I am the celebration monster of Academy City

Page 36

Chapter 69 Into the talent workshop

Gan Quanyou got out of the car at a distance from the talent workshop, and then carefully approached the talent workshop.

I ate a lot of energy bars.In addition to resting for a while in the taxi, Gan Quanyou has now recovered some strength.

According to the information seen on the mobile phone in the car, the manpower used for external security in the talent workshop has been reduced to the limit, and there are even some gaps in patrolling.

Maybe it's just a short-term personnel call for them, and there will be no problem, after all, no one has ever rushed to the tower before.

Because it has not appeared before, so now let your guard down.

This is a normal thought.

Gan Quanyou has the picture sent back by TheBee in his hand. He clearly knows the other party's patrol route, and even more clearly knows the location of each camera.

There is no way to fix the camera, nor can the camera with permissions added, but the ordinary camera TheBee plug-in can still be controlled to a certain extent.

There is no replacement screen, no forced shutdown, all TheBee does is deflect the camera at a subtle angle.It's not even an operation to hack into a camera surveillance system.

However, even this subtle angle deflection also opened up a blind spot for Gan Quanyou to monitor.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, Gan Quanyou finally found a chance, and successfully mixed into the talent workshop.

Although he has been to the talent workshop once in the past, Gan Quanyou is definitely not familiar with the talent workshop. After he mixed into the talent workshop, he had to act cautiously, relying on the monitoring on his mobile phone to avoid those who were active in the building. guard.

After all, there was an accident inside the experimental building, and it was understandable for them to break away from their usual activity route and act in an even more unpredictable route.

The good thing is that the external defense level has been reduced to the lowest level, but the bad thing is that you must be careful inside the laboratory, otherwise you may encounter the guards if you are not careful.

The interior of the talent workshop is the same as most of the laboratories. It hardly has any aesthetic design, and everything is based on practicality.

But on the other hand, it means that there are more or less overlaps in this kind of laboratory.This is helpful to Gan Quanyu who often goes in and out of the laboratory.

According to the police strategy, it was locked in a room at the lower part of the main part of the talent workshop, while the "inner evolution" was at a higher place.The result of this difference is that the further you go, the fewer people you will meet.

Instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs.Gan Quanyou gradually approached the room where Police Watch was located.

Raising his head and looking at the floor, Gan Quanyou nodded, making sure it was this floor.Gan Quanyou, who was leaning against the wall, stretched out his hand and carefully opened the single door leading out of the stairs.

In the end, it was only a little distance away. With a muffled sound, there was a small round hole on the single iron door, and on the wall directly behind the small round hole... there was also a small round hole. .


Someone is still here, and is still waiting for him to get out!If he let his guard down, the bullet would have passed by his scalp!

The opponent's shooting is based on the adult's heart. Although it may be better to shoot the brain, but the opponent can know that they have not grasped the real appearance of the intruder after making this judgment, so they temporarily use the adult Humans serve as templates for attacks.

Even if Gan Quanyou is only a second-year junior high school student, in terms of height alone, even if you go out and open the door just now, you just let the bullets fly for a while, but this kind of person is waiting for you outside the door, just waiting for you to open the door The horror of shooting you still made Gan Quanyou break out in a cold sweat!

"Why... I clearly avoided everyone, I shouldn't have been discovered!"

Gan Quanyou's mind could not restrain such thoughts.

"Come out, it doesn't make any sense to hide anymore, we have already obtained the information that there is indeed an intruder, whether it is above or below, someone is approaching you, you can't run away anymore .”

A man's voice came from outside the door, the voice was very cold, just by hearing the voice, one could tell that the other party was a professional.

"How did you find me?"

Of course, Gan Quanyou would not go out in a foolish way, he suppressed his voice, and asked in a low voice that was as cold as an adult's.

Although the other party's words may be somewhat tentative, but from the fact that he just opened a crack and the other party shot, it can be judged that they are indeed aware of their own existence.So there is no point in hiding any more, after all his goal is here.

This is a rescue battle, not an escape battle.The initiative is in the opponent's hands.

Moreover, Gan Quanyou's words also carried a sense of temptation.

"The monitoring room found that the monitoring screen had an abnormal displacement, and the combination of the moved screens can form a monitoring blind spot leading to the interior.

Therefore, we judge that someone sneaked in at this time.And the destination is here.This experiment accident was probably done by you or the people behind you. "

Gan Quanyou gritted his teeth silently, the other party...

is professional...

