I am Tyson

Chapter 66 - Who is the master of disaster

Renard Jonson came to the center of the boxing ring, and then beckoned two boxers to come to him.

Henry stopped warming up and walked to the side of Jonson.

Tyson stared at his opponent, standing on the other side of Jonson.

“This is a fair and just game …”

After the unanimous opening statement, Jonson gestured for the two to hit a punch.

Tyson stretched out his glove, Henry also stretched out his glove and touched it.

Tyson seemed to start to become irritable. After returning to the rope corner, he walked back and forth, staring at his opponent tightly.

Henry nodded constantly, looking at Tyson’s direction.

“Game start.”

The layoff was made by Leonard Jonson, and the game officially started.

The two moved almost simultaneously, approaching quickly.

Henry fists clenched his head, protruding forward with his signature strong style.

Tyson also tried in the same way.

In fact, to win a Mexican-style boxer, the best option is to control the flow, through high-frequency fierce jab and straight boxing, with fast foot movements, run after the fight, score and run away, there is Opportunity is exhausted, and if there is no chance, kite flying to judge.

But Tyson ’s height and wingspan doomed him to become such a player. In order to deal with Henry, he chose the same way.

Isn’t it just a fight type?

I can too.

So the two seemed like two bulls, squeezed together head to head.

Both fists were guarded on both sides of the head, and they did not reach out to hug, nor did they have any other negative movements.

Henry’s head moved back, and instantly a fierce and quick uppercut.

Tyson changed the point of force through a small swing arm, hitting his upper glove on his glove. At the same time he twisted and hit a flat hook, hitting Henry’s rib.

The two returned to their previous state, and their footsteps began to change again, looking for opportunities to punch.

Tyson paused deliberately, slightly pulling the distance between the two, and he also used a left uppercut.

Henry also blocked Tyson’s uppercut, but the powerful force hit him staggered.

The contrast between the explosive power of the two is obvious.

Henry did not flinch from this, he also hit the continuous two-way uppercut that hit the ribs and upper head.

Tyson ate his ribs and shook his arm to avoid the head attack.

The two were in the same state as before.

Their punches are exchanged very frequently. By the middle of the first round, they had almost 20 punches.

The audience exclaimed from time to time, and kept yelling the names of their supporters.

The explanation of the radio station is very fast, because if it is not fast enough, it can’t keep up with the rhythm of the two.

When he was at the top of the bull, Tyson suddenly came in the same direction with double combos, attacking the ribs and chin respectively.

This is Tyson’s signature action, and there are many matches where he is unwilling to win through such a hit.

It seemed that Henry was very well prepared. Facing Tyson’s combo punch, he blocked the deadly attack on his chin and struck a hooked belly.

For this result, Tyson does not have much emotional fluctuations, everything is reasonable.

He can find Henry’s video tape to analyze the other party’s style, then the other party can also find his game tape to analyze him.

The two returned to the top cow state again.

This time Henry suddenly made trouble, he also came a double combo in the same direction.

But the smoothness of movement and coordination are a bit out of tune, and the speed is different from Tyson’s cloud mud.

Tyson easily escaped, and while the opponent’s footwork was messy, he used a double left combo again.

Henry adjusted his pace while defending.

He made a lot of preparations for Tyson’s combo in the same direction. The defense was handy, which made Tyson’s signature skills lose his deterrence.

But this time he was careless.

Because Tyson’s is not a double combo, but a four-combo double-double combination of the same direction and a flat hook.

He changed the center of gravity of the body with the step forward, and at the same time, the hook in his right hand struck Henry’s ear root and chin with a lightning speed.

All fists hit.

Henry’s ability to resist hitting is very good. In the face of a strong two flat hooks, there is no coma, but the footsteps are messy.

Tyson followed quickly, hitting Henry’s chin again with a straight backhand.

Henry should fall to the ground.

Tyson turned around neatly, without looking down at Henry.

He knew that his opponent had been destroyed by himself.

Those fans from Brooklyn burst into surprise and applauded desperately.

On the contrary, the locals were silent and looked nervously at Henry who had fallen on the stage.

Henry lay on the ground, adjusted the time for a few seconds, then quickly got up and said to the referee that he had no problems and could continue the game.

The referee signaled the game to continue.

Suddenly those locals began to applaud and cheer.

The head of Henry’s double fists came close, and it seemed that the heavy blow just now did not affect him much.

Tyson approached in the same way.

The two are still in the same position.

Tyson began to break the opponent’s defense with a single punch.

The effect is not ideal.

Henry’s defense is very tight.

This time Henry’s counterattack seemed a little weak, and should not have been relieved from the previous heavy blow.

Tyson no longer competes with him, but quickly finds a chance to break through the opponent’s defense line with his rocker arm ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ He quickly and forcefully hit the opponent to the rope corner in a few seconds.

Henry’s defensive head fixed his head. He knew that once he was hit again, it was the end of the game.

This time Tyson no longer focused on the head as the main target of attack, but focused on the liver area as the main target.

His uppercut doesn’t require money, he hits Henry’s liver area hard.

Continuous bombardment of five punches, Henry’s curled body could not counteract those heavy impacts.

Subconsciously, his arm moved down five centimeters.

Five centimeters.

Tyson suddenly adjusted his posture by swinging his arm and hit Henry’s chin quickly with a flat hook.

In an instant, the braces flew out of Henry’s mouth.

His entire portrait of the machine suddenly turned off, fell straight on the boxing platform.

At almost the same time, the bell at the end of the first round rang.

The referee crouched on the ground to start counting.

The whole audience was watching this scene nervously.

Because of the ringing of the bell, if Henry stands up and can barely support, the referee is likely to give him a chance to enter the second round.

This kind of thing is something that Tyson fans do n’t want to see because Mike Tyson is a prophet.

Those locals do not want to lose so much, so they hope Henry can stand up.

Henry was not in a coma, but his brain was in a stage of concussion. He tried hard to stand up. When he stood halfway, his feet were soft and he fell on the rope.

Such a state can no longer play.

The referee Leonard Jonson waved to stop the game.

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