I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 699: Nana's First Anime Promotion

Chapter 699: Nana's First Anime Promotion

The first light of dawn filtered through the thin curtains of Ozawa Nana's small bedroom, casting a gentle glow over the simple space. The room was modestly furnished, with a single bed, a small desk, and a bookshelf filled with well-worn manga volumes and a few treasured books on voice acting. On the desk, a recently bought microphone, headphones, a laptop, and other voice-acting devices were neatly arranged-tools of the trade that had become her lifeline over the past few months.

Nana stirred beneath her covers, her eyes fluttering open as she slowly adjusted to the early morning light. Today was a special day-one that she had dreamed of for years. It was the day of PrimCon, where she would be promoting the very first anime she had worked on: Sword Art Online. A rush of excitement coursed through her as she remembered the schedule ahead. This was her first big break in the voice acting industry, and the thought of standing alongside more experienced actors at such a major event made her heart race.

She sat up in bed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she glanced at the clock on her bedside table. It was just past 5:00 AM, early enough to give her plenty of time to prepare. Nana had always been an early riser, a habit ingrained in her from the years she spent juggling school, part-time jobs, and voice acting lessons. Even now, after having secured her first professional role, she couldn't shake the feeling that every minute counted and that she needed to continue pushing herself to improve.

With a deep breath, Nana threw off the covers and swung her legs over the side of the bed. The wooden floor was cold beneath her feet, but she didn't mind. It was a small discomfort compared to the challenges she had faced to get to this point. She padded over to her desk and turned on the small mirror light, gazing at her reflection as she mentally ran through the day's plans.

"Okay, Nana," she whispered to herself, her voice steady but tinged with nervousness. "You've got this. Today's your chance to show everyone what you're made of."

She pulled out a carefully folded set of clothes from her closet-a simple yet elegant outfit that she had chosen specifically for today. It wasn't flashy, but it was professional, and that was what mattered most to her. After dressing, she brushed her long, dark hair and tied it back into a neat ponytail, making sure she looked presentable for the day ahead.

Her thoughts drifted to her parents, who were still asleep in the adjacent room. They had always been her biggest supporters, even when money was tight and the future uncertain. Nana knew how hard they worked to keep their family afloat, and it was one of the reasons she had taken on part-time jobs throughout high school-to lessen the financial burden on them as she pursued her dream. Now, with her earnings from the studio, she was finally able to contribute more significantly to the household. But still, she dreamed of one day moving her family out of their cramped apartment and into a more comfortable home.

Quietly, she stepped out of her room and made her way to the small kitchen. The apartment was quiet, the only sound being the soft hum of the refrigerator. Nana began to prepare a simple breakfast, mindful of the need to fuel herself for the long day ahead. As she cracked eggs into a pan and set the kettle to boil, she couldn't help but smile. Today would be the first time she would meet so many fans of Sword Art Online, and the thought of it filled her with both excitement and trepidation.

Nana's mind wandered back to the moment she had received the call from Tokyo Studios, informing her that she had been selected for a minor role in the anime adaptation. She remembered the way her heart had nearly leaped out of her chest, the disbelief that had washed over her. After so many failed auditions, she had finally broken through. And it wasn't just any anime-Sword Art Online was shaping up to be a major hit, at least that was what she thought. The fact that she was involved, even in a small capacity, was nothing short of a dream come true.

But what was even more unbelievable was that after this anime production ended, she already had a much bigger job scheduled. A few days ago, Rio warned her that the Naruto Anime Production had just started in Elffire City that she should get ready, and that in the next couple of months, she would probably start the biggest role of her career.

She was extremely nervous about voicing the main character of such a big anime, so she tried to not think about it and just live the moment of her first voice-acting job in the Sword Art Online anime.

As she finished cooking, she set the table with care, placing the food down before tiptoeing to her parents' room. She gently knocked on the door and waited for a moment before hearing a groggy voice from within.

"Nana, is that you?" her mother called out softly.

"Yes, Mom," Nana replied, her voice just above a whisper. "I made breakfast. You should eat before you head out."

A moment later, the door creaked open, and her parents emerged, still dressed in their pajamas, her mother's hair slightly disheveled from sleep. Despite the early hour, her mother smiled warmly at her daughter, a smile that spoke of pride and love.

"Thank you, Nana," her mother said as she joined her at the table. "You didn't have to, you know. You have such a big day ahead of you."

"Good morning, little princess." her father said with a doting voice.

"I know, but I wanted to, good morning to you two," Nana replied, sitting down across from her. "It's the least I can do. You guys have done so much for me."

Her mother reached out and squeezed Nana's hand. "We're so proud of you, Nana. You've worked so hard, and now you're seeing the fruits of that labor. I know today will be just the beginning of great things for you."

Nana smiled, her heart swelling with emotion. "Thanks, Mom. I just... I want to make you and Dad proud. I want to do well today."

"You will," her mother assured her. "Just be yourself, and everything will fall into place." As they ate together, they talked about the upcoming day, with Nana's mother offering words of encouragement. Despite her calm demeanor, Nana could feel the butterflies in her stomach, a mix of nerves and excitement that only grew stronger as the minutes ticked by. But her mother's words gave her strength, reminding her of the support system she had in her


After breakfast, her parents got changed for another day of work at the factory, shortly later they emerged from the bedroom, already dressed for their long day of work.

"Good luck today, Nana," her father said simply.

"Thanks, Dad," Nana replied, her voice full of warmth. "I'll do my best."

With the morning routine complete, Nana gathered her things and prepared to head out. Her bag was packed with everything she needed for the day, including a small script that she planned to review on the subway ride to Kizuna Hall. She was determined to be as prepared as possible, not wanting to leave anything to chance.

Before leaving, she turned to her parents and gave them each a hug. "I'll see you tonight," she said, her voice filled with determination. "And I'll tell you all about it."

"We'll be waiting," her mother replied, smiling.

With that, Nana stepped out into the early morning light, the city slowly coming to life around her. The cherry blossoms were just beginning to bloom, their delicate pink petals a sign of the changing season. It was a beautiful day in Sakura City, and as Nana made her way to the subway station, she felt a renewed sense of purpose. Today was the beginning of something new, a chance to prove herself in the world she had always dreamed of being a part


The subway ride was filled with a mix of people-some heading to work, others, like Nana, making their way to PrimCon. The excitement was palpable, and Nana couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with the other passengers, many of whom were likely anime fans just like her. As the train approached her stop, she took a deep breath, steeling herself for what lay


When she finally arrived at Kizuna Hall, the sight before her took her breath away. The convention center was massive, its glass façade gleaming in the morning sun. The entrance was already bustling with activity, with fans and industry professionals alike gathering for the day's events. Nana could see banners and posters for various anime series, including Sword Art Online, prominently displayed. The realization that she was a part of this world, even in a small way, filled her with a sense of awe.

As she made her way inside through the staff entrance and made it to the studio's stand, she was greeted by a member of the studio's staff, who handed her a schedule for the day. There were interviews, panel discussions, and autograph sessions lined up, all of which would culminate in the premiere of the Sword Art Online trailer. Nana's heart raced as she scanned the list, her nerves returning in full force.

But as she took a deep breath and stepped further into the convention center, she reminded herself of the journey that had brought her here. The countless hours of practice, the part- time jobs, the rejections-all of it had led to this moment. And now, it was time to seize the opportunity and make her mark.

With her head held high and her heart full of determination, Ozawa Nana walked into the world of PrimCon, ready to embrace whatever the day had in store.

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