I Became a M*rderer in the Academy

Chapter 114

The head nun of the Central Church started to head somewhere with this generation’s Saint.

The head nun had prepared Klana’s tailored uniform in advance because she expected Klana’s response.

Walking through the corridors inside the church, the head nun spoke.

“Dean Sertia has closed her eyes.”

“Ah… I see. So Sertia…”

Quite a bit of time has passed, and while there are fewer people who don’t know, Klana is still unaware.

Since she lives only within the church, she has been out of touch with news from the outside.

After hearing this, Klana didn’t say anything for a while. Even if the Saint is a bit slow, she has some sense. She was just casting a dark expression while glancing at the head nun.

This generation’s Saint, Klana, was Sertia’s attending doctor.

She was the one who suppressed the curse on Sertia’s body and mixed holy water to allow her to live longer.

During her last visit, she judged that there were no more measures that could be taken and could not provide treatment.

Nonetheless, as the attending physician, Klana felt a slight responsibility for Sertia’s death.

Until just a moment ago, Klana, who seemed to be in a good mood, was now lowering her head.

In the heavy atmosphere, the head nun spoke.

“You shouldn’t feel responsible. This was bound to happen someday.”

Sertia was cursed by the Demon King. Throughout history, there has been no human who survived after being cursed by the Demon King.

From the moment she was cursed, it was as if she had a time limit. Instead of healing, this generation’s Saint could only prolong it a bit.

Whether now or later, it was something that would have happened eventually. It happened a bit sooner than expected.

For some reason, it seemed the Empire was covering up her death, and she could find nothing more.

The name of the newly appointed dean was said to be Albert. The head nun thought he was quite an uneasy person at that time.

“I know, but…”

The Saint’s voice, now sulky, was lowered. A hint of tears mixed in her delicate tone.

Knowing and being sad are two different things. Klana had prepared herself to some extent, but she was still a newly adult girl.

At that age, one cannot easily accept the death of someone nearby.

The head nun sighed once more. Informing about Sertia’s death had merely been an introduction to the conversation.

It was time to slowly get to the main topic and shift the conversation.

“Anyway, the Empire is in quite a chaotic state right now. After the monster attack, they’ve lost a significant pillar.”


“So, I’ve heard that the Empire plans to deploy this generation’s Hero to the field mission in the near future.”

Klana’s face, which had been buried in the ground, was now looking up.

She turned her head towards the head nun.

“Did you say the Hero is still a student? Can they really go on a field mission already?”

“I’ve heard that they awakened their celestial powers due to the monster attack. The professors say they are already beyond what they can teach.”


“And that’s why you need to go to the Academy.”

Klana tilted her head.

With a cherubic face, she pointed at herself with her finger.



“Why me?”

“Well, past Heroes always had comrades journeying with them. There aren’t many students who could keep up with this Hero.”


“Heroes’ comrades must have such talents and qualities.”

Historically, Saints have always been optimized as comrades for Heroes.

They can purify magical energy and heal the injured, not to mention their own martial prowess.

From the moment one is called a Saint, their talent and qualities are overflowing, leaving no room for doubts.

A being called a Saint can be seen as a candidate for a Hero’s proven comrade.

“If this generation’s Hero forms a party and sets out, you’ll be a likely candidate as their comrade.”


Klana scratched her cheek, looking slightly confused.

She knew that simply enrolling in the Academy wasn’t the end, but she hadn’t gotten more detailed information yet.

“So… what should I do?”

“You don’t have to do anything. If I had to say… get to know what kind of person the Hero is.”

“And what do I do with that knowledge?”

“How about at least making their acquaintance? They might become your future comrade.”

“Um… perhaps.”

“The transfer paperwork is already done, so you can start attending from tomorrow. Here’s your uniform.”

The head nun handed Klana a uniform with a blue ribbon.

“Ah… thank you.”

“Now, it’s getting late, so you should go back.”


As Klana left and the head nun was left alone, she sighed deeply.


“What is Albert thinking?”

Though she had become an adult, she was still a student.

It’s a ridiculous joke that they now have to depend on students in a situation where there are no personnel.

Was she truly thinking of sending them to the battlefield?

It wasn’t confirmed, but it seemed she was unsettled about sending the gentle Klana into a blood-soaked battlefield.

If even a scratch were to occur on her body, she seemed ready to not forgive Albert.


But she quickly gave up.

Just like Sertia’s death, this was also something that would eventually happen.

