sort out the information.

Then... He suddenly opened his eyes.

"No...it's not useless..."

Not all were useless.If these subordinate agencies and laboratories can be excluded, then it is actually intelligence itself.

When all options have been eliminated, the one that was initially ignored, or considered impossible, becomes the answer.

Talent Workshop Headquarters...

Although it is not ruled out that there are more confidential subordinate agencies and laboratories in the talent workshop, this information was bought by Kakine Teitoku with Kanizumi Yu's money.

The credibility of intelligence from darkness itself is even higher.And it's just a police policy, although it's a LV4, it definitely doesn't have the research value of LV5, so it's impossible to do that.

The reason why the headquarters of the Talent Workshop was excluded at the beginning was because the police had seen the confidential information stolen from the headquarters that would kill people. Anyone with a little brain would not put her in the headquarters.

The result now looks...

Those people in the talent workshop, rather than having no brains, might as well say they have the confidence that there is no way to escape from their custody.If that's the case, putting it in the headquarters itself is the best place to monitor it nearby.

Realizing this, Gan Quanyou immediately took out the mobile phone linkage black box and carried out a series of encryption and unlocking. Before the new computer screen was delivered, he mobilized all the TheBee lurking in different subordinate agencies and laboratories.Prepare to tentatively invade the monitoring equipment of the talent workshop headquarters.

Originally, Gan Quanyou thought this was a very difficult process, and even had to give up these TheBee in advance and prepare for anti-tracking, and then had to invest a lot of money to upgrade the equipment.

The result surprised him, and he was extremely surprised.He overestimated the talent workshop a bit too much. He thought they were a king, but they turned out to be bronze?

TheBee only took a little effort to get into the talent workshop, and successfully inserted the plug-in into the monitoring system of the talent workshop.

The success was a little too much, so that Gan Quanyou wondered if this was a strategy to lure the enemy into a deep place, until he checked a few surveillance images experimentally, and saw that there seemed to be a laboratory that was calling many girls to conduct experiments. It was confirmed to be true after discovering several laboratory screens that had been set with permissions and could not be taken over with TheBee's permissions.

Gan Quanyou, who was holding the phone in a daze for a while, silently covered his face and was crying stupidly by himself.

To put it simply, although Talent Workshop is in charge of several important experiments governing the council at the same time, he is a colossus even in the dark.But in essence...he is an experimental agency, not a spy agency, let alone a spy agency.

Although most of those experimenters were guys with weak or even no moral concepts, they were well-deserved villains and scum according to general values.But they are just researchers.

Their security agency is entrusted to a security company.

Let's talk about the defense level.To put it simply, the police saw that they were able to steal the document at the beginning, and that the artificial workshop didn't realize it until it was brought to Gan Quanyou to see it, which can explain everything.

To make an inappropriate analogy, Gan Quanyou is fighting against beginners again with the posture of fighting against experts.

You think that they are layered on top of your layer cake, but in fact they are really only on the first layer.So simple that you have been fighting wits with the air.

After the new computer screen was delivered, Gan Quanyou once again launched an investigation on the headquarters of the talent workshop. This time it was quite smooth. First, some of the confidential screens on the black screen were removed.Then search again, and it took less than 10 minutes to successfully confirm the existence of the police watch.

It was a dim room with nothing in it. Apart from the necessary survival equipment, the only thing left in the room was the compressed mixed food for surveillance and survival.

Gan Quanyou had eaten that kind of food before. To put it simply, the taste of compressed biscuits after soaking in water and swelling was dozens of times better than him.

Policeman squatted in the corner of the room and hugged his knees. He looked very embarrassed, his hair was messed up, and obvious stains could be seen on his body.

From this point of view, perhaps she has been locked in this room since she was captured back to the present.

A room with nothing like this can easily drive a person crazy.There is a similarity in the method of torture.

Gan Quanyou can't even guarantee how long he can last in the face of the same situation.

However, the warning in the picture is not like this, she still maintains a considerable amount of thinking activity and thinking.


The burning thing in those eyes made Gan Quanyou extremely uneasy.The uneasiness reached the point where the veins on his clenched fists bulged.

Once, Gan Quanyou asserted to the police that this is a girl who will go deep into the darkness if she makes a wrong step.And now, Gan Quanyou even saw her stepping into the darkness.

Gan Quanyou is now in the dark.Therefore, he absolutely does not allow the police to watch and walk in.

"I have confirmed your location, which means I have entered the final chapter. As long as the last piece of the puzzle is completed, I can bring you back."

Recording the location and address in his mind and engraving it on the Advent Calendar, Gan Quanyou deleted all the information on the computer, and destroyed all the information in an absolutely irrecoverable and destructive manner.

Then he took out his cell phone and called Shikuma Riko.

So much time has passed, it is reasonable to say that the WOZ armor has been completed and then debugged. Why hasn't Shikuma Riko contacted him until now?

"Yu? Just in time, we are also planning to contact you. During the readjustment process, some unsolvable problems have arisen. It seems that you must be present to continue."

Shikuma Rika's slightly tired voice came from the phone.

Chapter 66 An Induction I Can't Refuse

"what is the problem?"

"It's too pale to describe it with words alone, so let's go directly to the scene."

Without any delay, Gan Quanyou took a taxi directly to the laboratory. When he arrived at the laboratory, he saw Zhixiong Science waiting there. Under the leadership of Zhixiong Science, the two went deep into the laboratory.

The WOZ armor is the last puzzle for Gan Quanyou to rescue the police, and it is also the last hope for now.

To put it simply, Saijinbo is different from Evolution. Evolution Omizumi and Kakine Teito didn't even have to do anything at all. They just revealed some basic information to the Hounds, and then they were destroyed.

