I Became a M*rderer in the Academy

Chapter 13

A week ago, Iria’s mana, measured during Fundamentals of Mana class, was 84.

This was an incredibly low figure, unprecedented in the academy’s history.

The average mana amount for first-year students was around 700, so she didn’t even reach 20% of the average.

But was it still that way now?

Mana is a force that increases as you use it. The more you empty what’s in your body, the broader your vessel for mana becomes.

Then, what about Iria’s current mana level after a week of training?

She even has mana regeneration abilities, though borrowed.

She had come to Albert’s office to check the results of her training.

“So, you’re going to measure your mana again?”

nod, nod

Iria nodded her head.

“Well… I don’t mind, but don’t get your hopes up. Mana doesn’t grow that quickly.”

Albert said this as he pulled out the measuring crystal ball.

Iria placed her hand on the crystal ball.



There wasn’t a dramatic change.

“Oh… You’ve increased it compared to last time. About 13 more.”


Iria felt a bit disappointed.


Recently, Iria had been living her days quite busily.

In the morning, she attended classes and during her free time, she stopped by the library to study languages and gather information.

And of course, she didn’t forget to train her mana.

Before going to sleep, she used all her mana and then waited for the next morning.

As a result, she became quite adept at extracting mana and distributing the little mana she had efficiently.

She was making the most out of her time.

And now, Iria was…

“Iria! Today’s the day we duel!”

“……No thanks.”

She was pondering how to refuse the regular duel invitation that came every so often.

The competition for top student at the beginning of each academic year was a cultural thing at the Imperial Academy, rich in history.

As the top student, Iria had to bear that weight.

“I told you I’m busy. If you really want to fight, go do it with someone else.”

It wouldn’t hurt to suppress them forcefully, as Albert suggested before, but she had her reasons for not accepting duels.

Iria could gauge her opponent’s strength just by making eye contact with them.

It was too bothersome to duel someone weak.

She’d gain nothing from the duel, and if she made a mistake, she might end up killing them. Until she got better at controlling her power, it seemed best to avoid such situations.

Killing someone here would mean she couldn’t attend the academy anymore. Iria still had things left to do here before that.

Then, a person approached Iria.

A woman with flowing purple hair, leading several of her own followers, seemed to have business with Iria.

She pushed through the crowd blocking her path.

“Get out of the way, you nobodies!”

Lucia Aster.

Iria’s eyes sharpened as soon as she saw her. Hadn’t she said there wouldn’t be a second time?

Was she actually remembering that day as a dream? Or did she genuinely believe she could win?

“Hey, look over there! It’s Lucia Aster herself.”

“Isn’t that the recommended transfer student?”

The unexpected appearance of a bigshot made the surroundings noisy.

Lucia ignored it as if it was ordinary. Normally, she would find it irritating, but right now, it was welcome. They were going to be witnesses.

Iria shot a glare at Lucia, but contrary to her relaxed expression, Lucia was wary of her.

The two exchanged glances without making eye contact.

“Iria, right?”

Lucia asked again to confirm.

Many students surrounded the two, watching.

It was a showdown of bigshots.

The current top student, Iria, was facing the recommended student who might be stronger.

The purpose was clear. It was, of course, a duel. Lucia was probably looking to compete for the top student position again.

“Let me be blunt. Duel with me, Iria.”

Lucia smiled slyly.

With so many eyes watching, it wouldn’t be easy to refuse.

It was already hard to have a good reputation as a bubble-top student. If she refused in this situation, what would happen?

No one would treat her as the top student anymore. They’d think she was just a cowardly, obnoxious person.


“I’m sorry, but I’ll have to decline.”

Iria wasn’t one to care about the surrounding gazes.

She was someone who didn’t even mind what others thought of her or what rumors they spread.

Of course, Lucia knew Iria would respond like that.

That’s why she gripped the gloves on her hands.

At that moment, some students realized what was going on. A few of them gasped in disbelief.

“Sorry, but you can’t refuse.”

Lucia took off the gloves she held and threw them at Iria.

“This is a ranking match.”


thud, the gloves hit Iria and fell to the ground.

A ranking match is a duel that officially determines the ranking within the academy.

Lower-ranked individuals can challenge higher-ranked ones, and unlike normal duels, there’s an element of compulsion.

This prevents mediocre individuals from monopolizing the position of the top student.

Therefore, unless there’s a special reason, a ranking match cannot be declined. The moment you refuse, your ranking changes, and you must grant one request from the challenger.

However, that doesn’t mean there are no restrictions on requests. A ranking match isn’t a one-sided demand.

If a lower-ranked individual challenges a higher-ranked one and loses, the loser must grant the victor’s request.

It could be money, an item, or even becoming the victor’s slave.

That’s why no request had come in for Iria regarding duels.

The risk involved was too high for a light-hearted match. It could be called a duel carried out with mutual risks.

Lucia wore a sly smile and spoke up.

“So, how about it, Iria? Are you thinking about dueling now?”


“Or do you still want to refuse? Just say the word. I don’t mind either way.”

Yeah, as long as it’s only the top position, it would be nice.

But deep down, Lucia was hoping for Iria to accept the duel.

She wanted to deny the nightmare she had that day. The pinnacle of the first year should be her, not Iria.

She wanted to prove that fact in front of many people.

“If you want to refuse, just bow your head right here and lick my foot. How about that? I could close my eyes if you do.”

Thus, she provoked her further.

Lucia deliberately touched her pride. She was demanding an act of humiliation to make it so she couldn’t refuse.

It was quite an aggressive situation, but no one was stepping up to defend Iria here.

Instead, many were laughing.

They looked like they were saying it served her right, the bubble-top student who refused all duels until now.

On the surface, it looked like a challenge from a student facing the top student, but the reality was different.

No one would expect Iria to win this match.

After all, Iria’s mana level was far below even the average person.

On the other hand, Lucia’s mana level was 4400, the highest among all first-year students.

And she wasn’t even from the Combat Magic Department; she was from the Swordsmanship Department.

She was the second daughter of the renowned Aster family. There was no reason for her to be a recommended transfer student.

A brief silence fell over the area. Lucia was waiting for Iria’s answer.

And then.

“Do you really want to duel that badly?”

Finally pushed to the limit, Iria opened her mouth.

Though she felt emotions less intensely than others, she clearly looked annoyed this time.

It wasn’t once but twice that she had been insulted. By the same person, no less.

Had she given a weak warning that day? Perhaps Lucia had truly lost her mind.

But whatever the circumstances, it was none of her business.

Lucia had formally challenged her to a ranking match, and she had been told to kneel and lick her feet if she didn’t want to accept.

With such a blatant provocation, there was a limit to how much she could endure.

Her stress from rejecting countless duel requests overflowed all at once.

“So, is it that you think I have time to waste on you?”

As Iria crinkled her face, Lucia opened her mouth as if she expected such a reaction.

“Now, will you do it or not? Do you want me to take off my shoes so it’s easier for you to lick?”

Lucia made her last provocation.



“I’ll do it. Let’s duel.”

Iria accepted the duel.

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