I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 52

Chapter 52: If You Don’T Go, You’Re Not A Brother

Chapter 52 If you don’t go, you’re not a brother

“Report! The first team mission is complete!”

“Report! The sixth team task is completed!”


Lin City is located in a remote area in the south. A soldier in a military uniform stood upright. They formed a square array, and there were still lines of teams running behind!

A middle-aged man in plainclothes stood quietly in front of the phalanx. His slightly weathered face showed how handsome he was when he was young.

As the last line entered the queue, the middle-aged man looked at the tiger-like men with guns in front of him, and smiled a little.

“Cough, have the tasks been completed? The leader of each group will come out!”

Snapped! despair!

As his voice fell, one person in each row of the square in front of him stepped forward, and then walked to the middle-aged man one after another!

“Have you completed your mission! Tell me!”

“Report! Done!” The six people shouted in unison.



“What if not?”

“At your disposal!”

The iron-blooded will of the soldiers was condensed in their hearts, and they answered the question of this middle-aged man without thinking.

The man’s face sank after hearing this, and he strode forward, walking towards the team leader standing beside the six.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

He walked all the way down and gave each of the six of them a slap. Looking at the dissatisfaction in their eyes, he said, “What? Are you dissatisfied?”

“Report sir, yes!”

“Okay, okay! Don’t you agree? Tell me, what is our mission?”

“Clean up the surrounding foreign objects! Establish a safe area! Protect the people and the country!”

“Is that done?”

“Report! Done!”

“Wrong! We haven’t finished it! There are still many zombies outside, you tell me it’s finished?”

“How many people are still tormented by those monsters? Our mission is more than that! Only by clearing all the zombies can we truly complete the mission. I know that many of you have softened in the process of carrying out the mission. It should be that those monsters used to be too. People, you think they will become human again, but, just the day before yesterday, I received news that experts who research antidote have not developed an antidote for the time being. Now, the living people are still the most important! We want to let go of their lives. In the first place! Do you know? Look at how many people were there when you left, and how many are there now? The third group will come back with two people! You can see the ferocity of those monsters! A qualified soldier is the last thing he should have Sympathy, now in the end times, you shouldn’t even have it!”

“Your casualties are huge, and you have to mourn for your dead comrades! At this time, we can no longer treat those monsters as human beings! We want to treat them as our enemies, the softer you are! The more you will be killed! People! Do you understand? Promise me!”

“Yes!” The six people and everyone behind them replied loudly, but despite this, they looked at this middle-aged man with strong dissatisfaction in their eyes!

For them, this middle-aged man is just a helpless scientist. In the world where the strong are respected as soldiers, he is more than a mention!

The identity of a scientist is certainly worthy of respect, but suddenly they are airborne to manage them. There are a thousand people in their hearts who are not convinced, but there is nothing they can do. This person has no idea what luck, whether it is strength or explosive power, surpasses countless ordinary people. For two days he also showed his tremendous power to lift a car with one hand in front of them!

There are many people like this, some call them evolutionaries, others call them new humans! The research team temporarily established by the state also has no reasonable explanation for the sudden increase in the explosive power of ordinary people, only a guess.

The middle-aged man looked at the soldiers in front of him and understood what they meant, so he continued: “I know you look down on me and think I’m just a lucky guy, not qualified to manage you and educate you! But we The goal is the same! It’s ugly, I don’t care about your life or death, so please respect yourselves!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the middle-aged man turned around and left the field. He entered an army green tent, and a non-commissioned officer in a military uniform looked at him and said to him respectfully, “How is it, is it alright? ”

“Well.” The middle-aged man replied, and then said, “Where’s the No. 1 Shenjia?”

“It’s been repaired, it’s in the supply box!” The sergeant pointed to a blue box full of technology and said.

The middle-aged man nodded, walked over and opened the box to take out a silver-white belt. After looking at it carefully, he put it on his body. With a sound similar to a Transformers “click”, the belt stretched out. Rows of short, sharp barbs stuck on his body.

The middle-aged man looked at it and felt that there was no problem, then said to the non-commissioned officer: “When will the support of the large troops arrive?”

“It will take about a week. They are opening the road between Yangcheng and Linshi. It is said that there is a second-order zombie over there. Now the casualties are quite heavy!”

The middle-aged man frowned tightly and said, “It’s so slow, I can’t wait, I just want to see my daughter now, even if she’s turned into a zombie, I want to see her!” Go outside the area.

“Ning Tianlang, where are you going?”

“Kill zombies!” Ning Tianlang said without looking back!

“You go, I stay here!”

“No! Die together!”

Two voices rang out in a dim alley, both of them were wearing dirty military uniforms.

“Get out of here! Go away!”

“Why? Zhang Long! Why are you staying here, we two brothers will die together!”

“Get out of here, you **** brother, get out! Get out!” Zhang Long roared at Bai Qunchao in front of him, his eyes full of anxiety.

“No, I’m not going, and if I want to go, I’m going together! Get up for me!” Bai Qunchao grabbed Zhang Long’s one and wanted to pull him up!

“What are you doing, go away, I beg you, I’ve been bitten, it’s useless, go away, don’t you want to see your parents, you give me life!” Zhang Long looked at Bai Qunchao and put himself Only the sleeve was pulled up, and there was a clear **** bite mark on his forearm.

“What!” Bai Qunchao stared at the wound on his arm, his face froze. “I……”

“What are you doing, you go! I can’t go anymore, let’s go!”

“I…I’m not leaving! I’m going to die together!”

“Go away! You’re going to die, and I won’t let you go even as a ghost. If you don’t leave, we’re not brothers!”

(end of this chapter)

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