But the talent workshop is different. First of all, his body is too big, and he is in charge of several important experiments governing the council at the same time, which is tantamount to avoiding death.

On the surface, the official forces will not touch the talent workshop, but in the dark, the talent workshop is still a giant, and fighting against the talent workshop is almost equivalent to fighting against the governing council, so even if it is published There is no dark organization that will take up the task.

When the black and white roads were sealed off, the only person left in front of Kanizumi Yu was Kakine Teito, the second.

But no, Kakine Teito cannot make a move.Kakine Teito is both the second and Anbe, and the positioning itself is very delicate.

If he personally ends up attacking Talent Workshop, more things will undoubtedly be implicated, and even run wild in an uncontrollable direction.

Therefore, Kakine Teitoku couldn't make a move, not to mention that Kakine Teitoku made it clear from the beginning that he had no interest in the talent workshop, and he was even less interested in the police.

However, although Kakine Teitoku would not take the initiative to act, he made it clear that he would endorse Kanizumi Yu.

In other words, as long as Gan Quanyou can successfully take away the police policy, then Kakine Teito will see the right time to end and intervene with the talent workshop.

At that time the meaning was different.The second one was not "attempting to launch a terrorist attack on the talent workshop", but chose to negotiate for the "existence of concern" of his subordinates.

At that time, I believe that Saijin Workshop will also give Kakine Teito a little face.

After all, purely in terms of experimental value, the experimental value of the Weiyuan substance is much higher than that of the police.After all, this is the second place.Researchers are not politicians, they value the value of experiments more.

Then, Gan Quanyou was the only one who could act in the end.After all, in the final analysis, he is the only one in this academy city who cares so much about the police.

He is obviously the scum in the darkness, but he looks like a hero fighting alone.

It's ridiculous to think about it.

If possible, Gan Quanyou really wanted to rescue the policeman as quickly as possible without any other torture. The room with nothing in it was the most terrible punishment in itself.

And now Zhixiong Science tells him that there is another problem with the WOZ armor. Even though he knows that the experiment itself is a process of trial and error and there is no possibility of it being completed overnight, Yu Ganizumi still can't help being anxious.

As if aware of Gan Quanyou's impatience, Zhixiong Science was considerate and didn't talk too much, but silently quickened his pace, and walked into the experiment site with Gan Quanyou.

It was still the same place as last time, but this time there was a huge gantry in the middle, and a complete WOZ armor was placed in the gantry.

There are many experimenters around the armor, and data is constantly being refreshed on the screens around Ganaku.

He took a tablet from the table next to him, and after clicking twice casually, Zhixiong Rike handed the tablet to Yu Kanizumi.

"Just to explain, the last runaway was because we got the basic law of Weiyuan matter wrong. The most basic rule of the material provided to us by Weiyuan matter is "only applicable to Gan Quanyu himself", and the core we adopted The calculation method is a "universal framework", so there is a conflict in the basic rules and it triggers a rampage.This time we modified it. "

Gan Quanyou looked down at the data on the tablet, and the tablet used two frames on the left and right to compare the modified places.Although it was a bit difficult to read, Gan Quanyou could still understand most of the data and content.

"This time we modified the basic level on this basis and turned it into "WOZ armor that only Yuu Omizumi can use".

But something went wrong while importing your AIM core data.It has an incompatibility.

Later, we checked the library, and it seems that your current core data has undergone slight changes. Your laboratory refused to provide relevant data, so we can only let you come directly to collect it on-site. "

When he said this, Shikuma Riko had a weird expression on his face.

How should I put it, the WOZ armor itself is just an exoskeleton covering armor.Even if Kakine Teito provided materials that did not exist in this world, it was just a product of technology.

As long as the development process is reasonable and scientific, even if the imported data is different from the current one, and there are subtle changes, there will be no incompatibility. This phenomenon is directly resolved behind the scenes.

The performance of the current WOZ armor seems to be bound to Gan Quanyu himself after the last rampage.

It has reached synchronization with Gan Quanyou's own state.It seems that all changes to the data are side branches, and only Yu Ganquan is the real core.

This is a bit unscientific, on the contrary, it is like the corresponding artifact in mythology.As Gungnir is to Odin, Mjolnir is to Thor.

Although he did not participate in the specific development of the WOZ armor, Yu Ganquan has been paying attention to the progress, and his relationship with Shikuma Science is extraordinary, so his understanding of this armor is not much less than that of Shikuma Science.When Shikuma Science said this, Gan Quanyu understood what Shikuma Science meant.

Putting down the tablet, Kanizumi frowned towards the WOZ armor placed there.

Suddenly, the light bands on the originally peaceful WOZ armor burst into green light.His eyes instantly lit up.Looking at the armor, Gan Quanyou was shocked suddenly.

A strange feeling emerged from the bottom of his heart, as if he had an inseparable connection with the armor itself.

This feeling is getting stronger and stronger, Gan Quanyou can even feel some kind of strong call from the WOZ armor, and the light belt of the WOZ armor is getting brighter and brighter.

The abrupt situation made all the experimenters around move to the limit.Zhixiong Science also called out to Kanizumu with some anxiety.

Zhixiong Riko didn't know if the last experiment was an illusion. She seemed to have come into contact with a completely different field from before.The powerlessness in the unfamiliar field made her somewhat uneasy.

"Help me with this."

Casually stuffing the tablet in his hand to Shikuma Riko, Yu Kanizumi came to the front of the WOZ armor step by step.

As if two people were looking at each other, Kanizumi Yu and WOZ Armor faced each other.Finally, Gan Quanyou slowly raised his hand and touched the chest of WOZ armor.

At this time, in the upper observation room, a large golden retriever carrying an external connection device like a backpack looked down at Gan Quanyu.

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