You can’t counter predetermined fate. Since Klana was born as a Saint, she would have to let go someday.

She couldn’t remain under the head nun’s shadow forever.

“Am I perhaps being too overprotective?”

Realizing this, the head nun soon decided to stop holding onto Klana.

Now that Klana was an adult, she had to live her own life free from internal interference.

The interior of the church fell into silence.


A day passed, and news of a new transfer student arriving in the second year spread throughout the Academy.

You could think that it’s no big deal for just one student to transfer, but it’s because the transfer student is, in fact, the famous Saint.

After the previous Saint Karen died, the story that the church had produced another Saint had already become well-known.

Saint Klana.

Her name belongs to one who was born blessed by the stars and had lived with exceptional talent from a young age.

Many people at the Academy knew her face and name. She was also significant in rebuilding the Academy after the monster attack.

Many remembered her long, flowing silver hair and eyes that resembled blue gems.


And Iria knew her too.

It wasn’t just because she had seen her once. Along with that, the familiarity of the name she felt when seeing Ariel or Sera lingered with her.

It was a name that felt oddly familiar.

‘Is she also a protagonist in this novel?’

The likelihood is high.


‘This must be unfolding according to the original storyline.’

Sertia’s death must have triggered the developments in the original story.

While there are no clearly established circumstances, she felt like she understood.

A sense of déjà vu remained in her forgotten memories, asserting that she had seen this kind of scene. The introduction of characters as well.

Iria had seen a similar scene before.

In that case, it would be best not to disrupt the storyline that flows according to the original.

Thus, Iria decided not to visit Ariel today. Instead, wouldn’t it be okay to secretly observe the two meet?

The important thing is always the pursuit of information.

Iria hid in the bushes and waited.

What she was watching was the swordsmanship training ground where Ariel frequented.

As expected, Ariel appeared on site shortly after, and it didn’t take long to spot the silver-haired woman.

“Ah, hello…?”

Perhaps feeling awkward about this meeting, she seemed quite flustered.

Though she had anticipated it, it was indeed hard to read memories.

It was thick with divinity. However, unlike Ariel, it seemed she could read it if she used magical energy.

“You are this generation’s Saint, huh? What’s up?”

“Um, the headmistress told me to come meet this generation’s Hero…”

“I see?”

Their conversation wasn’t as enlightening as she thought it would be. It made her wonder why they had met in the first place.

As Iria blankly watched the scene, she sensed a presence beside her.

“What’s that conversation between those two about?”


Iria turned her head.

Beside her was Sera, who had leaves and fallen leaves stuck on her head. Why was she here? This was the bushes.

An awkward eye exchange took place between the two, perfectly camouflaged in the surrounding terrain.

“What are you doing here?”

“What about you?”

“I was watching Ariel.”

“What a coincidence. So was I.”


“Does it matter?”

Iria blinked with a dazed expression.

Sera, who appeared anxious for some reason, stood out much more than usual.

She decided not to dwell on why Sera was here.

“It doesn’t seem that important.”

“Should we watch together?”


So the two of them lay side by side, watching Ariel. If someone passing by saw them, they’d probably call a professor, saying there were suspicious people.

Regardless of that, Sera, looking beyond to Ariel and the Saint, opened her mouth.

“Ugh… I can’t hear anything from this distance. Iria, can you hear anything?”

Iria nodded.

Her senses were superior to most ordinary humans. Sounds that don’t reach human ears echoed clearly for her.

Sera asked her.

“Really? What are they talking about?”

Then, after a moment of listening to their conversation, she concluded that it didn’t seem like much of importance.

“The headmistress said to establish a good relationship with Ariel…”

“The Central Church has deep ties with Heroes. And I do have some connections with the church.”

“Huh, is that so?”

“That’s how it is. I’m also the child of a Saint.”

“Then can we become close?”

“I think so. Before being the Hero and the Saint, we are both simply students. I believe everyone in this Academy is just the same.”

Having heard the outline of the conversation, Iria turned her head back to Sera.

It was like before, but again, it didn’t sound like a particularly significant conversation.

“What? What did they say?”


But looking at Sera’s eyes, barely containing her excitement, Iria scratched her cheek, feeling awkward.

Moreover, Iria wasn’t exactly good with words, which left her doubting how to express it.

What should she say?

After a brief contemplation, Iria summarized their conversation in one line.

“They’re going to form a relationship today.”



Sera’s expression changed upon hearing this.

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