I, as my video game character in our world.

Chapter 35: Meeting the feudal lord


Hey everyone,

today there is no simple author announcement but an announcement. Another chapter will come next week before a long summer break. The story will resume at the beginning of September.

I will release some side stories over the summer break.


"You are already awake?"

Savia looked at me from her bed.

"Already a while."

I turned my head around and continued to look over the rooftops of the city. It didn't take long for Savia to sit down next to me.

"Did you sleep badly?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"If you want to call it sleep, then yes."

"Do you feel fit enough to travel to the capital?"

Savia was seriously concerned about me.

"It should be fine, but I need something to eat."

She had to laugh over my answer.

"That can be set up."

We got up and left the room. Savia went first, and I followed her to the dining area in the entrance hall.


Mila greeted us when she saw us enter the hall. She was back in the shape of a middle-aged woman.

"Mila, we want to have breakfast."

"Come immediately."

She disappeared into the back room. I was more amazed that no one was here, besides us.

"How come nobody is here?"

I leaned over to Savia and whispered my question to her.

"Oh, most people don't like to eat in such halls, so they most likely eat in their rooms."

"...I should remember that."

Savia nodded and signaled that she wanted to sit down at one of the tables.

It only took a moment before Mila came out of the backroom. Two plates were covered with bread, cheese, and much more in her hands. She put both down in front of us and disappeared again into the backroom.

The bread was surprisingly soft. At first, I had assumed that it would be tough bread. I was even more fascinated by the other things because besides the cheese, I had different slices of meat, a greenish pasta, and something that looked like chocolate cream.

"What's this?"

I first pointed to the greenish paste. It reminded me a little bit of wasabi.

"That? It is curd from a grass buffalo with herbs. The color irritated me at first as well, but it's a local specialty."

At the same time, Savia slapped a good portion of it on a slice of bread.

"And this."

Now I pointed to the chocolate-colored cream.

"That... Ah, that must be... fine Liverwurst from the cherry deer."

"Hmm, OK."


I opted for a cheese sandwich and bread with sausage slices because these two seemed the safer option.

I was biting into the piece of bread with the cheese when Savia said something.



With my mouth full, I made a confused tone. The cheese tasted normal, well, more like a mix of goat and cow cheese.

"Oh, from all the things on the plate, I would have expected you to take the cheese last."

I tilted my head to one side, slightly confused.


"The cheese comes from an insect called Giant Milk Ant."

I swallowed the last piece of bread, even though I wanted to cough at the same time.

"What about the sausage?"

Savia shrugged.

“Oh, the meat only comes from a hatching gecko. I would have been more pleased with the meat of a rock wyvern, but I think that's not that popular by humans."

She knew how to disappoint me ...

"That means this is normal meat?"

She nodded.

"It is."


The door of the inn suddenly slammed open. Before I realized what was going on, Mila stood at the entrance and blocked the way into the inn.

“What are you doing! If this door breaks, I'll get you to pay ten times its price!"

She shouted angrily at the person or persons outside. Then I heard some noises that I could not assign before a familiar voice could be heard.

“Sorry! I'm here looking for the sisters Siana and Savia... ehem... The feudal lord is sending for them."

I was able to recognize the voice of yesterday's guard Sieggald.

"Is that so? You can come in. The others stay out."

Mila sounded bored but still reluctantly paved the way.


Savia waved to Sieggald as soon as he came through the door.

"Ah, hey... Sorry for the early interruption."

He pulled out a document.


He handed it to Savia, who quickly let it through and passed it on to me.

"What happened yesterday?"

Savia stared over to me.

"A lot."

Sieggald answered before I could. I took advantage of this moment and scanned the text.

Invitation... Savia... sister... yesterday's event... the sword... and Kuno.

I had read enough to understand what it was about.

"I forgot yesterday... It was, no, it's just too much... Sorry."

"It's OK. Then we'll get the meeting quickly over us."

I nodded in agreement.

"Very good. Please follow me."

Sieggald signaled that we should follow him. There were three other guards outside the door, all in full gear.

"Ignore them."

Sieggald waved his hand and led us down the main street. It was still early, and the shops and stalls were closed. At some of them were some people cleaning the windows, the counters, and the cupboards.

"Why so early?"

Savia asked Sieggald directly, but the guard behind her on the right answered.

"Our Lord is busy and can't be focused on an effect instead of looking for the symptom."

Savia pointed in front of her chest at the guard in shock and looked at me. She moved her lips without saying anything, but I read from them, "Oho, a very important person." It took a moment, and she couldn't hold back her laugh anymore. Not only did Sieggald look over his shoulder at her, but also passers-by on the street, some of them even whispered to each other.

It took a few more minutes until we reached the gate of the palace.

"We can get through immediately."

Sieggald showed something while we approached, whereupon the guards immediately opened the gate. We walked through the gate and followed the main path directly through the flower garden to the palace's main entrance.

"Young Master."

A butler bowed to us, but to be precise to Sieggald.

"No wonder, given the similarity."

Savia had to laugh, and I could watch Sieggald's face turn red, like a tomato.

"Come in."

Sieggald wanted to bury the subject, but the following servants greeted him in the same way.

We followed a long corridor to the last door. The door was an antique double door.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

He knocked on the door.

"Father, your guests have arrived."

I wanted to say something to Sieggald, but before I could, a butler opened the door from the inside.

"Come inside."

A deep male voice invited us to enter. Besides us, Sieggald came into the room, but the other guards stayed outside. The butler also left the room and closed the door from outside.

"Please, sit down."

That... This is not the feudal lord from SW... maybe I'm just wrong.

A man in his mid-forties got up from a desk and pointed to a coffee table around which three armchairs and one two-person couch stood. Savia sat down with me on the couch while Sieggald took the armchair half to the left of us. Sieggald's father, the feudal lord, sat down directly across from us and to Sieggald's right.

"The last person should be here soon, but let us start."

Savia looked skeptical when the feudal lord said this.

“The letter said what it was about, but… Why am I here? By the way, what interests me more is why is the son of a nobleman working as a guard?"

Sieggald had to laugh while his father let out a deep sigh.

“Even if he should inherit me one day, he should know how people work. He should see it and understand. Some of the guards don't even know he's my son, and that's a good thing."

He was just finishing his sentence when there was a knock on the door.

“That must be Kuno. Come in."

The feudal lord said the first sentence to us before letting the person behind the door in. Immediately, the door swung open, and Kuno stood at the entrance.

Kuno’s race was never mentioned in the game because there was no second of his kind apart from him. He looked like any other person, only that he was smaller. His body was narrower and thinner. His life span was long, and even now, he looked like a person in his mid-twenties. There was speculation that he was a dwarf, but dwarfs looked utterly different.

"Sir, young lord and... the ladies, I am pleased."

He paused when his gaze fell on us, but he finished his sentence with a lively tone.


"Come sit down."

The feudal lord pointed to the open seat on his left.

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