Indeed, they transferred their personnel to the third laboratory, but because of the possibility of external forces causing the experiment to fail from the very beginning, they did not relax their vigilance at all.What is shown is actually a tactical strategy of loosening on the outside and tightening on the inside.

Excessive attention to the big shots and even the capable people above made Yu Ganquan ignore these "ordinary people" experts.

This may be the arrogance naturally born of the ability users in Academy City under the control of the prototype.

"Give up resistance and you still have the possibility of surviving. If you resist again, we will shoot you."

The voice outside the door did not approach, but Gan Quanyou knew that there could not be only one person outside the door, and other than the person shouting, the others must be carefully approaching this side.

However, the other party should also take into account whether he is carrying a gun or is a powerful user, so he should not act rashly.

Thinking about it, Gan Quanyou decided to temporarily abandon this path and change the route to break through from other routes.Now that the enemy has the advantage, it is too bad for him.

However, before he could move, there were hurried footsteps both on and off the stairs.

The other party didn't lie to him. After confirming his existence, the other party did immediately launch a siege operation.

Gan Quanyou reached out and took out the driver from behind, but put it back after a moment of hesitation.

Just like abilities, if you are not sure 100% useful, you can use it or not.

Only when there is no way to retreat can it be taken out for the last fight.Otherwise, if you pin your life on something uncertain, there may be no problems once or twice, but if you do it too many times, you will definitely overturn.

The footsteps from up and down were getting closer and closer, Gan Quanyou finally made up his mind, put his toes against the door, and then kicked the door open with all his strength.

The whole person was half bent and rushed out of the door!

The opponent has always regarded him as an adult or a college student-level opponent. This is the mistake made by the opponent.If you can make good use of this misunderstanding, you may be able to win a little initiative.

After all, for these "experts", they may not think that the "junior high school" students in Academy City are the type that does not rely on "ability" but relies more on "skills".

This is also the prejudice and misinterpretation of "ordinary people" towards "capable people".

And Gan Quanyou's prediction was good, the two in front of the door, the two behind, and the last man in a black suit standing far away did not expect that it was just a child who was fighting wits with them.

Gan Quanyou's overly mature and familiar words and actions and his deliberately changed voice successfully misled them.

Gan Quanyou kicked the door open and they subconsciously pointed the pistols in their hands forward. What appeared was not the tall man as expected, but another existence that jumped out like a mouse.

After winning the upper hand, Gan Quanyou unceremoniously used a sweeping kick against the two people in front to knock them down.

When two people fell to the ground and the three people behind him reacted, he reached out and snatched the pistol of one of them, and turned around as if throwing himself into the arms of a man in black behind him.

The gun was aimed at his chest, and with Peng's gunshot, the man in black also became his human shield.

Indeed, the other party is professional.But Gan Quanyou is also professional.

He is a talent who can deal with the receiving troops and counter-kill them.

Chapter 70 Henshin——

Even if Gan Quan has the upper hand, even if Gan Quanyou's ability is indeed beyond the expectations of these bodyguards, even if Gan Quanyou has tried his best to get rid of them as soon as possible.

But when the fifth person fell softly on the ground as if a bone had been pulled from Gan Quanyou's hands, there were still noisy footsteps behind Gan Quanyou. He rushed out from the entrance of the corridor, guarding himself there.

Still carrying the blood of the five downed bodyguards on his body, Gan Quanyou slowly turned around with a pistol in his hand.

At a glance, you can see seventeen bodyguards in black suits, divided into three rows and well-trained, pointing pistols at Gan Quanyou.

The pistols in their hands are not the kind of guards who can only shoot plastic bullets, at best, they can only make the punks feel so painful that they can't die.Instead, it can really fire bullets that can take people's lives.

Because he took it and shot the same bullet at five people just a few seconds ago, Gan Quanyou knew it clearly.

Gan Quanyou didn't want to try to rush up and deal with them as if he had dealt with these five people.

First, there were more of them than he could handle.

Second, having five companions fall in front of him, this is the greatest warning to them, warning them not to underestimate the child in front of them, otherwise they are very likely to end up in the same end.So the first-mover advantage has also been lost.

"Do not move!"

A man in black in the middle of the first row yelled at Gan Quanyou.

His eyes skipped over the five companions lying on the ground.Although these companions were all lying on the ground as if they were dead, and their bodies were all pierced.But none of the injuries were fatal, in other words, they were not dead.

