I am Tyson

Chapter 51 - 3 wins, still ending

Tyson walked back and forth on the boxing ring, his eyes fixed on Span.

Span was also in full condition and looked at him with hatred.

Just like Kus said, when they reached the boxing ring they stood on the opposite side and everything became real.

After the field cut, they called the two together.

After talking about the same non-nutritive, Tyson and Span fists.

As the field manager’s hand waved, he shouted the beginning slogan.

Tyson lowered his body slightly, his fists held his chin, and began to move forward.

Like him, Span did the same.

The two met immediately.

There is no temptation, it is upright.

Span’s continuous swinging fist was escaped by Tyson rocker.

The distance is getting closer.

The uppercut after Tyson’s rocker arm hit Span’s abdomen, making the opponent’s pace slower.

Span ’s upper hook counterattack counterfeit action was timely and smoothly passed back, avoiding Tyson ’s next combo punch.

Immediately after Span pressed in again, the combination of straight punches and uppercuts did not cause trouble to Tyson.

Tyson’s textbook-like rocker arm plus counterattack hit Span’s face.

However, due to Span’s dodge action, this punch did not hit.

After was hit, he still chose to go backwards quickly, pulling away and pushing in again.

This time, he became more cautious, choosing three tentative jabs, plus a combination of straight punches and uppercuts.

Tyson is still able to escape and counterattack the opponent’s ribs.

This time Span did a retrograde fake move, and at the same time a very concealed uppercut went straight to Tyson’s temple.

Tyson noticed that the uppercut was too late, and blocking was no longer realistic.

In response to instinct, he dodge the rocker arm toward the side and back in the same direction.

‘S fist directly hit Tyson’s eyebrow and opened a mouth.

Tyson felt a hot eyebrow, knowing that bleeding had begun.

Span’s attack did not stop. After he remembered that the uppercut was not hit, his body swayed, and the continuous uppercut aimed at Tyson’s chin.

Although Tyson was opened, his state was not affected. On the contrary, bloodshed stimulated his murderousness.

This is the first time he has bleed on a boxing ring.

After the rocker arm escaped the opponent’s continuous offensive, Tyson looked at the opportunity and directly hit the rib of the left fist, and within a second came an upper left hand uppercut.

Wanting to hit two strong uppercuts in the same direction within one second is not a simple matter.

Span’s defense was immediately problematic.

He quickly backed away and wanted to open the distance, but Tyson was like a tarsal gangrene. He followed up and punched Span’s chin with a chasing back.

Span couldn’t stand for a moment, lying on the ground on all fours.

Tyson stopped chasing and turned his head neatly back to his rope corner.

Field cut intervention starts the countdown.

Span stood up and said there was no problem.

The referee started the game again.

Tyson pressed in and used a tentative force to punch the opponent’s face.

Span fists blocked, his body moved back to escape the attack.

Tyson presses up again, and at the same time moves the foot and the rocker arm to perform the left and right left and right strikes.

Span was beaten back and forth, but he was still able to hit two punches from time to time, making Tyson dare not chase too much.

Most of the first round has passed, Span’s condition has recovered a lot, he started to punch carefully and do some defensive counterattacks.

Span’s tactical change made Tyson’s face a punch, and the blood of the eyebrow bow had begun to affect his sight.

With half a minute left in the first round, Tyson suddenly made a straight line and suddenly punched **** Span’s chin.

This next Span caused a lot of damage, and there was a symptom of concussion directly. The steps became messy instantly, like drunk, shaking back and forth.

Tyson caught up, and the left and right uppercuts took turns to greet his head.

Span wandered back and forth on the boxing platform, trying to avoid Tyson’s attack, but the effect was not great, and he quickly took a few punches.

His condition is even worse, it seems that he may fall down at any time.

In order to prevent the boxer from getting more injured, the referee directly intervened and blocked in the middle of Tyson and Span.

However, Tyson played too hard, did not pay attention to the referee’s intervention, directly punched on the referee’s back, almost KO off even the referee.

All the audience present suddenly burst into exclamation.

The referee gestured at Tyson while holding up Span.

Looks like this again: Do n’t come!

The punch just made him very uncomfortable. He was afraid that Tyson would give him a second one, because it would fall directly on the boxing platform and leave.

Tyson spread his two gloves apologetically.

Span leaned against the rope, his chest undulated violently, and his eyes were unfocused and unfocused.

The field player tolerated the pain in the back and waved his hands to tell everyone that the game was over.

The scene was full of joy, with whistling and shouting.

TV commentator A: “Oh, my God, it’s so wonderful ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ B:” These are two real fighters, all of whom fought in the opening, it was simply wonderful and impressive. “

甲: “Yeah, they did, the game didn’t enter the second round, let me see … there are twelve seconds left, which is incredible.”

B: “The scene was boiling. They saw a **** game. This is the most exciting game so far. If the players behind are not fighting hard enough, I am afraid this will be the most exciting game except the championship station.”

Jimmy and Bill rushed into the ring, Jimmy wiped the blood from Tyson’s face with a towel, and Bill smeared Vaseline for him.

Bill smeared and said, “You are great, Mike, you are driving everyone crazy.”

Jimmy also echoed: “Yes, this is incredible, they (the audience) understand who is the real beast and who is the protagonist.”

Tyson took off the gloves with the help of the two, extended a finger to the audience under the field, and rotated at the same time, so that everyone could see his finger and his face.

He meant to tell everyone that it was still a round to end the game, as he promised with his fingers at the weighing site.

Field cut called the two players together.

Span’s footsteps were a bit staggered, it seems that he hasn’t fully recovered.

The referee then announced Tyson’s victory.

Tyson walked in front of Span, patted the other person ’s spine, gave him a hug, and said, “Brother, you are tough, you are causing me trouble.”

Span is not a loser. He also patted Tyson’s back and said: “No, you are stronger, you will have a better chance, you deserve all the games.”

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