Gan Quanyou certainly has the strength to kill these five people.But if they were really killed, then the seventeen black-clothed bodyguards didn't just point guns at him and issue stern warnings, but shot him directly.

After all, after all, they are not dead soldiers of the talent workshop, they are just hired security companies.

Among the basic tasks of defending the talent workshop, it is inevitable that "the safety of one's own people" will be put at the top of the list.As long as things are not done absolutely, there is the possibility of negotiation.

Gan Quanyou really stopped turning around, and looked at the seventeen men in black from a sideways posture.

"Throw away the gun in your hand."

Just looking at the wounds of the five people on the ground, they knew that this kid was also a master at using guns, at least he had undergone professional training.

Firearms falling into Gan Quanyou's hands are killing weapons.It is different from falling into the hands of some laymen who have never touched a gun.

Without resistance, Gan Quanyou casually threw the pistol at the talking man, and the pistol slid on the ground until it touched the talking man's shoes before stopping.

Following this action, the men in black finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It doesn't matter whether you have anything to do with the commotion above or sneaked in because of other reasons. But at this point, you should also know that you have failed. Just surrender here. After that, we still have the possibility of negotiating exist."

The man in black spoke to Gan Quanyou in a tone that seemed to be talking to an "insider", and his words seemed to be hinting at something.

Although he has never been in contact with the "insider" implied by the tone of the man in black.

But after a little guessing, Gan Quanyou understood that these men regarded him as a killer who sneaked into Academy City from outside Academy City and tried to steal confidential information.

Anti-school capital armed forces.Spy abroad.Separatism is all forces.wait--

These also exist in this learning capital, but these existences generally do not come into contact with the students, or even if they come into contact with the students, they will not know.

These existences will be cleaned up by corresponding experts afterwards.Frankly speaking, if it wasn't for fighting wits and courage with these guys and temporarily breaking through the limitations of the prototype control, Gan Quanyou might not have thought of this answer.

However, this group of men in black didn't realize that this was Academy City.Just as the five men who were knocked down had the illusion that Gan Quanyou was an adult opponent at first.

Gan Quanyou used physical skills and firearms to bring down the five people, causing wrong hints to the seventeen latecomers.

That is, Kanizumi Yu is also a "professional" hired from outside Academy City just like them.

If they can abandon this kind of "common sense" like Yu Ganquan, they will definitely warn whether Yu Ganquan has terrible superpowers, or possesses next-generation weapons exclusive to Academy City.

After all, Gan Quanyou's age happened to be the age at which Academy City could develop superpowers.

"There is no other way. At this time, it seems that there is no way to resist."

Gan Quanyou made a sound like giving up, his body was no longer tense, but relaxed.

"Sound Judgment."

This is how the man in black commented on Gan Quanyou.

"But, you said you gave up just now, right?"

Gan Quanyou, who was leaning sideways, suddenly moved, and he turned his body to the men in black, exposing all his weaknesses as if he was using himself as a target.

With his left hand, he inexplicably felt a large bright green object stuck on his waist. He slowly raised his right hand and pressed the device in his hand. The device issued a slightly harsh and inexplicable "WOZ——" sound.

"That can't be done. The person I want to save is on the other side of the door a few steps away from me. How can it be possible if you tell me to give up here? Today the police will see that I can be saved, and Jesus can't stay." Stop her, I said!"

Buckle the dial on the belt with the backhand, and the "Action" prompt sounded from the belt. With this prompt sound, the melodious and brisk electronic rhythm echoed in the aisle.

Without anyone's prompting, the group of men in black finally realized their fatal mistake. With the first gunshot, successive shots sounded, and the bullets shot at Gan Quanyou's body one after another. Shooting without mercy.

However, it was too late.

It seems to be an invisible field, like a perfect enchantment.

Behind Gan Quanyou, a bright green electronic curtain unfolded, and a projection of the cover of a certain book could be seen in the curtain.

And beside Gan Quanyou, he was surrounded by countless green fluorescent lines.These fluorescent lines constitute an absolute wall of defense, and all bullets shot above these fluorescent lines will lose all kinetic energy and power and fall to the ground, making continuous crisp sounds.


With a slight push forward with his right hand, the pull bar on the right side of the belt was pushed by Yu Ganquan, completing the docking with the main body of the belt.

He stretched out his hand to the bodyguards in black who kept shooting.

"Projection! FutureTime!"

Chapter 71 I am WOZ, Kamen Rider WOZ. Creator of the future

"Projection! FutureTime!"

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